- Game of Thrones Features some of the worst parents in TV history, as many of them abandon or actively hurt their kids for power.
Some parents have direct involvement in their children's death Game of ThronesWhich shows no mercy on his characters.
Trauma inflicted by parents is common in Game of ThronesAnd its characters often struggle to cope with it.
Game of Thrones Introduces many great characters over its eight-season run, however Not all of them make great parents. actually, Game of Thrones Features some of the worst parents in TV history, as Westeros is full of players willing to sacrifice their kids' happiness and well-being for a shot at power. The scheming runs deep among the great houses of Westeros, and often leads lords and ladies to neglect their parental duties.
In some cases, this goes as far as parents having a direct hand in their children's death. Game of Thrones Shows no mercy when it comes to killing characters, and they sometimes perish at the hands of their loved ones. In other scenarios, Game of Thrones Parents fail to give their children a healthy educationWhether it's by them failing or setting a poor example. There is no shortage of Game of Thrones Characters grappling with trauma caused by a parent, and some of the show's guardians are truly charming.
Cersei Lannister
Put your quest for the Iron Throne above the health of your kids
Cersei Lannister cares deeply for her children in game of thrones, But that doesn't mean she's a good mother. Although it seems like Cersei will do anything for her kids, she doesn't put their well-being before her quest for power. Cerseis political maneuvering indirectly causes all the deaths of her childrenYet she continues to pursue the Iron Throne. This speaks to who she is as a mother, and it suggests that she is not as invested in her kids as she lets on.
Cersei also fails to teach her children to be decent peopleSomething that is most obvious when it comes to Joffrey. It's questionable whether Cersei could change Joffrey's behavior with more discipline, but she rarely even tries. She also tells Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella that they should approach the world from a self-interested point of view. She may think she is helping them with this advice, but really, she is hurting their ability to experience genuine love and compassion.
Lisa enter
She babies Robert Arryn to an unhealthy extent
Aside from Cersei, Lysa Arryn is one of the few parents on the list who actually seems to care about her child. however, She is still one of the worst guardians in Game of Thrones. While many children in Westeros suffered abuse and neglect at the hands of their parents, Robert Arryn had the opposite problem. Lisa babies him to a ridiculous extent, and it makes him incompetent and ill-prepared to face the realities of the world he lives in.
Game of Thrones Fans often tease the fact that Lisa still breastfeeds Robert after his baby years, but that's exactly what makes her so terrible at parenting.
Game of Thrones Fans often tease the fact that Lisa still breastfeeds Robert after his baby years, but that's exactly what makes her so terrible at parenting. She seems to draw her own worth from her child, giving little thought to what he needs to flourish in Westeros. She is not as bad as the characters physically hurt and immediately abandon their children. however, Lisa's actions are still detrimental to her son's upbringing.
Miss Tyrell
He is barely seen interacting with Margaery & Loras
Mace Tyrell is not often seen interacting with his children in Game of Thrones, And he certainly seems to be among the most neglectful parents of the series. Of course, his lack of scenes with his kids could be the result of Game of Thrones Limited runtime. After all, we never even see Margaery and Loras' mother on screen. Either way, Mace doesn't seem nearly as invested in his kids' lives as his mother. He's ready to marry Margaery to Joffrey, which is a major red flag when it comes to his parents.
To be fair, fathers aren't expected to be involved in their children's lives in a place like Westeros - and There are some reliable fathers in Game of Thrones. Mace is probably the best of them, as he is at least willing to intervene when the High Sparrow targets Magaery and Loras. These two characters also don't have nearly as many issues as others with poor guardians. This suggests that Mace may be doing some parenting off-screen.
Robert Baratheon
Robert should have given his kids more guidance and affection
Robert Baratheon doesn't seem to care for his children as much as Cersei and Lysa Arryn, but he isn't actively horrible to them. Robert is a neglectful parent, and He is hardly seen interacting with his children at all Game of Thrones. This has an obvious impact on Joffrey, who craves his father's love and attention but never receives it. And you can blame Robert for what Joffrey is, how a little more love and discipline could have saved Westeros from such a terrible king.
While Robert's parentage is questionable Game of Thrones Season 1, there's a scene or two that suggests he's willing to do right by his children when asked.
While Robert's parentage is questionable Game of Thrones Season 1, there's a scene or two that suggests he's willing to do right by his children when asked. At Cersei's prompting, he tries to stop the feud between Sansa, Arya and Joffrey at the beginning of the show. It's the bare minimum, but it makes him a better parent than someone like Walder Frey. Although Robert knows the names of his supposed children And is somewhat involved in their lives - but reluctantly.
Walder Frey
He doesn't care about his family in Game of Thrones
Walder Frey is one of the worst characters in Game of Thrones Overall, As he repeatedly proves himself untrustworthy and cruel. This applies to his own family as much as to his political allies and rivals. He proves He does not care about his wife or children repeatedly during Game of Thrones Eight-time run. When Catelyn Stark threatens his wife's life at the Red Wedding, he tells her that he will "Find anotherAnd he uses his children just as needlessly, forgetting their names and paying little attention to them except for their political value.
It is said that Walder's family is surprised to receive gratitude when Arya Stark poses as him during Game of Thrones Season 7. Walder doesn't seem to go out of his way to torment his own kids, but he doesn't care about their feelings. This makes him worse than the likes of Cersei Lannister and Lysa ArrynBut it prevents him from ranking higher among Game of Thrones Worst parents.
Tywin Lannister
Uses all his children as pawns
Tywin Lannister is the definition of a manipulative parentAnd it is clear that he sees all three children as a means to an end. While Tywin isn't outright hostile to Jaime and Cersei, he doesn't exactly provide a warm and loving parent they can rely on. Even in Cersei's mature years, he is willing to trade with her for political alliances. He wants to respect her because she's a woman, and he treats Jaime like a pawn. Tywin also fails to acknowledge their incestuous relationship, suggesting he was neglectful during their childhood years.
Tywin's poor parenting is most noticeable when it comes to TyrionHowever, how he wants to treat his youngest child as well as his siblings. He openly blames Tyrion for his wife's death, and he treats Tyrion as less than because he is a dwarf. Tywin doesn't seem to care when Tyrion is injured or put on trial, even though he claims he wouldn't let him die. The fact that he occasionally grants Tyrion a place for his son makes Tywin a step above the four worst Game of Thrones Parents - but just barely.
Randyll Tarley
Endanger Sam's life because he does not live up to expectations
Randyll Tarly seems like a decent father to Deacon, though He is a terrible father to Sam. Sam's father refuses to accept that he is not a natural-born warrior, and he sends him to the night's watch for this indiscretion. That's a pretty cruel response to a kid who can't live up to expectations, and it could be a death sentence for Sam. This pushes Randyll past simply being negligent; He actively puts his child's life in danger, because he does not find him suitable as an heir.
Randyll seems committed to hating his own son, and that makes him worse than the more generally negligent fathers of Game of Thrones.
Even when Sam returns home a hero, he is met with cruelty from his father. Randyll seems committed to hating his own son, and that makes him worse than the more generally negligent fathers of Game of Thrones. The way he treats Deacon - and the fact that he doesn't hurt or kill Sam - prevents him from breaking into the top three worst parents, but it's close.
Balloon Joy
He doesn't care about Theon
Balon Greyjoy is among the top-three worst parents in game of thrones, And He has a lot in common with Randyll Tarly. Balon seems fine with Yara - and it's nice to see a parent letting their daughter choose her own path in Westeros. Unfortunately, he is terrible to Theon. Balon barely bats an eye when his son returns home after years away, and he doesn't seem concerned about Theon's safety or well-being.
What makes him worse than Randyll is that he doesn't recognize Theon's attempts to impress him. While Sam is unable to do what Randyll wants, Theon is willing to go above and beyond for his father. Despite this, he is met with nothing but contempt. This makes Balon worse than Randyll, as does the fact that he barely seems to care that Theon is part of the Starks. Balloon is not as despicable as Game of Thrones Top two worst parentsBut he is still there.
Stannis Baratheon
Burned his own daughter alive
Stannis Baratheon is the second-worst parent in Game of Thrones, And anyone who has watched the entire series will know why. Although Stannis seems like a decent father during the early seasons of Game of ThronesHe takes a dark turn in season 5. When Melisandre tells him burning his daughter alive will help him fulfill his destiny, he actually listens. It's one of the most heart-wrenching moments of the entire series, and it pushes Stannis into full-on villain territory.
others bad Game of Thrones Parents traumatize their children through their actions - or lack of them - but Stannis is one of the few parents we see kill their own child. The fact that he is able to stand by and watch Shirin burn makes him a careful parent. novelty, It is one Game of Thrones Character that is even worse.
Unapologetically abuses his own daughters
Stannis is pretty much the worst parent in game of thrones, However Craster manages to surpass him. Stannis, at least, feels guilty for what he does to Shireen, especially when it accomplishes nothing. He's also a good father for most of the show, only turning into a monster when he's desperate and gets bad advice. In contrast, Craster unapologetically abuses his daughters - and although he is a minor character, it leaves a disturbing impression. Craster marries and impregnates his own children, forcing them to give up their sons to the White Walkers.
This makes Craster one of the most important characters in Game of Thrones, And it makes him the worst parent by a longshot. While other guardians in Westeros are negligent or have poor priorities, Craster seems to enjoy causing fear and pain, even when it comes to his own children. It makes Game of Thrones' Scenes in Craster's Keep difficult to watch, although it is a relief when Craster is finally killed.