Hunter x Hunter Is One of the most beloved Shun series of all timeMaking a name for itself thanks to its gripping story, rich world-building, and some of the most intimidating villains in anime. Each villain brings something new to the series, making the protagonists stronger if they want to have a fighting chance.
There are two main groups the villains of the series come from: the Chimera Ants or the Phantom Troop. The Chimera Ants are a chimera hybrid of humans and dangerous insects focused on conquering the planet. The Phantom Troupe is a group of dangerous thieves and murderers who do whatever they want with no regard for their collateral damage. No matter if a villain is an ant or a spider, they are some of the strongest characters in the entire series.
Nobunaga Hazama
The Yaido master is cruel
Nobunaga Hazama is the swordsman of the Phantom Troop. He has mastered the Japanese martial art Iaido, Give him the ability to cut down anyone who steps in his range. He helps capture Gon and Killua when they're going after some Phantom Troop members and does a decent job of watching over the two while they're under his custody. Although not many of his Nen abilities have been shown, if he is a Phantom Troop member, they are probably incredibly powerful.
Nobunaga is willing to go toe to toe with any of his fellow troop members. When Gon and Killua are threatening to escape custody, he has no problem slicing them to pieces. He is fast, ruthless and deadly. Nobunaga is one of the few characters in the series to have supernatural perception, which gives him the ability to see things before they happen.
The physically strongest of the Phantom troupe
Uvogin is the strongest Phantom troupe member physically. His Nen type is Enhancement, giving Uvogin the ability to increase the strength of his attacks significantly. He is a walking one-man soldier and a serious threat to whoever he is fighting against. His powers were put on full display when Uvogin took on the four shadow beasts at once. Porcupine, worm, leech and rabid dog were all supposed to be formidable enemies, but to Uwogin, they were not much more than a warm-up.
Each of them tried to attack the phantom troop, and they even attacked it together a few times, but nothing worked. Uvogin used his wild strength to charge Worm with his Big Bang Attack. He then bit a portion of Lich's skull right out of his head, before spitting it like a bullet at Rapid Hound's head. Porcupine gets the most brutal death of all, viz Uvogin simply screams loud enough to kill the poor shadow beast.
Phoenix Magcub
Finks destroys a chimera ant with a single blow
Finks is another enhancement type user and one of the smarter Phantom troupe members. He does not have the wide aggressiveness that dominates Ovogin. Instead, Phinks is a forward-thinking troupe member who has plenty of pride. His Nen ability allows him to increase the power of his punches by rotating his shoulder. By rotating it a few times, he can punch through a whole chimera ant as if it were water. When the Chimera Ants arrive at his home from Meteor City, Finks puts a stop to them.
Phinks is a forward-thinking troupe member who has plenty of pride.
He destroyed Gorilla without much effort and was excited to fight even more ants as the battle progressed. When the transformed residents of Meteor City found the Phantom troupe member, they asked that he be brought to justice. Finks refused their request and made them remember their giant roots. He then happily fought the Moors, killing them with a smile on his face.
shayapuf (poof)
Poof can give anyone a NEN ability
Shaiapouf, otherwise known as Pouf, is one of the three royal guards in Hunter x Hunter. He is tasked with protecting the king of the chimera ants, Meruem. Pouf differs from his other royal guards in that his abilities stretch well beyond the battlefield. Although he is not the strongest Royal Guard, he may be one of the most important. He was given the important task of decorating Meruem's subjects with Nen abilities, a power that no one else in the series has.
Besides giving other people new abilities, Pouf can control individual cells in his body. He can break down to the smallest levels possible and make multiple copies of himself as well. He can control his copies, sending them in different directions across the battlefield. He can also mimic other characters in the series, changing his face and voice to manipulate his enemies and his allies.
Fight Porto
Pain Packer and Rising Sun are too strong
Feitan Portor has an insane ability. He is one of the few Phantom Troupe members whose power is shown in Hunter x Hunter. When the Chimera Ants arrive at the Phantom Troop's home base of Meteor City, Feitan faces their boss Zazan in style. The chimera aunt initially has the upper hand on the troupe member, but once she seriously hurts Peyton it's too late. She angered him by breaking his arm and getting in his face to use one of his most powerful abilities.
Feitan summons a heat-resistant robe called Pain Packer, allowing him to withstand incredibly high temperatures. Once his robe is on, he then creates a mini sun in the air, detonating it like a bomb. The heat sees his enemies and his allies alike, causing his fellow troop members who were watching the battle to run away in fear. He then makes fun of Zazan for not living up to his skill, saying It was on the weak side anyway.
Menthuthuyoupi (Youpi)
A true monster of the chimera ants
Menthuthuyoupi isn't the smartest of the Chimera Ants Royal Guard, but that's what Pitou and Pouf are for. Youpi is the tallest of the three, and transforms his body into whatever shape he needs To be to defeat his and Merem's enemies. When the Extermination Squad breaks into the Ant's base looking for a fight, they first find Youpi. He's a threat that takes multiple fights to take down, and even then the Ant only dies due to the poison of Isaac Netero's Poor Man's Rose Bomb.
Youpi constantly became stronger during the Chimera Ant arc. He discovered his Rage Blast ability and used it to blast himself and his opponents with ease. When he was filled with rage, he was able to enter his rage incarnate mode, Transformed into a deadly centaur-type creature with a dagger in his right hand.
Neferpitou (Pitou)
Pitou controls life and death with ease
Neferpitou is one of the most intimidating villains in Hunter x Hunter. Her expression never affects her opponent, and she is able to kill her opponent in an instant. Her abilities are all very creepy tooImpersonate clowns or other masked figures in an attempt to lower your opponents' guard or simply scare them. When Gon and Killua met
Kite, they found hope in the fight against the chimera ants. He was one of the strongest hunters they had ever met.
Neferpito made Kite a lover. She immediately cut off his arms before the fight even started and ended it by decapitating him. If it wasn't for Gon sacrificing his future to gain the power needed to kill her, Pito could have changed the Chimera Ant War. Her fight with Gon is one of the best moments of all Hunter x Hunter.
Hisoka tomorrow
Hisoka is as smart as he is deadly
Hisoka is a very interesting character in Hunter x Hunter. He is seductive, incredibly terrifying when he wants to beAnd easily one of the strongest characters in the series. He doesn't kill Gon and Killua because he wants them to get as strong as possible one day. He's only in the Phantom Troop for the same reason, hoping to take on Chrollo in a one-on-one battle.
While his strength and killer instinct make him a deadly foe, Hisoka's ability to trick his enemies is probably his strongest. He is always one step ahead in every situation, Make his enemy feel safe when they really shouldn't. Even if Gon was able to land a clean hit in their fight, it didn't really make much of a difference.
Chrollo Lucilfer
The leader of the Phantom Troop
Chrollo Lucilfer is The most mysterious character in Hunter x Hunter. Not much is known about the enigmatic leader of the Phantom Troop other than that he is very, very powerful. His Nen ability, Skill Hunter, allows Chrollo to steal other people's Nen abilities. Then, he can reach his book, Bandit's Secret, and use them as he pleases. He is even so powerful that he can use two separate stolen Nen abilities at once. When the Zoldik come to kill him, they have their hands full.
Chrollo is able to fight two of the strongest assassins in the world while trying to steal one of their abilities. The leader of the Phantom Troop is a genius on and off the battlefield. He is the founder of the troupe and, like Hisoka, is always one step ahead of his enemies. Charolo's plans go so smoothly, people might think he can see the future.
The King of the Chimera Ants killed Isaac Netero
This may not come as a surprise to fans of the series, however Meruem is in a league of its own Hunter x Hunter. The Chimera Ant King was born to be on top of the food chain and never had anyone threaten his position. Meruem is so strong that he did not use special Nen abilities. His power was simply to become stronger by eating his opponents and wanted to create an army of strong humans just to have a stockpile of food to eat.
This may not come as a surprise to fans of the series, but Meruem is in a league of its own Hunter x Hunter.
When he fought Isaac Netero, he was almost indestructible. The chairman of the hunter's association hit the ant with his strongest skill, and he barely scratched him.. He picked Netero apart limb by limb before learning what the old man's true intentions were. Meruem was killed by radiation poisoning caused by a miniaturized nuclear bomb hidden in Netero's chest.Otherwise he would be impossible to beat. When the story will finally reach the Dark Continent, the place of origin of the Chimera Ants, fans may witness stronger enemies, but for the moment Meruem reigns supreme as the strongest. Hunter x Hunter Villain.
In Hunter x Hunter, young Gon Freecss discovers that his long-lost father is a legendary hunter, an elite class of adventurer with the license to go anywhere or do almost anything. Determined to find him, Gon sets out to pass the Hunter Examination, a life-threatening challenge that draws hundreds of hopefuls seeking fortune, fame and adventure. Along the way, Gon befriends other candidates, including the vengeful Kurapika, the ambitious Leorio, and the enigmatic Killua. Together, they face a world full of strange creatures, evil criminals and unpredictable adventures.
- Release date
October 2, 2011
- Seasons
- creator(s)
Yoshihiro Togashi