Han Solo is one of the most iconic characters in Star WarsBut there are some things about this colorful character that may not be common knowledge. He first made his introduction when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker hired him to fly them to Alderaan to rescue Princess Leia. After a series of misadventures, Han eventually reveals himself to be a true hero. Han continues to save the day until the end of the series.
Han lived a very full life on the screen Star Wars. From his humble beginnings on Corellia to his tumultuous relationship with his son, Han's life is an exciting element of the series. However, some parts of Han Solo's character can only be found behind the scenes.
Han was partially based on Francis Ford Coppola
George Lucas has inspirational friends
Han Solo's penchant for recklessness and smooth talk may seem like something out of an Old West, but George Lucas actually found this inspiration much closer to home. His social circle included many of cinema's most famous names, and Francis Ford Coppola worked closely with Lucas during his creation of Star Wars.
Lucas' friend admitted that he had a hand in Han Solo's character. According to him, he has a consideration about him that George Lucas likes very much. This led to Lucas introducing Han as a swaggering thug.
He was almost killed off
The original trilogy almost had a tragic end
Star Wars Is no stranger to killing the main characters, having started the adventure with the untimely death of Luke's wise old Jedi master. Han was one of the unfortunate characters on the chopping block during the writing process of Return of the Jedi. His death served as a reminder to the audience of the stakes the characters were facing, but fortunately, Lucas opted for a happy ending for his trio of heroes.
Of course, this eventually came true when Han reappeared Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The brave hero was unhappily beaten by his own son, which destroyed the crowd. Han's death was to inspire his son's redemption, so in the end, his death moved the story forward.
...and Harrison Ford was rooting for Han's death
Fortunately, he had to wait for that
Something that could ease the pain of Han's eventual death in Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is the fact that Harrison Ford himself is always on board with Han's death. He believed that Han's journey from criminal to hero would be best commemorated by giving Han the opportunity to sacrifice himself to save Luke and Leia.
There are persistent rumors that he is tired of being Star Wars fame and wanted to explore his new options as a movie star. Ford, however, also believed that without a family or connection to the Force, Han had a much smaller role in the series and was more expendable than the Skywalker twins.. Thank goodness George Lucas disagrees!
An unknown Harrison Ford beat out well-known actors for the part
It's hard to picture anyone else in the Millennium Falcon!
Star Wars Provided breakout roles for many actors, including the three main stars. This is hardly the case for Han Solo. Christopher Walken and Al Pacino were among the names on the list of actors being considered for the part of Han. Al Pacino turned down the role, claiming he didn't understand the story.
Harrison Ford was not invited to audition, but instead asked to read lines with actors trying out for other roles when he was a carpenter. Immediately, George Lucas felt he had found his Han Solo and put Ford on the short list of options. The rest is history!
Han and Leia were married shortly after the Battle of Endor
The sweetest ceremony you've ever seen
Han and Leia's romance was resolved in Return of the JediBut their relationship seems to have seen many changes by the time the two reunited Star Wars: The Force Awakens. During this time, Han and Leia have a son together, but have not seen each other in many years. This left the audience connecting the dots for quite a few details.
Han and Leia's marriage is finally explored, although it never appears on screen. in The Princess and the Scandal Through Beth Revis, it was revealed that their wedding was officiated by none other than Luke Skywalker. It took place in the 4th Abbey on Endor in Bright Tree Village. Talk about the perfect wedding for Han and Leia!
He ran a racing league
Isn't smuggling a steady career?
After the events of the original trilogy, Han has many adventures. For a time, he found success and fulfillment as a racing pilot. He also spent time managing a team set to compete in the prestigious Five Sabers race.
As a talented pilot, this seems like the perfect career for Han... if Han would commit to an honest lifestyle. This is exactly what he needed after his marriage to Princess Leia. The smuggler has always loved competition and flying, so why not combine his passions?
Early drafts of The Empire Strikes Back included Han's stepfather
One complicated father-son relationship was enough
One of the ideas with George Lucas when he was deciding what would happen during the original trilogy was to bring a stepfather for Han. Lucas was planning to incorporate him through his connections to the Rebel Alliance's fight against the Empire. Han would have to track down the man in order to get crucial information for the rebels' cause.
Ultimately, this subplot pales in comparison to the legendary "I am your father", reveal. With so much family drama brewing in the galaxy, it's probably for the best! Plus, Han's lack of familial backstory made room for 2018's Solo: A Star Wars Story to exist.
He was originally a foreigner
The Hans were similar in name only
Like many other characters in the movies, Han Solo did not start out as the same character who graced the screens in 1977. Lucas' original idea had Han Solo as a slimy green alien who joins Luke after running into him in a cantina. In the early draft, Han was also a Jedi-bendu, a rank of Imperial bodyguard who could use the Force.
After a few edits, Han is completely changed. He became human to avoid being reduced to a sidekick type of character, and his relationship with the Force was completely reversed. Along with his new role as a dirty smuggler, he was more "space cowboy" and less"swamp thing."
Han's gold dice have been in Star Wars since the beginning
More than just a trinket
The gold dice given to Han by his old flame Qi'ra may seem like an unimportant detail added to Han's origin story in SoloBut eagle-eyed viewers can find them hanging out in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon as far back A new hope. They only appear in one scene, but they are visible enough to connect Han's origin movie to the original trilogy.
The significance of the dice has grown in the years since its first appearance. It is still unclear how the events of Solo: A Star Wars Story will affect the Star Wars Franchise in the long run, but the dice are out Star Wars Once before. in Star Wars: The Last JediLuke returns Han's accessory to Leia after their reunion, setting the scene for the following year's Han Solo prequel movie.
Harrison Ford ad-libbed Han's most famous quote
you know?
There are many, many unforgettable lines of dialogue in Star WarsFrom Darth Vader's revelation that he is Luke's father after all to Yoda's challenge to "do" instead of "try". Chief among the most iconic quotes is Han's response to Leia's sudden declaration of love before he is frozen—and perhaps killed—in carbonite.
It's no secret that Ford was less than excited about the dialogue in the Star Wars movies, and he took it upon himself to remedy that when he could. apparently, Han was meant to reply with "I love you too" But Harrison Ford took the liberty of deciding that Han would say something else in the midst of such a dramatic moment. By replying with, "I know" Han Solo Is retaining his "cool guy" demeanor while still responding with sincerity.