10 peanut comics that will make you want to fall through the ice

10 peanut comics that will make you want to fall through the ice

Sports of all types are Peanut mainstay, whether winter, spring, summer or fall, and ice skating is commonly included in the range. There have been countless stories about ice skating all over Peanut history. Just two of the many stories are Snoopy's short-lived romance with an ice-skating beagle and Peppermint Patty joining a skating competition with the help of Snoopy as her coach.

Much like how football and baseball are intertwined Peanut In tradition, ice skating plays an important role in the gang's life, as countless comic strips can demonstrate. Snoopy still has several personas linked to ice skating, one of which is his world-famous alter ego Crabby Skating Pro. Even without counting the various hockey comics of Peanutthere are still countless ice skating comics from the beloved property that you can't help but laugh at that classic Peanut humor on full display.


"The World Figure Skating Championship"

February 8, 1970

Peanut Strip: Lucy yelling at Snoopy at the ice skating rink.

Snoopy trains for the world figure skating championships in Yugoslavia, planning his travel accommodations down to the smallest detail. Tired of listening to Snoopy's fantasies and him taking the ice, Lucy yells at him to get off the ice with some well-chosen words. After Lucy's verbal beating, Snoopy decides to take it easy and goes back to his doghouse, thinking about just staying home and watching the world figure skating championships on TV.

Lucy can be a pain in the ass when she wants to be, as seen by her disrupting all of Snoopy's skating fun. Snoopy isn't one to take any kind of rudeness without a fight, so his adherence to Lucy's wishes is a little out of character for the usually irreverent pup.


"I will never forget her"

December 21, 1965

Peanut Strip: Snoopy ice skating alone at night.

As Snoopy skates, he remembers skating at the same rink where he met the Ice Skating Beagle a year ago, who he would later become engaged to before her father forbade the engagement because Snoopy dropped out of obedience school. All the memories of the short-lived romance come flooding back to him, resulting in him wanting to get her out of his system before finally giving in, knowing he will never forget her.

This comic strip wasn't the first time Ice Skating Girl Beagle was mentioned since their breakup, with him seeing her on the beach when he tried to surf in an August 1965 strip. As much as Snoopy tries to forget his ex-fiancee , this is easier said than done, with her appearing at different times, which makes it even harder for Snoopy to forget the ill-fated relationship, especially when he's ice skating alone at night.


"How about a skateboard, honey?"

January 10, 1975

Peanut Strip: Snoopy with his hat pulled over his head and his body on the ice.

Skating at the rink, Snoopy sees Lucy and decides to take advantage of the chance to skate with her, making a very Snoopy proposal. Lucy answers his question by pulling her hat on him and skating, which can't help Snoop'y's self-esteem at all. A racing joke Peanut ice skating comics, Snoopy asks to skate with Lucy and Violet - among others Peanut girls - and is rejected, being pushed around by the girls on top of that.

Lucy and Snoopy don't always get along very well, with a number of comic strips, even Christmas and winter themed, showing the pair not just arguing but also fighting. Given their history, it's not entirely surprising that their differences extend to the ice skating rink.


"Cold Feet"

January 11, 1969

Peanut Strip: Snoopy skating with Peppermint Patty.

Peppermint Patty considers Snoopy to be a good skating partner, and she surprisingly accepts his invitation after many bouts of rejection from Lucy and Violet. Maybe part of the reason she accepts is that she thinks Snoopy is a funny-looking boy. Regardless, Snoopy skates with Peppermint Patty and imagines all the figure skating championships they will participate in across the United States and all the trophies and accolades they will win.

An unintended consequence of figure skating for Snoopy turned out to be fear... literally. The poor dog is skating with his paws, not his skates, on the freezing ice. However, insecurity won't stop the brazen beagle from entering the North American Championships in Oakland. Unfortunately, Peppermint Patty can't go with him to Oakland, so Snoopy is left without a partner and returns home empty-handed.


"Looks like a great game"

December 5, 1971

Peanut Strip: Charlie Brown being spun around on the ice.

In his big furry coat and hat, Charlie Brown walks onto the ice and slides down on his back. At a very inopportune moment, Lucy and a friend are discussing the game Spin the Bottle, which Lucy demonstrates by spinning Charlie Brown on ice. Excited to be part of the game for the first time, Charlie Brown wonders who he is pointing at since he is the bottle.

A class Peanut winter gag, Charlie Brown's big furry coat and hat tend to be a hindrance to him, and sometimes an outright danger. Whether it's preventing Charlie Brown from being recognized at the bus stop or causing him to fall through the ice, your coat and hat should come with a warning. One advantage of him sliding down the ice rink is that he was included in Lucy's Spin the Bottle game... well, in his own way.


"I'm cute"

December 20, 1975

Peanut Strip: Lucy insulting Snoopy on the ice.

When Snoopy is counting on skating at the Austrian Olympics, he daydreams about his plans and thinks about his previous confusion a year when he thought the Olympics would be in Nashville. Lucy doesn't intend to entertain Snoopy's delusions of sporting grandeur by taking some action herself. Lucy confronts Snoopy with the harsh information that she called the Olympic committee, who relayed the message that Snoopy cannot compete in the Olympics because he has no qualifications to do so.

Snoopy doesn't know how he could not be qualified, since being cute should count as qualified enough - at least in his mind. It wouldn't be the first hole Lucy has poked into Snoopy's fantasy of skating in the Olympics, with her also pointing out that he has no reputation.


"I can't see anything"

January 9, 1978

Peanut Strip : Marcie's glasses on Snoopy after she falls through the ice.

Being a good friend as always, Marcie spends time with Peppermint Patty as she goes ice skating with the hopes of one day entering the Olympics. However, trouble arises when a bunch of hockey players demand that she get off the ice, despite her arriving first. Peppermint Patty is ready to take on these rude hockey players, but Snoopy, as her skating coach, leaves her in the dust out of fear, leaving Marcie to rescue her by rushing to defend her.

Unfortunately, on the way to help her friend, she slips on the ice. After Marcie fell through the ice, her glasses were nowhere to be found, flying off the moment she hit the ice. Little do the two girls know that the glasses are in an unexpected place: on Snoopy's face, as he embodies the world-famous skating coach Crabby - but he can't see anything with Marcie's Coke bottle glasses.


"I'm getting up! I'm getting up!"

December 9, 1971

Peanut Strip: Snoopy trying to lift Lucy on the ice.

Lucy intends to participate in her skating club's Christmas show, but she needs a partner to do so. When Schroeder turns down the offer, the only option left is Snoopy, which is a joy for him - for about five seconds. He then discovers that he needs to wake up at five in the morning to practice with her, and then other complications arise. Snoopy and Sally's skating practice started off well, with Snoopy being a very pleasant and capable skating partner.

Things change, however, when the time of the great uplift arrives. Trying to lift Lucy, Snoopy struggles despite Lucy's orders to lift her, prompting Snoopy to let Lucy know that he is trying his best. Although they end up coming up with a good skating routine (which doesn't require lifting), all the practice is for nothing because Snoopy gets stage fright right before the show and dumps Lucy, leaving her with his skating replacement, Woodstock.


"The best in the business"

November 7, 1974

Peanut Strip: Peppermint Patty on the phone with Charlie Brown.

Deciding to give her desired future career as a winter ice skater a boost, Peppermint Patty decides to sign up for a skating competition. Peppermint Patty calls her good friend Charlie Brown about taking lessons from the skating pro in "by Chuck"home to prepare for the competition. This question comes as a shock to him, as Charlie Brown had no idea he had a skating pro living with him, much less a skating pro that he is"the best in the business."

To Chuck's surprise, the skating pro turns out to be the world-famous Crabby Skating Pro - or in other words, Snoopy. Much of Snoopy's training involves just making random noises at Peppermint Patty or barking at her, often saying "blah!"Consequently, he has a reputation for being a tough coach.


"I have something else I can give you"

December 7, 1974

Peanut Strip: Snoopy wearing Peppermint Patty's wig.

After a lot of practice and constructive criticism from Snoopy, a lot ends up going wrong for Peppermint Patty when preparing for the skating competition in which she participated. First, the haircut she gets from Charlie Brown's father, a barber, for the competition ends up destroying her hair. As a result, she starts wearing a wig to cover up her rough haircut. Then it turns out that what Peppemrint Patty thought was an ice skating competition was actually a skating competition, and all the work she put in ended up being for nothing.

Remembering that she still owes Snoopy money for the skating lessons he helped her with as a skating coach, Peppermint Patty explains that she has no money, but has something else she can give him: her curly red wig, which Snoopy seems quite happy with. that. After all the trouble Peppermint Patty went through, at least her wig was able to make someone happy in the world of Peanut.