The Eminence in the Shadow is a hilarious isekai series with incredible fights, strong characters, and a rich narrative that never takes itself too seriously and isn't afraid to poke fun at the genre. Minoru Kagenou dreamed in his previous life of becoming a vigilante, using a pair of crowbars and lots of martial arts training to fight evildoers wherever he found them. When he is killed by a truck, he is reborn in a new world as Cid, finally given the chance to become "the eminence in the shadows" he always wanted to be, the cool but mysterious character who appears out of nowhere and then disappears. at night.
Shadow is the strongest character in the series, and it's not even close. While Shadow's egregiously broken abilities may be a detriment to other programs, they are one of the best reasons to watch The Eminence in the Shadow. Cid's Seven Shadows, or the strongest people in his secret organization, Shadow Garden, also bring a lot of explosiveness to the series. They realize that their leader is well and above them in terms of power and do what they can to support him from the shadows.
Shadow Garden Chief Engineer
Eta is the eighth member of Shadow Garden and its chief engineer. When Cid was first building Shadow Garden, he told stories from his previous world, but he acted as if they were just stories. This led to his Shadows adopting characteristics of the people he was talking about. Eta heard his stories of architecture and engineering in Cid's previous world and decided to become an engineer. Although she is a relatively laid-back character, she is focused on the Wisdom of Shadows and works hard to achieve more.
Eta is in the middle of the pack in terms of the strongest warriors in Shadow Garden. His normal, lethargic way of moving doesn't help him much either. She wins her fights by crushing her opponents, using her Slime powers to create a multitude of Slime spears to send directly at her enemy. Eta can even create and use multiple slime weapons at the same timeallowing her to attack and defend at the same time.
Beta the Steadfast
Beta is the third initial member of Shadow Garden and group author. Growing up, Cid would tell her fairy tales like Cinderella and Snow White to help her sleep. Now a little older, she rewrites the stories of Cid's old world, without his knowledge, and sells them to the public. Beta gained fame as author Natsume Kafka, donating her earnings to Shadow Garden.
Beta's fighting style is closest to that of his leader, Shadow, which earned him the nickname Beta the Firm. She is usually one of the vanguards of the Seven Shadows, getting close to her enemies before dispatching them. In the game, she uses an elaborate compound bow to provide support from a distance. Beta specializes in landing his shot exactly where he intends, pinning his opponents in place before another Shadow comes to finish them off.
Shadow Garden Recon Division Chief
The seventh starting member of Shadow Garden Zeta is a Therianthrope who leads the group's Recon Division.. She is of the Golden Leopard Clan, with blonde hair, purple ears, and a striking resemblance to her ancestor Lily. She is smarter and much more controlled than other Therianthropes like Delta, but has difficulty trusting those around her, often choosing to do so alone. If it weren't for her inability to work with other people, she would be much stronger.
Even if she prefers to work alone, Zeta is not easy. His swordsmanship level would be the best in Shadow Garden if his work ethic matched his talent. As head of the espionage division, she is incredibly stealthy and can blend into any environment. Zeta is also one of the most magically proficient Shadows, using it to transform into a mist that cannot be seen by most other characters.
The Goddess of War
Beatrix is one of the coolest characters in The Eminence in the Shadow. She has an aloof attitude most of the time, eating various foods at the Bushin Festival while searching for her niece, Alpha. She shares a funny dialogue with Cid where they discuss whether or not he has seen any other elves that look like her. Cid has to lie to her, as she bears an uncanny resemblance to the leader of the Seven Shadows.
Beatrix is called the Goddess of War for a reason. She was the winner of the first Bushin Festival and has the skills to support it. Although she isn't the best with magic, her sword skills are almost as good as Shadows'. She also managed to put up a decent fight against him with the help of Iris Midgar during the Bushin Festival.
The elf hero with the holy sword
Alpha and Beatrix's ancestor, Olivier, is one of the Three Heroes to defeat the evil demon, Diablos. In reality, she was a pawn used by the Cult of Diablos to do their bidding. She was implanted with Diablos' DNA as an experiment by the Cult. She survived the experiment and gained a lot of power because of it. After being trapped in Sanctuary, however, Olivier is a shadow of his former self.
When she fights Shadow, she is one of the few characters to have hurt him. She stabs him multiple times, and if she had fought anyone other than the leader of Shadow Garden, she would have won. The Sanctuary then summoned dozens of Oliviers to fight at once, but they were no match for Shadow. Shadow noted that this version of Olivier must have paled in comparison to the Hero in his prime.
The most talented physical fighter in Shadow Garden
Delta is the fifth member of Shadow Garden and the strongest fighter in the group physically. Delta is such a whirlwind on the battlefield that Alpha has given it its own division. She's a one-man walking army who's almost too happy to get into a fight. Delta adopts a might-makes-right philosophy, killing his brother for being weak and following Shadow because he is the strongest. She is very excited about the idea of Shadow defeating his father and becoming king of the Therianthropes as well.
Delta fights using a simple technique: brute force. She tried using a katana before realizing that she preferred destroying her opponents with her bare hands. She flies over her enemies on all fours, attacking them like a boar. If she is within a short distance, your enemy's chances are almost nil. She can attack like a tiger and move faster than a gazelle.
The Leader of the Seven Shadows
Alpha has a lot going for it. She was the first person Shadow encountered when he cured her of her demonic possession. Since her rebirth, she has chosen to live her life in service to Shadow. She is an incredibly intelligent character who ends up becoming the de facto leader of Shadow Garden while your boss is blabbering. Alpha is also the reincarnation of the Elf Hero Olivier and the niece of the Goddess of War Beatrix.
Alpha is the strongest of the Seven Shadows and the strongest member of Shadow Garden outside of its leader. When they were children, her magical reserves were said to surpass even Shadow's, and she is one of the few Shadows in Shadow Garden to use healing abilities. When Alpha gains vampire powers, She has the ability to transform into a formless mist.allowing her to float around the battlefield without any risk of taking damage.
The Blood Queen
Elisabeth is known as the Blood Queen and is the progenitor of all vampires in The Eminence in the Shadow. She is a unique vampire because she wants her species to coexist with humans, not feed on them. She is a kind-hearted person who wants the best for everyone around her and is willing to abstain from human blood if it means not hurting a human. She once completely destroyed several countries in just a few days, showing her catastrophic power on a national scale.
When she consumes human blood, Elisabeth is stronger than all the Seven Shadows. As a vampire parent, Elisabeth has superhuman strength, speed, and senses, making her a tank on the battlefield. She holds her own with a sword against Shadow for a long time and can regenerate through almost all of his attacks. If the Red Moon was constantly rising, there would probably be no characters stronger than Elisabeth, the Queen of Blood.
Better known as Diablos
When Shadow appeared at the Sanctuary, he faced an opponent with a similar power level to himself. The Witch of Calamity Aurora, better known as the demon of the end of the world, Diablos, appeared. When Aurora was a child, the Cult did many experiments on her. They infused her with different substances, including demonic DNA, to give her a series of terrifying powers. She transformed into the Demon King Diablosan evil figure capable of massive destruction.
When she came back to fight Shadow, she was exceptional. She used her magic to keep him at bay for most of the fight, pushing him away through a series of blood magic attacks. When she is finally defeated, she is reincarnated in Claire's body, giving her the chance to fight another day. She is now teaching Claire how to control her magic better and how to trust Shadow more. If Aurora can return to the series in her own body, with full strength, Shadow may have finally found the person to defeat him.
Eminence in the Shadow
Shadow is so strong it's hilarious. He was never really challenged in The Eminence in the Shadow, and this is one of the best points of the series. There's a good chance Shadow will defeat every other character in the series at once thanks to his insane I Am Atomic powers, highlighting just how broken he is. In his previous life, Minoru Kagenou spent his days training to become the Stylish Ruffian Slayer, a vigilante who used martial arts and crowbars to defeat bad guys. However, he always felt that he needed magic to make his dreams come true, but it didn't exist in his previous world.
Of course, when he was reborn in a magical world with his memories intact, Minoru couldn't have been happier. Minoru is now Cid, who works as Shadow, the leader of the Shadow Garden and the strongest character in the entire series. Shadow's most powerful ability comes from his I Am Atomic spell, where he essentially recreates a nuclear explosion. However, this is just one weapon in Shadow's arsenal. He has absolute control over his slime weapon, is a master swordsman, and has almost unlimited magical reserves. As long as the series revolves around him, Shadow/Cid will remain the strongest character in The Eminence in the Shadow.
The Eminence in Shadow follows the story of Cid Kagenou, a recluse who is reincarnated in a fantasy world and seeks to live a life of obscurity, but unwittingly becomes a legendary figure known as Eminence in Shadow, feared by evil organizations and admired by the masses. .
- Release date
October 5, 2022
- Seasons