Doctor Doom is one of the most terrifyingly powerful characters in the Marvel Universe and, therefore, is perhaps the most impressive, as Victor von Doom was born a normal human being. There are powerful characters in Marvel Comics who are superhuman aliens, Earth-born mutants, and literal gods. However, Doctor Doom, someone who should have been considered insignificant in the eyes of the cosmos, has repeatedly proven himself superior to them all.
Doctor Doom's mother practiced witchcraft, and after she made a deal with Mephisto and was taken to hell, Victor made it his mission to save her. Victor was born with a genius intellect, but he also practiced magic like his mother (and as a way to save her). So, throughout his career, Doom mixed magic with technology, making Doom's inventions more impressive than practically anyone else's - and that's where he started. Furthermore, Doom has always found ways to harness supernatural power, including that of even Marvel's strongest gods.
Doctor Doom claimed Mjolnir and wielded Thor's power
Total Avengers #2 by Derek Landy and Greg Land
When the Avengers face an alien queen from a mysterious and sinister race capable of possessing, corrupting, and even splitting the souls of her victims, they have no choice but to seek out the only man they knew could help: the Doctor. Ruin. In fact, Doom fell victim to this cosmic creature, as his spirit was split in two. His “good” half was separated from the “evil,” and while his “evil” half served the queen, his “good” half helped the Avengers.
In fact, this is why Doctor Doom was able to lift Mjolnir in the first place, as the version of him that was helping the Avengers was literally empty of his normal amount of vile treachery. Good thing, too, as this allowed Doctor Doom to claim Mjolnir and wield the power of a god.
Doctor Doom harnessed Dormammu's magic
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 6 #18 by Al Ewing and Juan Frigeri
When Dormammu ventures from his Dark Dimension to the physical plane, he possesses Ego, the Living Planet, and launches an attack on the entire galaxy. This dark magic-fueled attack on the Marvel cosmos became known as the Last Annihilation and could have led to the total destruction of Earth-616. However, Doctor Doom understood the scope of this threat, so he aligned himself with the Guardians of the Galaxy to take down Dormammu.
Doctor Doom also saw Dormammu's threat as a perfect opportunity to drain the demon god's power. Doctor Doom cast a spell on Dormammu that effectively turned his own magic into a weapon against him, and in doing so, Doom kept Dormammu's magic in his enchanted armor - granting Doom access to divine power to use as he sees fit.
Doctor Doom stole Scarlet Witch's life force
Avengers: The Children's Crusade #7 by Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung
After the events of M-Day, Scarlet Witch travels to Latveria and allies with Doctor Doom, and before long the two are engaged and engaged to be married. However, the main conclusion of their alliance was not involvement, but rather the summoning and manipulation of the Life Force. The Life Force is the power of life itself in the Marvel Universe, allowing those who wield it untold magical abilities – and it has focused on Scarlet Witch.
Scarlet Witch planned to use the Life Force to undo M-Day, but the power quickly became too much for her to handle. So Doctor Doom - being her future husband and all - offered to free her from this overwhelming power. Doctor Doom diverted Scarlet Witch's Life Force into his own body, healing his physical appearance while also making him as powerful as a god.
Doctor Doom diverted the cosmic power of Aron the Watcher
Fantastic Four #373 by Tom DeFalco and Paul Ryan
A rogue Vigilante named Aron is fighting Molecule Man who is being controlled by the Puppet Master. Aron is a Watcher who rejected his race's oath to never interfere after being inspired to do so by his uncle, Uatu, following Uatu's interference in "The Coming of Galactus". This battle alerted Doctor Doom to Aron's presence on Earth, as he could track the immense cosmic power wielded by the Watcher.
Doom used his unparalleled technology to find Aron's exact location, before using other technology to steal the Vigilante's power for himself. The power of an Observer is beyond human understanding, which is why they have resigned themselves to merely observing the universe rather than playing a role in it. However, Doom was not bound by such an oath, so Aron's power transformed him into a cosmic god.
Doctor Doom stole the Silver Surfer's board and wielded his cosmic power
Fantastic Four #57 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Just a few months after Galactus trapped the Silver Surfer on Earth, Doctor Doom invites the Surfer to his kingdom in Latveria. Doom asks the Silver Surfer to demonstrate his incredible power, as well as explain his origin. Silver Surfer, believing himself safe from any threat a mere mortal might pose, does as Doom wishes. All the while, Doctor Doom pretends to be a benevolent leader, not the sinister supervillain he really is.
When the Silver Surfer's guard was down, and after Doom learned everything he needed to know about the Power Cosmic, Doom strapped himself to a device of his own creation and stole the Surfer's Power Cosmic - along with his surfboard. This made Doom stronger than ever before, as he wielded the power of a cosmic god.
Doctor Doom took Odin's power for himself (in an alternate reality)
Activision Marvel: Final Alliance (2006)
Doctor Doom's desire for power is not just limited to Marvel Comics, but also other corners of the meta Marvel Multiverse - including video games. In the 2006 Activision video game Marvel: Final AllianceDoctor Doom steals Odin's power (also known as Odinforce) and uses it to completely dominate the world. Those Doom doesn't kill, he corrupts and transforms into his twisted puppets (including Colossus during one of the harshest scenes in video game history).
The heroes (who are chosen by the player) have to use the power of the M'Kraan Crystal and Galactus to stop 'Odinforce Doom', as he has literally become an all-powerful Marvel god. While it may not be Marvel Comics canon, this moment in Doctor Doom's history is certainly worthy of recognition among his other greatest feats.
Doctor Doom is the current sorcerer supreme of the Marvel universe
Blood Hunt #5 by Jed MacKay and Pepe Larraz
When the vampires released a cloud of Darkforce Energy large enough to encompass the entire world, they were free to walk the Earth at any time of day as the world was cast into eternal darkness. This forced Doctor Strange to ask Doctor Doom for help. Doom knew a spell that would eliminate Darkforce Energy, but he would only use it under one condition: Doctor Strange would have to renounce the title of Sorcerer Supreme to him - and Strange accepted Doom's terms.
Doctor Doom fulfilled his end of the bargain and was an integral part of defeating the vampires in the Blood Hunt event. However, since then, Doom has vowed to reshape the world in his image and will use the Sorcerer Supreme's almost unparalleled power to make this a reality.
Doctor Doom stole Galactus' cosmic power
Marvel 2 in one #4 by Chip Zdarsky and Valerio Schiti
The Human Torch and the Thing travel to another universe in search of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, but end up in the wrong universe. However, while on this world, the two members of the Fantastic Four learn a thing or two about Earth's history, including how Galactus was stopped from consuming the planet. In this world, Reed Richards did not stop Galactus with the Ultimate Nullifier. It was Doom who defeated Galactus, using a device of his own creation to take control of Galactus' body.
Doctor Doom effectively became Galactus in this universe, which proved to be scarier than anyone could have imagined. Doom left Earth alone after swearing not to consume it, but the same did not happen to the other planets, stars, and celestial bodies in the universe, as Doom literally "I ate everything else".
Doctor Doom Harnessed the Beyonder's Power
Marvel Superheroes Secret Wars by Jim Shooter and Michael Zeck
When several heroes and villains were kidnapped and brought to Battleworld by the Beyonder in the first Secret Wars event, Doctor Doom refused to see anyone other than the Beyonder himself as his enemy. Throughout the event, Doom attempted to break the veil between the physical plane and the realm of the Beyonders. Then, in the tenth issue, Doom finally succeeds, even though he was initially being utterly demolished by the Beyonder.
However, the Beyonder played into Doom's hands, as he used Galactus' technology to build a device within his armor that could drain the Beyonder's power. He just needed to get close to it for it to work. This resulted in Doom effectively becoming the most powerful being at the time - a god beyond the scope of the Marvel Universe.
Doctor Doom became God Emperor Doom after claiming the power of the Beyonders
Secret Wars (2015) by Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribić
2015 Secret Wars it contained a number of shocking moments that fans are still amazed by nearly a decade later, which isn't surprising given that it's one of the best Marvel Comics crossover events in history. One of the biggest highlights was Doctor Doom himself, who claims the title of God Emperor Doom after siphoning the power of every Beyonder in existence.
Doctor Doom (along with Doctor Strange and the Molecule Man from Earth-616) collected Molecule Men from across the multiverse and 'detonated' them all, directing this detonation directly at the Beyonders. This allowed the Molecule Man of Earth-616 to transfer the power of the Beyonders to Doctor Doom, transforming him into God Emperor Doom - or simply Doctor Doom's strongest divine form in Marvel Comics.