Recent years Far side features some of creator Gary Larson's weirdest experimental comics; whenever his innovations in the familiar cartoon format reached new heights of fun, they also revealed unexpected depths of inscrutability. However, it is often Larson's strangest punchlines that remain his most memorable, as his legacy as a humorist has become most closely associated with the absurd.
As far as"Something?"The comics of the early 1990s embody the signature style that made Far side success, they also represent an evolution of Gary Larson's style. Although behind the scenes he struggled with his inevitable decision to retire from drawing forever, on the page Larson's work demonstrated a new level of confidence, resulting in cartoons that were even weirder and wilder than ever before.
In other words, in '91 Far side was running on all cylinders, and Over the course of a year, Gary Larson created some of his most daring and enigmatic panels..
Gary Larson returns to the scene of one of his weirdest jokes (did he get it right this time?)
First published: January 8, 1991
This panel is very reminiscent of one of the strangest Far side cartoons 1990; in fact, the two cartoons were published exactly one year apart. Repeated bits and "second attempts" at some jokes were common in Far sidesuggesting that the idea and imagery of this cartoon annoyed Gary Larson for a year until he finally created a panel that improved on his first attempt.
Signature: "fish dungeons", comic shows a barnacle-covered tube protruding from the surface of the ocean, with an aquarium at the end and a lone trapped fish inside, while three fishing lures bob dangerously close to its head.. This commission takes the concept of last year's joke and finds a more appropriate way to implement it, although the likelihood is that it will get "Something?”readers response than outright laughter.
"The Far Side" explores the origins of pillows (how could this be a better option?)
First published: February 14, 1991
Gary Larson has offered many ironic depictions of humanity's early inventions. Far sidebut this is certainly one of the strangest. Rather than confusing readers, this panel is likely to leave them with a sense of disbelief. Signature "in a time when there were no feathers yet"," This cartoon shows a prehistoric man sleeping in a cave, using a dead pterodactyl as a pillow..
Of course, the pioneering spirit of humanity's ancestors, regularly demonstrated Far sidemight motivate this character to find a better alternative - but that's what makes this panel equal parts awkward and funny. By far the funniest detail is the face of the “pillow,” its lifeless eyes still wide open in surprise, its tongue hanging limply right next to the head of the sleeping Neanderthal.
Chronologically, this is the first Far Side cartoon about the Impatient Boss (what is a Phillips, by the way?)
First published: March 20, 1991
Far side it had its fair share of irritated bosses, and here Gary Larson takes that theme into one of his favorite settings - backstory. This panel is reminiscent of many of Larson's cartoons featuring Dr. Frankenstein and Igor. shows an ancient mechanic working on a stone wheel, expressing disappointment when his assistant brings in the wrong tool.. Even for readers familiar with this type Far side the punchline is likely to be more mocking than boisterous.
"No, no, no! This ordinary rock"owner"Good to renovate"complains by adding"I need PhillipsThe joke is clear enough, but nevertheless the whole thing is saturated with absurdity. Far side cartoon from concept to execution, especially in the expression on the face of the unfortunate assistant trying to understand what exactlyPhillips" is.
One of the unlucky hunters on the far side loses the trail (why doesn't he look under the stall door?)
First published: April 8, 1991
Far side often made fun of hunters, and this cartoon is one example of Gary Larson's many jokes in which hunters outsmart their prey. Or rather, it would be more accurate to say that this hunter has his target cornered, but hesitates at the last second.
Depicting hunter Gus in a red and black checkered coat with a rifle in his hands, how is he"bursts into the men's room door"only to come to the conclusion that"the trail, apparently, was false" But eagle-eyed readers will notice a pair of hooves under one of the bathroom stalls, which begs the question of why Gus didn't think to check. Equally funny and strange in this panel is how Larson replaces nature sounds with toilet sounds, quoting:the gentle sounds of flowing water and the rustling of logs"
Gary Larson came up with another word (why didn't it stick?)
First published: May 1, 1991
Many Far side the cartoons played with words, but in at least some cases, Gary Larson actually created his own terminology. He is known to have coined the word for the tail of a stegosaurus.”thagomizer", which was unofficially accepted by the scientific community. Here he introduces another term, although not one that eventually caught on with scholars in the same way.
In the panel, a grumpy scientist driving a car looks at another car in a traffic jam and says:this Jussi from the study"playing with"his new car microscope"; the caption explains to readers that “Jussi"this is a shortened form"young urban scientist" All about it Far side The cartoon is strange, as planned"car microscope' to the etymological punchline, but it's the latter's incredibly niche quality that makes it enduring"Something?"comic book"
The far side reveals the secret origins of dachshunds (are there air holes in those tubes?)
First published: June 4, 1991
This is quite strange Far side cartoon depicts vanity"Weiner dog distribution center", showing the various stages of production where the dachshunds are placed in long mailing tubes, which are then labeled and taken away to be mailed. all over the world.
This "Something?“It is a cartoon at its core because its premise is the kind of out-of-left field absurdity with which Gary Larson's humor is most closely associated. What also makes this cartoon funny, almost despite its prevailing weirdness, are the details from "either side upstencil on the tubes, to the surprise on the face of one of the workers when he puts the dog into the tube. Overall, it's this combination of strangeness and specificity that makes it especially memorable. Far side installment plan
The Far Side doesn't just break the fourth wall, it explores it (did all of Gary Larson's characters know they were cartoons?)
First published: July 2, 1991
In one of Far side best fourth wall breaking moments openly mentioned by a woman"this comic"how is she represents "scientist-like character"give a lecture about your scientific work entitled"Abroad: analysis, statistical probability and assumptions about the existence of other cartoons on the page of famous comics"
This is one of Gary Larson's most ambitious jokes, but unfortunately its potential went over the heads of many readers. It's not that the joke is too complicated, but rather the result of recreating an academic atmosphere aimed at a specific audience; at the same time, some readers may not understand why Larson's revelation of his characters' self-awareness is particularly effective comedy, leaving them with more questions than answers, starting with "Something?"
"The Far Side" offers a brief history of civilization's discontent (What did Mitch do wrong?)
First published: August 27, 1991
Since the time of the ancient Greeks, Western cultures have had a habit of distinguishing between “civilized” peoples and “barbarians.” In this Far side In the panel, Gary Larson draws on a true story to create a climax that highlights the inherently problematic nature of this categorical division—throwing a character named "Mitch" under the bus.
Showing sketches of a Viking, a Mongol, a Goth, a Visigoth and a Turk - all cultures that at one time or another were called "barbarians" by other cultures - and finally Mitchthis Far side The group asks a more powerful question than Larson would admit, since he suggests that from one's perspective, the average modern American represents the latest generation of a barbaric horde. Larson thus raises the question of what usefulness the relationship between barbarism and civilization has ever had in understanding the mixing of cultures.
Gary Larson's twisted take on talk radio (is the hosts' advice helpful?)
First published: September 6, 1991
This Far side the comic creates a whole world for its reader - but, as expected, it's a strange and surreal place to find yourself. In the cartoon The owner of a pet snake calls the house "Snake talk“A radio show hosted by twin brothers and entirely devoted to discussions on the topic of snakes..
Here, Larson makes effective use of the split-image panel, allowing the reader to be in the studio with the hosts as well as view the living room of caller Larry, who stands next to his terrarium with a curious expression on his face. suggesting that perhaps he didn't get the answer he was looking for. The humor of this panel is centered in the eyes of the caller, while the immediate gaze of the readerSomething"the reaction will definitely come from the outside"Snake talk"The dialogue of the presenters and the general strangeness of the joke's concept.
Gary Larson invites readers to a meeting of Squids Anonymous (How did they all get here?)
First published: October 9, 1991
According to Gary Larson, some Far side The cartoons had a detailed backstory, and many readers will follow their original story.Something?' reaction to this comic with additional questions how did so many people gather in the monthly"Anonymous Squidheads" meeting. Characteristic Far side It's one example of a band that Larson must have known would puzzle even the most dedicated fans of his work, rather than prompt an instant laugh.
However, upon closer inspection, this comic again has a lot of fun in it. In particular, "no hats“The sign on the wall is an important detail that will make readers linger on this cartoon; while there may be nothing special about her flair, there is a depth to her composition that continues to reward those who spend an extra minute with her.
'The Far Side' Reveals the Dark Truth About Mark Trail (Who is He?)
First published: November 4, 1991
Far side have dug up other newspaper cartoons over the years, and this ranks as one of the funniest - at least for readers familiar with Mark Trail a comic that has been in print since 1946, making it even older than Charles Schulz's legendary work. Peanut.
Here, a fictional wildlife photographer is subject to a Bureau of Fish and Wildlife raid when they discover its fertility"poaching operation" For readers unfamiliar with Trail, the reference to the character—and homage to the old strip's art style, which differs significantly from Gary Larson's usual aesthetic—is a definite one."Something?"And for those who know about Mark TrailThey'll find this shocking recontextualization of his relationship with wildlife much funnier, but not before a surprise makes them ask the same thing."Something?"
This reverse character reveals his secret defense mechanism (how effective is it?)
First published: December 23, 1991
This is weird Far side the cartoon is a twist on Gary Larson's tried-and-true comedy formula; that is, rather than taking animal behavior and placing it in a human context, he transfers animal behavior to humans. The cartoon depicts the man leaned against the brick wall at the end of the alley, squatted down and put his hands at his sides, leaned forward and exposed two "spots"on the forehead - this is how an animal or insect can do this in order to appear more impressive in the eyes of an approaching predator.
For readers who don't immediately understand the connection, this comic may seem downright strange; however, even for those who understand the connection that Larson is making, it is still patently funny and in most cases is more likely to elicit embarrassed giggles rather than genuine laughter, making it a perfect example Far side ""What?" comic.