Constant attention to resource management in minecraft It can be much easier when you build the best farms to automate the collection of certain materials. The sheer amount of items you need to keep track of can be overwhelming, especially as you discover new biomes in your sandbox world. A farm can take the stress out of hunting for materials while you focus on other important tasks.
Farms can range from traditional enclosures to places where you harvest the best crops. minecraft to keep your character's energy high. Food and potions crafted for future expeditions are as important as rare materials harvested from dangerous creatures. Some seeds that you could use to generate your world may have unique biomes that cause you to prioritize a certain type of farm over another.
Chicken Farm
Source of initial feathers
Chicken farms are one of the most common additions to a base in minecraftproviding food, feathersand eggs for various crafting recipes. Food helps restore health in difficult situations, but the other materials provided by chickens can also be excellent for trade. The game's simple crafting mechanics make this farm easy to build, using basic items that even beginners can understand.
A basic construction of JC Playz on YouTube teaches players how to use a Hopper and Lava Block to automatically cook chickens.
Chickens will occasionally produce Eggs, which can be used in Cake recipes to provide one of the highest regenerating foods in the game. Raw meat from a dead chicken can be turned into cooked chicken, which restores the most hearts in any food. Because chickens reproduce more quickly than other farmed animals, they are among the easiest and most efficient to raise.
Honey or bee farm
Excellent source of sugar
Honey or Bee Farm offers two main resources you'll want to harvest: Honey and Honeycombs. Honey can be refined into Sugarwhich is used in various food recipes, while Honeycomb makes Honeycomb's exclusive blocks, wax, and candles. Bottles full of honey minecraft also allow you to create a Antivenom Potionwhich disables the negative effects of concoctions thrown by mobs of hostile witches.
An automated honey farm in minecraft It can be a little difficult to do as it requires you to be near an area with Bee mobs nearby. If you desperately want to have the materials provided by these creatures, you may want to carry a world seed that has the cherry blossom biome.
Magma Farm
Create fire resistance potions
Another difficult farm to create is a Magma Farmbut having Magma Blocks can be extremely useful for defending your base from hostile mobs. You will have to build this farm in Bottomand then you can create various items for decoration, light production and even making potions. A byproduct of the destruction of the Magma Block is Magma Creamwhat can you do Fire resistance potions to help fan the flames of the Nether minecraft.
Shulkercraft on YouTube shows how to make an efficient Magma Farm that produces around 3,700 units of Magma Cream and 920 Magma Blocks per hour.
Normally, Magma Cream is only created when you combine Blaze Rods and Slime Balls. However, with Blaze Rods being an important ingredient for making Eyes of Ender into minecraftyou want to save every one you get from the dangerous Blaze mobs. Building a Magma farm allows you to obtain Magma Cream without resorting to other materials, allowing you to obtain the item without much sacrifice.
fish farm
Easy XP Farm
An unlimited source of food can come from one fish farmwhich also gives you a lot of experience quickly in minecraft. Planting enchantments on fishing rods will help you attract tons of different types of fish, including Salmon, Puffer fish, Codand Tropical Fish. There are special items tied to each type of fish that you will get in addition to food and XP from catching these creatures in limited pools of water.
Any fish you catch can easily be cooked in a smelter to provide health-regenerating food. Building an automatic fish farm will give you a near-endless supply of food and the XP needed to enchant all your weapons and armor easily.
Piglin Farm/Gold
Earn tons of items through trading
Piglins have changed a lot in recent years minecraft upgrades, with the normally passive Nether mobs gaining a robust trading system that you can exploit on a farm. Piglins are attracted to gold, accepting it in their trades and even offering some in exchange for other valuables. This method can help you get many unique items, from rare blocks to improved potions, weapons or armor.
All you need to do is simply trap a piglin in a glass cage where they cannot escape or disappear, so put a funnel over their head. Placing gold ingots in this space forces the Piglin to trade, where a basic Redstone setup can divert the treasures the Piglin gives you in exchange for the gold to a nearby chest. This method can also be used to simply kill the Piglin, allowing you to earn gold for a farm that you will set up later.
Vines Farm
The best source of gunpowder
Gunpowder is a specific tool that you may want to obtain through a Vines Farm instead of waiting for these creatures to sneak up on you and explode. Manipulating a mob spawner that sends these green bombs into a death chamber is the best way to collect the TNT material in minecraft without getting hurt. As you would expect, making a machine designed to eliminate vines can take a lot more time and effort than other farms.
While you can sometimes find gunpowder in jungle or desert temple structures, having it reliable opens the door to many new items. For example, gunpowder is used to create fireworks rockets, fire charges, and turn any potion into a starter potion. Splash Potions can provide a Potion effect to any target in an AoE radius as soon as it is cast, allowing you to buff your friends or debuff enemy mobs.
Enderman Farm
Teleportation made easy
The tall and mysterious crowds of minecraft are difficult to define in a Enderman Farm due to its teleportation nature. However, those who have traveled to the End may be able to make a farm that lures these mobs into a trap in the mid and late game of their adventure. Killing Endermen grants a ton of XP and is one of the few ways to harvest Ender Pearlsextremely rare items that allow you to teleport when thrown.
Ender Pearls are also items used to craft Eyes of Enderthat help transport you to The End dimension. YouTube Creator Shulkercraft compares five different Enderman Farm designs, which players should research before building their own.
Ender Pearls only have a 10% drop ratemaking them extremely difficult to obtain from random Enderman you can find in the overworld. The elusive nature of Endermen can also make them too strong to take down or capture unless you have strong equipment. With an Enderman farm, you can simplify this process and make it easier to get pearls from these creatures without worrying about trapping them.
Wool Farm
Colorful Decorations
ONE Wool Farm Sources the fluffy cotton from herds of sheep to provide a reliable material you can use to craft furniture and light fires. minecraft. Placing individual sheep in a small space blocked by grass and glass blocks allows them to eat the grass below, preventing them from getting lost. You can configure a machine to automatically shear sheep as the coat grows back, providing it with an unlimited supply of wool.
Wool is obviously used to make a Bed, a place where you can rest and recover while you wait out the mob-filled night. This farm should not be confused with a sheep farm, which can be used to produce meat from the animals for food. Instead, this preserves the sheep and allows you to earn Wool that can be used to customize your character's appearance as you play.
Slime Farm
Slime blocks have many uses
A Slime Farm is only limited by your ability to find Slime mobs in minecraftwhich are typically difficult creatures to discover. Cleaning Swamp Biomes are an excellent way to track down those green cubes, but you should also have some luck underground, according to the YouTube creator Eyecraftmc. Slimes can create Slime Blocks, Fire resistance potions, Sticky pistonsand Magma Creams from its harvested materials.
Potions of fire resistance are essential for any trip to the Nether, but those looking to make Redstone contraptions will also need plenty of Slime Balls. Sticky Pistons are sometimes used to create other resource farms on this list, making them arguably one of the most important materials for you to harvest.
Goat Horn Farm
Your Milk Alo cures afflictions
One of the most interesting structures to make in minecraft is Fazenda Horn de Cabra, which may be similar to Fazenda Lã com Ovelha. Taking advantage of the Goat horns knocked down by crowds of goats, you can create eight different types of instruments that play unique music from parts collected from the furry creatures. In the same way that cows' milk can cure status effects, Goat's Milk it can also cure afflictions.
Be careful when building a Goat Horn Farm, as the goat creatures can crash into you and deal a considerable amount of damage.
An adult goat that you herd on a farm has a chance of leaving up to two horns for you to use. Two types of goats shed horns, known as Normal goats and Screaming goats in minecraft. The sounds emitted by each horn correspond to its label, allowing you to infer what type of noise it will produce. The horns you can get from goats are:
- Ponder Horn (from Normal Goat)
- Sing Horn (of Normal Goat)
- Look for Horn (of Normal Goat)
- Feel Horn (of Normal Goat)
- Admire Horn (from Screaming Goat)
- Call the Horn (from Screaming Goat)
- Yearn Horn (from Screaming Goat)
- Dream Horn (from Screaming Goat)
Any sound produced by these horns can be heard from a great distance, allowing you and your friends to hear each other from far away. Skilled players can create codes from different horns, with various sounds creating messages for another person. The endless creativity of these items makes them worth growing, despite the effort required to herd these temperamental animals.
Iron Farm
Collect the most important metal
Iron is among the most important features minecraftwith the smelted version of iron ore being used to create weapons, armor and other powerful tools. Iron tools are generally the longest-lasting tools you can make, but that doesn't mean they don't break eventually. Building an Iron Farm allows you to always have the materials on hand for when your best equipment breaks down after a long journey.
As you can see in the video above from the YouTube creator VoltroxThe key to an Iron farm is to trap a group of villagers. By allowing enemy monsters to approach these villagers, you can manipulate the generation of an Iron Golem that appears to protect them. The kill box you create for the Golem that spawns will generate tons of iron ingots every time, saving you a lot of time normally reserved for smelting the iron ore material.
Tree or timber farm
Genuine time savings
By far the most valuable automated material collector you could build is a Tree or wooden farmwhich provides a basic resource for construction. Harvesting individual trees for their wood provides an abundant, renewable resource that is required in almost every important crafting recipe in minecraft. A fantastic Wood Farm design from YouTube creator OinkOink can even produce up to More than 7,000 wooden blocks per hour.
Wood is used in virtually every recipe in the game, from basic house building to crafting basic weapons or tools. The best farms minecraft provide a reliable source of an important item and are constructed in a way that requires minimal effort to operate during the rest of your experience.
Source: YouTube/JC_Playz, YouTube/Eyecraftmc, YouTube/OinkOink, Voltrox/YouTube, YouTube/Shulkercraft