Marvel Studios had the opportunity to reinvent many underused characters from Agents of Shield In the MCU proper. Between its 2013 premiere and 2020 finale, Marvel Television's Agents of Shield Introduced many brilliant characters to live-action, both those adapted from Marvel Comics and those created specifically for the ABC series. While characters such as Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Daisy Johnson and FitzSimmons received a lot of attention, some others unfortunately fell under the radar, never getting the chance to show their full potential.
Agents of SHIELD's Seven seasons did their best to tie the MCU's official timeline, particularly in its early days, as it connected Marvel movies including The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier And Avengers: Age of Ultron. This suggested that Characters who debuted in Agents of Shield Could have appeared on the big screen, but it never happened. instead, Agents of Shield appears to be de-canonized, giving Marvel Studios the opportunity to reintroduce these characters into the MCU, perhaps with new backstories, relationships, and abilities.
Joey Gutierrez
Joey Gutierrez debuts in Agents Of SHIELD Season 3, Episode 1, "Laws Of Nature"
Juan Pablo Raba first appeared as Joey Gutierrez in the opening moments of Agents of Shield season 3. He was revealed to be one of many new Inhumans who underwent terrigen after consuming fish oil pills that were infused with terrigen in the season 2 finale. Joey was an original character created for Agents of Shieldwho briefly became a member of Daisy Johnson's Secret Warriors, exhibiting the ability to melt metal. Joey was a very exciting character that expanded the Inhumans mythologyBut he left SHIELD shortly before the end of season 3.
In real life, Juan Pablo Raba left Agents of Shield Due to his commitments to Netflix crime drama Narcos. It was a shame that Joey Gutierrez was removed from Agents of Shield After giving very little action. It would be amazing to see Joey reinvented for the MCU, especially if Marvel Studios decides to develop the story of Inhumans in the MCU and maybe even introduce the Secret Warriors, although perhaps with a more comic-accurate line-up. This could create the opportunity for Quake, Yo-Yo, Lincoln Campbell and more to return to live-action.
Eric King
Eric Koenig debuts in Agents Of SHIELD Season 1, Episode 18, "Providence"
Eric Koenig was the first Koenig family member portrayed by Patton Oswalt in Agents of ShieldWith this iteration is seen to be the guardian of Nick Fury's secret SHIELD base, Providence. Oswalt later played Eric's brothers, Billy, Sam and Thurston, and appeared as his grandfather, Ernest "Hazzard" King during Agents of Shield Season 7. Since Eric Koenig only survived for two episodes of Agents of ShieldHis rich Marvel Comics history has been completely altered, giving Marvel Studios huge possibilities for potentially reinventing him for the MCU.
In Marvel Comics, Eric Koenig, first seen in 1966s Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos #27Was an original member of the Howling Commandos during WWII. He was a talented pilot who helped Nick Fury form SHIELD, and remained loyal after Norman Osborn took over SHIELD, decommissioned it and replaced it with HAMMER during Dark reign. There are huge aspects of Eric Koenig's story that have been left out Agents of ShieldAlthough he has turned into a hilarious and mysterious character, so it would be fantastic to see him return.
Isabel Hartley
Isabelle Hartley debuted in Agents of SHIELD Season 2, Episode 1, "Shadows"
Lucy Lawless is widely regarded as wasted casting Agents of ShieldAs she debuted as SHIELD agent Isabelle Hartley in the Season 2 premiere, but died in the same episode. She returned during flashbacks to the fall of SHIELD at the hands of HYDRA and Captain America. She was loyal to Robert Gonzalez as the new leader of SHIELD, and was sent to infiltrate Phil Coulson's faction, forming a team alongside Bobbi Morse, Mack, Hunter and Idaho. Hartley was seriously underutilized in Agents of ShieldAlthough her death was significant.
Isabelle Hartley dies after touching a diviner and gets in a car crash, kick-starting Agents of SHIELD's Inhuman story that would span several seasons. Agents of Shield Could have done as much with Isabelle as the series could, like She was adopted from a small-time SHIELD agent in Marvel Comics, Isabelle, the ex-girlfriend of Victoria Hand - who was relocated to Portland, Oregon, after complaining about director Nick Fury. Marvel Comics' Isabelle is insignificant, but Marvel Studios could recreate Lucy Lawless' Isabelle Hartley to give her a much bigger role in the MCU proper.
Glenn Talbot
Glenn Talbot debuted in Agents of SHIELD Season 1, Episode 18, "Providence"
Appearing in a total of 24 episodes of Agents of ShieldAdrian Pasdar's Glenn Talbot was cleverly used to some extent, but could have been a much more central figure throughout Agents of SHIELD's Run. Talbot is also drastically different to his Marvel Comics counterpart. in the comics, Talbot forms a close bond with General Thaddeus Ross, helping him track down and fight Bruce Banner's Hulk over the years.And even forming a romantic connection to Ross' daughter, Betty Ross, who is played by Liv Tyler in the MCU.
While Marvel Comics' Glenn Talbot has been directly connected to the Hulk's storylines since his debut in 1964's Tales to Astonish #61This is not the case in Agents of Shield. The Marvel Television series starred Glenn Talbot as the villain Graviton, empowered and driven insane by absorbed gravitonium. Talbot sought more power to be able to protect Earth from Thanos, but he threatened the world in the processleading to him being killed by Quake. There's a lot more Marvel Studios could do with Glenn Talbot, so it would be great to see him return.
Hive debuted in Agents of SHIELD Season 3, Episode 5, "4,722 Hours"
The Inhuman Hive, in the body of Grant Ward, was the primary villain of Agents of Shield Season 3, when he returned from his exile on Mavet to take control of the world's Inhuman population and transform all humans into controlled Inhumans. Hive was rewritten in Agents of Shield As the source of the HYDRA origin myth, while in Marvel Comics, Hive was an experiment created to physically embody the ideal of HYDRA. Hive's life story might have made more sense than him being genetically engineered parasites, but he didn't stick around long enough to be fully developed..
Hive is a very interesting villain in Marvel Comics and in Agents of ShieldAnd given HYDRA's long absence from the MCU, it would be great to see Hive return to reinforce the organization in live-action. If Agents of SHIELD's Reinvention of Hive is retained, The villain seen in the MCU could also develop the mythology of Inhumans, who were first officially seen in the MCU with the debut of Black Bolt Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Hopefully, Hive can have more personality and charisma in his possible future MCU appearances.
John Garrett
John Garrett debuts in Agents of SHIELD Season 1, Episode 14, "TAHITI"
Throughout his career in Marvel Comics, since his debut in 1986 Elektra: Assassin #2John Garrett was depicted as a morally gray SHIELD agent, although he was always loyal to SHIELD. in Agents of ShieldHowever, Bill Paxton's John Garrett was a HYDRA soldier who had been working at SHIELD for decadesand was Grant Ward's mentor, who tasked him to join Phil Coulson's team. Over the years, Marvel Comics' Garrett has been transformed into a human cyborg, and a similar story unfolded when he briefly became a version of Agents of SHIELD's Deathlok.
The late Bill Paxton was nothing short of an acting legend, so it was unfortunate that he was given such a small role in Agents of Shield. He left big shoes for any possible future actor playing John Garrett, but it would be great to see the character reintroduced to live-action. Garrett played a role in Marvel Comics Dark reign, civil war And Standoff storylines, so he can be more central to the MCU's narrative than he has been in Agents of Shield. This could even make him his true cyborg self, which would be incredible to see.
Carl Krill
Carl Creel debuted in Agents of SHIELD Season 2, Episode 1, "Shadows"
Carl Creel was one of the clearest cases of Marvel Television trying to make connections between its otherwise disconnected TV shows. Brian Patrick Wade Carl Creel played a huge role in Agents of Shield Like the Absorbing Man, but was also Carl "Crusher" Creel who fought Butlin' JackMatt Murdock's father, on Netflix Daredevil Series. Krill has never been seen in person DaredevilBut since the Netflix series was recently confirmed to be canon to the MCU, Creel's version could easily be brought back into the MCU's future.
Agents of SHIELD's Carl Creel was the subject of one of Baron Strucker's experiments, giving him his absorption abilities. While Wade did a great job of playing Creel over nine episodes, reinventing the character for the MCU, perhaps even in 2025 Daredevil: Born AgainIf more of Matt Murdock's story was explored, it would be a fantastic choice. He formed a romantic relationship with Titania in Marvel Comics, who is played by Jameela Jamil in She-Hulk: LawyerSo the stage may already be set for his official return.
Jiaying debuts in Agents Of SHIELD Season 2, Episode 16, "Afterlife"
Jiaying is an incredible character created for Agents of ShieldAlthough she would later go on to have a very different counterpart introduced to Marvel Comics. like an inhuman, Jiaying has the ability to absorb the life energy of others, so her followers willingly sacrifice themselves for her, keeping her young for decades.. This allowed her to found and lead Afterlife, a secret community in which she supported and trained new Inhumans through the Terrigenesis process, and where her daughter, Daisy Johnson, eventually ended up.
Jiaying was killed while trying to spark a war between the Inhumans and SHIELD, but a character like this - the leader of a hidden Inhuman community - would be incredible to bring into the MCU proper. Reintroducing Jiaying would be a great way to debut Inhumans in the main timeline of the MCU in a meaningful way, since the afterlife would be hidden, similar to Wakanda. Jiaying's debut in the MCU could fill some gaps in the MCU story, expand the Inhumans mythos and open the door for many exciting characters..
Lance Hunter
Lance Hunter debuts in Agents of SHIELD Season 2, Episode 1, "Shadows"
In Marvel Comics, Lancelot "Lance" Hunter is the director of STRIKE, the British equivalent to SHIELD. Marvel Studios made STRIKE a faction within SHIELD, mainly comprising covert HYDRA agents, but Nick Blood's Lance Hunter was still depicted as British in Agents of Shield. In recent years, there has been an unusual focus on stories set in the United Kingdom in the MCU, and even more British heroes have been speculated to debut soon, so It would be amazing to see Lance Hunter reinvented as a key figure in the lives of British superheroes.
Most notably, Captain Britain was recently teased to be joining the MCU, perhaps as a member of MI:13, an agency associated with Lance Hunter in Marvel Comics. It would be great for Lance Hunter to be depicted more faithfully than his iteration in Agents of Shieldwho was a mercenary loosely attached to SHIELD through his ex-cum-rekindled wife Bobbi Morse, a dedicated SHIELD agent. Morse and Hunter are supposed to have an Agents of Shield spinoff series, Marvel's Most wantedWhich never materialized, so they deserve to return.
Bobbi Morse's Mockingbird
Bobby Morse debuted in Agents of SHIELD Season 2, Episode 5, "A Hen in the Wolf House"
To that end, it would also be wonderful to see Bobbi Morse return to live-action. Adrianne Palicki did a fantastic job in portraying Mockingbird in Agents of ShieldAnd the character has since been teased to be reinvented for Clint Barton's wife, Linda Cardellini's Laura Barton. In Marvel Comics, Bobbi Morse is the ex-wife of Clint Barton and the eventual love interest of Ka-Zar, Guardian of the Savage Land. Reintroducing Bobbi Morse to the MCU could create the opportunity for this exciting new location to debut as well.
Bobby Morse, who appeared in a total of 30 episodes, was a major member of the cast Agents of Shield In seasons 2 and 3. However, she still got very little attention in the series, with little of her backstory being explored, and her personality and characterization being more-or-less one-note over, which was disappointing. Mockingbird is gaining more focus in the MCU, whether it's Laura Barton's version of the iconic SHIELD agent or someone new adopting the moniker.
- Release date
September 24, 2013
- Seasons
- Showrunner
Jed Whedon