10 strongest apes in the planet of the apes movies, ranked

10 strongest apes in the planet of the apes movies, ranked

Warning: This list spoils some deaths from the Planet of the Apes reboot movies.The Planet of the Apes Movies, especially those in the new series, have introduced audiences to a truly fascinating world where apes rise up to challenge humans for control of Earth. The apes, with their enhanced intelligence and communication skills, are more than just animals - they are a force to be reckoned with. Since Rise of the Planet of the Apes Reviving the classic sci-fi franchise in 2011, the series introduced a wide variety of ape characters, with some that stood out as exceptionally strong.

Their strength is not only measured in their physicality but in their leadership, resilience and their ability to plan ahead. Including letters from the surprising revival to the last Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Figure, it is the apes that play the biggest role in shaping the post-human world that Planet of the Apes portrays, with each contributing greatly to the saga's impressive world-building.


Maurice (Karin Konovall)

From all modern planet of the apes movies

Morris in the woods in the movie

Maurice is a compassionate orangutan who features prominently in all three of the modern movies Planet of the Apes Trilogy. As Caesar's most trusted advisor, Maurice uses his wisdom and experience to help the apes in many ways. From helping to free them during the Ape Rebellion, to playing a key role in stopping Colonel McCullough (Woody Harrelson) from eradicating their clan, Morris is an invaluable asset. He may not be the most physically dominant ape, but it is Maurice's wisdom that gives him true strength.

Movie (reboot series only)

Release date

Rise of the Planet of the Apes


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes


War for the Planet of the Apes


Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes


Maurice is a gentle giant who becomes disillusioned with humanity after being exploited in the circus, but does not harbor resentment towards humans because of it. This is evident when, in War for the Planet of the ApesMorris essentially adopts Nova (Amia Miller), a person who is unable to speak, and looks after her. Maurice's wisdom, compassion and courage all make him one of the strongest apes of the entire franchise.


Noah (Owen Teague)

From Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Owen Teague as Noah in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Noah serves as the main protagonist of the latest movie, set over three hundred years after Caesar's death, with Noah being part of a new clan of apes called the Eagle Clan. Noah proved his strength almost immediately Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes By embarking on a treacherous climb up to retrieve an egg To use for his clan's bonding ceremony. Besides his magnificent physicality, Nou is also seen to be more intelligent than most over-evolved apes.


Proximus Caesar even recognizes that Noah is a particularly intelligent ape, and tries to recruit him into his scheme to open the bunker. This part of the story reveals yet another source of Noah's strength - his courage. He stands up to the tyrannical leader and finally overcomes him with the help of the eagles. While his youth and immaturity hold him back, rumors of a Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Sequel Trilogy suggests that audiences may see Noah as a fully grown, incredibly powerful ape.


Raka (Peter Macon)

From Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Close-up of Raka standing among stones and rubble in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Like Maurice before him, Raka is a gentle orangutan that appeared in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. He was a member of the Order of Caesar, a group of apes who sought to continue the teachings of Caesar centuries after his death. However, the order was eventually hunted down and nearly destroyed by Proximus Caesar and his soldiers, leaving Raka as the sole survivor.

What makes Raka such a powerful ape is not just his wisdom, but his survival instincts that have allowed him to survive for so long. He obviously has experience with some of Proximus' soldiers and is also shown to be extremely brave. This courage is exemplified in Raka's apparent death in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes While trying to protect Nou and May (Freya Allen) from Silva, becoming one of the most emotional victims of the entire franchise. Battle-hardened, brave and smart, Raka is stronger than he thinks.


Rocket (Terry Notary)

From all modern planet of the apes movies

Rocket Planet of the Apes

Rocket is one of Caesar's most reliable lieutenants stand up, dawn, And War, Being with him since the beginning. He is a fiercely loyal character who wants to serve Koba during his coup and also prove his worth in the ape army. His character arc from a violent and aggressive alpha to a dedicated follower of Caesar is one of the franchise's most compelling stories, showcasing his inner strength as well as his physical dominance.

As the second-in-command of the monkey army, Rocket is, by nature, a very tough character. His experiences with both humans and apes mean he is well aware of the dangers of both, while his loyalty is unquestionable. He may not be as intelligent or cunning as some of the other apes, but Rocket is undoubtedly one of the most valuable apes in Caesar's army, contributing in ways that don't necessarily require the wisdom of Maurice.


Silva (Eka Darville)

From Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Silva Roaring in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

As a gorilla, Silva is one of the most physically intimidating apes in the entire franchise. He serves as the chief enforcer of Proximus Caesar's army and is responsible for the death and destruction of the Eagle Clan at the beginning of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. His sheer brute strength and ruthless demeanor make him an incredibly intimidating opponent for any ape to face.

Silva is a villain who may return in the future Planet of the Apes Kino, as his death by drowning in the bunker is not confirmed. Indeed, he was an unstoppable force in Kingdom of the Planet of the ApesKilling Noah's father easily and throwing Noah out of the tower of their village. Silva is one of the most fearsome apes of the entire franchise, combining his raw power and battle experience To strike terror into the hearts of all who oppose Proximus.


Buck (Richard Readings)

From the rise of the planet of the apes

Buck in his cage at night in Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Buck is the first gorilla introduced in Rise of the Planet of the Apes And quickly proved himself as one of the most dominant characters of the story. Even though he may be trapped in a cage for a significant duration of the movie, his presence and sheer strength are still felt. Although the audience never really gets the measure of how intelligent he is, Buck's strength derives from elsewhere.


During the battle between apes and humans on the Golden Gate Bridge, Buck ends up sacrificing himself to protect Caesar from a gunman. This is one of the most emotional scenes in the movie, and is a testament to Buck's bravery, especially considering that it happened quite early in Caesar's leadership. While certain parts of Rise of the Planet of the Apes May have age weak, Buck's character, strength, and sacrifice, definitely have not.


Luca (Scott Lang & Michael Adamthwaite)

From Dawn and War for the Planet of the Apes

Luca looks angry at war for the planet of the apes

First published in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Luca quickly establishes himself as the most powerful gorilla in the series. He is an integral part of Caesar's forces in Dawnand remains faithful to him during his imprisonment in the hands of Koba. in WarLuca also takes on a senior role in Caesar's Ape Army, assisting them greatly in the battle of Muir Woods Park against the Colonel's forces.

Luca is also very loyal to Caesar, following him to the end. During Caesar's mission for revenge after the death of his wife and son, Luca follows him without question, a decision that eventually leads to his death at the hands of a bayonet while protecting his leader. Aside from Caesar himself, Luca is probably one of the most heroic apes in the franchise, Deserves recognition among all the characters of the series.


Proximus Caesar (Kevin Durand)

From Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Proximus Caesarangri looks and imitates warrior on the back in kingdom of the planet of the apes
Image by 20th Century Studios

As the main antagonist of Kingdom of the Planet of the ApesProximus Caesar is a truly intimidating presence when he's on screen. Like Caesar, he assumes command of vast amounts of apes, but, unlike Caesar, he relies on fear, oppression and violence to keep them in order. Proximus is responsible for the destruction of the Eagle Clan and seeks to open a bunker to gain access to a vast amount of human weapons and technology.


Proximus is not only physically strong but clearly possesses a cunning mind too. He seizes the power over thousands of apes, and his "What a wonderful day" This speech is a testimony to their fear of him. However, Proximus' kingdom is held together by the very weak forces of fear, and when fear is destroyed at the end of Kingdom of the Planet of the ApesHis followers easily turn on him.


Koba (Christoper Gordon & Toby Kebbell)

From Rise and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Koba grumbles as he points a gun at a man in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Koba makes a ghostly cameo in War Still appearing in both stand up And Dawn And is one of the most terrifying apes of the entire franchise. A bitter and power-hungry bonobo, Koba is freed from scientific experimentation during the Ape Rebellion and quickly establishes himself as Caesar's second in command. However, he eventually betrayed Caesar, seizing power for himself to wage an all-out war on the humans.

Koba is not only physically strong as much of his strength comes from his willpower and emotion. He hates humans with a burning passion, because they are responsible for causing him immense pain and leaving him scarred. His prowess in battle is evident, as he can easily take on multiple opponents, and even manages to go toe-to-toe with Caesar himself during the climax of Dawn. If his rage and bitterness didn't lead to his downfall, Koba might be in contention for the strongest ape. of the entire franchise.


Caesar (Andy Serkis)

Of Rise, Dawn and War (referenced in Kingdom)

Caesar is the largest, most iconic and strongest of all the apes in the Planet of the Apes Franchise. While Caesar is not right in Kingdom of the Planet of the ApesHe is the main protagonist of the modern trilogy, who leads the apes through their liberation, and eventually to war with the Colonel. Caesar is the embodiment of everything needed to survive in the world of the apes: physically intimidating, but handsome, skilled and smart. He knows that people are not intrinsically bad, but is still willing to sacrifice everything to protect his own kind.

Caesar's strength also lies in his emotional will. During the trilogy, he loses his man, is betrayed by Koba, and witnesses the death of his wife and child, but he still carries on. Caesar does not rest on his journey for justice and survival until his tragic death at the end of War. Even after his death, Caesar's power is still talked about centuries later, as if he were some kind of god. He inspired unity among the apes, protected them when he could, and left a lasting legacy on them Planet of the Apes Franchise.