JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Characters are famous for their strength when fighting enemies. However, what is talked about less is How truly intelligent and wise many of the characters are are. Physical strength is indeed crucial, but the ability to come up with smart plans in a split second is equally important.
From carefully tracking down a villain who is on the run to coming up with the precise battle move that will ensure victory, Jojo Characters have many opportunities To show their remarkably high IQs and flow. Some of the series' most popular characters are heroes, while some are villains. Regardless of which side they are fighting for, the Jojo Masterminds are not to be outsmarted in any situation.
Panna cotta fugo
He started law school at age 16 and pulled off many amazing schemes in passion
When it comes to sheer intelligence, Pannacotta Fugo has most others Jojo Letters hit. Despite his rather young age, 16 at the time of the golden wind arc, He was already pursuing a law school degree in college. Unfortunately, he did not complete his degree because he fought back against a teacher making inappropriate advances towards him.
Although Fugo never finished college in the traditional sense, this does not detract from his proven wisdom. Fugo's IQ is 152, and his smarts certainly came in handy on Team Bucciarati. His quick thinking and genius plans using his rock, Purple Haze, saved himself and his fellow gang members from danger many times.
Yoshikage Kira
With his quick wit and rock, Killer Queen, he became one of the most feared serial killers ever
Yoshikage Kira is one of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Most useful evil and remarkably clever villains. During his time as a serial killer in the city of Morioh, He ended the lives of over 50 people without getting caught. He managed to seduce beautiful women, murder them, and cut off their hands for a long time without arousing suspicion, because he portrayed himself as a boring, average person.
Kira's crimes are truly heinous, but he is one of the fastest thinkers in the series. When Josuke was on his trail and almost caught him, Kira instantly dreamed up an astonishing plan: Disguise himself by switching his face with someone else. Fortunately, he was eventually caught by Josuke and his reign of terror ended, but he is absolutely one of Jojo Smartest villains ever.
Josuke Higashikata
He was responsible for defeating Morioh's most charming serial killer, Yoshikage Kira
Josuke may only be 16, but he was able to outwit grown adults in the Diamond Is Unbreakable arc of the series. He was Responsible for catching and capturing Yoshikage Kira, The evil serial killer running rampant in his city. He has impressively created his rock, Crazy Diamond, using the being to fix things and heal others.
Josuke is thrust into many situations beyond his control, including his best friend, Okuyasu, nearly dying and finding himself face-to-face with Morioh's deadliest serial killer. Where anyone else might have lost their cool, Josuke thought carefully and quickly, imagining the best scheme to ensure he would win and save as many lives as possible. He even managed Sneak within striking distance of Kira and finish him offAn act that no one else has been able to accomplish until now.
Bruno Bucciarati
The leader of the Passione Gang, Bruno was required to think quickly to save his men and capture Diavolo
Bruno Bucciarati was the fearless and courageous boss of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Passionate band. He was strongly committed to putting an end to Italy's rampant drug problem that harms people of all ages, but especially youth. With this noble ambition in mind he did Devises cunning plans using his stone, sticky fingers, To take down the leader, Diavolo, from within his own Passione gang.
Bruno's feats with his stand always surprised those fighting against him, from unzipping his body quickly to prevent blows from hitting him to travel through surfaces to sneak up on people. He was almost impossible to outsmart, using his stone in ingenious ways that never failed to confuse his enemies. With Giorno's help, He even managed to save his own lifeUse Giorno's Stand and his own to stitch his body back together temporarily so he can reach his goal before passing out.
Even without a stone, Kars proved his exceptional intelligence and high IQ
Based on IQ alone, with a whopping score of 400Cars is one of the smartest characters in Jojo's Strange Adventure. He was the Pilar people leader and helbent on developing sunlight immunity, since he was a vampire. The stone mask that turned Dio into a vampire was created by Cars himself, proving the villain's ingenuity.
Cars' ability to predict human behavior is phenomenalGive him an advantage in battle because he can often guess his enemy's next move effortlessly. He became an almost unbeatable villain, only to be dethroned by Joseph Joestar, after a hard-fought battle. Even more miraculously, Kars reached such high power levels by relying only on his own brain, he never had a stone like others Jojo Wicked.
Jolyne Kujo
She was one of the most sneaky Joestars, figuring out how to break out of a maximum security prison
Jolyne Kujo achieved many feats in the Stone Ocean arc, And everyone shows how smart she is. For starters, when she's falsely accused of a crime she didn't commit and thrown into Green Dolphin Street Jail, She used her rock, rock free, to break out of prison. With her Stand's unique unraveling ability, Jolyne pulled off brilliant escapes and attacks.
She deceived prison guards, survived in a particularly dangerous prison, and Track down Enrico PucciThank you for your quick thinking. From Miu Miu to Gwess, no matter what opponent Jolyne faced, she was able to immediately construct a scheme and win before the enemy had a chance to discover her intentions. Her reason saved not only her own life, but others' lives, such as Jotaro's, countless times.
Giorno Giovanna
By dreaming up clever schemes, he took down Diavolo, Italy's strongest mob boss, and saved lives
Giorno Giovanna, was one of the most intelligent joestars of all time, with a stand that was just as impressive. Golden Experience, Giorno's Stand, requires some flow from the user. since it can make life out of nothing, Giorno must think carefully about what to plan to best suit his goals In any given situation.
From surviving Fugo's poisonous purple haze stone using snake venom to keeping Bucciarati alive with his stone, Giorno possesses incredible deductive skills and always stays calm, collected and reflective under pressure. He even defeated Diavolo, Italy's strongest mob boss, Trap him in a terrible death spiral that only the creative, and perhaps, twisted, mind could dream of.
Joseph Joestar
His decades of successful plans and defeats of multiple villains prove his wisdom
Joseph Joestar may be cocky and arrogant, constantly cracking jokes, but his intelligence is not to be underestimated. Joseph is so exceptional in predicting what his enemy will do The phrase "your next line is..." has become famousSince he spread out the words so often in the battle tendency arc. Joseph did not have a stand in part 2, but still took down cars only with his wit, strength gained through training, and Hamon energy.
Joseph's achievements don't end in Part 2, though. He reappeared in later parts of Jojo To impart his wise insights and plans to new Joestars. In the Stardust Crusaders arc, he cleverly used his rock, Hermit Purple, to Help Jotaro track Dio Brando in Egypt Use a unique photography technique. Joseph has always been able to come up with genius schemes, and this has come in handy against many different villains over the years.
Dio Brando
The intelligence and creative use of his rock helped him almost take over the world
Dio Brando was the best Jojo's Strange Adventure Villain, earning a reputation as the most evil person in Jojo. Dio managed to transform himself into a vampire and even when he supposedly died at the end of part 1, he discovered a way to continue living. By stealing the body of the late Jonathan JoestarHe extended his life in a brilliant way.
Dio ran from the Stardust Crusaders for a long time, almost succeeding in taking over the entire world and destroying the Joestar bloodline. The villain has very high goals, and almost achieves them, thanks to his wisdom, sneakiness, Expert use of his time-stopping rock, the worldand his ability to recruit the perfect evildoers as henchmen. If it wasn't for Jotaro's most surprising moment that led to Dio's defeat, the villain might have ruled the world.
Jotaro Kujo
throughout JojoJotaro's quick thinking allows him to capture and defeat the series' toughest villains
The smartest Jojo Character is Jotaro Kujo. His rock, Star Platinum, is sheer bronze, with hulking muscles and immense strength that allows him to crush anyone. However, Jotaro also possesses The brain power to complement his physically powerful stand and allow him to use it effectively.
Jotaro's most jaw-dropping moment was when he discovered Star Platinum's time-stopping skill, Use Dio's own talent against him to end his life. This short time pause is the ultimate example of a character thinking on their feet, because if Jotaro had hesitated or chosen a different move, Dio could have conquered the world. Jotaro's intelligence was proven even further in later seasons, as he helped Josuke find the serial killer, Yoshikage Kira, and helped his daughter, Jolyne, capture Enrico Pucci, who worked alongside Dio.