10 saddest deaths in Dragon Ball history, ranked

10 saddest deaths in Dragon Ball history, ranked

Dragon Ball is a series that is not afraid of death. While there are many deaths in dragon ball, Only a few of them stand out for their grief. letters in Dragon Ball Usually die in the middle of battle, and their deaths can be cold and brutal. Most of the Z Fighters died at least once, with some of them dying multiple times. Although characters like Vegeta are now more than familiar with the afterlife, it does not make his death any less sad.

Dragon Ball Does a great job of treating character's deaths meaningfully. When one of Goku's friends dies in front of him, he probably goes berserk, leading to some of the greatest transformations in anime.


Chiaotzu's (inconsequential) self-sacrifice against Nappa

Chiaotzu tried to stop the Saiyan threat

Chiaotzu's death has become a bit of a joke in the anime community. Unfortunately, he sacrificed himself in vain when he tried to kill Nappe. Although his intentions are pure, his efforts are not enough. Vegeta and Nappa came to Earth and are unstoppable. They destroyed everything they touched, and the Z fighters didn't stand a chance against them. Feeling like he was running out of options, Chiaotzu hopped onto Nappa's back to self-detonate.


Nappa ran Chiaotsu into many mountains to test him. To Chiaotsu's credit, he never let go, and was determined to see his plan come together. He mustered enough energy to blow himself up, trying to take the saw with him. When the smoke cleared, Chiaotzu didn't even leave a chink in Napp's armor, Creating one of the saddest moments in the series.


Future Trunks vs. Cell

A one-shot kill out of nowhere

Future Trunks' death is sad for a couple of different reasons. First, it's sad because it shows Goku died for nothing, and second, Future Trunks wasn't even supposed to be part of that timeline in the first place. When Cell threatened to blow up the world, Goku made the noble choice to teleport himself and Cell somewhere far away. He did just that, saving the earth once again. However, Cell was stronger than the Z fighters expected, and he came back even stronger than before.

When he teleported back to Earth, he launched a death ray at his opponents. It hit Future Trunks square in the chest, mortally wounding him instantly. Future Trunks later succumbs to his wounds, Making Vegeta go berserk and giving Gohan another reason to dig deep and defeat his mortal enemy.


Piccolo saves Gohan

Piccolo's first moments as a hero

Piccolo was the best hero that anyone could have expected. He was a powerful villain in dragon ball, But ended up becoming one of the best father figures in anime to Goku's son Dragon Ball p. When the Saiyans came to Earth, more than Chiaotzu bit the dust. Nappa was more powerful than any of Earth's warriors could have seen coming, and they didn't stand a chance against them. In a quick move, Nappa sent a blast at Gohan who froze. Piccolo saw the situation unfolding and jumped between Gohan and the blast.

He took the brunt of the damage, saving Gohan's life. Piccolo's heroic sacrifice costs him his life. He spent his last moments reflecting on the irony of saving his rival's son, while also thanking Gohan for being a son of his own. He said Gohan was his first friend before he died.


Goku saves the earth

Goku sacrifices himself against Cell

Cell is one of the most dangerous characters in Dragon Ball p. He is evil, smart and strong enough to bring the Dragon Team to their knees. When he loses against them at the beginning of the Cell Games, he devises a mysterious plan. He begins to fill himself with energy, so much so that if anyone attacks him, he will blow up the ground. It's a tough place for Gohan and his friends to be in, as no matter what they do, Cell will destroy the Earth.


In a moment of quick thinking, Goku realizes that he can save the planet. He says goodbye to his friends and family before teleporting to Cell. He touches the villain, connecting him to his instant transmission technique, and takes the living bomb to King Kay's planet where no living people will be harmed.


Chi-Kei and Goten vs. Goku Black

Goku Black was merciless

Goten and Chi-Chi's death in Dragon Ball Super are some of the most chilling. Although their deaths are certainly sad, they are also cold and brutal. Zamasu wanted to be the strongest man in the universe, and wanted the Dragon Balls to make it happen. When he switches bodies with Goku, his wish is granted. He decided to get rid of anyone who would get in his way, including Goku in his old body and Goku's family.

While most deaths come at the end of a hard-fought battle in dragon ball, Goten and Chi-Chi are executed in cold blood. Zamasu kills them in their father's and husband's bodies respectively, making their deaths even more harrowing. Once Goku from Universe 7 heard about this, he flew into a rage, pummeling Goku Black and gaining an edge in their fight.


Majin Vegeta

The peak of Vegeta's character arc

Vegeta is one of the best characters in Dragon Ball. Although Majin Vegeta is still technically Vegeta, he is a version of the Saiyan Prince who sells his soul to the proverbial devil, in this case the evil wizard Babidi. He abandoned the pride that made him the man he once was for a chance to fight Kakarot as an equal. It is both Vegeta's lowest moment in the series and his highest. When he realizes the error of his ways and how much he really values ​​the life he built for himself, he goes to defeat Majin Buu.


In a move that was similar to Chiaotzu, Vegeta decided to blow himself up to try and finish off Buu. It doesn't work, because Vegeta dies, but Majin Buu doesn't. This is one of the saddest deaths in the series because By the time Vegeta realizes what he's leaving behind, it's already too late.


Krillin's death on Namek

Poor fuel for a Super Saiyan transformation

Krillin was the source of most of the pain Dragon Ball. He is constantly hit by punches, blasted by energy beams, or even impaled by space-faring warlords. His death on Namek was one of the most jaw-dropping moments in the series, as it seemingly came out of nowhere. Frieza had enough of Goku and wanted to take his anger out on the Saiyan friends. Normally, he would have used a death ray, but he wanted to make a show of Krillin.

He flicked his finger at Krillin and landed a tiny ability, gaining control over Krillin through telekinesis. Frieza then floats Krillin in the air before making him implode. Krillin screamed for Goku to no avail. It is a shocking death that is not like any other in dragon ball, Like most characters get a fighting chance. Krillin, on the other hand, looked like a cheap pinota that Frieza was bored with.


Android 16 vs Cell

The android found his humanity

Android 16 was a surprising ally at the end of the Cell Games. He was programmed with only one thing in mind: killing Son Goku. When he was able to develop his own personality, He became kind-hearted, self-aware and a source of patience for Gohan. At this point in the series, Gohan is the strongest character, but he doesn't want to be. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, even evil like Cell. Android 16 empathizes with him, citing his own distaste for violence.

Gohan is startled by the android's words and understands where he is coming from. Before he can fully thank the android, Cell approaches and stomps his head like an old fire. Android 16's death is unceremonious, especially given the amazing speech he gives Gohan. Gohan then finds the logic he needs to take his revenge on Cell.


Vegeta's death on Namek

Vegeta opened up to Goku for the first time

Vegeta's first death at the hands of Frieza is one of the most one-sided beat downs in anime. Frieza played with him until the end, never respecting Vegeta and seeing him as nothing more than a bump in the road. When Goku arrives at the scene of the battle, Vegeta was completely defeated both physically and mentally. He confides in Kakarot for the first time in the series. He tells Goku that Frieza is all the horrors he claims to be. He is the one responsible for the enslavement and eventual fall of their empire.

He tells Goku that Frieza made Vegeta who he is, and asks that Goku stop him from continuing his onslaught. Vegeta then leaves, with Frieza making even more disrespectful comments. It's one of the saddest deaths and an eye-opening moment for Vegeta, Goku and everyone else who has to fight the Emperor.


Future Gohan vs the Androids

Future Gohan died horribly

The future of Gohan's death is easily the saddest of all Dragon Ball. Although Gohan's entire timeline is bleak, nothing is worse than his death. Future Gohan exists in a timeline where the androids have essentially won. They killed Goku, Vegeta and anyone else who could stand up to them.

Gohan and Trunks were the only two defenders left, and they weren't enough.

Gohan knows that the androids are closing in on him and Trunks, and in a noble move of self-sacrifice, he goes to take them out himself. Android 17 and 18 then play with Gohan while they kill him. They make fun of him for only one arm, which is even worse because they are the ones who took his other arm. They finish off Gohan with a series of brutal energy blasts, Leaving him for dead in a puddle.