The Umbrella Academy Ended with its fourth season, but there are a couple of spinoffs that I would like to see expand on this unique universe. Netflix The Umbrella Academy is based on the comic book series by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, but the show took a lot of creative liberties when bringing this world to life. After many twists and turns and several failed attempts to save the world, The Umbrella Academy Ended after four seasons, and although it has full closure to the Hargreaves and Lila, this universe can still expand with spinoffs.
The Umbrella Academy Follows the title team, seven superpowered children adopted by billionaire and scientist Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who trains them and forms a team of superheroes. In the 1st season, they reunited and tried to prevent the apocalypse, a mission they repeated in every season. The Umbrella Academy Season 4 saw the Hargreaves and Lila learn the truth about their origins and their role in the apocalypse, leading them to sacrifice themselves to save the universe. Despite the definite end, The Umbrella Academy Could still expand with some fun spinoffsAlthough not all of them focused on the original team.
The Phoenix Academy
The Phoenix Academy made a brief appearance in Season 4
The Umbrella Academy Season 4 confirmed the existence of a multiverseCaused by the presence of the marigolds on the ground. Merigold's arrival broke the main timeline, branched it and made the multiworm. Also in season 4, Five was transported to a subway station that allowed anyone to travel to other parts of the multiverse. Five and Lila tried to use it to go back in time to stop Ben from going on the mission that would kill him, but they lost.
Five and Lila visit many timelines, including one where Reginald did not form the Umbrella Academy or the Sparrow Academy, but the Phoenix Academy. The team has members from the Umbrella and Sparrow Academies, such as Luther, Diego, Klaus, Alfonso and Fei. There was also a child named Phil, with the power of pyrokinesisAnd the seventh team member is not shown. A spinoff focused on the Phoenix Academy could show how differently they were raised compared to the Umbrellas and Sparrows and how effective the combination of superpowers was.
A sequel with Diego and Lila's first child, Grace
Diego and Lila's children were saved by Lila
Before The Umbrella Academy In season 4, Allison was the only member of the team to have a child, but at the end of season 3, Lila revealed that she was pregnant with Diego's child. Season 4 confirmed that The timeline reset did not affect Lila and she and Diego have a daughter, GraceAnd a couple of years later, they had twins. Season 4 saw the Hargreaves reuniting for Grace's sixth birthday, and when the time came for the Hargreaves' sacrifice, Lila took her family and kids, along with Alison's daughter, Claire, to safety so they could travel to the main timeline.
The Umbrella Academy Season 4 didn't really go into the lives of Diego and Lila's children (Claire was more involved in the story because she was older), so a sequel series after Grace could be interesting to watch. Diego and Lila are certainly not the most conventional parentsEven if they didn't have their powers while raising their kids, and as Claire witnesses the powers of their family, she can change Grace's perspective on the world as she adjusts to not having her parents.
Sir Reginald Hargreeves before he arrives on earth
Sir Reginald Hargreeves came from another planet
Reginald Hargreeves was an eccentric billionaire and scientist, as well as a cruel father figure. Reginald's technology and more were, in large part, because he was not human, which was teased early in The Umbrella Academy. Reginald came from a planet that was destroyedAnd in season 4, it was revealed that his wife, Abigail, is responsible for their planet's destruction after the creation of the marigold and Durango particles. Abigail died while the planet was destroyed, while Reginald freed the marigolds and followed them to Earth.
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Everything else about Reginald's life before his planet's destruction is unknown, including his true form, which was only shown from behind in season 2. A spinoff focused on Reginald's life before arriving on Earth could explain many things about him: his Obsessions, his methods, his relationship with Abigail, and whether the tragedy of their planet and Abigail's death is what made him so cold or he has always been this way.
Klaus' time in the army
Klaus spent some time in the Vietnam War in season 1
in The Umbrella Academy Season 1, Klaus is kidnapped by Cha-Cha and Hazel. When he ran away, he took their bag with him, hoping that he would get the money. Klaus got into a bus and when he tried to open the lock, he was taken back in time. Klaus had no idea that the commission's breakcases were portable time machines, so he found himself in an unknown year and place, in the middle of a war.
A spinoff following Klaus' time in the war could properly develop his relationship with Dave.
It was later revealed that Klaus was transported to Vietnam in 1968, where he was forced to join the war. There he met soldier Dave, with whom he fell in love. Sadly, Dave was killed, and Klaus found his body. A spinoff following Klaus' time in the war could properly develop his relationship with Dave and explore how he deals with the war, as at the time, Klaus was still dealing with substance use disorder.
Lila's chaotic adventures in the 1980s
Lila traveled to the 1980s in the 3rd season
at the end of The Umbrella Academy Season 2, Lila escaped with a briefcase. It was revealed in season 3 that she traveled to West Berlin in 1989. Lila is shown breaking down part of the Berlin Wall, where she found a note from the handler. Lila later joined a band as a drummer and became involved in the punk scene in Berlin. It is there that she met Stanley, who she later brought with her to 2019 to prank Diego by telling him Stan is their son.
Going back to her adventures in the 1980s in a spinoff series could allow the audience to learn a lot more about her without depending on Diego.
Leela's time in the 1980s is not explored and was only briefly shown in a quick flashback sequence. Lila was one of the most chaotic and carefree characters in The Umbrella AcademyAnd settling down with Diego was a major challenge and change for her. Returning to her adventures in the 1980s in a spinoff series could allow the audience to learn a lot more about her without depending on Diego and the rest of the team.
Luther's missions as the only Umbrella Academy member left
Luther was the only member left in the Umbrella Academy for years
years before the events of The Umbrella Academy Season 1, the Hargreaves parted ways and the only one left was Luther. Reginald's number 1 remained loyal to him and continued to go on different missions alone As the only member of the Umbrella Academy. One of the missions left Luther badly injured, and to save him, Reginald injected him with map serum, which turned his torso into an epic and enhanced his super strength.
After that, Luther was sent to the moon, and the rest is history. Except for a mission that nearly killed him, Nothing is known about Luther's missions after the team split up. The Umbrella Academy Didn't even go into detail about what the mission that injured Luther was, so a spinoff series focused on that part of Luther's history could fill in a lot of gaps and answer various questions.
The Hargreaves live in the 1960s
All the Hargreaves moved into the 1960s in Season 2
Unable to stop the apocalypse in season 1, the Umbrellas traveled back in time with Five's help. Season 2 revealed they landed in Dallas, Texas, in different years between 1960 and 1963. The Hargreaves were forced to move on and try to live normal lives the best way they could: Luther worked for gangster Jack Ruby, Alison worked in a hair salon and married Ray, Diego was institutionalized because he was obsessed with stopping JFK's murder, Klaus Formed his own cult (and Ben helped him), and Victor had amnesia.
The formation of Klaus' cult, Luther's involvement with Jack Ruby, and Diego's attempts to stop JFK's assassination would make for a very fun spinoff series.
Because there was another apocalypse they needed to stop and they were all scattered, The Umbrella Academy Season 2 doesn't delve too deeply into their lives in the 1960sBut some would be worth exploring in a spinoff. The formation of Klaus' cult, Luther's involvement with Jack Ruby, and Diego's attempts to stop JFK's assassination would make for a very fun spinoff series and would add a lot more to their stories.
Five work for the Commission
Five years working for the Commission
One of the most intriguing and unexplored storylines in The Umbrella Academy Served five terms on the Commission. When he was 13 years old, Five decided to use his powers to time travel, but he went too far and ended up in a post-apocalyptic world. Five couldn't use his powers to go back in time, and he was stuck in that destroyed future for four decades. One day he was visited by the merchant, who came to recruit him as part of the commission. Five agreed to him and became one of the commission's most skilled hitmen.
A spinoff focused on Five's time working for the Commission could explore the missions he went on, his training and how he figured out how to jump back in time.
Five used his time at the Commission to research more about the apocalypse and how to go back in time to prevent it. Five was on a mission on the day of JFK's death, but it was the day he was finally able to travel back in time. A spinoff focused on Five's time working for the Commission could explore the missions he went on, his training and how he figured out how to jump back in time, along with the many secrets he learned about the organization that one of his variants founded.
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The Sparrow Academy
The Sparrow Academy were introduced in season 3
The Umbrellas were finally able to return to their year (2019) at the end of season 2, but were shocked to learn that it was another timeline. In it, Reginald didn't found the Umbrella Academy: he founded the Sparrow Academy with six other children and Ben, who was alive and well in this timeline. Although all members of the Sparrow Academy got to show their powers at least once in season 3, the team did not last long due to the ball lightning, which killed most of them. At the end of The Umbrella Academy Season 3, only Ben and Sloan are alive.
A spinoff series focused on the Sparrow Academy could show how effective the team was, the missions they were sent on, how they managed to keep Reginald medicated, and more.
Season 3 revealed that the Sparrows had Reginald medicated to tame him, and their dynamic wasn't entirely clear. A spinoff series focused on the Sparrow Academy could show how effective the team was, the missions they were sent on, how they managed to keep Reginald medicated and why, and, perhaps most importantly, What just happened to ChristopherThe only non-human member of the team.
The Young Umbrella Academy
The Hargreaves have been sent on various missions since they were children
A spinoff series of The Umbrella Academy Could go further in the history of the title team by going back in time. Throughout the series, brief flashbacks to the Hagreaves' younger years are shown, but not enough to fully understand what their dynamic was about. It is known that the young Umbrellas found fame as a superhero teamTo the point where a lot of merchandise is produced, and some of their missions are teased in Easter eggs scattered throughout the show.
However, this part of the Hargreaves' story could benefit from a spinoff series. It is already known that Reginald was strict and cruel to his children, Allison and Luther were drawn to each other, and Luther and Diego constantly fought over the team's leadership, but there is certainly a lot more. There's also Klaus' substance-use disorder from a young age, Ben's struggles with his powers, how Victor was made to believe he wasn't special, and Diego's strong bond with Grace, so There is plenty of material in the Hargreaves' past for a spinoff series.