10 Star Trek Characters Who Were Replaced (And By Whom)

10 Star Trek Characters Who Were Replaced (And By Whom)

Whether due to casting troubles or story issues, some Star Trek The characters have been replaced throughout the long history of the franchise. From the beginning, Gene Roddenberry's original concept for Star Trek Passed some changes. Most of the characters from Star Trek First pilot, "The Cage," were replaced by the Now iconic figure of Star Trek: The Original Series. In some cases, the replacement letters became even more popular than the originals, while in other cases the opposite was true.

Letters are always coming and going in these Star Trek universe, but some have more obvious one-for-one replacements than others. Aside from the initial cast shake-up, most of the later character changes have more to do with the actors playing them. Some actors decided that they wanted to move on to other projects, which often meant that their characters had to be replaced. Still, most of The actors remain a part of the Star Trek family, Even if their characters didn't last very long in the end.


Captain Christopher Pike was replaced by Captain James T. Kirk

Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek Original pilot, entitled "The Cage," featured Captain Christopher Pike (Jeffrey Hunter) in command of the U.S.S. Enterprise, rather than Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner). Executives at NBC at the time were not happy with the first pilot, Feeling it was too funny and cerebral. Still, NBC had faith in Glenn Roddenberry's vision, and the studio commissioned a second pilot.


Jeffrey Hunter elected not to return as Captain Pike, although accounts differ as to why he left the production. Rather than throwing a new pike, Roddenberry created the completely new character of Captain James T. Kirk And cast William Shatner in the role. Kirk was a more dynamic and action-oriented character compared to Pike's more thoughtful approach to command.


The cast of "The Cage" was replaced by the cast of Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series

Leonard Nimoy's Spock was the only cast member of Star Trek Original pilot, "The Cage," to hold out for the new iteration. Jeffrey Hunter's Captain Pike is, of course, replaced by Shatner's Captain Kirk, but most of the other characters don't have one-to-one replacements. In "The Cage," Majel Barrett's Number One serves as Pike's first officer, But science officer Spock fills the role for Captain Kirk.

Captain Pike's original Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Philip Boyce (Jun Hoyt), was eventually replaced by Dr. Leonard McCoy (DeForest Kelly), who became the third member of Star Trek Iconic trio. Majel Barret still played a role in toss, As Nurse Chappell, As well as the voice of the enterprise computer. Footage from "The Cage" was later used in Star Trek: The Original Series Season 1, episodes 11 and 12, "The Menagerie," establish Christopher Pike as the captain of the Enterprise before Kirk.


Lt. Tasha Yar was replaced by Lt. toss

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Based on Star Trek: The Next Generation Premiere, Denise Crosby's Lt. Tasha Yar was set to be one of the main cast members of the show. As Chief of Security on the USS Enterprise-D, she should have been at the center of the action. However, this is only true for a handful of early episodes, before Tasha is largely relegated to the background. Because of this, Dennis Crosby decided to leave TNG Near the end of the first season.


After Armus unceremoniously killed Tasha Yar in Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1, Episode 23, "Skin of Evil," Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn) stepped up to fill the position of chief of security. From that point forward, Worf would become one of Tng S Most beloved characters, as the show explored his complex relationship with Klingon culture. After the end of tng, toss transferred to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Where he continued to come to himself as Star Treks greatest Klingon.


Dr. Beverly Krasher was replaced by Dr. Catherine Pulaski

Star Trek: The Next Generation

throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1, Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) served as the Chief Medical Officer on the USS Enterprise-D. A deeply compassionate and intelligent physician, Krusher lived on the Enterprise with her son, Wesley Krusher (Wil Wheaton). And has a history with Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). Despite being well-liked by fans, Dr. Crusher was written out of TNG Before the second season of the show.

Pulaski proved significantly less popular among fans than Crusher was.

Then-showrunner Maurice Hurley disliked actress Gates McFadden and fired her at the end of TNG Season 1. Diana Muldaur then joined the cast as Dr. Catherine Pulaski, Taking over from Dr. Krusher as Chief Medical Officer. With her prickly personality, Pulaski proved significantly less popular with fans than Crusher was. Still, she was a part of some great stories, viz TNG Found his footing during his second season.


Dr. Catherine Pulaski was replaced by Dr. Beverly Krusher

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Dr. Pulaski had a personality similar to that of Dr. Leonard McCoy Star Trek: The Original Series. And while McCoy's dynamic worked great alongside Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, Pulaski didn't quite gel as well with those Star Trek: The Next Generation Figure. at the end of TNG In season 2, Muldaur chose not to renew her contract for the following season, and Gates McFadden returned to the cast.


Not only did the studio reportedly receive letters from fans requesting Crusher's return, however Patrick Stewart also wanted McFadden back. After a short stint as the head of Starfleet Medical, Dr. Krusher returned as Chief Medical Officer on the Enterprise, replacing Dr. Pulaski. Although Pulaski was mentioned a handful of times over tng, She never made another screen Star Trek Appearance.


Lt. Ro Larne was replaced by Principal Kira Nerys

Star Trek: The Next Generation & Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Ensign Ro Laren (Michel Forbes) joined the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation At the start of the show's fifth season, in the aptly titled, "Ensign Ro." With her questionable background and strong-willed personality, Ro was unlike any other Star Trek Character up to this point. She was previously court-martialed and demoted to the rank of lieutenant after a disastrous mission left eight officers dead.

The first Bajoran introduced on star trek, Ro was set to play a major role on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Michelle Forbes did not want to be locked in a TV series for several years, and the offer to star as Ro. The character of Major Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor) was created to replace Ro As the Bajoran representative on space station Deep Space Nine, she quickly developed into a unique and compelling character in her own right.


Sergeant Commander Yadzia Dax was replaced by Lieutenant Ezri Dax

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Terry Farrell's Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax was one of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine s Main characters for six of the show's seven seasons. Although the trill has already been briefly introduced Star Trek: The Next GenerationJadzia helped define the species for all of their future appearances. With her lively and loving personality, Jadzia became a bright spot Inside DS9 Darker stories.


in DS9 In season 6, Jadzia married Worf, and the two quickly became one Star Trek Greatest couples. in one of Trek most tragic death, A fury-possessed Gul Dukat (Mark Elaimo) killed Yadzia. Just after she and Worf decided to try to have children. Jadzia's Dax symbiote was then transferred to Ezri (Nicole de Boer), who became a main character for DS9 Last time. Lt. Ezri Dax became DS9's counselor and eventually began a romance with Dr. Julian Bashir (Alexander Siddig).


Geneviève Bujold's Captain Nicole Janeway was replaced by Kate Mulgrew's Captain Kathryn Janeway

Star Trek: Voyager

While it's hard to picture anyone other than Kate Mulgrew as Captain Janeway, she's not the first choice to portray the Star Trek: Voyager Captain. French-Canadian actress Geneviève Bujold was initially cast as Janeway, however She left after just two days of filming. Not only was Bujold unused to the strict filming schedule of American television, but she also disagreed with producers about how to portray her character, then known as Captain Nicole Janeway.


Kate Mulgrew had previously auditioned for the role of Janeway, and she was called back in. Mulgrew requested that Janeway's first name be changed to Catherine, and the rest, of course, is history. Mulgrew's Janeway then led Voyager through the Delta Quadrant, On the long and dangerous journey back to Earth. As the first female starship captain to lead a Star Trek Show, Janeway paved the way for many of the great officers who would come after her.


Kes was replaced by seven of nine

Star Trek: Voyager

Jennifer Lien's Kes was one of the first characters Captain Janeway and her crew met after arriving in the Delta Quadrant on Star Trek: Voyager. As an accomplice, Kes has a short life of only nine years, and her questionable romance with Neelix (Ethan Phillips) made the character difficult to write for. Kes's potential as a character was never fully realized And Jennifer Lien unfortunately experienced some mental health troubles that caused her to leave the show.

Former Borg drone Seven of Nine (Jerry Ryan) joined the cast of Star Trek: Voyager for the fourth season of the show. Seven's journey to reclaim her humanity became one of Voyager S Main storylines And led to some of the show's best moments. Jeri Ryan returned as seven in Star Trek: PicardFinally achieve her dream of joining Starfleet and later becoming captain of the USS Enterprise-G.


Lieutenant Hemer was replaced by Commander Pleia

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

One of the most interesting new cast members to be introduced on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds was Bruce Horak's lying hammer. A member of a rare subspecies of Andorians known as the Aenar, Hemmer was the chief engineer of the U.S.S. Enterprise who was also blind. throughout Strange New Worlds In season 1, Hemmer became a mentor to Cadet Nyota Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding), before his timeline death in Strange New Worlds Episode 9, "All Those Who Wander."

After Hammer sacrifices himself to protect his crew, Commander Pelias (Carol Kane) takes over the USS. Enterprise as the new chief engineer. As a lanthanite, Pelia has an extremely long life And Strange New Worlds has only offered glimpses into her history. Pelia has a particular interest in ancient Earth artifacts and studied engineering at Starfleet Academy. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 introduced one of Pelia's best students with the worst grades, Star TrekS Iconic Scotty, Lt. Montgomery Scott (Martin Quinn), who will eventually take over as the Enterprise Chief Engineer.