10 Walheim bases to inspire your next build

10 Walheim bases to inspire your next build


  • Wallheim Players can create stunning and functional bases, like gate hubs and gradewarf farms, to enhance their gameplay experience.
  • Unique builds, such as an Eiffel Tower or a treehouse village, showcase the creativity and flexibility of Valheim's building mechanics.

  • Practical waterfront bases and extravagant projects like a colosseum demonstrate the diverse range of building possibilities in Wallheim.

The Wallheim Community has no shortage of impressive builds that are the perfect inspiration for future projects. Like many open-world games that allow players to build bases, Wallheim Allows players a lot of freedom when it comes to how and where they build their homes. Players have used this freedom to Flex their creative muscles and make some beautiful buildings.

Besides impressive builds, some players have also created functional additions to their bases. These can help farm resources or simply organize existing structures in a visually pleasing way. After defeating all of WallheimS bosses, making these types of creative builds is a great way to continue enjoying the game.



This Valheim portal hub is great for organization

This image shows players how to organize their portals

bases in Wallheim Can quickly become crowded and disorganized. Players may struggle to keep everything nice and tidy between chests full of materials, different crafting tools and necessities like beds and fires. One great resource to make a base more organized is Reddit users Amitkilos portal hub. This build shows players how to create Their own dedicated site for portals, Which is compact and looks great.

Portals ​​are something that players can start to accumulate as the game goes on. It's nice to have ways to quickly travel to bosses to collect more materials from them or other important locations like the merchant. Having a portal hub that not only keeps things organized but also labels where each portal goes is much easier than just having some loosely strung about the stock. This build is especially useful thanks to Amitkilo's step-by-step instructions, which players can use to recreate it in their own. Wallheim Games.


Wolves can be used to farm important materials

Trained wolves can be used to kill monsters for their prey

Having a cool idea is only part of the equation to making it big Wallheim Build. It is just as important that players have the required materials for a given build. Fortunately, Reddit user Whiteperson 1 Developed an interesting way to continuously farm some important materials using A combination of trained wolves and a greywarf nest.

Gradewarves drop sap, wood, and gradewarf eyes, all of which are useful crafting materials. Instead of having to go out and farm the materials by killing them individually, Whiteperson1 created a pit under a spawner for them. They then Filled the pit with trained wolves That would automatically kill those Gradewarves as they spawnCreating what is essentially an infinite supply of gradewarp materials. One important aspect of this build is ensuring that there is a decent number of trained wolves, so they are never overpowered by stronger gradewarves. Fortunately, the wolves reproduce over time, so it should be self-sustaining.


The Valheim Eiffel Tower proves how flexible building can be

The structure is an impressive figure given Valheim's limitations

A lot of Wallheim Build staff to create impressive structures that are in line with the Viking aesthetic of the game. However, build as Reddit user huggeddahls Eiffel Tower shows just how far the game's building feature can be pushed. The impressive structure rises high above the plains, making its construction all the more impressive. Somehow, Huggedahl was able to create this massive structure while also fighting powerful Deathsquitoes like the one seen near the tower.

This Eiffel Tower construction uses a lot of small stone blocks to create the famous monument's distinct shape. The technique is reminiscent of many Minecraft Build, though it's definitely more difficult to pull off WallheimAs it is not as easy to simply stack blocks on top of one another. This build probably took a lot of painstaking effort to finish. That hard work and creative use of building materials is a great inspiration for anyone Wallheim Players who may think there are more limitations on the game's building tools than there really are.


This uniquely beautiful bridge is perfect for larger basses

The bridge uses spiraling wood planks to create a unique style

It is difficult to find a large flat plot to build a base. As the builds get bigger, players will often find themselves at odds with the natural landscape around them. This can lead to them having to build ramps or bridges between different heights. Reddit user _-GH05T- Finding a way to turn what might otherwise be an unsightly addition to a base one of its most beautiful features.

_-GH05T-'s bridge uses Smoothed wooden planks spiraling around the outside to create a unique design. Inside, glowing golden mushrooms are used to light the way, giving the whole build a high-fantasy feel. Builds like this inspire players to spruce up the necessary elements of their base to make every inch functional and beautiful. This can help make the need to build a bridge between two points stop feeling like a chore and feel more like an opportunity to express one's creative vision.



A longship rollercoaster is the perfect type of impractical

This image is a massive slide with a boat as a drive car

Practical builds like the Greedwarf Farm or the Gate Hub can be really useful, but sometimes, it's a lot more fun to make something completely impractical. Reddit user Big-syrup9478 Proved this by making a massive slide for their Drakkar, which is the least efficient but most fun way to get a boat in the water. The build is not only impressive because of its height but also due to how functional it is.

Somehow, Large-Syrup9478 was able to make a slide that involved exciting turns without the ship either getting stuck or going over the side. While doing damage to the Drakkar, it doesn't do so much that either it or the slide breaks. It probably took a lot of fine-tuning to create a slide that works like this.

This type of build is inspiring because it opens up a new genre of build. More players will likely want to try Make their own physics-powered rollercoasters using Wallheims ships or carts. It will be exciting to see if players inspired by this build continue to create even more elaborate rides in the future.


The massive Colosseum is also historically accurate

This Colosseum image took heavy inspiration from the design of the real thing

The Colosseum is easily one of the most iconic feats of construction, so it's no surprise to see it recreated in games like Wallheim. However, what is surprising is the level of detail that Reddit users Flierrepresentative977 Put in their version of it. Based their build on an actual cross-section of the Colosseum, FlyRepresentative977 Faithfully recreated the tiered seats as well as the arched hallways below them. Their attention to detail also extended to the Colosseum's interior.

The Wallheim Colosseum has over 9000 functional seats inside. There are also wooden features used to add some visual flair to each level of the Colosseum so it doesn't just look like a big slab of stone. The scale of the structure is impressive and lends a sense of importance to what is happening in the ring. Players looking for the most epic way to conduct PvP fights might want to consider building a stadium like this one.


A Treehouse Village is the perfect way to preserve Valheim's natural setting

The structures are built on trees, giving it a more natural feel

Although much of its landscape can be intimidating and downright scary, Wallheim Also has plenty of natural beauty. While many players may gravitate to building their bases in large open areas, finding a way to incorporate nature into a build can make for a much more interesting home. Reddit user C3SSN4 Showed just how cool this concept could be with theirs Wide tree house village built in a forest in the meadows.

This treehouse constructs most of its structures around existing trees, connecting its platforms with thin bridges. It is reminiscent of fantasy treehouse villages like Lothlórien or even the Ewok tree village from Return of the Jedi. Using primarily wood for its structures helps preserve a more natural feel of the base. The use of spiraling wooden planks to surround certain structures or its campfire is also a beautiful aesthetic touch that adds to its fantastic feel. This base is perfect for inspiring players to work with the natural world around their base instead of destroying it.


A waterfront base has unique advantages

The base includes a protected waterway

usually, Wallheim Bases benefit from being close to the water. Traveling across the seas is essential for finding all the different biomes and locating the different bosses, so a base near the water makes it easier to jump on a boat and go sailing. It's also useful to make sure random enemies don't destroy unprotected boats.

Reddit user Leading_Recovery8768 showed it A waterfront base can be more than just practical; It can also be stunning to look at. Instead of simply building a base near the water, Leading_Recovery8768 created several structures on top of the water, making a waterway that goes inside their base. This not only looks incredible, but also allows boats to be brought up to the main structures.

Having this waterway can make it easier to bring materials from a boat into the storage spaces. Leading_Recovery8768 also includes some creative structures, like their wooden gazebo made of curving planks. This helps to add a lot of personality to the building, which accentuates its unique location.


An early image proves how much can be done with a few elements

This image makes creative use of its limited materials

Wallheim Has added a lot of new crafting options for building houses since the game first came out. The Heart and home This update is primarily focused on adding new construction pieces for players to improve their bases. However, an impressive build from early on Wallheims history shows How much can be done with even the most basic building materials.

Reddit user BeavisXtreme Created a sprawling island base with a main open-air section, an impressive dock and a unique interior with clever design elements like the use of crossing planks instead of normal walls. What makes this build even more impressive is that it was able to be made without all the building updates added later. This is not to say that there is anything wrong with the new building elements, but this build should inspire players to find creative ways to use all the materials available to them.


This mountainside castle has elements of many great buildings

The castle has water access and incorporates the natural landscape

There are many elements that make up a Wallheim Build impressive. Incorporating the natural landscape, with quick access to the water and an impressive pier and simply being aesthetically pleasing. Reddit user NordicBuilder Manages to combine the many desirable traits of an impressive Wallheim Build with very large mountainside castle. Although the build is not yet finished, it is already one of the most impressive in the game.

This large stone castle is built partly in the Mountain Biome, giving it a beautiful snowy backdrop while still being enough in the meadows that players won't have to worry about constantly dying from monsters. It has a gorgeous dock with storage buildings that connect to the rest of the castle, giving players easy access to the sea. The castle is also built in tiers to incorporate the changing elevation of the natural landscape, giving it a unique and interesting shape instead of simply a large stone square.

Sources: amitkilo/reddit, Whiteperson1 / Reddit, huggeddahl/reddit, _-GH05T-/reddit, big-syrup9478/reddit, FlyRepresentative977/Reddit, C3SSN4/Reddit, Leading_Recovery8768/Reddit, BeavisXtreme / Reddit, NordicBuilder/Reddit


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