KonoSuba - God's blessing on this wonderful world is one of the funniest iskai animes out there. It features one of the best main characters in Isekai in Kazuma Satou, a carefree character who would rather run from his responsibilities than face them. With friends like Darkness, Megumin, and Aqua, it's not hard to see why. The world of Konosuba is filled with powerful enemies, great magical abilities and some of the strongest characters around. While Kazuma and his party have defeated most of the Devil King's generals, there are still a few evil-ish characters lying around that could cause them trouble.
While Konosuba Not a series that focuses on power or strength, there are still a handful of characters that stand out for their incredible abilities. Konosuba Easily ranked among the best fantasy iskai anime of all time, so it's no wonder that some of its characters would possess some truly powerful magic.
Iris stylish-sword Belzerg
The first princess has divine treasures galore
As the first princess of Belzerg, Iris has a wealth of powerful divine treasures at her fingertips. Her royal family is responsible for summoning heroes like Kazuma to her world, and when they do, they usually arrive with powerful cheats given to them by Aqua. Her something-caliber sword is one of the strongest in the series, protecting her from any debuffs that might come her way. She also has the Sacred Lightning Blare, which summons a powerful balm of lightning and a gust of wind strong enough to mow down an army of golems.
Although Iris is still only a 12-year-old girl, she has had some of the best training her world can offer her since she was a child. She is now level 60 and has the equipment to back up her power. When she is fully grown, she will be able to get the most out of her divine treasures and defeat almost every enemy that comes her way.
The goddess of happiness
Eris hasn't had a chance to put most of her pious powers on display, but she doesn't really need to. As the goddess of happiness, she controls her life with ease. She can see everything that happens in the world below her, can stop herself from aging, and even brought Kazuma back to life on multiple occasions. When she comes to the mortal world, she does so as a thief named Chris. Her luck skill is so high as a mortal that her adventurer card glitches when it tries to display it.
As a Goddess, Eris has access to Holy Magic that can both buff her allies and debuff her enemies. Some of her strongest buffs include Haste, which improves speed, Power, which increases strength, and Blessing, which increases luck. Although Eris may not have a limit to how many times she can revive Kazuma, she may get tired of bringing the clumsy character back to life so many times.
Kyouya Mitsurugi
The Wilderness of the Cursed Sword
If Kazuma Satou is a hero reincarnated in a new world with an absurdly high luck stat, Kyouya Mitsurugi is the opposite. He is a traditional soldier-looking character who wields one of the most powerful swords in the series in the Cursed Sword Gram. The Cursed Sword Gram is a divine treasure given to Mitsurugi by Aqua. It has the unique ability to cut through any material, and because it is a powerful sword that chooses its master, only Mitsurugi can use it.
Mitsurugi's class is Swordsman, allowing him to use the powerful Rune of Saber ability To cut through his opponents magic as well as physically. Unfortunately for Mitsurugi, Kazuma has his number. Kazuma always has the upper hand over Mitsurugi, either stealing his powerful sword or freezing him in place against the sword-user's will to easily defeat him.
Kazuma Sato
The happiest adventurer in Belzerg
Kazuma Satou is not a strong character in Konosuba on its surface. He is a sad, fearful hero who wants nothing to do with the responsibility that has been placed on him. Although he may not have the ability to defeat his opponents in a single blow like Aqua, he is one of the smartest Isekai main characters around, and he is always one or two thoughts away from winning a fight. His sniping skills are one of his best, allowing Kazuma to draw his bow back and send a deadly arrow at his opponents.
Outside of archery, Kazuma is a great thief-class character who can steal important items from his enemies in the heat of battle. He even uses his opponent's knowledge of his thieving skills to trick them into letting their guard down, as he faces a steal only to freeze his opponents. With Darkness, Aqua and Megumin with him, Kazuma is almost unkillable. Thankfully, if he dies, Eris will give him another chance.
The ice witch of the Devil King's army
Wiz is an immortal lich in Konosuba, But she doesn't look like that. Wiz looks like a normal, nice lady who runs a simple shop in Axel. actually, She was one of the Devil King's generals in his army, earning the formidable moniker of Ice Witch In her time. As an undead lich, Wiz has access to a litany of undead abilities that give her a lot of power. One of her most powerful abilities is Drain Touch, where she can drain her target's life force and add it to her own simply by touching them.
She can also use teleportation to teleport herself and her allies a great distance. Her abilities to create golems and mud walls are also always useful in battle. Wiz can also use the Advanced Magic Spell Bottomless Swamp to trap her opponents in a deep, gooey mess That makes them vulnerable to all types of attacks.
An advanced Magic Master
Union would be a great help to Kazuma's party if he let her in. If it wasn't for Megumin's explosion magic, Union would probably be the most powerful crimson demon there is. Yunyun knows three levels of magic and can use them all effectively. She can create a stream of pure water with her Basic Magic, can shoot giant fireballs with her Intermediate Magic, and can even cast Some of the most powerful spells in the series with her Advanced Magic.
Although Yunyun is one of the strongest characters in the series, she can still get embarrassed. One of the funniest moments in Konosuba Happens when Union is with her rival Megumin at Wiz's shop. They use one of her artifacts to try to mend their friendships, only to expose their embarrassing pasts to all of Megumin's allies.
Megumin can use the most powerful magic in KonoSuba
Megumin is one of the few users of one of the most powerful magical abilities in Konosuba. Her explosion magic is feared by allGiving her the power to create a single explosion of nearly immeasurable power wherever she chooses. It is so powerful that once she casts it, she nearly passes out due to exhaustion, forcing one of her party members to carry her back home. She is her party's biggest weapon due to a single spell. Although she is incredible on the offensive front, her defensive abilities are lacking, yet again forcing her teammates to compensate for her.
But that's what a team is for, like Darkness' hyper-defense is only complemented by Megumin's pure-offensive explosion magic. As a crimson demon, Megumin has extremely high intelligence and has access to a huge pool of mana as well.
A water goddess with god-dear punches
Aqua is one of the funniest characters in Konosuba, And that's no small feat because the series is one of the funniest anime series out there. She is a god who was brought to the living world unexpectedly, and luckily for Aqua, She brought all her pious skills with her. While she spends most of her time drinking or trying to make Kazuma go and fight the Devil King, she is capable of some of the most powerful moves in Konosuba. Her god moves are always animated beautifully, highlighting how great Konosuba Art style and direction are.
She specializes in healing her allies, supporting them with powerful buffs and the best anti-demon magic in the series. Her two strongest god moves are god blow and god requiem. God Blow is a powerful punch that Aqua throws with all her rage and sadness behind it. It can cleanse demons and the undead in an instant, just like her God Requiem. The Requiem is a hook variant of the God Blow, where Aqua transfers her love and sorrow into her opponent with a decisive blow.
One of the seven archdemons of Hell
Maxwell is a mysterious character in season two of Konosuba. He was the Archduke of Hell powerful enough to manipulate the events of the series behind the scenes. When Vanir finds him, he is able to free his fellow Lord of the Underworld from his captivity. Maxwell is known as the "warper of truth", with his powers allowing him to reshape reality itself. His powers of adjustment give him the ability to adjust people's perception, making them think events are happening that simply aren't.
He is also able to cast powerful curses. His curses are so strong even the strongest priests cannot break them and it takes a living god in Aqua to take them apart. Maxwell is an AF character and this is probably the best. His ability to rewrite the world around him is easily one of the strongest in the series.
Rumored to be stronger than the Devil King himself
Vanir is easily the strongest character in Konosuba, and It's not even close. He is a former general of the Devil King's army and one of the few Arch Dukes of Hell. He was rumored by the Devil King's own army to be stronger than the Devil King himself And it's easy to see why. Vanir is incredibly smart, manipulative, and has some of the most overpowered abilities in the series. He can look into people's minds and see both the future and the past, can possess people if they wear his mask, and can create spare bodies from the dirt in front of him.
He also has a bunch of Vanir-style moves that can instantly kill his opponentsAs long as they are not Wiz or Darkness. His Vanier-style abilities include the Killing Ray, Eye Beam, and Destruction Ray. Kazuma and his party are lucky to kill the Arch Duke the first time, and thankfully, he seems to be fighting for Konosuba Ok guys, at least for now.