Ridley Scott is creating a new Foreigner film, and the film finally has a chance to resolve some unanswered questions from Prometheus and Alien: Alliance. The most recent entry in Foreigner franchise, Foreigner: Rômulo, It was a huge box office success. Although it was directed by Fede Álvarez Romulo'success spurred several upcoming Foreigner movies and TV shows and other Foreigner film directed by Ridley Scott has been confirmed. The new Scott Foreigner film, although few details are yet available, will be the first he has directed for the franchise since Prometheus and Alien: Allianceand may finally bring to a close the trilogy he started in 2012.
Prometheus and Alien: Alliance both serve as prequels to the original Foreigner starring Sigourney Weaver, and they were supposed to tell the story of how the xenomorphs got to LV-426 in the first place. Scott, however, never got the chance to finish his trilogy, and his third Foreigner the prequel was quietly scrapped, seemingly never to be completed again. Prometheus and Covenant have, however, been re-evaluated by fans in the years since their releases, and now it appears that the next Foreigner the film could finally be the finale of its prequel trilogy. If so, these 10 unanswered questions may finally be resolved.
Did David create the xenomorphs in Alien Canon?
Despite being a prequel, Prometheus & Covenant never explained how the Xenomorphs arrived on LV-426
David (Michael Fassbender) was the central character in both Prometheus and Alien: Allianceand also served as the architect of the xenomorphs. Covenant revealed that David was doing extensive experimentation and research on xenomorphs, hoping to transform them into the perfect species. What neither Prometheus nor Covenant revealed, however, is how the xenomorphs actually arrived at LV-426 in time for the original Foreigner. David was on his way to Origae-6 just a few years earlier, in Foreigner timeline, so he couldn't have put the xenomorphs there.
Alien Movies and TV Shows in Timeline Order |
Title |
Year Set |
Alien: Earth (2025) |
2092 |
Prometheus (2012) |
2093 |
Alien: Covenant (2017) |
2104 |
Foreigner (1979) |
2122 |
Foreigner: Rômulo (2024) |
2142 |
Foreigners (1986) |
2179 |
Alien 3 (1992) |
2180 |
Alien Resurrection (1997) |
2379 |
The space jockey in Foreigner that the crew of the Nostromo found alongside the eggs were fossilized, so they clearly did not come from David. What makes the origin of LV-426's xenomorphs even more mysterious is the fact that xenomorphs appeared to exist long before the Prometheus arrived at LV-223, and that David simply recreated them. There were egg murals, face huggers, and adult xenomorphs all over the planet that were made long before humanity encountered them. The original ForeignerXenomorphs remain a mystery.
Who were the Prometheus engineers really?
The motives, culture, origins of engineers and more remain mysterious
Prometheus centered on the mystery of the Engineers, the race of aliens that gave life to Earth and eventually humanity, but did not solve that mystery. Covenant largely abandoned the Engineers in favor of David's experimentation with xenomorph hybrids, and left many of the biggest questions about the progenitor species unanswered. Even more than a decade later Prometheusalmost nothing is known about the society, culture, origins of the Engineers or why they created life throughout the universe. If you revisit the intelligent aliens, the new Foreigner the film could finally reveal more about them.
Not just the next Foreigner movie solves some of the mysteries surrounding the Engineers, it could also see both of them Prometheus and Covenant easier to understand. The film could resolve some of the more confusing parts of each film, like answering why the Engineers were heading to Earth to destroy humanity and why the Last Engineer attacked David and the humans almost as soon as he woke up. With any luck, Ridley Scott's film could even resolve some of the questions its prequel trilogy had originally promised to answer, like where the Engineers come from.
Where do engineers come from if Planet 4 wasn't their home world?
Planet 4 Aliens May Have Been Descendants of Engineers, Not Real Engineers
One of the greatest mysteries of Engineers that so Prometheus and Covenant refused to resolve was also one that Ridley Scott's prequels promised to explore. At the end of PrometheusShaw (Noomi Rapace) stated that she wanted to go to the Engineers' home world, but they never arrived. Planet 4, the setting of most Alien: Allianceit appeared to be one of the Engineers' colonies populated by one of the species they created, rather than their actual home world. There is plenty of evidence to support the theory that David did not kill the Engineers in Covenantsuch as its slightly different appearance and lack of technology.
If Covenant didn't happen on the Engineer's homeworld, so Foreigner it never showed where the mysterious aliens come from. It's safe to assume that a race as advanced as the Engineers would have a truly astonishing home planet filled with unimaginable technology, which seems like the perfect setting for Ridley Scott's new project. Foreigner film. Even if it doesn't examine the Engineers' home world, the new film could explain more about the Engineers by taking a closer look at their colony planets and the species other than humans that the Engineers created.
Who piloted the circular ship at the beginning of Prometheus?
The first Prometheus spacecraft is clearly not an engineering project
The opening scene of Prometheus It showed an engineer sacrificing himself to start life on Earth, but there was another mystery behind it. The circular ship that took off while the Engineer drank the black goo was a smooth, oblong vessel. It was clearly not a normal engineered craft, as its spacecraft was much more ridged and appeared to be almost biological in design. The creators and pilots of the circular ship at the beginning of Prometheus have not yet been identified, although they may have been the creators of the Engineers.
It is possible that the circular ship was piloted by other Engineers, and that their warships simply had a very different visual design from their exploratory ships, but there appears to be more to the circular ship than that. The circular ship received a lot of attention at the beginning of Prometheusand it looked so visually distinct that it almost begged the audience to ask themselves who created it. More, if Foreigner reveals that the Engineers were also created by a more intelligent power, this would solve the mystery of their origins and fit perfectly with Prometheus'themes of creation.
David's Plan and When It Really Started
How many of David's actions were his idea and how many were Weyland's?
At some point Prometheus and Alien: AllianceDavid went rogue. He stopped obeying the commands of his human companions and superiors and instead began following his own ambitions. It is unclear, however, when exactly David began carrying out his plan, or what his plan is.. Many of the terrible things he did in Prometheusfrom poisoning Holloway with the black goo to trying to force Shaw to give birth to the trilobyte, it could have been David's interpretation of Weyland's order to "try more." It's unclear how much he did at the behest of his creator, and how much he did for his own sick reasons.
It's unclear how much David did on his creator's orders and how much he did for his own sick reasons.
Regardless of when David began working towards his own goals, he obviously leaned fully into them when it came to Alien: Alliance. Although he was his own master at that point, David's plan didn't make much sense. He only said that he wanted to create a “perfect” organism, but he never revealed what he wanted to do with that species, or what he defined as perfection. Only Ridley Scott's new film can definitively answer what David really wanted to do with the xenomorphs he was creating and how his grand plan will succeed or fail..
Was David falling apart in Alien: Covenant?
David couldn't remember simple facts an Android should know
After David began attacking the crew of the Covenanthe had a conversation with Walter that raised even more questions. David recited the poem "Ozymandias"several times in Covenantbut as Walter pointed out, he misunderstood the author of the poem, saying it was written by Lord Byron when in fact it was written by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Walter then explained that "when one note is wrong, it eventually destroys the entire symphony." Although it introduced the idea that David's mind was breaking, it never explained how bad his mental faculties were or would become, or why it was happening in the first place.
David's insanity or mental breakdown would almost certainly have been investigated in a sequence of Alien: Alliancebut until now it remains a complete enigma. No one knows whether David was simply going crazy or whether his hardware and software were actually faulty. David was a very early model of android, so it's possible he was breaking down like a machine. However, there's no telling how bad his mind would be after a few more years, and he had seven more years of isolation to endure before the Covenant reached Origae-6. Scott Foreigner the film could show David becoming even more psychopathic and sadistic.
What really happened to Shaw after Prometheus?
Shaw's fate was only hinted at in Alien: Covenant
Dr. Elizabeth Shaw was the main protagonist and only human survivor of Prometheusbut she suffered one of the worst fates in the film. Between Prometheus and CovenantShaw was killed off-screen, and his lackluster ending hid some details about his story. According to David, Shaw fixed him, saw Planet 4 with him, disagreed with his experiments and research, and ended up dying at his hands. Neither David nor Alien: Alliancehowever, it explained why Shaw fixed the android, how she actually died, or what kinds of horrible experiments David subjected her to..
While there are some early scripts and deleted scenes that delve into Shaw and David's journey to Planet 4 and their death, nothing in Foreigner Canon gives a satisfactory explanation. Covenant didn't explain why she would completely fix David even after he tried to kill her, which seems to be a crucial part of Shaw's story. It also left some untold body horror, as David may well have experimented on Shaw while she was still alive.. There are so many mysteries and so much untapped potential in Shaw's story, and the next Foreigner film may be able to use some of it.
What happened to Origae-6 after the Covenant arrived?
David's Experiments Must Have Destroyed the Destiny of the Alliance
Although there are many loose threads of Prometheus that was never properly tied, there are even more than Alien: Alliance. One of these topics was the fate of Origae-6, the final fate of the Covenant and its colonists. At the end of Alien: AllianceDavid was left alone on the ship, with everyone frozen in hypersleep. This meant he was able to perform his sick xenomorph experiments on an almost unlimited number of human test subjects, and could have created some monstrous aliens. Origae-6 was in serious trouble, but the public never found out how much trouble it would face.
Based on David's quest to create the perfect organism, it's likely he turned Origae-6 into a nightmare planet filled with xenomorphs. Even if he hadn't experimented on every colonist in the last seven years of the ship's voyage, they would have soon died to David's creations shortly after arriving on the planet. An entire colony ship being destroyed must have caught the attention of the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, and they must have investigated David. There's a whole story to be told that would explain why Weyland-Yutani wanted xenomorphs as bioweapons, but Ridley Scott never got the chance to tell it.
What happened to Daniels after the alliance?
What experiments did David subject Daniels to after he took over?
Like Shaw before her, Daniels' (Katherine Waterston) fate after Alien: Alliance remains a mystery. She went into hypersleep moments after realizing that David had killed Walter and taken his place, but her story apparently ended there. Covenant also hinted that David had the same unhealthy obsession with Daniels as he did with Shaw, so it seems that Foreigner should have explored how he treated her in more depth. Additionally, David threatened to do the same experiments on Daniels that he did on Shaw, but viewers never got to see them.
Daniels' final fate in Foreigner universe is even more intriguing than Shaw's simply by virtue of how open its future is. David could do pretty much anything he wanted to Daniels, from using her for experiments to forcing her to be his unnatural love interest or anything else psychotic.. Ridley Scott's next Foreigner The film could even use Daniels as a way to delve deeper into the relationship between humans and xenomorphs and turn her into some kind of hybrid like Ripley's clone in Alien: Resurrection. Perhaps the most interesting way to use Daniels is by connecting to Alien: Romulus.
How does Alien: Romulus fit into Prometheus & Covenant?
Romulus Just Hinted at a Connection to Ridley Scott's Prequels
The final, and possibly most important, question that the new Foreigner the film can answer is how Prometheus and Covenant tie in Alien: Romulus. Although it appeared after both prequels, Romulo it didn't have many references to Scott's previous films. An important way to connect Prometheus and Covenanthowever, it was through its ending and Alien: Romulus' Children. Fede Álvarez said that Offspring was possible because of the black goo introduced into the Prometheusalthough the details are unclear. Another film could better explain how the goo attaches to xenomorphs and what it can do to humans.
There are also some unanswered questions from Romulo that Scott's next film could answer beyond Offspring, mainly about Prometheus' black goo. In Romulothe goo was able to cure Kay before she gave birth to offspring, but in Prometheus it was primarily used as a biological weapon to destroy any life it came into contact with. There are several other mysteries of Romulo that the new Ridley Scott Foreigner the film could answer, once it is finally released.