Stardew Valley is filled to the brim with unique content, so much so that there's a good chance players will miss a lot of it even after playing for hundreds of hours. From hidden areas players can unlock to complete features that can be completely missed, fans may not get the most out of theirs Stardew Valley Experience. Fortunately, it's easy to start learning about them and working to unlock them.
There are a lot of hidden features in Stardew Valley Which players won't know about, but many of the techniques and mechanics aren't so much hidden as they are just unexplained. However, they are available for everyone to use, and can actually improve the overall experience. Knowing about the features in Stardew Valley can add a significant amount of game timeOr just give tired players some extra direction.
Holding down the action button with an upgraded tool is more effective
Players can upgrade their tools in Stardew Valley To great effect, making farming, mining, and more significantly easier and more efficient. To upgrade any tool, you must take it to Clint, the blacksmithand hand over five bars of metal and some cash. Once this process is complete, players will have a much better item, with a unique ability that many players don't know exists.
When using an upgraded tool, If the player holds down the action button before using it, they will cover a lot more area. For example, a steel watering can cover five squares instead of one, but will still use the same amount of stamina as if the player had only used it on one square, making it much more effective. Once players learn to use this technique, they can start growing the best crops Stardew Valley Much more efficiently, which will completely revolutionize their farming experience.
Rearranging the artifacts in the museum
It is possible to make the museum less messy
If Stardew Valley Fans find an artifact, they can take it to Gunther's museum to display it in any of the available slots. This can lead to a museum looking just a little messy, especially if the artifacts are not found in any particular order and are therefore placed randomly next to each other. luckily, The ability to rearrange them is introduced to Stardew Valley in a patch.
If players interact with the ledger near Gunther in the museum, they will see the option to rearrange the artifactsAllowing them to organize them as they like. Additionally, the option to rearrange the museum can also be done through the donation screen, with fans able to click and move items around as they wish. This is an absolute game changer Stardew ValleyAnd one that can make the museum a much more attractive place to show off to friends.
Grow Giant Crops
Grow giant cauliflowers, melons and carrots
Growing crops in Stardew Valley Can be a bit difficult, especially if a lot is needed at once. Fortunately, there is a much quicker way of growing crops that speeds up the process by providing the player with much more produce at once. All they need to do is grow giant crops, but, unfortunately, this is not as simple as it sounds, and Only work with certain crops like cauliflower, kiwi fruit, melons and pumpkins.
Players will have a 3x3 patch of one of the aforementioned crops that are fully grownAnd then must water the middle one. Once this is done, there is a small chance that it will transform into a giant crop that will give the player a huge amount of products when harvested. While growing giant crops is just one of the many things that do not make sense in Stardew ValleyIt's still an incredibly effective way to get a lot of crops very quickly.
Fishing for unique decor items
There are unusual fishing locations where players can get decor items
Fishing is an incredibly enjoyable part of Stardew ValleyAnd perfect for players looking to complete some of the fish-focused community bundles. however, There is a way to get unique decor items from fishing and not the bog-standard fish, and that is by finding special fishing spots. There are many across Stardew Valley Vast world, including the pool next to the spa and the community center fountain.
Players can get paintings, quest items, hats, statues and so much more from hunting all the special fishing spots in Stardew Valley. For the most part, any body of water that is not typically used for fishing will net the player a unique number. Fans are encouraged to grab their fishing rods and start casting their lures into every body of water they can find.
Get dumped by every bachelor or bachelorette
Players can be dumped by all boys or girls simultaneously
There is a way to date absolutely every bachelor or bachelorette in Stardew ValleyAlthough it can have some serious consequences. If players raise their friendship level with each bachelor or bachelorette, give them a bouquet after reaching friendship level 8, and finally reach friendship level 10 with all of them, they can unlock a unique cutscene that sees them all dump the player . If the player has been pursuing all the bachelors, once they have reached friendship level 10 with all of them, they just need to go to the Stardrop Saloon.
Similarly, for fans who have reached friendship level 10 with all the Bachelorettes, they need to go to Hailey and Emily's house. however, If the player goes to one of these locations with a rabbit's foot, they will get away with dating everyoneHow a unique cut occurs where the bookkeepers or bejeziners do not care. Of course, players will have to suffer through some of the craziest lines of romance dialogue in Stardew Valley In order to reach the cutscenes, but the payoff is definitely worth it.
Get Blue Chickens
Players can unlock rare blue chickens
Regular chickens are perfectly fine Stardew ValleyBut some players may not know that they can actually unlock blue chickens. These are incredibly rare and require the player to follow specific steps to get them, but seeing them wandering around the farm is incredible. All players need to do is reach Shane's eight-heart eventBecause this teaches that he raises blue chickens.
Once players have completed this event, They will have 25% of getting a blue chicken every time they buy one from Marnie or Luke one from an egg. There is no significant difference between blue and regular chickens beyond how they look Stardew Valley. Nevertheless, it is a pretty amazing sight to see, and a great reward for fans of Shane.
Players can fast travel with their horse on Ginger Island
Bring the horse onto the Parrot Express to have it travel fast
in Stardew ValleyPlayers can ride around Ginger Island with their horses, greatly speeding up the time spent exploring. Additionally, players can use the Parrot Express, a series of small wooden huts found across Ginger Island, to fast travel. however, When players use the Parrot Express to fast travel, they leave their horses behind.
What players may not know is that If they ride the Parrot Express with their horse, they can travel quickly with itAllowing them to continue riding it when they reach their destination. Of course, in order to get the horse to Ginger Island, players will first need to spend their Ki points to unlock the horse flute. However, once they get that, there are many other great things to buy with Ki Points Stardew ValleySo it is important to save them.
Get into the channel
Players can unlock it after donating to the museum
The canal is a unique place in Stardew Valley Which is completely locked away from the player at the beginning of the game. However, fans eager to discover what lies beyond its locked gate can indeed do so, as long as they complete a very long-winded task beforehand. All players need to do In order to access the channel in Stardew Valley 60 items were donated to the museum.
Once players have successfully given 60 items to the museum, they will receive a unique cutscene The morning after. Gunther will appear at the farm and give the player a key that unlocks the sewer gate. Fans can then go straight there and start exploring, uncovering all the secrets and new features.
Unlock the Galaxy Sword, Hammer and Dagger
Get the most powerful weapon in Stardew Valley
The most powerful weapon in all of Stardew Valley is the Galaxy Sword, and similarly, the Galaxy Hammer and Dagger are also incredibly useful. However, unlocking them is quite difficult, even when players have uncovered the method. To get the Galaxy Sword, Fans must first get a Prismatic Shard, then take it to the three pillars near the vendor in Calico DeserH.
After holding the Prismatic Shard in their hand in the circle between the three pillars, they will receive the Galaxy Sword. Once this is completed, Fans can then purchase the Galaxy Hammer and Dagger from the Adventurer's Guild. It's a convoluted method, but one that rewards the player for their time and effort with a truly incredible tool.
Turn children into pigeons
Get rid of children by making them fly away
Having children is a big part of Stardew ValleyAs it allows fans to start a family with their chosen partner. However, for some, it can be a curse rather than a blessing, and overworked digital parents can feel like getting rid of their kids. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on who you ask, It is actually a way to get rid of children Stardew Valley.
If players go to the witch's hut and give a prismatic shard to the Dark Shrine of Selfishness, their children will be turned into pigeons. This will cause them to fly away, permanently lost forever, never returning to the player or being transformed back into children. It is a dark part of Stardew ValleyAnd maybe a feature that most players are not interested in, but one that is still available for those who want to return to their child-free life.