12 best things to do after beating the game

12 best things to do after beating the game

The massive open world of Red Dead Redemption 2 Gives you many things to do, even after beating the best parts of the nearly 50-hour story. Additional content can extend your game by even doubling the time you have spent on the events surrounding Arthur Morgan. You probably won't be able to deal with everything that exists in the game until later, as you explore even more of this Wild West RPG.

[Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Red Dead Redemption 2.]One of the best ways to explore extra content that you may have missed on your map is to get the fastest horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 To travel quickly to undiscovered areas. While you'll unlock fast travel at some point, many activities found after the credits roll are hidden deep within the open world. From hunting legendary animals, searching for dinosaur bones and collecting new guns, you have many options.


Explore New Austin

Hunt animals and discover secrets

The Red Dead Redemption 2 map showing New Austin.

The New Austin map in Red Dead Redemption 2 Is Locked Until you complete the main story, making it the perfect place to visit once you beat the game. Although you may remember parts of the place from the original Red Dead RedemptionThe town looks very different in the past. Feel free to Visit familiar spots like Armadillo, Tumbleweed and MacFarlane's Ranch To see gorgeous new details.


New Austin has a variety of new animals to hunt and a lot of different secrets to uncover, as you might expect from any revealed location in Red Dead Redemption 2. Having a wide area to immerse yourself in during the epilogue is a great way to start another adventure by uncovering the late-game content.


Pay respects

Visit old friends

Unfortunately, many members of the van der Linde gang die during the events of Red Dead Redemption 2And some even pass away between the years before you switch control between Arthur Morgan and John Marston. You can Visit all nine tombs From your first friends to earn these "pay respect" Achievement/trophy while remembering the moments you had with each person.

Those having trouble finding the location of each pit should check out a video from a YouTube creator GTA series videos Which shows where each van der Linde member was buried.


Say hello to old friends like John

Reconnect with friends

Tilly Jackson in the epilogue of Red Dead Redemption 2

On a more positive note, you can meet many people, such as John Marston from the Van der Linde days, who are still alive! Reconnecting with old friends will help you learn where everyone is after the many years that have passed once the credits roll. Red Dead Redemption 2. while you do Meet Peter, Abigail, and Jack at Beecher's HopeThere are still other gang members to be found in the world.

You can Track Pearson in Rhodes or Mary-Beth in ValentineBut one band member with the best ending is Tillywho lives in Saint-Denis. Tilly has a wonderful home and family that have allowed her to live well since she met the NPC while playing Arthur. Those hoping for the best conclusions for the many characters in the game may be satisfied to see at least one happy.


Totally strange missions

Revisit strangers

An old man with wild eyes says "I'm doing pretty well, I guess" In RDR2

Similarly, John Marston can visit many of the people Arthur Morgan interacted with and see how their lives have changed since those encounters. Some quests tied to the characters can Only be completed during the epilogue Once the final showdown is over. Some foreign missions can only be completed as JohnThat should encourage you to tie up as many loose ends as possible.


Many of the stories of side quest characters depend on how you treated them in the past. The situation of a character you meet later, John, could be very different if they were treated with kindness or hostility like Arthur. It can be interesting to see the consequences of your earlier actions come to fruition in the face of real people whose lives you impacted from another time.


Solve all treasure maps

X always marks the spot

There are Five different treasure maps in Red Dead Redemption 2 That hint at troves of hidden loot you can find throughout the game's open world. The only clue you ever get with a treasure map is scrawled with small drawings and arrows depicting landmarks in the world. You have to recognize places you've seen while traveling, but solving some of the maps you get can be difficult.

Each map leads to a horde of gold and money, allowing you to raise your money by a large amount for each one you solve. The five treasure maps you can find are called:

  • High stakes treasure
  • Poisonous Trail Treasure
  • Les Tresor Des Morts treasure
  • Sketch map treasure
  • Jack Hall gear treasure

Some of the treasures have multiple clues you need to find before you can even discover the loot tied to them. Remember to listen to certain characters and pay attention to landmarks you pass in your travels to get relevant information tied to what a treasure map is showing. Those who solve each treasure map can receive up to $7,000 for their efforts, setting them up for anything they want to do for the rest of the game.


Hunting legendary animals

Get Rare Gear

Some of the rarest outfits and gear in Red Dead Redemption 2 Are tied to legendary animals, which Arthur Morgan may not have been able to fully collect before the finale. John can certainly finish Arthur's work, as you take down every type of beast that your old friend can't meet. As you customize your costume selection, new options for John's look can be a worthwhile investment at the end of the game.

Legendary animals in Red Dead Online are also just as prevalent as the ones in the base game. You can even hunt some animals in the online version of the game to make it easier to find them in the main campaign as John.

Hunting a legendary animal can take some time, making this a fun activity that will give you something to pursue when you make truly ridiculous clothes. Unique pieces of John's outfit are Only made from the rare creature partsSo there are no other ways to make these things without doing a bit of hunting.


Buy every available upgrade

Improve something to its maximum

Red Dead Redemption 2 buys a satchel upgrade to improve inventory space

The first time you finish Red Dead Redemption 2You may not have been able to upgrade every item you could, from fashion choices to your permanent gear. For example, satchel upgrades that give you more inventory space can be purchased with progressive upgrades throughout the game. Getting these to their maximum level can make it more convenient for John to carry valuables around when he travels.

Weapon upgrades can also be incredibly powerful when you're trying to tackle challenges you couldn't complete in the main campaign. Improving your arsenal can take time, but the epilogue gives you plenty of time to devote to improving your weapons. Try to take on the more dangerous gang hideouts in Red Dead Redemption 2 Which appear in the epilogue when you upgrade all your guns to be strongest.


Complete challenges

Test your skills

Arthur Morgan walking down the stairs of a pub in RDR2

Anyone looking for more objectives at the end of Red Dead Redemption 2 Should check their current stats from the menu that displays Challenges They may still have to complete. The tasks range from rob people to Mastering survival techniquesWhich make more games to play rather than just enjoying scenery. According to YouTube creator GTA series videosThere are multiple requirements for many challenges.


Kill the last Carolina Parakeet

See a weird Easter egg

The mission log for the Carolina Parakeet in RDR2

An endangered species can be eliminated if you kill the last Carolina parakeet in Red Dead Redemption 2. The bird became extinct at the same time when the game took place, but you can be personally responsible for its erasure from this period. An interesting and historical Easter egg, this work may seem cruel, but nature would take its course anyway.


Collect all horses

Tame stallions

There are many different horse breeds in Red Dead Redemption 2 That you can only tame once you reach the epilogue. Some exist in the wilds of the open world, while others are found in stables for pretty expensive prices. You may have to build up your funds before trying to add every type of stallion to your collection, especially for Two of the rarest mares in the game, the White Arabian and Bay Mustang.

Some horses can only be purchased and tamed in the stable where they were purchased, while others can only be released in specific locations on the map.


Replay through story missions

Aim for higher achievements

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Lawmen

You can always go back through chapters from Red Dead Redemption 2History to beat missions you've already played. When you reach the end of the game, you will undoubtedly have more experience and knowledge that will allow you to get through previous missions faster. Each mission has an emblem you can earn for finishing itRanging from:

  • Bronze emblem
  • Silver emblem
  • Gold emblem


Those looking to 100% complete the game will also want to Get a gold emblem on every mission By playing it perfectly. This could mean taking no damage during a mission or making sure someone else doesn't get hurt. no matter the case, You need to have a gold emblem In everything to get a rare achievement Tied to the absolute completion of Red Dead Redemption 2.

You can access previous story missions by going into the "progress" menu, and go to the "story" And "Chapter" Subsections until you see individual missions pop up that you can choose to play again.


Just relax

pass time

The Marston family eating dinner in RDR2

While there are undoubtedly many goals to fulfill, trophies to earn or hidden content to find, sometimes it's best to head back to the Marston Ranch. The Platinum Trophy will take time to complete, so make sure you rest when you can. The letters in Red Dead Redemption 2 Also needs John's help, with chores and other small tasks adding to the rich world they have been in all this time.

Those looking for even more things to do after beating Red Dead Redemption 2 Can always try Red Dead Onlines MMO formula or restart the story to go through events differently, with a new approach to Arthur Morgan's character.

Source: GTA Series Videos/YouTube, GTA Series Videos/YouTube, WatsonKHD/YouTube