Sir Yoda is one of the most iconic characters in Star WarsBut there are still quite a few things about him that make no sense. Since he debuted in The empire strikes backYoda was a crucial part of several different ones Star Wars Movies and shows. It's partly because of how much he's featured in the franchise, and other iconic things, like Yoda's greatest quotes and the fact that he's one of the most powerful Jedi ever, that he's become such a symbol of the franchise as a Complete. Even though he is an incredibly visible and recognizable figure, Yoda still has some secrets.
Yoda had an incredibly long life, and he was present for most of it Star Wars Timeline that has been explored so far. Although this gave him many chances to be included in Star Wars stories, it also means that there are several centuries of his life that the franchise has not delved into yet. The gaps in Yoda's story, along with some of the confusing decisions he made in the movies, mean there are at least ten confusing things about the famous green Jedi.
Why is Yoda surprised by the Sith's return in The Phantom Menace?
Yoda knew about the stranger only 100 years before, and the acolyte won't have answers
One of the latest additions to the list of confusing things about Yoda is his cameo The acolyte. At the end of the series, Vernestra Rwoh seemingly tells Yoda everything that had happened between Sol, Mei and Osha, and the stranger. However, because Vern had told Yoda about the stranger, he should have been able to realize that the Sith had returned much faster than in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. There is still room for Star Wars To explain this particularly confusing part of Yoda's story, but it seems that the explanation is a long way off.
unfortunately, The acolyte Season 2 was cancelled, so it's unlikely Star Wars Will reveal just how much Yoda knew about the return of the Sith soon. Until a new comic or novel reveals what Yoda knew about the alien, it will remain a mystery that he was surprised by the return of the Sith just 100 years later. Meanwhile, it seems that there is no explanation why Yoda did not believe in Qui-Gon Jinn The Phantom MenaceAnd why didn't he realize that Darth Maul was a Sith apprentice.
How many coverups has Yoda been a part of?
Yoda was involved in at least two major Jedi conspiracies
Yoda's knowledge of Vernestra's cover and the stranger seems like a break from his character, but it's actually very fitting. The acolyte Actually marked the second major coverup that Yoda was directly involved in, with the first coming from even earlier in the High Republic era. When the Nameless first appeared, Yoda and Creighton Sun agreed to leave them out of the Jedi Archives, effectively hiding them from the rest of the Jedi Order.. The fact that Yoda was a key part of two Jedi conspiracies begs the question of how many others he was involved in that haven't shown up yet.
Yoda's involvement in the coverups of The Name and The Stranger is definitive proof that he was willing to hide things for the good of the Jedi Order. This, coupled with the fact that there are still several centuries of Yoda's time on the Jedi High Council that haven't been depicted in canon yet, means that there was ample opportunity for him to hide even more skeletons in his closet.. There is no telling what Yoda was involved in, or what kind of dangers he just brushed aside instead of dealing with directly.
Yoda's speech patterns still make no sense - despite the explanations
No one else—even older characters—speaks like Yoda does in Star Wars
One of the most iconic parts of Yoda as a character is his strange way of speaking, where he sometimes switches the clauses of his sentences. Star Wars Tried several times to explain the instantly recognizable way Yoda speaks, but all the explanations fall short. Frank Oz, the original voice of Yoda, claimed that he spoke this way in honor of his Jedi master, while others speculated that he was simply using an ancient dialect due to his age. Both of them sound plausible, but they fall apart under scrutiny.
If Yoda's speech patterns were meant to honor his late master, it would have gone against Jedi teachings. The Jedi were taught that they should accept death, as they believed that those who died simply became one with the Force. Yoda honoring his master for centuries after his death should be seen as an unhealthy emotional attachment. Someone should have tried to dissuade him from continuing it years before the Skywalker saga.
On the other hand, if Yoda really was using an ancient dialect, others Star Wars Characters should also have spoken like that. The Hoyang and the Bendu, for example, are several thousand years older than Yoda, but they speak normally. On top of that, Yoda was born only 400 years before Phase II of the High Republic, but no one spoke remotely like him. If the galaxy had gone from Yoda's way of speaking to the normal speech patterns of Star Wars In just 400 years, it would be considered a truly massive linguistic shift, and one that has never been repeated.
How many lightsabers did Yoda have?
Yoda has at least three lightsabers in Star Wars canon, and possibly more
Yoda lived an incredibly long life - to around the age of 900 - but it still seems like he wielded too many lightsabers over the course of his Jedi career. Yoda has at least three light sabers at the time: he has one off in Star Wars: Young Jedi AdventuresOne was destroyed by Mas Amedda after Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the SithAnd Luke Skywalker has one to grapple with The Book of Boba Fett. These are just the lightsabers that Yoda is confirmed to have, and he could easily have had more in the 700 years of life he lived before the High Republic era.
Many letters in Star Wars Had multiple lightsabers: Anakin Skywalker had two while Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke and Rey all used three. What differentiates them from Yoda, however, is the fact that Yoda was known for his wisdom and responsibility. Many of the characters with multiple lightsabers have so many because they lost or broke multiple blades. Yoda seems more responsible than that, so it's strange that he went through so many. There are other aspects of Yoda's lightsabers, such as why he brought one to Dgobah despite vowing not to use it, that make his blades even more confusing.
Why did Yoda age so quickly after the Clone Wars?
Yoda went from acrobatic warrior to dying of old age in about 20 years
Yet another confusing part of Yoda's transition from the prequel trilogy to the original trilogy is his age. During the prequel trilogy and The Clone WarsYoda was a powerful warrior and a skilled acrobat. He was capable of amazing physical feats, from dueling Sith Lords to taking out entire squadrons of battle droids. by Return of the JediHowever, just a little more than 20 years later, Yoda was ready to die of old age. It makes no sense that someone as long-lived as Yoda could age so quickly, going from fighting evil to dying of natural causes in such a short time.
Yoda's rapid aging makes even less sense because of another character: Grogu. The Mandalorian Made a point of claiming that Grogu was 50 years old at the start of the show, and despite living for half a century, he is still very early in his development. If it took Grogo more than 50 years to grow out of childhood, why didn't it take longer for Yoda to truly grow old?? Yoda's age has affected him for a while, but even so, going from backflips to a deathbed in about 20 years is a sign of incredibly fast aging.
What species is Yoda, and what is his home planet?
Yoda, Yaddle and Grogu are members of a mysterious alien race
Yoda's life cycle isn't the only confusing thing about his species. Since Yoda debuted in The empire strikes backjoined two more members of his species Star Wars Canon: Yadle and Grogu. Although there are currently three known members of this species, almost nothing is known about them. Apart from the life cycle, Star Wars Has yet to discover the name, home planet, culture or anything else about Yoda's species. It's not even clear if members of Yoda's species are especially Force sensitive or if the three known members are rare exceptions.
What makes the lack of information about Yoda's species even more confusing is the fact that Star Wars is usually incredibly detailed. Almost every species in the franchise is meticulously defined. Even the most obscure species in Star WarsThe Dor Namethians have a home planet, well-defined biology, and an established history. Yoda's species, however, is considered mysterious. Although this was probably a purposeful decision by Star Wars To keep Yoda's mystique, it's confusing nonetheless.
Why did Yoda appear to Luke Skywalker on AHC-Tsu instead of Obi-Wan?
Obi-Wan was Luke's first mentor and father figure
One of the best scenes in Star Wars: The Last Jedi was when Yoda's Force ghost visited Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To. Although it was a great scene of Yoda dispensing wisdom and guiding his final student one last time, it was also a bit confusing. It doesn't make sense that Yoda went out to Luke on Ahch-To instead of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan was Luke's first mentor and his father figure, and he has guided him as a Force ghost since the original Star Wars. It would have been much more powerful for Luke to see Obi-Wan instead of Yoda, but it didn't happen.
In the second installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, General Leia Organa leads the resistance forces against the First Order. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker struggles to come to terms with his past failures, while Rey urges him to train her in the Force and join the Resistance. Culminating in a massive battle between the two armies, The Last Jedi raises the stakes of this intergalactic war, and sees the final fight of one beloved character.
- Release date
December 15, 2017
- Figure
Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, John Boyega, Adam Driver, Andy Serkis, Lupita Nyong'o, Anthony Daniels, Gwendoline Christie, Kelly Marie Tran, Laura Dern.
- runtime
152 minutes
- Budget
$317 million
There were some obvious real-world reasons The Last Jedi Including Yoda instead of Obi-Wan. Alec Guinness, the actor who played Obi-Wan in the original trilogy, has been dead for over a decade, and there may be some hesitation to use Ewan McGregor instead.. The sequel trilogy tried, largely, to distance itself from the prequel trilogy, and McGregor would have gone against that goal. Yoda is also a much more immediately recognizable figure, and he is more closely associated with wisdom and guidance. Real-world issues aside, it's still strange that Obi-Wan didn't have anything to say.
Why did the Force Priestesses want Yoda to become a Force Ghost?
Luke Skywalker became a Jedi long before Yoda died
Star Wars: The Clone Wars It did quite a bit to clear up some of the questions left unanswered by the main Skywalker saga movies, but it also introduced a particularly confusing part of Yoda's story. in The Clone Wars Season 6 Yoda learns the secret to becoming a Force ghost after Qui-Gon Jinn tells him to meet with the Force Priestesses. The Force Priestesses mentioned that Yoda would be given "the great gift" for training Luke Skywalker as a Jedi, but it is far from necessary for him to become a Force ghost to finish training Luke.
The animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars takes place between episodes 2 and 3 of the Star Wars film saga. The fan-favorite series expands the story of the prequel trilogy through characters including Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano and more fan-favorite Jedi.
- Figure
Matt Lanter, James Arnold Taylor, Ashley Eckstein, Dee Bradley Baker, Matthew Wood, Tom Kane, Catherine Taber, Terrence Carson, Corey Burton, Nika Futterman, Katee Sackhoff, Sam Witwer.
- Release date
October 3, 2008
- Seasons
While The Clone Wars' story arc helped explain why Yoda could become a Force ghost, it didn't explain why he needed to learn the skill at all. Luke completed his training long before Yoda died, and Yoda didn't do much as a Force ghost after that. He only did a few things like pester Palpatine, attend Anakin's funeral, and talk to Luke on AHC-TO, most of which Obi-Wan could do. Becoming a Force ghost wasn't critical to Yoda's mission, so it's odd that Qui-Gon pulled him out of the middle of the Clone Wars for this..
Yoda's "good relations" with the Wookiees makes no sense
How did Yoda and Chewbacca become close personal friends?
One of the least yet most confusing parts of Yoda's backstory is his relationship to the Wookiees. in Revenge of the SithYada agreed to defend Kashik because he had "Good relations with the Wookiees." Yoda's quote has since become a bit of a meme because there was no setup for it. Yoda had never been seen on Kashik before this moment, and he had only been to the planet a handful of other times. What makes this relationship even stranger is the fact that Yoda seemed to be extremely close to Chewbacca, even telling him that he would miss him.
Star Wars Briefly explained why the Wookiees had such a high opinion of Yoda. A sourcebook called "Star Wars: Complete Locations"Remember that Yoda served as a negotiator between the Wookiees and the Trandoshans, their ancestral enemies, and his work earned him a positive reputation. That doesn't explain why he was close personal friends with Chewbacca. The fact is that Yoda's relationship with Kasheik was only a ploy to let Chewbacca meet Yoda and highlight the planet, and it was only explained a decade after the fact.
How can Yoda not see that Anakin Skywalker has fallen to the dark side?
Yoda didn't need the Force to see that Anakin was changing
The prequel trilogy went to great lengths to explain how Yoda's connection to the Force was clouded by Palpatine and the dark side. While this explains how they were unable to tell that Palpatine was Darth Sidious, it does not explain why Yoda could not see that Anakin Skywalker was about to fall to the dark side. Even without a clear view of the Force, Yoda should have been able to tell that Anakin was in a dark place mentally and emotionally. They had multiple conversations where Anakin expressed his anger, pride, and emotional attachments, and they should have been huge red flags for Yoda.
The obvious about Anakin showing his growing darkness aren't the only reason Yoda should have recognized where he's headed, though. There was perhaps no one in the entire Jedi Order better positioned to foresee Anakin's fall: Yoda was the oldest and wisest Jedi, and he had a personal connection to Count Daku, another Jedi who fell to the Dark side. Even if the rest of the Jedi missed Anakin's growing darkness, Yoda Should have noticed, but he didn't.