11 original characters still missing from Beetlejuice 2

11 original characters still missing from Beetlejuice 2

Includes spoilers for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice!

Tim Burton Beetlejuice 2 Brings some original figures back from the dead after 36 years, although there are still some great ones alive and deceased Beetlejuice Characters who did not return. The highly-anticipated sequel to Tim Burton's 1988 horror-comedy classic Beetlejuice Has been met with acclaim from critics and audiences, using the original movie as a launch point and adding to it faithfully. The Beetlejuice 2 The ending is arguably even funnier and more comedic than the original, really allowing the hacky horror world to run wild.

The returning cast and characters in Beetlejuice 2 are Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice, Winona Ryder as Lydia Detz, and Catherine O'Hara as Delia Detz. The absence of Jeffrey Jones is explained by his character's death. moreover, Beetlejuice 2The cast features Jenna Ortega, Willem Dafoe, Justin Theroux and Monica Bellucci in new roles. Still, there are some letters missing from Beetlejuice 2 What would have been exciting to have appeared in the realms of the living or dead.

Missing original Beetlejuice character

Original actor

Barbara Maitland

Genna Davis

Adam Maitland

Alec Baldwin


Dick Cavett

Jane Butterfield

Annie McEnroe

Harry the Huntsman


Witch Doctor



Glenn Shaddix (1952-2010)

Maxi Dean

Robert Goulet (1933-2007)


Sylvia Sidney (1910-1999)

Miss Argentina

Patrice Martinez (1963-2018)


Barbara Maitland (Gena Davis)

Barbara should still be haunting the Debts/Maitland house

Geena Davis as Barbara standing against wallpaper in Beetlejuice

One main character surprisingly missing from Beetlejuice 2 Is Geena Davis' Barbara Maitland, who died along with her husband Adam in the opening scene of Beetlejuice. In the original movie, Barbara conjures Beetlejuice to help scare the Deetz family away from her home, which she and Adam are stuck in after 125 years after their deaths. Given the time between the two movies, Barbara and her husband would continue to haunt the house for another 89 years yet Beetlejuice 2.


However, the original character does not appear in Tim Burton's upcoming movie, with Davis stating that Barbara's absence from Beetlejuice 2 actually makes sense. Since the Maitlands died in 1988, Beetlejuice 2 Would have a hard time explaining how Barbara physically aged From being approximately 30 years old to around 65 years old in the afterlife. Although Gena Davis does not appear in Beetlejuice 2Barbara Maitland with a cameo in the Deetz house would have made a great continuation of the original movie's story.


Adam Maitland (Alec Baldwin)

Adam's Town Model returns in Beetlejuice 2, but he doesn't

Another main character of Beetlejuice Not returning for the 2024 sequel is Adam Maitland, who was portrayed in the original film by Alec Baldwin. Adam and his wife Barbara drowned after their car crashed On a bridge back in 1988, leading to their fate of haunting their home for another century. While they begin the film by trying to scare the new residents of their house, Adam and Barbara become surrogate parents to Winona Ryder's teenage character Lydia Deets through BeetlejuiceIt's the end.

Considering how close Adam and Barbara became to Lydia, their distance from Beetlejuice 2 is more shocking. Winona Ryder Beetlejuice 2 was completely faithful to her characterization in the original movie, so even though Adam and Barbara are physically gone, it's surprising that grown-up Lydia Dates barely even refers to her ghostly friends. With Lydia and Delia still owning the house after Charles Dets's death Beetlejuice 2The The sequel does a great job of reasonably explaining why the Maitlands are no longer haunting the attic..

The absences of Baldwin and Davis Beetlejuice The characters are more difficult to ignore after the movie shows their city model and attic space. Beetlejuice 2 see Jenna Ortega's character discovers the miniature city model that Adam built in the attic They inhabited in the 1988 film, which is suggested to be a portal between the afterlife and Earth in the sequel. Additionally, the original movie's iconic "Day-O" song was played, with the tune being associated with Adam and Barbara's famous possession scene.


Bernard (Dick Cavett)

Delia's agent may have returned

Dick Cavett as Bernard in Beetlejuice

Another character from the world of life who does not return Beetlejuice 2 Is Dick Cavett's character Bernard, the agent of Catherine O'Hara's Delia Debts. Attending dinner when the Maitlands possessed the guests in dancing around the table, Bernard found the concept of ghosts haunting the house to be exciting, especially when the group felt they could capitalize on it for entertainment. Although Bernard called Delia a stain before the end of BeetlejuiceIt wouldn't be impossible for them to have reconnected sometime between movies.


One of the most simple ways for Bernard to return could have been to help Delia sell a new sculpture in Beetlejuice 2Similar to his function in the original movie. moreover, Dick Cavett could potentially make a cameo as Bernard in Charles Deetz's funeral scene At the beginning of the sequel. Having only played a minor role in the 1988 Tim Burton horror comedy, he would not have been expected to play a major role in Beetlejuice 2s history.


Jane Butterfield (Annie McEnroe)

The Winter River realtor may have tried to sell the house again

Annie McEnroe as Jane Butterfield in Beetlejuice

She may only have a few minor appearances in BeetlejuiceBut Jane is certainly one of the 1988 movie's most memorable characters. Still in the land of the living in Beetlejuiceend, Jane was the real estate agent in town who was always trying to convince Adam and Barbara to sell their house.. Jane tragically got her wish upon the Maitlands' early death, and still tried to offer her services to the new Deetz family.

Jane's return may also fit in Beetlejuice 2s story organically, because she could still be working as a real estate agent trying to get Lydia or Delia to sell their home to another family. Jane is another character whose return could have consisted of a brief cameo at Charles Deetz's funeralBecause they both lived in the town of Winter Teich for a while. Additionally, Jane S Beetlejuice 2 The role could have seen her hand over her real estate business to her daughter, who was teased to be just like her in the original movie.

Jane S Beetlejuice 2 The role could see her hand over her real estate business to her daughter, who was teased to be just like her in the original movie.

Lydia dancing with the football players at the end of Beetlejuice

Always dressed in football gear and filled with team spirit, Beetlejuices recently deceased college football team served as one of the funniest gags in the original movie. Keeping close to the caseworker Juno in the netherworld, the college football players unfortunately perished during a crash, although Juno confirms that their coach survived. The football players returned to dance with Lydia on the stairs Beetlejuices ending, so it seems that the ghosts can still appear at any point during Beetlejuice 2.

Credited name of football player character

Beetlejuice actor

"Very Dumb Football Player"

Duane Davis

"Dumb Football Player"

Gary Jochimsen

"Dumb Football Player #2"

Bob Peterson

Considering they primarily have their helmets and gear on in Beetlejuice, The footballers could have been played by new actors in Beetlejuice 2. This would make more sense because their actors have aged 36 years since the original film, making it more difficult to justify them playing college-aged football players. Even if the football team had only returned for another musical number with Winona Ryder's grown-up Lydia Dets or Jenna Ortega's new character, Astrid, with the players cameo would have been a great recall to the 1988 Tim Burton film.

Considering they primarily have their helmets and gear on in BeetlejuiceThe football players could also be played by new actors in Beetlejuice 2.


Harry the Huntsman

Beetlejuice 2 replaces Harry with Bob

Maybe these Most memorable ghost in Beetlejuices netherworld waiting room is harry the hunterwho sat next to the Maitland and later the titular Poltergeist as he waited for his number. Harry the Hunter was notable for his shrunken head, which was seemingly done after his death in an instant by the late Witch Doctor, as Beetlejuice later succumbed to the same fate. It is unclear exactly how Harry died, but it is assumed to be a hunting accident, given his name and the fact that he still carries his gun.

Michael Keaton revealed that Beetlejuice 2 has aShrunken head room", implying that there will be a scene with Beetlejuice, Harry the Hunter, and other Shrink-Headed Ghosts returning their heads back to normal.

Since Harry the Hunter remained in the waiting room throughout the whole of BeetlejuiceIt would not be surprising to see him still sitting on the couch in the afterlife Beetlejuice 2. He is instead replaced by other, similarly designed characters with shrunken heads, such as Bob. Bob and the other Shrinkers are shown in the sequel to be agents of Beetlejuice who work in his call center and quickly become fan-favorites.



Rory feels the void of Otto in Beetlejuice 2

Otto performing a seance in Beetlejuice

Otho Fenlock was one of the antagonists of the original Beetlejuice film, noted for its connections to Delia's storyline. He is an interior designer who presents himself as more luxurious and prosperous than he really is and who tries to ride the mantle of those of higher status. His story ends with embarrassment at the hands of Beetlejuice, and it would have been fun to see him return to the world permanently shaken by this event.


Given that Delia returns and plays a significant role in Beetlejuice 2Otto would have been great to have in the cast. Sadly, actor Glenn Shaddix passed away in 2010 after an amazing career in film, including other Tim Burton collaborations like The Nightmare Before Christmas And Planet of the Apes. The movie sequel was right not to try and recast Otho, as Shadix's unique screen presence was essential to the character. finally, Justin Theroux's Rory ends up with a similar goalAlthough his character is more connected with Lydia.


Maxi Dean

Maxi Dean is mentioned but it did not appear

Robert Goulet talking on the phone as Maxi Dean in Beetlejuice

Maxie Dean is another supporting character from Beetlejuice which left a significant impression on the film. He was the chairman of Botco Industries and Charles' employer, making him a potential financial ally for the Deetz family in their hopes of capitalizing on the ghosts in their home. Later in the film, he and his wife, Sarah, end up being launched into the air by BeetlejuiceAnd many presumed the character died from this event. This could have presented the opportunity to show him in the afterlife, but actor Robert Goulet died in 2007.

Although Maxi Dean will not return in the 2024 sequel, The movie honors the memory of the late movie star by mentioning his character. Delia Debts confirms that Maxi Dean is living in the Beetlejuice world by mentioning his presence at Charles Deutz's funeral. Delia apparently invited him to attend the event and wondered about his whereabouts. Beetlejuice 2 Doesn't really have a replacement character for Maxie, although the Deetz family seems to have capitalized on the events of the 1988s Beetlejuice.



Different characters work in the afterlife in Beetlejuice 2

in Beetlejuice, Juno is the caseworker with the Maitlands as they hope to remove the Deetz family from their house. Juno gives some exposition about Beetlejuice and the world of the afterlife, including warning the Maitlands not to trust the demon. Legendary actress Sylvia Sidney is hilarious in this classic movie, serving as the voice of reason in the film that the Maitlands, of course, don't listen to. The actress died in 1999, and her personality was irreplaceable in the 2024 sequel.

Beetlejuice 2 Still makes an effort to incorporate many of the common elements of the original film, although it cycles in new quirky characters to fill its positions. For example, Santiago Cabrera plays Richard, Astrid's dead father, who works in the afterlife. Neither Juno nor the football players she shares scenes with in the original movie have roles in the sequel. Willem Dafoe's Wolf Jackson ends up in a similar roleHowever, as the force of law in the afterlife that's gone after Beetlejuice.


Miss Argentina

Miss Argentina was the receptionist of the waiting room

Miss Argentina shows Adam and Barbara her wrist in Beetlejuice's Netherworld waiting room

Miss Argentina appeared in the original Beetlejuice Like a receptionist in the waiting roomAlso provided the Maitlands with some information about how their world works. Much of her story is implied by her costume and makeup, suggesting the cause of her death. She was presumably a beauty pageant contestant who lost and then died by suicide. In the original movie, characters who take their own lives are chosen to work in the waiting room, like Juno. This is probably one of the reasons why both characters were omitted from the second film.

As for Miss Argentina, actress Patrice Martinez unfortunately died in 2018, so she could not have appeared in the sequel. The idea that afterlife workers are only those who took their own lives is pretty dark, and it's possible that they wanted to change the material to fit Characters like Richard. As for the aesthetic of Miss Argentina, the hot dog lady is probably the closest comparison.


The Witch Doctor

The Witch Doctor is not in Beetlejuice 2, but many heads are shrunken

Beetlejuice taps a witch doctor on the shoulder while speaking in Beetlejuice.

Along with Harry the Hunter, one of the staple ghosts in Beetlejuices netherworld waiting room was the witch doctor. Unwilling to deal with the antics of his fellow ghosts, the Witch doctor uses a magical powder to shrink the head of anyone who bothers him. This included both Harry and Beetlejuice during the original movie, with the Shringers in Beetlejuice 2 Implying that this has happened to countless others.


To continue the hilarious gag from the 1988 movie, the return of the Witch Doctor in the sequel could have seen him shrink the head of the title ghost in the waiting room for a second time. Additionally, the Witch Doctor may have returned in the Shrunken Head Room segment Beetlejuice 2 To see him punished for the many ghosts that he befell with that fate, how it became so extreme that the non-world dedicated an entire room to them. Instead, the character was completely removed.