12 Far Side Comics That Will Make You Rethink New Year's Eve

12 Far Side Comics That Will Make You Rethink New Year's Eve

A new year approaches, but before the fireworks and champagne, Gary Larson's Far Side There are some warnings for those preparing to celebrate. New Year's Eve is marked with parties, dancing, fireworks, and declaring your New Year's resolution — all topics Larson's offbeat comic has tackled over its 14-year run. Of course, in Larson's world, all the dials are on 11.

Here are the 12 funniest Far Side comics that will make you rethink New Year's Eve celebrations. Let us know more Far Side comics you think should be included in the comments!


Dick Clark

Far Side takes on Dick Clark's New Year's Eve

Far Side Dick Clark comic referencing New Year's Eve

Since 1972, Dick Clark's New Year's Eve rang in the New Year with footage of the iconic Times Square countdown and ball drop. Today's special is hosted by Ryan Seacrest but still proudly wears the name of the man who was New Year's Eve for many viewers. However, in 1990, Larson imagined Clark suffering the ill effects of his legendary TV show, with the host suddenly aging 200 years after presiding over so many shifts from one year to the next. This year, it might be worth watching just to see if that fate befalls Seacrest.

Larson wasn't shy about shooting real people. Icons such as Einstein, Charles Darwin and the Founding Fathers frequently appear in The Far Sidebut Madonna, Stephen King and Exorcist actress Linda Blair. Enjoy some examples by opening the image gallery below:

Almost uniformly, Larson's "targets" were amused by his comics, with Stephen King and anthropologist Jane Goodall later writing forewords for The Far Side anthologies. King celebrated Larson by stating "he sees what I could see if I could have his eyes", while Goodall thanks Larson for her comic giving her "finally true fame."

Although Goodall accepted the comic mocking her in good humor, this only happened after the Jane Goodall Foundation contacted Larson to complain, stating that it was a "obscenity," one "atrocity" and "absolutely stupid." Fortunately, when Goodall herself saw the strip, loved it, and even worked with Larson to raise funds for his charitable foundation by selling it on T-shirts.


Total chaos in our party!

Far Side knows every party needs a dog

comic on the other side with a sheep party

New Year's Eve means parties happening all over the world, but Far Side know that one small a little planning can help everyone have more fun. In the world of Far SideA group of sheep discover they can't make decisions without a sheepdog calling the shots, making a Border collie the perfect guest. Good luck not thinking about it Far Side take off your clothes when your 'organizer' friend shows up at the party.



Be careful with your rockets this New Year's Eve

comic from the other side where ants buy fireworks

For many people, fireworks are a big part of New Year's Eve, but they are also the cause of many accidents. In this Far Side strip, a colony of ants buys a supply of human-sized fireworks, even though the guy selling them knows that disaster is basically inevitable. In the enclosed habitat of an anthill, fireworks can have negative consequences, although, as anyone who has used this questionable method of pest control can attest, it is an ineffective way of trying to destroy a hive.

Bugs appear in Larson's comics, and the creator counts many entomologists among his fans. So many, in fact, that he even has an insect named after him - the strigiphilus garylarsoni lice. But even for insects, ants feature heavily in Larson's work, with their unusual strength, unique nests, and famous social structure offering plenty of concepts for Larson to turn comical.


Monster Party

Far Side warns that music sets the mood

monster party on the other side

A party is not a party without music, but Far Side reminds readers that the soundtrack needs to be selected for the guests present. In Larson's world, this means that monster parties only get more lively when the children's screaming records are played at full volume.


Here come the Nelsons

Gary Larson warns to be careful on the dance floor

Comics of the dance floor on the other side, where people with giant feet came to dance

Far Side warns partygoers to be careful on the dance floor this New Year's Eve as there is always someone who is a little too casual about where they are stepping. Of course, in the bizarre world of Far Sidesomeone is likely wearing size 1000 shoes.


Ivory Keyboard

Far Side loves to take down Tarzan

comic from the other side where Tarzan throws a party

While everyone goes to a party hoping to have fun, Far Side warns that arguments can arise in unexpected ways (although in this case we are definitely on Tantor's side). Larson used Tarzan as a recurring character throughout the film. Far Side story, with the comics often introducing mundane, everyday concerns into the Jungle Lord's life.

This is one of Larson's favorite tricks - bringing together the mundane and the surreal and using wild characters like aliens, animals or Tarzan to explore everyday experiences, like throwing a party or introducing your partner to your parents. In fact, the next strip is the perfect example...


Alien fireworks show

Far Side can make the end of the world funny

comic from the other side where aliens watch the earth explode

The right perspective can improve almost any situation - for example, even the destruction of the Earth is just a fun fireworks show if you live far enough away. Larson nails the appreciative “Ooooooh!” from a fireworks-loving crowd on this track. Again, good luck keeping that comic out of your head the next time you're surrounded by people making the same noise.


Sorry, Bob

The Far Side Desert Island is an iconic setting

opposite side once a year desert island

The end of the year can be an emotional experience for some, as we are forced to reflect on what we achieved during our last trip around the Sun (and what we didn't). In the case of Larson's iconic castaways, another year passed without rescue, leading him to fulfill his annual ritual of expressing his frustration with the man who left him stranded on a small desert island.

The Far Side is famous for its comics about deserted islands, with modern cartoonists referring to this type of tiny, stylized island as a 'Far Side island'. Again, despite the dire circumstances, Larson often uses the desert island to engage in small disagreements and pranks, offering observations about how we interact with those we're stuck with, be they family or colleagues. This strip asks Far Side fans if there's anything they want to get off their chest before starting a new year.


Smoking Dinosaurs

Far Side Supports Your New Year's Resolution

another reason dinosaurs became extinct

New Year's Eve isn't all dancing and partying - there's also the matter of New Year's resolutions. Quitting smoking and dieting are among the most common resolutions, and Larson's comic encourages the former with the revelation that it wasn't a meteor that ended the dinosaur's reign over Earth, but rather a shared addiction to nicotine. This strip has the particularity of having appeared in The Simpsonswhich pays homage to Larson in Season 23, Episode 6, 'The Book Job' by recreating this background image.

Simpsons Far Side Cameo


Gordon's attempt to diet

Far Side Knows Your New Year's Diet Probably Won't Last

comics from the other side about diet

Unlike the cigarette strip, Larson's Far Side is more lenient on those who don't stick to their diet resolutions. This strip shows a man's stomach protruding from his body to betray his diet without his permission - a strange situation, but one that will ring true for those who simply can't resist the urge to eat sweets.


Bob should never have been allowed to leave

Far Side warns you not to lose control of your friends

comic from the other side where a mysterious creature is loose on the dance floor-1

In another warning about unpredictable dance floors, a group of scientists bring the mysterious 'Bob' out dancing and quickly lose sight of the object. It's a truly frightening image and one that can't help but make readers think about what exactly was released from that vial. It is also a warning not to let that friend wander alone.


The Wolverine exhibit

Far Side knows there's more than one way to kill a party

party on the other side where someone releases a wolverine

In our final Far Side A strip that will make you rethink New Year's Eve, a party is ruined after a single disastrous decision. Larson's joke inverts the usual comedy trope of someone causing a harmless accident, asking not just why Morty always be playing with the door to a wolverine enclosure, but why would you throw a party around the famous ferocious animals in the first place. The message here is simple: if you're at a party with a wolverine display, don't touch it.

These are the ten Far Side comics to make you rethink New Year's Eve, with the biggest lesson of all being to thank your lucky stars that you don't live in Gary Larson's topsy-turvy world.