The fates of some of the most popular TV show couples are the source of intense discussion and controversy among fans, but there are some couples who are too good together to be denied. However, just because two characters have great chemistry and it makes sense for them to be endgame, that doesn't mean the writers and producers will allow it. It's always tragic when a couple that seemed perfect breaks up and never gets back together. even though they are one of the best duos in the entire TV series.
When it comes to the worst TV couples that shouldn't have happened, their breakups can't happen soon enough. This couldn't be further from the case of these iconic relationships that could have been endgame. Often, the separation of two characters that could easily exist is a healthy, mature separation in which they each recognize how much love and respect they share. While this is beautiful, it only makes it harder to accept that these characters will remain separated thanks to time and other circumstances beyond their control.
Jess and Rory - Gilmore Girls (2000–2007)
Gilmore Girls' seminal bad boy deserved to show he had changed
The ongoing debates about who Rory and Lorelai's best boyfriends are Gilmore Girls it will probably never end. However, even though Jess and Rory didn't stay together forever, It would have made narrative sense for them to try again in later seasons of Gilmore Girls. Although they had always had great chemistry and shared many interests, Jess was going through a lot when he and Rory dated in high school, and he wasn't ready to offer the kind of support and love she needed at the time.
However, when they reconnect in season 6, it's clear that Jess has done a lot of work on himself, and he immediately reminds Rory of the person she used to be. This comes at a vital time, as Rory dropped out of Yale and needs a wake-up call about what she wants in life. Jess proves that not only does she know Rory, but she also never stops believing in her, which is reinforced again in A year in the life. If Gilmore Girls always comes back for another outing, Jess and Rory's story should undoubtedly be revisited.
Series |
Rotten Tomatoes critic score |
Rotten Tomatoes audience score |
Gilmore Girls (2000–2007) |
N/A |
88% |
Alex and Marissa - The OC (2003–2007)
Although Ryan is Marissa's most iconic love interest, Alex is her best
Marissa Cooper is one of the most complex and tragic characters in The COone of the best teen romance TV shows ever made. Marissa and Ryan Atwood, the kid from the wrong side of the tracks, have the series' iconic will-they-won't-they dynamic. However, he's far from the only person who catches Marissa's attention. When Alex enters the picture, she and Marissa have a short but happy affair, even if it is undermined by the homophobia of Marissa's family and community. Marissa and Alex have an incredible connection and their relationship is one of Marissa's healthiest.
It's not totally The COguilt that the relationship was so brief and ill-fated, as Having definitive LGBTQ+ representation on network television in the early 2000s was a feat in itself. Marissa's entire character is in The CO was defined by her instability, but her relationship with Alex cannot be attributed to acting out or experimenting. If they had found their way back to each other, Marissa could have had a much different, happier ending.
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Rotten Tomatoes critic score |
Rotten Tomatoes audience score |
The CO (2003–2007) |
68% |
71% |
Alexis and Ted - Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
After growing up so much together, Alexis and Ted could have made it work
The entire Rose family goes through incredible character development throughout Schitt's Creek, and much of this is seen through Alexis and David, the spoiled brothers. The brothers eventually find their way in life and find supportive romantic partners, although Alexis ends the series alone. On the one hand, this is positive, as Alexis has always defined herself by the men in her life. However, Ted let her shine and be herself while also being the perfect person for her. After breaking up once and getting back together, it would have been nice to see their relationship continue.
Ultimately, because they had so much respect for each other, Alexis and Ted had to make the decision to move on, as distance no longer worked for them.
Ultimately, because they had so much respect for each other, Alexis and Ted had to make the decision to move on, as distance no longer worked for them. However their breakup is almost as iconic and heartbreaking as all of their most romantic scenes together, that doesn't change the fact that Alexis and Ted deserved to be together. However, Alexis ends the show happy and confident, which is everything the audience could want.
Schitt's Creek is a sitcom created by and starring Dan and Eugene Levy. When the Rose family's business manager embezzles funds from their fortune, they discover that all of their money has disappeared except for one last property - a small town called Schitt's Creek, which they bought for fun years ago. Now forced to adapt to an average and almost impoverished life, the Rose family will try to earn what they have while trying to revitalize the city.
- Release date
January 13, 2015
- Seasons
- Writers
Dan Levy, Eugene Levy, David West Read
Series |
Rotten Tomatoes critic score |
Rotten Tomatoes audience score |
Schitt's Creek (2015–2020) |
93% |
93% |
Haley and Andy - Modern Family (2009–2020)
If Haley had stayed with Andy, her story might have been more satisfying
One of the most beloved comedies of the 21st century, Modern Family sees the protagonists involved in many unhealthy relationships, especially Haley. However, this is not the case with Andy, one of his most unexpected but best departures throughout history. When Andy appears in season 5, Haley has had mostly bad relationships with the men in her life, and strict, direct Andy couldn't be more different from her. However, this is what attracts her to him, as well as the fact that he truly cares about her.
Of all Haley's love interests in Modern Family, Andy is by far the best as he encourages Haley to follow her dreams and is seriously committed to her, making her feel safe enough to fall in love. Unfortunately, Andy returns to Utah to pursue his career while Haley stays behind, and they have a mature separation. It would have made sense for them to reconnect eventually. Instead, Haley gets back together with her high school sweetheart, Dylan, and she regresses by the end of the show.
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Rotten Tomatoes critic score |
Rotten Tomatoes audience score |
Modern Family (2009–2020) |
85% |
90% |
Shane and Carmen – The L Word (2004–2009)
The tragic ending to their relationship doesn't negate much of it
Although far from perfect, The L word was a revolutionary show to push the boundaries of representation of queer women on television, and Shane and Carmen were one of the best couples. Throughout the show, Shane is known as a player who isn't interested in committing to one person or settling down. However, this changes when Carmen makes it clear that she wants more and will not settle for anything less than a serious relationship.
After struggling to live up to this and seeing Carmen date other people, Shane finally realizes that she only wants Carmen, and the two even get engaged.
After struggling to live up to this and seeing Carmen date other people, Shane finally realizes that she only wants Carmen, and the two even get engaged. However, in a horrible twist of fate, Shane leaves Carmen at the altar, and the two never see each other again. Although, of course, it would take a lot for Carmen to forgive Shane, It would have been more satisfying to see Shane redeem himself and end up with Carmen. Instead, Shane makes many more romantic mistakes, even dating Jenny in the final season, with terrible results.
Created by Kathy Greenberg, Ilene Chaiken and Michele Abbot, The L Word is a drama created for the Showtime Network and ran for six seasons between 2004 and 2009. It is considered the pioneering show for shining a light on lesbianism on television.
- Cast
Katherine Moennig, Jennifer Beals
- Release date
January 1, 2004
- Seasons
Series |
Rotten Tomatoes critic score |
Rotten Tomatoes audience score |
The L Word (2004–2009) |
57% |
76% |
Maeve and Otis – Sex Education (2019–2023)
Not making the central couple stay together was a mistake for Sex Education
Otis and Maeve are a rare example of a slow TV couple who don't get together soon. After several seasons of rising tensions and dating other people, Otis and Maeve finally admit their feelings for each other in Season 3, only for Maeve to leave for new opportunities in the USA and for the couple to end up separating at an anticlimactic moment. After Sex Education spent so much time telling the audience that Otis and Maeve were made for each other, it was a surprising development.
Seeing the two end up together made sense to Sex Education, since it was a romantic show, and much of the early seasons depended on the dynamic between Otis and Maeve. The fact that they simply decided it wasn't going to work and ended the relationship didn't provide a good payoff for their chemistry and shaping their future as a couple. Although the two have grown and changed a lot since the first season, that doesn't mean they couldn't have grown together.
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Rotten Tomatoes critic score |
Rotten Tomatoes audience score |
Sex Education (2019–2023) |
93% |
78% |
Kate and Sawyer - Lost (2004–2010)
Their similar backgrounds and mutual understanding created great chemistry
Through the many twists and turns Lost, The love triangle between Kate, Sawyer, and Jack was a constant and entertaining source of drama. Although Jack was the sensible and safe choice, at least in the beginning, it was undeniable that Sawyer understood Kate in a way that Jack never could. Kate craved danger and intrigue in her life and wanted passionate, not destructive, love. The many intersecting storylines make it difficult to know who was with whom, but at the end of the series, the audience sees Kate reuniting with Jack, not Sawyer.
It's a shame that Kate and Sawyer never got a proper chance to be together and give their relationship the chance it deserved.
It's a shame that Kate and Sawyer never got a proper chance to be together and give their relationship the chance it deserved. Instead, timing and circumstances always got in the way, as did Kate's nagging feeling that Jack wouldn't hurt her, but Sawyer would. Although the romance wasn't the most important part Lostthe characters were, and this dynamic was fundamental to the development of the three characters, especially Sawyer and Kate.
Series |
Rotten Tomatoes critic score |
Rotten Tomatoes audience score |
Lost (2004–2010) |
86% |
90% |
Neal and Sara - White Collar (2009–2014)
Although not his first love, Sara is Neal's most compatible and lasting love.
While it's undeniable that Neal and Peter have the best relationship in the world White collarNeal has a few romantic interests that provide some good competition. Sara Ellis is well aware of Neal's criminal past and what he is capable of, but ends up falling in love with him and embarking on an ill-fated relationship anyway. Being with Sara, Neal has found someone who matches his interests, but he can't help but love the thrill of the chase and ends up running away with a fortune, breaking Sara's heart.
Although they reconcile and come to an understanding when he returns, Sara can never fully forgive him for abandoning her and leaving her behind to a life of crime. This is Neal's biggest flaw White collar and one he works hard to combat. However, the allure of a life full of freedom and luxury attracts him more than anything. Despite this, there is also a part of Sara that also longs for this. In another life, there might have been a way for the couple to find middle ground and make things work.
Series |
Rotten Tomatoes critic score |
Rotten Tomatoes audience score |
White Collar (2009–2014) |
96% |
93% |
Lyla and Tim - Friday Night Lights (2006–2011)
Lyla and Tim were a classic case of opposites attracting, but their connection ran deeper
There were plenty of couples to root for Friday night lightsand Initially, Lyla and Tim seemed like two people who were better off without each other. After the accident of Jason, Lyla's boyfriend and Tim's best friend, the two seek comfort in each other. However, the guilt and shame of this separates them for a long time, until they can no longer deny their feelings for each other. Although their different ambitions and backgrounds conflict, Lyla and Tim encourage each other to improve and follow their dreams.
It's this love and sacrifice that makes it so clear that they belong together.
Filled with passion and teenage angst, it's true that their relationship sometimes made Tim and Lyla unhappy, but it was also an important stepping stone for both of them to become adults. Unfortunately, as they were key players in the first three seasons, Tom and Lyla didn't fit into the soft reboot of Friday night lights in season 4, as Lyla had gone to college and Tim couldn't ask her to stay. However, it is this love and sacrifice that makes it so clear that they belong together.
Series |
Rotten Tomatoes critic score |
Rotten Tomatoes audience score |
Friday Night Lights (2006-2011) |
97% |
93% |
Quentin and Eliot - The Magicians (2015–2020)
Making their relationship canon was the best thing The Magicians did
The highest-rated episode of The magicians confirms the best part of the series, which was its emotional heart. Few dynamics in the series have represented this better than that between Eliot and Quentin. Although Quentin spends most of the series in an on-again, off-again relationship with Alice, his friendship that blossoms into mutual love and affection with Eliot is much healthier and is a fan-favorite ship of the series. However they have a full relationship in the episode "A Life in the Day", Eliot rejects Quentin's attempts to be together in the other timeline out of fear.
The end of their relationship is cut short due to Quentin's death, which happens before Eliot has a chance to be with him without being possessed. However, Eliot spends the rest of the series mourning the loss of what could have been between them if he had taken the risk and tried their relationship in the real world. Although Eliot finds some happiness and Quentin finds peace, seeing them together would have been the best part of it all. The magicians.