11 deep space nine characters Star Trek still needs to bring back

11 deep space nine characters Star Trek still needs to bring back

most of Star Trek: Deep Space Nines main characters are still waiting to make theirs Star Trek Comeback. Star Trek on Paramount + Series II Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Lower DecksAnd Star Trek: Prodigy have brought back many letters from Star Trek: The Next Generation And Star Trek: Voyager. However, only a handful of DS9 Characters - Colonel Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor), Quark (Armin Shimerman), Grand Nagus Rom (Max Grodenchik), and First Minister Leta (Chase Masterson) - returned on Star Trek: Lower Decks.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Reuniting in live-action is difficult since a few of the actors have died. However, animated Star Trek Makes the impossible possible. For example, Odo returned Star Trek: Prodigy Like a hologram. Despite Rene Auberjonois' death, archival footage was used to bring the heroic changeling back to life. Unfortunately, with Star Trek: Lower Decks Finish on Paramount + and the precarious state of Star Trek: Prodigy on Netflix, animated Star Trek seems stoppedAnd DS9 Has a hard way for his characters to make live comebacks. This means a constant wait to see the following favorites from Star Trek: Deep Space noe make their return.



Played by Rene Auberjonois

Rene Auberjonois died in December 2019, and of course, a comeback of Odo in live action is out of the question. Although Odo is a shapeshifter and, technically, another actor could wear Odo's prosthetics, No one can replicate the cadence and rugged authority of Rene Auberjonois' performance. CGI trickery could bring back Odo in some form, but without the actor playing him, it's logical to ask what would be the point.


Outside of Odo's appearance as a hologram in Star Trek: Prodigy Season 1, Captain Worf (Michael Dorn) referred to the honorable changing in Star Trek: Picard Season 3. AAnother appearance of Odo in animation using archive footage of Rene Auberjonois' voice is possibleOf course. However, Odo returned to the Great Link at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Will likely stand as his final live-action appearance.


Chief Miles O'Brien

Played by Colm Meaney

Chief Miles Edward O'Brien left the Deep Space Nine space station to Start a new life as an instructor at Starfleet Academy at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Miles, his wife Keiko O'Brien (Rosalind Chau), and their daughter, Molly (Hana Hatae), are not seen in Star Trek Since. however, Star Trek: Lower Decks Healed Chief O'Brien with a statue, call Miles "The most important person in Starfleet history."

Meaney shows no real interest in returning to Star Trek.

Colm Meaney's acting career has continued unabated ever since Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Wrapped up, and Meaney shows no real interest in returning to Star Trek. However, never say never, and Colm could be persuaded to reprice miles under the right circumstances. An animated Chief O'Brien comeback may be a more attractive aspect for Meaney than live-action. Hopefully, we haven't seen the last of Chief O'Brien.


Vic Fontaine

Played by James Darren

If there was any chance of James Darren returning as Vic Fontaine, those hopes were dashed when James died in September 2024. On Star Trek: Deep Space NineVic Fontaine was everyone's favorite holographic Las Vegas lounge singer who dispensed hearty advice and was a genuine pal to Captain Benjamin Cisco's (Avery Brooks) crew. Vic has not been seen or heard from since the end of DS9.

It is Possible to bring back Vic Fontaine in an animated Star Trek SeriesBut the point would be lost without James Darren to provide Vic's singing voice. Archival footage could resurrect Vic, perhaps singing one of his 1960s Frank Sinatra-inspired standards, if a Star Trek Animated series called for it. Unfortunately, Vic Fontaine's last appearance was very likely in DS9s finale, "What You Leave Behind."


Jake Cisco

Played by Cirroc Lofton

It's really surprising that Jake Sisko hasn't returned yet to Star Trek on Paramount+. Jake was last seen at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine After his father, Captain Sisko, became one with the prophets of Bajor. remarkable, Star Trek Hasn't found a way to use Jake, a novelist and writer for the Federation News Service, in any of his current series.


Cirroc Lofton hosts the popular Star Trek podcast, The 7th ruleAnd he is a vital part of that Star Trek Community. Despite this, there is still no comeback from Jake Sisko Star Trek. Although Lofton could easily voice an animated Jake Cisco, he is also Ready to play Jake in live action If Star Trek Finally calls.


Elim Garak

Played by Andrew Robinson

The end of the Dominion War was no victory for Elim Garak. Although he was exiled from his people, Garak is a proud Cardassian who was deeply saddened by the devastation of his people's alliance with the Dominion resting on Cardassia. at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Garak returned to Cardassia Prime to help his planet rebuild.


Star Trek on Paramount+ has not given any update on what happened to Garakand only briefly touched the state of Cardassia after the Dominion War. Andrew Robinson is active on the Star Trek Convention cross and he still acts, so Andrew could potentially reprise Garak in live-action or in an animated Star Trek Series.


Chancellor Martak

Played by JG Hertzler

Martok became Chancellor of the Klingon Empire at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The former general was the closest friend and mentor of Worf, who killed Chancellor Gavron (Robert O'Reilly), but handed the leadership of the Klingon Empire to Martok. DS9'That was the end Last live-action appearance by JG Hertzler as Martok.


however, Star Trek: Lower Decks Martok is revealed to still be Chancellor in the early 2380s, and JG Hertzler even voices a version of​​​​Martok that hosts a Klingon board game. Star Trek: Prodigy Season 2 also gave an update that Martok is continuing the Klingons war against the Tribbles. Chancellor Martak is still waiting for his official Star Trek ComebackAlthough an animated return is more likely than live-action.


Dr. Julian Bashir

Played by Alexander Siddig

One of the biggest names of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine What unfortunately did not come back is Dr. Julian Bashir. DS9The genetically engineered Chief Medical Officer was last seen starting a romance with Lt. Ezri Dax (Nicole de Boer). While Star Trek: The Next GenerationS. Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) and Star Trek: VoyagerThe Doctor (Robert Picardo) made a comeback, It is unfortunate that Dr. Bashir did not.

It was a natural fit for Bashir to appear in Star Trek: Episode 31But apparently that didn't happen either

Dr. Bashir's weakness at present Star Trek Is even more surprising considering Alexander Siddig continues to play and appeared in series VI game of thrones gotham And Peaky Blinders. Given his ties to Section 31, it seemed a natural fit for Bashir to appear in Star Trek: Episode 31But apparently that didn't happen either. When and if Dr. Bashir will return to Star Trek is anyone's guess.


Lt. Ezri Dx

Played by Nicole de Boer

Lt. Ezri Dax performed a miracle by replacing the popular Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 7. Ezri was such a success that, looking back, it's remarkable that she was only in one season of DS9. unfortunately, Ezri has not been seen since the end of DS9.

Star Trek: Discovery Has explored Thrill culture in the 32nd century.

Last seen with her love interest, Dr. Julian Bashir, Ezri likely remained Deep Space Nine's station counselor. Azeri's story feels incompleteAnd there's more her character could have done. Nicole de Boer can easily voice Ezri in a Star Trek Animated series or reprise the thrill in live-action.


Lt. Commander Yadzia Dax

Played by Terry Farrell

Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax died at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 6, a decision resulting from the behind-the-scenes turmoil that saw Terry Farrell exit DS9. However, that was nearly 30 years ago under a different Star Trek regime. Terry Farrell could reprise JadziaAnd all it would take is for Star Trek Too creative to work around the whole 'Jadzia is dead' thing.

Terry Farrell, who contributes to The Delta Flyers Podcast hosted by Star Trek: Voyagers Robert Duncan McNeill and Garrett Wang, could easily vote Jadzia Dax in a Star Trek Animated series. Jadzia is also eternally part of the Dax symbiote, which now belongs to Ezri Dax, so there are ways Jadzia could reappear. Star Trek Might even find a way to have it Jadzia and Ezri finally share the screen.


Lt. Nog

Played by Aaron Eisenberg

Ensign Nog headshot.

Aron Eisenberg passed away in September 2019, which means that Lieutenant Nog cannot return to live-action. Like Odo on Star Trek: Prodigy, It may be possible to use Aaron's archival voice footage to have Back in A Star Trek Animated series. Nog was last seen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nines series finale, now a lieutenant after fighting most of the Dominion War as a Starfleet cadet and ensign.


Nog is the first Ferengi in Starfleet, And he became a Starfleet legend. in Star Trek: DiscoveryIn the 32nd century, the Eisenberg Class USS Nog honors the trail-blazing Ferengi hero. While it would be a challenge to bring Nog back without Aaron Eisenberg, there are still more ways for Star Trek on Paramount+ to update audiences on what Nog has been up to since the end of Deep Space Nine.


Captain Benjamin Cisco

Played by Avery Brooks

Perhaps the biggest open question Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Left behind is When and if Captain Benjamin Cisco will return. The emissary of the prophets, Sisko fulfilled his destiny and became a non-linear being alongside the gods of Bajor. While Patrick Stewart reprized Admiral Jean-Luc Picard and Kate Mulgrew returned as Admiral Kathryn Janeway, there seems to be little chance that Avery Brooks will return as Captain Sisko.


Avery Brooks retired from acting and left Star Trek Behind. This means closing the book on Captain Sisko, either in a live-action or animated return. Still, there are always possibilities in Star TrekAnd perhaps, one day, Star Trek on Paramount + could convince Avery Brooks to come back or give the fate of Captain Cisco a definitive answer. But it is safe to say that there is no one Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Fans want to see again, or hear more about, like Captain Benjamin Cisco.