The teaser trailer for season 3 of The Wheel of Time is packed with intense moments and images, promising an explosive start to the next season when it releases in March 2025. While the trailer raises as many questions as it answers so far, it's clear that we'll be spending some time in the Aiel Waste as Rand pursues his destiny .
One thing we know about season three of The Wheel of Time is what he will use The shadow rising as the basis of its plot, but many of the changes the Prime Video series has made to the books have resulted in gaps in the timeline or missing events that could still have repercussions we can't know. But thanks to the trailer, it's clear that the next chapter in Robert Jordan's Prime Video adaptation Wheel of Time The books will adapt a number of memorable stories from the source material.
Rand's arrival in Rhuidean
The Rise of the Shadow Chapter 24
The trailer clearly shows Rand at the head of a mixed group of Aiel and a woman in a sun hat (presumably Moiraine), looking out over the cloud-shrouded ruins of the holy city of Rhuidean. While in The shadow risingRand enters the city proper with only Mat for company, as a rare exception to the rule that only aspiring Aiel clan chiefs or Sages could enter the city, This moment may only represent Rand's first view of the city and not him entering it..
Conflict with Shaido
The Rising Shadow, Chapter 57
The Shaido are one of the twelve Aiel clans, and throughout the books they are openly antagonistic to Rand to the point of trying to prevent his entry into Rhuidean. Once Rand is proclaimed Car'a'carn – the prophesied leader of the Aiel – the Shaido reject him and flee the Triple Land. They end up being manipulated by Sammael, one of the 13 Renegades of The Wheel of Timewho uses his anger and ambition to his advantage as the Shaido begin to spread chaos across the Westerlands.
Moiraine duels with Lanfear
The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 52
After the events in the Aiel Waste, Rand and company stopped in Cairhien before heading to Caemlyn. There, thanks to foreknowledge from her Rhuidean visions, Moiraine knew how to be in the right place at the right time. intervene and stop the seductive Forsaken Lanfear from attacking Rand and put him under a compulsion. Leading Lanfear through the twisted ter'angreal red stone door they brought from Rhuidean, Moiraine and the Forsaken disappeared into the twisted world of the Finns, and the ter'angreal melted behind them.
Although Rand and the others assume this resulted in Moiraine's death, she was just kept prisoner by the Finn for some timewhile Lanfear was freed when Moridin, the reincarnated Ishamael, came to negotiate her release. Moiraine remained trapped by the Finn until Mat and Thom Merrilin braved the strange Tower of Genjei to rescue her. However, with the Finn not yet confirmed for the show, this fight could end even worse for Moiraine than it did in the books.
Moghedien's subjugation of Liandrin
The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 18
The opening scene of episode 1 of season 3 was released on CCXP and shows Liandrin and the other sisters of the Black Ajah making their explosive exit from the White Tower as the other Aes Sedai realize their betrayal. While in books what happens outside the narrative during the events of The Big Hunt, It's clear the show is changing this particular course of events.
What is clear from the trailer is a glimpse of Liandrin skewering Moghedien with her gaze, which coincides with when Liandrin and her sisters hid in a Darkfriend's mansion in Amador in The Fires of Heavenonly for them all to be placed under Moghedien's rule. After a little sadistic teasing, Moghedien made it clear to Liandrin that the Aes Sedai would be his pet and servant.and the ambitious sister was forced to submit.
Rand's Journey Through the Glass Columns
The Rising Shadow, Chapter 25
In Rhuidean, Rand walks through a set of glass columns that are a powerful ter'angreal the Aiel use it as a test for their clan chiefs and Sages. These hundred-foot-tall pillars give those who approach them visions of the Aiel's distant past, revealing that the warlike people were once a group that served the Aes Sedai in the Age of Legend and were bound by an oath of pacifism. Men who survive the test of the pillars emerge with a golden dragon tattoo on one arm; when Rand emerges, he has one on each arm, proclaiming him as the Car'a'carn.
Although we don't get obvious glimpses of the glass columns, the hazy blue light and Rand's disoriented face match the lighting in the later scene of the great Avendesora tree, and the books place the square of columns so close to the tree, in the heart of Rhuideano. . It is possible that some details will be changed in the books in this sequence, but given that Rand being announced as the Car'a'carn is integral to the books and Dragon Prophecythis is more likely to happen the same way on the show.
Aviendha becomes a sage
The Rising Shadow, Chapter 23
While it's not confirmed that the Maiden of the Spear in this scene is Aviendha, her cadin'sor - the Aiel term for her desert attire - and general build match what we see of her in Season 2. Upon arriving in Rhuidean with Rand, Aviendha is told by the Sages that she cannot remain a Maiden; she possesses the ability to learn how to channel the One Power into The Wheel of Timeand then must begin training as a Sage, much to his chagrin.
Moiraine sees many futures
The Rising Shadow, Chapter 35
Moiraine enters Rhuidean at the same time as Rand, Mat, and Aviendha, but her journey uses a different ter'angreal, a set of three interlocking metal rings that act similarly to the silver arches that the White Tower uses to test newcomers and Accepted. . . Though that ter'angreal tests a woman with temptation, the three rings show Moiraine a series of potential futures this seems to make her even more determined to help Rand, regardless of her fate.
Although Moiraine in the books is quite cryptic about her visions of the future, she makes it clear that she sees Rand's survival as the cornerstone to any good future, and that many of these visions indicated that his survival would require her sacrifice. This likely led to his impulsive choice to confront Lanfear through the twisted redstone door; We'll have to see if the Prime Video series allows it to survive. However, due to her character's greater importance in the series, it is difficult to imagine a prolonged absence for Moiraine after the fight against Lanfear.
Perrin defends both rivers
The Rise of the Shadow Chapter 56
When Mat chooses to follow Rand to the Aiel Waste, Perrin returns to Two Rivers to follow up on rumors that the White Cloaks have been harassing people in the area. There they find not only the White Cloaks giving the people of Emond's Field a beating, but also a huge army of Trollocs nearby. Despite all odds, Perrin manages to convince the Children of Light to help him defend the village and leads the mix of Whitecloaks and villagers to victory against the Trollocs in the Battle of Emond's Field. The Wheel of Time The Season 2 finale notably set this up by having Perrin make enemies with Whitelcloak member Dain Bornhald.
Egwene's Rise to Accepted
The Dragon Reborn, Chapter 22
After the Battle of Falme, Egwene returned to the White Tower, where Siuan Sanche informed her that she would be elevated to the rank of Accepted and, with Elayne and Nynaeve, tasked with helping track down the Black Ajah. Apparently, the show may stop visiting Pedra da Lágrima, along with the rest of the show. The Dragon RebornWe'll see what the context is around Egwene becoming Accepted, as she must still follow Rand to the Aiel Waste. Still, the reappearance of this ter'angreal makes it clear that this season will see Egwene earn her Great Serpent ring.
Elayne becomes queen of Andor
Dream Knife, Chapter 35
Given that Dream Knife is the eleventh book in the series, and while the Amazon show has yet to show any of the courtly intrigue that nearly destroys Andor, it's unlikely that season three will show us Elayne ascending the Lion Throne herself. Still, the photo of her wearing a crown in the trailer, as well as rumors that Queen Morgase and Elayne's half-brother Galad are cast in season three, strongly implies that this story is about to begin, at least in some way.
Interestingly, all Galad casting rumors have the character listed as "Galad Trakand" (through WOTS Series), which is strange since, in the books, Galad is a member of House Damodred. Meanwhile, no rumors have surfaced regarding the casting of Elayne's older brother Gawyn Trakand. It's possible the two characters are being combined in some way for the show, though given Galad becoming a Whitecloak and Gawyn Egwene's Guardian, such a combination would definitely have severe narrative repercussions.
Lan trains Rand as a master swordsman
The Big Hunt, Chapter 1
In both The Eye of the World and The Big Hunt, Lan spends some time teaching Rand what he can about the intricacies of sword fighting.including the fateful Sword Sheathing technique that he eventually uses to defeat Demandred in the Last Battle. The Amazon series, by comparison, left no time for such training, so seeing Lan and Rand practicing sword forms together is a promising indication that this essential part of Rand's journey will finally happen.
Mat's fateful visit to Avendesora
The Rise of the Shadow Chapter 24
Mat visited Rhuidean with Rand, but while Rand went to the glass column ter'angreal, Instead, Mat found a twisted redstone doorpassing through and finding himself in the domain of the fox-like Eelfinn, who only spoke to him after he made three demands: to repair the holes in his memory, to be free from the influence of the Aes Sedai and the One Power, and to stay away from them and return to Rhuidean. The Eelfinn called him a fool for not setting a price for his desires and maliciously complied.
Mat woke up hanging by his neck in Avendesoranear death, with a strange fox-shaped medallion and a spear-like weapon called Ashandarei in your possession. Rand's timely arrival saved Mat from hanging and the two returned to the Aiel camp. In time, Mat would realize that the strange items were part of his desires – the medallion is a ter'angreal that makes him untouchable by the Power, and the spear can be used to enter and leave the Finn's kingdom.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out on the Amazon show, as it skips over the Tear Stone in The Wheel of Time it also means skipping Mat's first time through a redstone door, when he visits the Aelfinn and is told he must go to Rhuidean. Furthermore, the show has already had Mat's memories fulfilled by playing the Horn of Valere at the Battle of Falme. It's possible that the Finn won't appear in the Amazon series, but that would be disappointing as his machinations are central to Mat and Moiraine's stories.
Sources: WOTSerie
The Wheel of Time
Brandon Sanderson and Robert Jordan's sprawling fantasy series comes to life in The Wheel of Time, a fantasy series created for Amazon Prime Video. The series follows a woman named Moiraine, a member of the female group Aes Sedai who can wield great power. After an attack on a local village, Moiraine goes there to find a villager who may be the reincarnation of an all-powerful dragon who will save or destroy the world.