10 Must-Have Cards Revealed for Pokemon TCG Pack (So Far)

10 Must-Have Cards Revealed for Pokemon TCG Pack (So Far)

The upcoming Pokemon Trading Card Game Pocket The mobile game is starting to give people a bit of a sneak peek at the cards that can be collected digitally with the app, and many look pretty impressive. The game will provide a more compact, easier approach for players to enjoy Pokemon TCGWhile its digital nature provides a heavy focus on special art and collecting the coolest cards.

Pokémon TCG Pocket is scheduled for full release on October 30, 2024, for mobile devices. It will be free to download, with a heavy focus on in-game purchases for buying the virtual booster packs to build a collection. The app uses technology for their artwork By making many of the images rise, come off the static card with quick animations or effects, and some cards will even open up in an immersive scene. The awe-inspiring designs could be a dream of many collectors.


Meowth watches over the street below

Genetic Apex Set, Secret Rare, Promos

Although some of these virtual cards are immersive with full scenes that lead on when clicked, many appear mostly like a traditional card in the Pokemon TCG Sets, including full art card Secret Rares such as this Meowth. in this picture, Meowth is shown watching over a city street at nightFrom his place, he sits on the lamp. The glow of the lighting on this night scene makes this card come alive.

Interestingly, many of the standard cards in this set, which do not have the full card illustrations, use the same artwork and images from the past. Pokemon TCG Sets. All of the secret rare styles that have been shown so far have new art and styles to show off, however.


Moltres ex is the only one among the legendary birds to be shown yet

Genetic apex set, secret rare

Moltres is generally joined by Articuno and Zapdos to form the Legendary Bird Trio, but until now Pokémon TCG PocketZapdos seems to be left behind. Both Moltres ex and Articuno ex have received stunning new full art.

The Dazzling effects in this full painting Moltres ex card shine With the improved visual styles of the mobile app, making the card even more powerful than ever. Thankfully, because the cards do not need to be protected from damage, people playing the card game Pokémon TCG Pocket Can use the rare illustration cards in their decks to strike fear into their opponents.


Eevee is depicted with a soft and cozy design

Genetic apex set, secret rare

The cuddly fan-favorite Eevee is often given illustrations that show the cuteness of this little PokemonAnd Pokemon Pocket is no exception. Using softer colors and an overall cozy feel, Eevee's Secret Rare showcases the little ones that might get a little hurt. With toys scattered around and a room plan that could easily be the same room of Twilight Masquerades full art card of Eevee.


Hopefully, in future expansions for PocketEevee will get an immersive card treatment to peak behind the curtain. For now, though, this card still makes a neat and cheerful addition to any collection.


Sabrina strikes a powerful pose for her full card return

Genetic Apex Set, Charizard Booster Pack, Secret Rare

Saffron City gym leader, Sabrina, doesn't have many full art cards in these Pokemon TCG Which feature her, although she has some normal cards and many that are from her various Pokemon. This full art card for Pokemon Packet Really does you justice, while Its colors represent some of the psychic-type powers that she often wields through her Pokémon.

As a two-star rarity supporter card, her image is highlighted by several holographic and glitter effects that are only possible through the app's virtual designs. Although not confirmed at the time of writing, it has been reported that the card may be limited to only the Charizard booster packs of Genetic Apex.


Lapras looks happy in this beautiful artwork

Genetic apex set, secret rare

The stylistic illustration for Lapras done by Haru Akasaka gives a comic book feel to the piece. The use of line art makes Lapras stand out among the crashing waves of the ocean. In the art, it appears as though Lapras is laughing and glibly splashing in the water. Although This design lacks the impressive visual effects that the full art EX cards useIt still includes the holofoil border around the cheerful painting.

If you look closely at the artwork for this Lapras card, you can even spot a surfing Pikachu enjoying the wake of Lapras's waves. This is a nice callback to the anime and is somewhat recreated in others Pokemon properties, so it's great to see it here. There is certainly no question as to what type Lapras is, with so many water elements amplified here.


Pidgeot holds a doomed Magikarp

Genetic apex set, secret rare

One of the chase cards for the Genetic Apex expansion of Pokémon TCG Pocket Is this Pidgeot card with a slice of life image. Although Magikarp lovers may not appreciate the artwork, canonically, Pidgeot is shown in the anime to catch and eat others PokemonIncluding Magikarp.

Like Lapras, Pidgeot's full art card doesn't have all the special effects of some rarer cards, except including the holofoil border. His artwork speaks for itself though, with his sense of movement even in the static image. For play, this card is also a powerful one to bring to the table and is useful to have in a deck.


Squirtle artwork has a peaceful focus on water

Genetic apex set, secret rare

Another water type to make the list, Squirtle has always been a firm favorite for many Pokemon Fans of all ages. In recent sets, such as Twilight MasqueradeMany of the starters such as Squirtle have matching full art cards with their evolutions, Which was to tell a story when placed side-by-side. While this can still happen in Pokémon TCG PocketSo far no full art cards have been shown or announced for Wartortle or Blastoise.


The peaceful look of the water as Squirtle is swimming in this card illustration begs for an immersive effect to be given to it, although unfortunately it is not given the treatment. The card, although beautiful, is just a static image with no extra visual effects. It's artwork alone will probably make it one of the must-have new cards, though.


Articuno EX looks majestic in an icy wonderland

Genetic apex set, secret rare

While its fiery companion, Moltres ex, has a strong appearance of flames on its full Art Secret rare card in this set, Articuno ex has a chillier feel. This snow and ice loving addition to the legendary bird trio looks like it's flying in a snowstorm with crashing waves in the water below. Look closely, there is even a little blue seadra poking its head out of the water under the text of the card, looking up at the massive bird.

Articuno EX is a powerful card in play, although it continues with the game's EX rule of allowing opponents to score two points when an EX card is knocked out of play. Still, this should be one of the most sought after cards in the Pokémon TCG Pocket Play once it launches.


Pikachu EX opens in a world of serenity

Only found in Pikachu Genetic Apex Booster Packs, Immersive Art

Two immersive cards have been shown off so far, and perhaps they're the only ones to get the immersive treatment for the set. Immersive cards have a unique gray swirling border to make them more easily distinguishable, and when tapped on, they will start an animation that provides a tour of the world beyond the painting on the front.

Among the two immersive cards announced is a charming Pikachu EX. Like the above video from PokeBeach show, The card takes players on a tour of a field scene with many other Pokemon around the area. It still has a bit of a 2D effect even while exploring the image, and every character in the scene is frozen in place while the camera pans over them.


Mewtwo EX features haunting immersive card art

Only found in the Mewtwo Genetic Apex Booster Packs, Immersive Art

The only other immersive card to be shown so far is the Mewtwo EX card. It will only be available in the marked Mewtwo booster packs for Genetic ApexAnd has a haunting feel to it. No movies have been provided online to show what the full immersive experience of this card will show, but there seems to be a scene with Mewtwo escaping his lab confinement.

The look on Mewtwo's face is perfectly captured in a way that makes it look angry or scared, depending on how one perceives it. Seeing this event in an immersive card experience will be a special addition to any collection for Pokémon TCG Pocket.

Source: PokeBeach / YouTube



October 30, 2024


Dena, Creatures Inc.


The Pokemon Company