10 TV couples who should have broken up for good

10 TV couples who should have broken up for good

Love it or hate it, romance and characters pairing up is part of the DNA when it comes to TV shows, but there are some TV couples who should have broken up And I got married. Most sitcoms, whether they are fantasy, a musical or even animated, all have one thing in common. There is usually at least one, if not more, romantic couple.

Typically, getting romance in a TV show right is incredibly challenging. For one, the writers and creatives behind the show rarely know how many seasons they will continue to run. When trying to create a perfect romance arc, with friends to lovers, or enemies to lovers, it requires finesse to get it right. However, some love stories go off the rails quickly, with the people involved proving too clearly not ready for any serious commitment.



Amy & Sheldon

The Big Bang Theory

It's easy to see why people think Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler are well-matched. Both are incredibly intelligent and well-educated, they both enjoy obscure hobbies, and they struggle to understand social norms, although both have very different levels of proficiency in this context. However, the surface level similarities are not enough. The show spent a long time establishing how Sheldon is comfortable without romance, but due to pressure from the audience, it felt as if Amy was made purely to be his perfect girl.

However, Sheldon's perfect girl is no one. He has extreme, exacting standards that everyone around him fails to live up to, and it causes him great anxiety, and the occasional moment of growth. When the pair got together, Sheldon met his needs for companionship, and when he didn't need more, he would send Amy away. But this completely undervalues ​​Amy as an individual with her own needs, and it took a long time for Sheldon to even acknowledge that this was important. Realistically, it does not feel like a relationship, and it should have been cut entirely.


Dwight & Angela

The office

Dwight and Angela are two of the most unusual characters in a show about an office full of unusual characters. When their relationship started in The office In Season 2, it was sweet to see the couple get together and enjoy each other, but it wasn't long before things got weird. From Angela's obsession with keeping it a secret, to her publicly getting into seriously committed relationships with other people, things became very problematic, very quickly.

However, even when Angela was engaged to the senator, and later on, Andy Bernard, she continued her secret romance with Dwight. That was a terrible way to manage a relationshipHiding from others, and actively harming people. Unfortunately, the show rewards the shenanigans, and Angela and Dwight get married. That's fine, but it would have been better if they broke up, and then found their way back to each other.


Kurt & Blaine


Happiness is one of those guilty pleasure shows that is ridiculously satisfying. From the nostalgic music, to the drama, and the romance, it ticked a lot of boxes. However, one relationship that really didn't resonate and should have ended for good was with Kurt and Blaine. Not only the couple had some huge incidents that broke down the trust and love in their relationship, but They actively brought out the worst in each other.


Blaine started out as one of the most wonderful, upbeat, gay characters on the show, who literally lit up his entire school. With Kurt he became a whiny, loud, obsessed man-child. While Kurt took time to come out of his shell and feel comfortable in his own skin, letting people in, with Blaine, he generally became a harder, critical and cruel person. Being in a relationship shouldn't make both people worse, so why stop the romance?


Rachel & Ross


His love is selfish, and he is determined to get what he wants

Were they on a break? who is here In any case, Ross and Rachel could not have been a worse match. Ross was another man who had a tendency not to act his age, and despite multiple committed romances playing out throughout the series, Ross was always peering over Rachel. However, his love is selfish, and he is determined to get what he wants, regardless of how anyone else feels. He destroys multiple relationships for Rachel, and despite Joey proving that he was the bigger man, who actually valued Rachel's feelings over his own, Ross jumped right back into dating her without regard for his friends.

Rachel, on the other hand, started Friends Like a spoiled brat who can't survive without other people stepping in to support her. But as she makes progress and matures, chasing romance, a career and the future of her dreams, she is constantly dragged back by the older boy from her high school days who has a long-standing crush. It may feel invigorating and nostalgic, but it's not the relationship that brought out the best in you. This was when she was dating Joey, the playboy who changed his childish ways to step up and meet Rachel where she was.


Arya & Ezra

pretty little liars

There is a long list of reasons why the relationship of the 2010 drama series about teenage girls should never have happened, and when it did, it should have ended, and ended for good. Aria is a 16-year-old girl who attends school at Rosewood High. Currently, Ezra is a 22-year-old man who teaches English at Rosewood High. In many states, this is illegal. But even looking beyond the 6-year age gap that saw an adult in a position of power, and a literal child getting together, There were many more problems that cropped up when Aria got older.

Like the fact that Ezra orchestrated the meeting with Aria on purpose so he could continue writing a secret book about her and the other girls who were close to Alison when she died. Or the fact that he also dated Alison before she died, which would have been another illegal adult-child relationship. The whole thing was messed up beyond comprehension, and they never should have dated, let alone married and lived happily ever after.


Spike & Buffy

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy Summers is the one and only Vampire Slayer, before she is briefly killed and another Slayer is activated at least. Meanwhile, Spike is a famous vampire who has killed multiple Slayers in his lifetime. Despite the apparent conflict in their life goals, somehow, Spike and Buffy find their way into a romantic relationship that spans the entire run of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Yes, they are conflicted, and they acknowledge that it is wrong, but somehow, their love conquers their supernatural differences.

But why? The coupling does not make much sense, and there were many other romantic prospects for both. It doesn't feel natural or normal for the ancient vampire to chase the teenage girl, atone for all his murders, and have a happily ever after...with the Slayer. It's mostly just weird and forced. And Spike was responsible for incredible terror, damage and destruction around Buffy's home. It would have been better to go without the awkward romance.


Stephen & Caroline

The Vampire Diaries

Stephen and Caroline had a moment before Caroline's mother died

Stefan may be seen as the "good" brother by default, but he's arguably worse when he flips his switch and becomes the full-blown Reaper. While everyone in The Vampire Diaries Had reasons to fight and made the choice to forget their conscience for a while, Stephen repeatedly allowed himself to transition back to this terrible state. And although it is always a good excuse, a lot of the time, the reason behind it all can be traced back to him. For example, Stefan and Caroline had a moment before Caroline's mother died.

Although this came at a challenging time, Caroline wanted reassurance that it meant something, and when Stefan left her hanging, at her mother's funeral, she decided to turn off her morality switch. Despite the fact that the switch was turned off, Caroline showed remarkable restraint, and she made it clear that she wanted some time to be free of grief, but if anyone messed with her, she would react badly. Stephen, as he always does, ran head first into this and decided to do what he thought was best. A repeated pattern that showed how short-sighted, and often selfish, Stephen could be.


Ted & Robin

How I Met Your Mother

Ted and Robin are a cute couple who compliment each other and help round out each other's weaknesses, but their relationship has never been romantically good. Both Ted and Robin wanted very different things from life, and this caused them to break up initially. It all made sense, and the couple were able to go and pursue the things that made them happy, like Ted dating Tracy and having children, and Robin marrying Barney and living their child-free career focused lives together.

But when the last episode gave both Ted and Robin a tragic fate with the lives they pursued, such as the love of ​​Ted's life dies, and Robin and Barney split up, HIMYM pushed them back together. But the motivations for their lives never changed. apparently, Robin still wanted to have flexibility and freedom, and Ted still wanted to focus on family. Yes, the kids grew up, so they have less need for their dad to be around all the time, but Ted and Robin still feel incompatible, and it came out of two tragic romances.


Homer and Marge

The Simpsons

Homer and Marge remain happily married, with their children stuck in a time loop where no one ever ages. However, if the clock started ticking, and the couple could take a look back at everything they have gone through, it may not be the happy memories and nostalgia that most relationships hope for. Homer almost cheated on Marge on many occasions. He spends all his time being drunk in the bar, and he physically attacks their son.

Marge, happy in her traditional wifely role, always forgives him, and moves on. However, as much as anyone should side with Patty and Selma, they really do have their sister's best interests at heart. Homer is lazy, thoughtful, and often insincere. This couple doesn't agree at allAnd maybe they want to stay together for the kids, but honestly, the kids would do better to be raised in a home where the relationship fades out of existence.


Haley and Dylan

Modern family

Haley may not be the smartest girl in her family, and she certainly has some sort of attachment issues, but the fact that Haley keeps going back to Dylan makes no sense. Unless she was looking for someone with her father's quirkiness, much, but none of the charm. Dylan is a terrible guy, and it must be said, a terrible singer. Regardless of if the couple were high school sweethearts, Haley would be much happier and more fulfilled with someone else.

In fact, she found others who really helped her come out of her shell, and become the best version of herself. Haley found true happiness and fulfillment when she dated Andy. She was a better version of herself, and she was more confident. However, instead of a happy ending, Haley got stuck with her airheaded ex to live a life of putting up with things that made her miserable. Another victim of a terrible TV romance that should be snuffed out sooner.