The various catchable creatures found in the Pokemon Franchises are beloved by many, primarily for their designs or their use in battle, but it may come as a surprise that Some Pokemon are actually eaten by humans. The Pokédex contains many entries that mention certain Pokémon that have been consumed, whether it is only part of them or the Pokémon in its entirety. Even the anime has occasional references to this fact in its nearly 30 years of existence.
Although some entries in the Pokédex indicate that taking and eating certain parts of Pokémon does not harm them in the slightest, There are several more about entries that hint at a much darker story about the relationship between humans and Pokemon. Regardless, one can't help but be curious as to what the various Pokemon would taste like. Even with so many options to choose from, only certain Pokemon can be considered the tastiest of them all.
Some of the cherubim can be eaten for nutrients
The little ball on his head is sweet
As its name implies, Cherubi's design is based on a cherry, making it a tasty snack for both humans and Pokemon. The Pokédex explains this Cherub stores nutrients in the small bulb attached to its headWhich makes it taste very sweet. This is why it constantly tries to hide from bird Pokemon like Starley that will often swoop down and try to eat it, but Cherubi is thankfully often fast enough to avoid them in most cases.
Fortunately, there is a way to get the onion from Cherubim in a way that does not harm it. It uses the nutrients it stored inside the bulb to evolve, after that It falls painlessly off the head. This allows both humans and Pokemon to take the bulb for themselves to eat, without having to attack the precious innocent creature.
Basculin has different flavors based on its color
A popular Unwan dish
Basculin itself may be quite an underwhelming fifth-generation Pokemon, even with its multiple forms that have different colors, but it is still sought after by many humans looking for a meal. Especially in the Unova area, the fish are a common source of food for humans, appearing on the dinner table quite often. They are described in the Pokédex as "Remarkable taste" Although these are specifically about the red and blue forms of Basculin, rather than the white Hisuyan version of the Pokemon.
apparently, Each form of Unovan Basculin has a different unique flavor. The red basculins are described as quite fatty, and are quite popular with the youth of Unova, while the blue basculins are said to be quite light with a "Inoffensive flavor.” Such differences between the two forms of basculin make them quite intriguing, which makes one wonder how the white basculin tastes in comparison.
Shakle hoards berries that can be made into a beverage
Shakle provides a refreshing drink
Although the adorable Pokemon Shackle is based on a turtle, people don't eat it whole. The reason it is sought after is still very related to food, though, specifically beverages. innovation, People sometimes drink Shackle's bodily fluidsAlthough it is not as dirty as it may initially sound.
Shackle is known to store berries inside its shell, which it eats as it hides under rocks. with time, The berries begin to ferment and slowly turn into a gooey liquidEventually turning into juice as they mix with Shackle's bodily fluids. The juice itself is said to be quite thick and pulpy, which may sound a bit disgusting at first, but the Pokédex nevertheless describes it as very tasty, Which indicates that humans clearly enjoy it.
Consuming polteageist can be lethal to humans
Trainers it trusts can drink its tea
Evolving from Sinistea, Polteageist is said to live in antique taps. It primarily looks for teapots that still have some tea left inside They eventually pour into the pot to own it and create a brand new Polteageist. Despite its somewhat creepy premise, it's another Pokemon that can provide trainers with a refreshing drink.
People say that Polteageist will allow any trainer it trusts to drink its teaAlthough it may only be a relatively small sample. Drinking too much of it is said to be dangerous, even fatal, but there are some people who manage to drink Poltageist's tea every day without fear. Even with the threat of danger lurking behind him, one can't help but be curious as to what a unique Poltegeist tea really tastes like.
Sharpedo is almost hunted to extinction
This Pokemon's fin was once a delicacy
Sharpedo is a terrifying water-type Pokemon that was hunted by humans en masse for food long ago. In particular, its dorsal fin was known to be a "Treasured food" According to the Pokédex, making it a highly sought after delicacy. Unfortunately, Sharpedo's Pokédex entry in Pokemon Moon indicates that "Sharpedo"Has a sad story“To be a victim of overfishingMeaning it was almost completely extinct long ago.
Fortunately, it seems that The days of hunting Sharpedo are over. Many people tend to stay away from Sharpedo, knowing that it is a formidable force to be reckoned with, as it is said to be a wild swimmer that can reach speeds of up to 75 miles per hour. Although trying to get a bite from Sharpedo can be tempting, it's probably best to leave such ferocious creatures alone where they can stay safe from harm.
Farfetch'd is a popular poultry dish
A delicious Pokemon equipped with garnish
The design of Farfetch'd is quite notable because it is always seen with a large staff, which it uses as a kind of sword to protect itself. According to the Pokédex, Farfetch'd will eat the stick as a form of emergency rations if it can't find other food, but the stick is also edible to humans. It is supposed to be a green onion stalk. Cooking Farfetch'd with its green onion is said to make it especially delicious.
unfortunately, Farfetch's numbers are reduced due to excessmaking it extremely rare to find them in the wild. Due to this fact, many people have tried to breed more Farfetch'd in an effort to prevent them from becoming extinct. As delicious as farfetch'd may seem, eating one is ultimately not worth the disappearance of the entire species.
Slowpoke tail is a delicacy
Slowpoke's tail is used in many regions
Slowpoke is often infamously mentioned as the target of many Team Rocket schemes in the early days of the franchise, When the evil perpetrators attempted to cut off the tail to sell them on the black market. The tails are especially sought after by humans, as they are seen as a delicacy due to the very sweet taste of the juice they produce.
Fortunately, the Pokédex says so Slowpoke tails can fall off on their ownAllowing humans to use them in various dishes without causing any harm to the docile Pokemon. People in Alola took dried slowpoke tails and put them into stews, while travelers in Galar used them to make curry. One can't help but be curious about how the dishes actually taste, because they look incredibly appetizing in the game.
Appletun smells as sweet as it tastes
A sweet and sticky snack for children
Appletun is known as the Apple Nectar Pokemon, which is the perfect way to describe the creature due to its resemblance to an apple pie. It is known to give a very sweet aromaWhich attracts both humans and Pokemon alike. The sweet smell is due to the nectar that covers its body, which many Pokemon like Lechonk will try to get a taste of, only to be driven away by Appletun spraying sticky nectar in their face.
The flaky, crisp pie crust skin on Appletun's back is also edibleAccording to the Pokédex. It is especially popular with children, who often eat crumbs as a snack. Fortunately, Appletun doesn't seem bothered by this, making it both a friendly companion and a deliciously sweet treat at the same time.
Kingler makes for a better meal than Krabi
A delicious helping of giant crab
Kingler is a particularly large crab Pokemon with massive pincers, and it's the pincers that people are most interested in when it comes to food. This is clearly seen in Gen 8s Pokemon Sword and ShieldWhere One separate curry dish features a whole Kingler claw Inside a plate of rice and sauceAnd it looks incredibly delectable. The sheer size of Kingler's pincers indicates that there must be a lot of meat inside to snack on, so it makes sense why this Pokemon would be so sought after when it comes to cuisine.
Even Kingler's pre-evolution form Krabi was mentioned to be part of human cuisine In the anime. Ash once asked if Professor Oak would eat his Krabby, but the old man replied that Ash's Krabby was too small compared to Gary. Clearly, Kingler is one that many food enthusiasts would have their eye on.
The sweetest treat in Pokemon
The cream Pokémon Alcremie is just as sweet as its name implies. with A body made entirely of whipped creamYou can't overthink about different desserts, and this only helps with the different kinds of flavors that Alkreme's different forms. Alcremie can be the flavor of vanilla, matcha, mint and more, depending on the time of day and how long the player manages to spin before he faints.
According to the Pokédex, Alcremie's cream is said to bring happiness to all who eat it. This was recently shown in the US Pokemon Horizons anime, where Murdock's Alcremie was shown to help decorate various desserts, each of which was a massive hit with the crowd. Klar, A Pokemon Being able to bring such joy to humans with his food is surely the best treat anyone can sink their teeth into.