Godzilla and Kong have gone head-to-head several times in Legendary's MonsterverseBut there are many other incredible head-to-head titan battles that the connected cinematic universe can explore. The Godzilla franchise, and indeed all of Toho's movie catalog, is based on massive monsters that fight each other with an array of energy blasts, fists and claws. The Monsterverse is done with this as a fundamental aspect of the connected universe, with one-on-one fights and multi-monster team-ups acting as the high points of each movie.
Godzilla and Kong seem to have buried the hatchet for now (pun intended), but there are a number of titans on the surface, deep in the hollow earth, and beyond who may have a bone to pick with one of the planet's Two Alpha Titans. More than a dozen Titans have been introduced into the Monsterverse, and there are many more of Godzilla's nemeses waiting in the wings. Like other Godzilla fans, I want to see some of his classic Toho fights included in the Monsterverse, but I'm even more interested in a few Titan fights that have never happened on the big screen before.
Kong vs Rodan
A showdown between two icons
I count myself among the Godzilla fans who believe that the Monsterverse has already wasted Rodan, and Legendary would benefit from giving the massive pteranodon-like kaiju another appearance. He has already been introduced to Godzilla once (at the end of Godzilla: King of the Monsters) and took on Mothra with mixed results, but I want to see Rodan get a shot at Kong. What makes this matchup so interesting is the difference in fighting styles; Roden obviously uses his speed to perform aerial attacks, while Kong's primary assets are his athleticism and strength.
All Rodan movie appearances |
Roden |
1956 |
Ghidorah, the three-headed monster |
1964 |
Invasion of astro-monster |
1965 |
Destroy all monsters |
1968 |
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II |
1993 |
Godzilla: Final Wars |
2004 |
Godzilla: King of the Monsters |
2019 |
Kong has a history of struggling to overcome flying opponentsWhich may make the outcome much less certain than most would think. Kong has already fought flying titans twice in the Monsterverse, and needed help from humanity to survive both battles. Kong was in trouble against a Warbat in his first foray into the Hollow Earth until the HEAVs intervened, and in the companion graphic novel Royal CongThe massive ape was on the ropes against the demonic Bat Titan Camazotz before Monarch Fighter Jets stepped in. Kong vs. Rodan could be a highly entertaining showdown with no obvious winner.
Mothra vs Battra
The Queen of the Monsters meets her dark reflection
The Monsterverse has already seen Godzilla and Kong take on an evil version of themselves, so it stands to reason that Mothra would be afforded the same opportunity. The Monsterverse's Mothra is a little more terrifying than her Toho counterpartThanks in large part to the massive stinger she is equipped with. This may not be enough for her to defeat her dark rival Battra, a creation of the earth itself who seeks to destroy humanity for everything it has done to the earth. ;
Battra was powerful enough to give Godzilla a real fight in both his larval and imago forms, though he only ever appeared in one movie, 1992's. Godzilla vs Mothra. Battra, known as "The Black Mothra", is not inherently evilBut would still have plenty of reason to go to war with the Monsterverse's Mothra, who acts as a bridge between humanity and Titankind. Their fight would largely take place in the air, and would require Mothra to get creative to offset Battra's deadly prism beams.
Anguirus vs Megalon
A hollow earth clash for the ages
The two monsters have never met on the big screen, but their rivalry makes a lot of sense The two burrowing monsters of the Toho universe. Anguirus species is semi-introduced into the Monsterverse, with at least one skeleton appearing briefly Godzilla: King of the MonstersAnd Megalon makes sense to introduce through the Hollow Earth because canonically he is a guardian monster of an underground civilization, the Seatopians. The two monsters would face off very naturally in the Monsterverse setting, and are evenly matched in weaponry/armor outside of Megalon's "beast killer laser beam" from his horn.
Godzilla vs Gigan
A rematch between Big G and one of his deadliest opponents ever
If Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla are Big G's two biggest rivals, Gigan is number three on the list. The alien cyborg monster features one of the coolest monster designs in any of Godzilla's movies, having gone through several iterations over the decades. He is also responsible for inflicting some of the most gruesome damage on Godzilla Over the years; Thanks to his many bladed attacks, he drew a lot of blood from Godzilla in their first showdown in Godzilla vs Gigan.
With a body covered in sharp edges, supersonic speed and a powerful laser weapon in his head, Gigan is a real threat to the Monsterverse's Godzilla. He is a truly unique opponent for Godzilla, and would present a very real threat to the world if he were to emerge from the cold darkness of space.
Kong vs King Caesar
An evenly-matched battle between two Guardian Titans
King Caesar is historically an ally/adversary of Godzilla, however He actually makes a much more interesting opponent for Kong In the Monsterverse as it stands. Like many of the Titans in the world, King Caesar is canonically worshiped as a guardian deity, and because he requires some form of magic to be awakened, there is a built-in reason he has not appeared in the Monsterverse to this extent. Point. While the ancient shisa kaiju protects humanity like Kong, there are many ways for beef to start between the two.
What makes their fight so interesting is how evenly I think they would be matched up. King Caesar's main asset is his athleticism, unlike Kong; He does not blast lasers or fire from his mouth or eyes, although he is able to redirect energy bursts with his eyes. If the two face off, the Monsterverse could feature an elevated level of hand-to-hand fight choreography that was only hinted at in Kong's first encounter with Scar King in Godzilla x Kong. An extended fight sequence between Kong and King Caesar could be very entertaining from an actual combat perspective.
Shimo vs Spacegodzilla
A crystalline clash of ultra-powered monsters
Spacegodzilla is considered one of, if not the most powerful enemies Godzilla has ever faced. However, instead of Godzilla facing yet another evil version of himself (which was a criticism of the original SpaceGodzilla), why not have him face off with a titan that can provide a more entertaining fight? SpaceGodzilla's control over crystals could make him an interesting foil for ShimoThe ultra-strong ice dragon introduced in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.
Shimo was controlled by a crystal that Scar King used against her until Sukka destroyed it, which creates an interesting connection with Space Godzilla, who uses crystals as shields, weapons and as a power source. SpaceGodzilla's formidable arsenal of attacks could be matched by Shimo's Frost Bite BlastWhich is recognized as the strongest power in the Monsterverse. Shimo vs Spacegodzilla seems like a more fun match to me than Godzilla vs another variation of Godzilla again.
Godzilla vs. Hedora
The defender of the natural order against the manifestation of human ecocide
Hedora is a truly iconic classic Toho villain, and although his original tokusatsu Appearance seems silly, he was a real threat to Godzilla. An updated, Monsterverse-ified Hedorah could be totally cool, especially since he fits so seamlessly into the larger Monsterverse narrative. Godzilla is the protector of nature, and Hedora is the representation of humanity's destruction of the planet; What better reason could Godzilla have to go to war than that? Hedora's power set could make for a fascinating fighter in the MonsterverseEspecially since Godzilla in his current state doesn't have a quick answer for any of them.
Hedora is composed of an acid sludge known as HediumAnd he is able to launch parts of his own body in the form of that sludge, using it to burn or suppress them. In his flying form, he is able to cast a deadly sulfuric acid mist, and in his past form, he is shown to cast a "Hdri" The beam "laser" from his eye. Godzilla is powerful, but he is far from invincible in the Monsterverse. Hedora's attacks could prove devastating not only to Godzilla, but to the world around him, putting some real stakes in their showdown.
Rodan vs Meggirus
A dog-made in the heavens
While the aforementioned battle with Kong would be entertaining, an even better enemy for Rodan would be able to match him in the sky. The insectoid Daikaju Megaguirus possesses a power set that would be particularly effective against RodanAlthough her freer body would certainly even things up a bit. Megaguirus has a stinger that is capable of draining energy, which she is able to redirect into a fireball. She is capable of supersonic speed with apex-level agility to match it, making her extremely difficult to really hit with an attack.
Rodan already had one sky battle in the Monsterverse against Ghidorah, though the fight was brief and not particularly creative. Megaguirus can provide an even more entertaining version of this battle as she and Rodan fight their way across the open sky, as she is a much more natural foil for Rodan than the massive and ultra-strong Ghidorah.
Mechagodzilla vs Jet Jaguar
A metallic melee between robotic rivals
Given that both franchises fall under the Legendary umbrella and focus on massive monsters, fans have long theorized about and wished for a cross-over between the Monsterverse and the Pacific Rim Universe. With Mechagodzilla, Apex Cybernetics introduced the concept of robotic kaiju to the Monsterverse, further opening up the possibilities of a crossover. Digging into Toho study, Jet Jaguar makes the perfect bridge between the two franchisesAnd I want to see him in the monster version - but not against a titan of flesh and blood.
I want to see a Monsterverse-ified Jet Jaguar take on Mechagodzilla. The technology and energy source to make Mechagodzilla work is already in the cinematic universe, so a revamped version of the robot could definitely appear in short order. Monsterverse Mechagodzilla was on the verge of killing both Godzilla and Kong, and probably would have if not for the mind-bogglingly stupid method of interfering with his internal systems. A fast, flying, agile, weaponized Jet Jaguar would give Mechagodzilla a real fightAnd would make for an extremely fun matchup.
Godzilla vs. Destroyah
The king of the monsters against the demon born of the oxygen destroyer
Many Godzilla fans, myself included, Believe that Destoroyah is the "final boss" that the Monsterverse is built towards; He was created by the deployment of the Oxygen Destroyer, which has already happened in the Monsterverse. The ever-evolving crustacean kaiju is positively massive and is among the strongest enemies Godzilla has ever faced. His Toho design is nightmare-inducing, and seeing him fully fleshed out with modern effects in the Monsterverse is an obvious desire for Godzilla fans.
Seeing a max-level Godzilla face off against the most powerful Kaju to ever originate on Earth is the type of battle the Monsterverse deserves as a climax.
Godzilla evolved in the last Monsterverse movie, but he may need to do it again to match Destoroyah. In fact, if Destoroyah begins as multiple creatures before combining to create the perfect form, Godzilla may need to recruit some support from his fellow Titans. To see a max-level Godzilla face-off against the most powerful kaiju to ever originate on Earth is the type of battle that the Monsterverse deserved as a climax.