Anyone interested in Elden RingThe lore of the Lord of the Frenzied Flame will find Elden Ring: Shadow of Erdtree loaded with interesting additions to what is known about the Flame. The Frenzied Flame is a powerful force in the Midlands and the Shadow Realmand its mythology, tradition and influence are greatly expanded throughout Shadow of the Erd Tree.
The Frenzied Flame infects all those it can, forcing its will and "cleansing" anyone and anything in its path, brainwashing its victims into a state of madness. As Shabriri
would say: "May chaos take over the world!" The Shadow of the Erd Tree The DLC takes the deep mythos of the Frenzied Flame established in the base game and builds on it, filling in historical narratives and providing information about the mysterious origins of the Flame. Here are 10 ways Shadow of the Erd Tree expanded upon the Lord of Frenzied Flame's tradition of Elden Ring.
Page torn from diary
The item describes the untouchables
This seemingly unimportant journal page contains a surprising amount of information about the Frenzied Flame. It is one of the few documents that describe the new enemies found in the Abyssal Forest, known as Untouchable Aged.
The page "[bears] a passage written in shaky handwriting,"giving players a hint of how to defeat the Untouchables - a well-timed defense - but also giving an idea of the purpose the Untouchables served for the Lord of Frenzied Flame.
"I touched him, but only once. When he stuck the bat in my face, I pushed him away. That's when I touched him. Untouchable aging."
The word "aging"is significant and acts as a clue as to the nature of these mysterious grape-headed enemies. Players will remember Elden Ring that the "grapes"On the heads of these enemies are actually eyeballs, which act as an offering to the Frenzied Flame. Perhaps the role of the untouchables includes collecting and"aging"these grapes to increase the power of the Flame.
Swollen grape
There is a connection between the three fingers and the frantic flame
Speaking of grapes in Elden Ringstory, Tarnished will want to take the time to read the Swollen grape
item description to explore the origins of the Frenzied Flame and, by extension, the Three Fingers. It turns out that the Three Fingers likely helped create the Frenzied Flame in its original form shortly before the events of the game:
"An eyeball of frenzied flame that grew from within. Material used to create items. Extremely rare to find. Marked with fingerprint burnsproof of having been directly touched by the embrace of the Three Fingers."
Tarnished will remind you from the base game that the origins of the Three Fingers are quite ambiguous compared to the other Fingers. Although it is not entirely clear, It is possible that the fingerprint burn marks on these eyeballs indicate that the Three Fingers and the Frenzied Flame are deeply linked. One reading suggests that the Three Fingers were a manifestation of the Greater Will itself (as was Metyr), created to correct the Greater Will's error and commit "all one again"through the Flame.
Growing frantic flame
The Hornsent abhorred the frenzied flame
Another somewhat unpretentious item, the Growing frantic flame
The description has interesting details related to the power of the Frenzied Flame, as well as the motivations of the hornsent, a religious faction that lives in the Shadow Realm. The details of the consumable reinforce some already established traditions, such as the Frenzied Flame's ability to melt even spirits that should be "eternal"in the game's history:
“Spirits are eternal and yet frantic flame melts them regardless. No wonder the horns prohibit the use of flame."
This consumable expands on the idea that the Hornsent faction would have banned the use of Frenzied Flame and its powerful spirit fusion abilities as a means of self-preservation and what appears to be a sign of fear. The Hornsent's condemnation of this power was so extreme that they formed a sect of Inquisitors who hunted down and eradicated those who dared to embrace the flame, such as Midra Lord of the Frenzied Flame
Nanaya's Torch
The weapon suggests a frantic child touched by flames
This new torch of Shadow of the Erd Tree describes a mysterious character named Nanaya. Not much is known about her other than what is included in this item's details, some interactions with NPCs, and a portrait inside Midra's Mansion of what appears to be Midra and Nanaya, whose hand is on her belly as if she is pregnant. . Nanaya's Torch
mentions a "small spine"and the remains of a human being"packed gently."
"A torch made by attaching a dying flame of frenzy in a small spine. In a distant land, in a time long past, a man was born who failed to become the Lord of the Frenzied Flame. All that is left of him is cradled gently by Nanaya."
It is possible that Midra and Nanaya had a son who failed to become the Lord of Frenzied Flame? And if so, who? Many theories and hints in the game suggest that the son they had was none other than Shabriri
himself. However, as with all Elden Ring tradition, the details are shrouded in mystery and left largely open to interpretation.
Crazy hand
The weapon references Hornsent's Inquisition
This single-handed weapon in Shadow of the Erd Tree can be acquired after a crazy fight against an invader found near the Woodland Trail on the Abyssal Woods map. Interestingly, the description of the first weapon describes a “butcher bloodbath,"referencing the inquisition that sought to eliminate any of those who embraced the Frenzy Flame.
"A glove sewn from the flayed skin of the victims of a bloody massacre. Forged from a dark, unyielding impulse for revenge fostered in those who were hunted as heretics by their own brothers, these are the weapons of the totally oppressed."
It appears this item was created from the flayed skin of those murdered for embracing the Frenzied Flame, and was likely used by fanatics who controlled madness to fight the enraged Inquisitors. If the item description is focused on a specific event in the Elden Ring the tradition is unclear, although it seems likely the "bloodbath"is linked to the massacre of the Shamans in the village of Marika, the birthplace of the hornsent ritual of placing heretics in jars for a rebirth ritual.
Jori, Elder Inquisitor
This enemy may have hunted the worshipers of the Frenzied Flame
Deep in the Abyssal Forest, Tarnished will encounter a difficult and powerful enemy called Jori, Elder Inquisitor
that carries the Barbed Staff Spear
. It is clear from the description of the team and its name that Jori is among the most powerful of the Hornsent Inquisitorsand a prominent leader:
"The tip bristles with golden barbs symbolizing the torture of the inquisitionallowing you to wield the staff like a large spear. "
However, more hints about Jori and the Inquisition can be seen in the Ashes of the Inquisitor
a new Spirit Ash found in the DLC. The ashes re-emphasize the cruel nature of the inquisitors' barbed weapons, as well as the hierarchical structure of seniority they followed:
"The inquisitive witches wield barbed candlesticks. Inquisitions often perplexed the minds of the uninitiatedand so seniority was seen as an advantage."
Clearly, Jori is among the high-ranking Inquisitors. But the ashes, just like the Golden Horn Competition
The description of, implies that this inquisition consists of honorable and conflicted members who question the morality of the cause. Therefore, Jori in Elden RingDLC may also be among the the cruelest of inquisitorsunfazed by the brutality that the inquisition demands.
The Abandoned Church
The location has a connection to the frantic flame
After defeating Jori, Tarnished will find himself in the Abandoned Church and will see The Abyssal Woods for the first time. They will also collect the Frenzyflame perfume bottle
of a corpse in the corner, which indicates that this church may have been a key location during the inquisition. The location of this perfume bottle, a new type of weapon in the DLC, implies the Frenetic Flame was collected from this church by wandering perfumers in search of "new aromatics."
The church itself is designed much like the churches of Marika but has some clues linked to the Mansion of Midra which imply that this may have been the church of Midra. where his followers came to worship and surrender to Chaos. Much like Midra's Mansion in Elden Ring DLC, the building is dilapidated and in a state of decay, probably abandoned after the inquisition.
The Abyssal Forest
The map is engulfed in frantic flames
The Abandoned Church is just the first introduction players will have to the larger, crazier area, the Abyssal Forest. Spotted will experience madness here unlike anything they've seen before and will need to be cautious while exploring due to the many threats present. In terms of lore, the madness and presence of the Frenzied Flame in this area can be seen in the map description of the area:
“In the east of the Gravesite Plain. A dense forest spreads deep into the ravine, untouched even by sunlight. Known as the sanctuary of Sage Midra, and is a region forbidden by the horns."
Players will learn from the above that Midra is, in fact, a "Wise," implying a greater depth to his relationship with the Frenzied Flame than pure insanity and destruction. In many ways, the Abyssal Woods are lit by madness instead of sunlightand it is possible that Midra chose this area for this specific reason, or that Midra himself is responsible for imbuing the area and its inhabitants with the Frenzied Flame.
The Exultation of the Elderly
The Talisman cites worshipers of Midra
THE The Exultation of the Elderly
The Talisman can be acquired if Tarnished performs a difficult attack against a particular Untouchable enemy in the Abyssal Forest. The item emphasizes the role that the old Untouchables play in these haunted forestswhich includes ripe grapes/eyes for the Lord of Frenzied Flame.
"Give your madness to our Lord. Bless our brothers with grapes. Take care that they ripen completely."
It seems the role of the Untouchables is "age"these grapes to the Lord of the Frenzied Flame that they may be"fully matured." The Untouchables also appear to belong to a brotherhood of sorts, possibly the followers of Midra, and use the grapes as a blessing to spread the Flame to the other worshipers in their midst. It is no coincidence that this talisman drops from the Untouchable enemy closest to the Abandoned Church in Shadow of the Erd Treewhere Midra probably performed ceremonial worship to the Flame.
Midra, Lord of the Frenzied Flame
The boss is the epitome of the frenzied flame tradition
Of all the mythology of the Frenzied Flame included in Shadow of the Erd Treethe legendary Midra boss, Lord of Frenzied Flame expands the lore more comprehensively. Midra is the direct line to all of the above connections to the Frenzied Flame, and her story is as tragic as it is terrifying. A detail in Mad Artisan Cookbook [1]
shows that Nanaya was the lady of the Manse of Midra, and she left him conflicted about embracing the Flame right away, as seen in her dialogue:
“Enough... I've endured... more than enough... I ask you to forgive me, dear Nanaya. . ."
Midra is a complex character who fails to embrace the Frenzied Flame and become its Lord. The Abyssal Forest is clearly a "sanctuary" for his failed effort, whether madness was before him or not, and his Untouchable brothers actively work to advance their cause.
He ultimately suffers a terrible fate"like no other,"impaled on a barbed sword for his astonishing crime. There is no enemy with a backstory as rich in Frenzied Flame lore and mythology as Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erd Treeis Midra, Lord of the Frenzied Flame.
Elden Ring: Shadow of Erdtree
Players venture into the dark realm of the Shadowlands to face new biomes, dungeons, and formidable bosses. Guided by the enigmatic Miquella, they face the terrible Messmer the Impaler and discover the dark secrets shrouded under the influence of the Erdtree, presenting new weapons, magic and challenges.