10 reasons to be optimistic about season 4

10 reasons to be optimistic about season 4

Rumors, theories and predictions for Netflix season 4 The wizard make it clear that audiences are conflicted, and with no release date announced yet, a lot of this speculation is turning into complaints. With some notable villains already dead, there are concerns about some of the The wizard the new characters in season 4 and how they will fit into the plot. And, of course, there's the matter of Liam Hemsworth replacing Henry Cavill as Geralt.

Still, with what little has been leaked about new characters and locations, there's reason to be excited about the next season. There's also a chance that Season 4 could fix The wizardthe pacing issues the show has struggled with in previous seasons. It's important to find positive things to focus on amongst all the criticism, and here are some of the most exciting things to look forward to in The wizard.


Laurence Fishburne's casting is undoubtedly exciting for The Witcher season 4

Now Morpheus can be a vampire without having to involve Marvel Comics

Laurence Fishburne has been cast as Regis, who has long been a favorite character among fans of both the books and CD Projekt Red video games, where the vampire appeared in The Witcher 3of Blood and Wine expansion despite its apparent death in the novels. Having him appear on the show is quite exciting, but the casting of a phenomenal actor like Laurence Fishburne is an even bigger win for a show that needed the hustle and bustle of an expensive actor to bolster faith in the project following Henry Cavill's departure.


Liam Hemsworth as Geralt actually makes a lot of sense

Geralt's new reason for living deserves a new actor

Liam Hemsworth as Geralt in The Witcher, with white hair and stoic appearance.

Although concerns about Henry Cavill's departure The wizard are certainly valid, as he clearly had a lot of passion for the project, Liam Hemsworth is a solid choice to replace the Superman starespecially given rumors that Cavill's departure was anything but amicable. Hemsworth is an experienced and talented actor, with his roles in Hunger Games action series and films such as Killer Man serving as examples of his ability to play stern protagonists.

It's true that no one will be able to utter a single swear word with the same tired resentment that Henry Cavill did, but Geralt as a character is much more than those moments of monosyllabic frustration. Liam Hemsworth will bring new energy to Geralt at a time in the character's development that seems appropriate. This is no longer the grizzled, world-weary Geralt of the first season, who simply lived his life as a witcher because he had to; now Geralt is a man who found, in Ciri, a reason to truly live.


Jaskier will be torn between all the people he loves

Being torn between family, love and friendship can destroy the bard's resolve

As much as Jaskier and Geralt's mischievous banter has always been a big part of The wizardheart, everyone's favorite bard deserved a genuine emotional arc of his ownand the third season gave us a taste of this when Jaskier began to build a relationship with the then Prince Radovid. Now that Radovid is King of Redania, he can't follow through on his plan to help Jaskier find his family, which will likely only make things more difficult for both of them.

Here's hoping Season 4 continues to raise the stakes here, as Radovid's duty to the crown he never wanted - and Dijkstra and Philippa waiting in the wings to pull his strings - could very well put him directly at odds with Jaskier. About that, Jaskier will be torn between his desire to find his familyhis loyalty to Geralt and his growing affection for Radovid. It's the kind of complicated emotional situation no one imagined the bard would stumble into in season one, when he primarily served as Geralt's comedic foil.


Ciri reveals her darker side to the rats

The princess becomes a thief

The Season 3 finale showed Ciri finally meeting the Rats, the group of rag-tag and refugees with whom she will spend some time sheltering as she struggles with her internal conflict over her magic. We also saw the first time Ciri killed someone, and anyone who has read the books will know that This is the beginning of a very dark period for the young princessas she becomes intoxicated by this very direct way of claiming power through violence - something of which until now she has only been a victim.

We can expect to see the Little Lion of Cintra learn to use its claws with much more wisdom next season; her choice to call herself Falka shows that she feels ready to take her destiny into her own hands rather than trust Geralt to save her, but it's also her unconscious admitting that part of her wants to be consumed by fire. Season 4 will see her struggle with this as she reveals her darker side with the Rats, and this will come with more phenomenal character work from actress Freya Allan.


Yennifer's quest for revenge against Vilgefortz continues

Anya Chalotra Makes Revenge Look Good

Yennifer's arc in Season 4 will be phenomenal. With the Season 3 finale showing her taking the reins of the newly founded Sorceress' Lodge and focusing their collective vision on revenge against the treacherous Vilgefortz - which is a big change from the books, where she was forced to seek her revenge alone, as her other sorceresses still mistakenly believed she was Vilgefortz's ally - we'll see some phenomenal magic in action as they track him down.

Anya Chalotra's best work so far in The wizard he was the way she shows Yennifer's conflicting desires for intimacy and security. Whether it's the constant turmoil of her feelings for Geralt, her tragic relationship with Tissaia, or her deep desire to have enough power to never be afraid again, Chalotra's expressiveness as an actress shines through and brings so much life to the character that at times it feels like Yen is the true main character of The wizard. Season 4 will hopefully be filled with moments like these as Yennifer continues to understand the difference between justice and revenge.


The return of more wizards

Despite your opinion to the contrary, Geralt has friends and we should see them happy together

One of the best things about season 2 The wizard did was show us Kaer Morhen and the Witchers who live there. It was a great way to contextualize Geralt and the people who helped raise and train him, and seeing how their relationship with Ciri developed, for better and worse, was an important part of his own arc.

Although the extent to which Coen and Lambert will return for Season 4 remains unclear.we hope they appear in more than just flashbacks and can continue to add depth and nuance to our perspective on Witchers. Unfortunately, we will no longer have Kim Bodina as Vesemir in The wizard Season 4 due to their departure from the series, but Coen and Lambert were much more vivacious characters anyway.


Leo Bonhart and his distorted paternal feelings towards Ciri

He's like a wizard doesn't have any morality

Leo Bonhart standing in the rain of The Witcher books.

Season 4 is about to introduce one of the The wizardof the most sadistic villains, the bounty hunter Leo Bonhart, who will make the hunt for Ciri the central focus of the rest of his life. Although hired by two different nobles to go after Ciri, one of whom wants her dead and the other wants her captured, Bonhart will become obsessed with the young warrior princess and force her to become an arena fighter.

We still have a lot to look forward to when this mustachioed, distorted sadist enters Ciri's life as a dark reflection of Geralt.

While Bonhart's full arc will likely continue into Season 5, we still have a lot to look forward to when this twisted, mustachioed sadist enters Ciri's life as a dark reflection of Geralt. Although not a Witcher, Bonhart reportedly killed several of them making him one of the deadliest warriors of all The wizardand seeing how this violence will influence Ciri throughout the next season will be fascinating.


Our first glimpse of the Swallow Tower

Hopefully the fight there will still involve Ciri killing people while ice skating

Thanedd Island and Tor Lara in The Witcher

A big concern The wizard is that, although there are only two seasons left until the end of the series, there are still three books to cover: Baptism of Fire, The Swallow Towerand The Lady of the Lake. Season 4 is likely to deal with Baptism and Towershowing Geralt and his companions working to rescue Ciri, Ciri's arc with the Rats and Bonhart, Yennifer as she tracks down Vilgefortz, and I hope it ends with Ciri entering the mysterious Towerleaving The Lady of the Lake and its multiversal storyline in full for the fifth season.

The Swallow Tower, or Tor Zirael in the Old Tongue, is a fascinating and sinister structure as it is magically linked to Tor Lara in Thanedd, which was destroyed in season 3. for the Brotherhood of Sorcerers, Tor Zirael was abandoned long agohidden by a magical fog from prying eyes. Season 4 will hopefully give us a glimpse of this mysterious structure and the portal within it that will take Ciri further from home than she ever thought possible.


The battle for the bridge on the Yaruga and Geralt's cavalry

Finally, the “Of Rivia” in its name will be more than an affectation

One of the main parts Baptism of Fire is the Battle for the Bridge on the Yaruga, where Geralt and his companions find themselves trapped on a raft on the River Yaruga, with Nilfgaardian soldiers on one bank, the Lyrian army on the other, and the Witcher in the middle taking fire from both. sides. When Geralt and company finally make it safely to shore and help the Lyrians defeat the Nilfgaardians, Queen Lyrian Meve rides Geralt as a reward. As Rivia is part of his kingdom, he officially grants Geralt the title “of Rivia”.

In addition to the humorous way in which Geralt accidentally canonizes his name, The Battle for the Bridge is one of the most spectacular battles in The wizard the date. While we've seen massive fights so far in the Netflix series, they've mostly involved mages to one degree or another; the Battle for the Bridge will be a chance to see a massive conflict between armies and to see Geralt, Regis and the other warriors in their group let off the leash and do what they do best: gratuitous violence.


Meeting the irrepressible dwarf mercenary Zoltan Chivay

If you liked Yarpen Zigren, you'll love Zoltan

One of the best recurring characters in The wizard So far it's been Yarpen Zigren, the dwarf mercenary Geralt (and to a much lesser extent, Jaskier) has befriended over the years. Yarpen and his fighters first appeared in Season 1, Episode 6, as part of the group hired by the golden dragon Borch Three Jackdaws to defend his egg against the Reavers, and also appeared in Seasons 2 and 3 to help Geralt.

The wizard We hope Season 4 shows us another dwarf, the irrepressible Zoltan Chivay, another mercenary captain who helps Geralt and his group while they are on their way to the Yaruga. In Baptism of Fire, Zoltan presents Geralt with a rune-enchanted dwarven sword called secrecy, and hopefully Netflix's adaptation will embrace this moment to give us a glimpse into Dwarven culture and mythology, as well as the chance to give Geralt a brand-new toy that he can properly break down once he gets to the Yaruga.

The wizard

Based on Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski's novels and video games, The Witcher follows the story of Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter who struggles to find his place in a world where people often prove more wicked than beasts. "Ciri" Cirilla is the Princess of Cintra, who possesses magical abilities and whose destiny is linked to Geralt's. Yennefer of Vengerberg, a sorceress who trains to become a wizard before abandoning her duties and pursuing a solo career, is also a main character in the Netflix series. The show's stories are interconnected, but told in different timelines, all of which eventually catch up with Ciri's, whose timeline of events is the most recent. Set on the continent where men, monsters, and elves exist together, the characters all have separate journeys, although their destinies place them in each other's orbits.