Great villains need to be just as compelling and relatable as the heroes, and there are some movie antagonists that are hard to disagree with. As George RR Martin once wrote: "No one is a villain in their own story." It is important for villains to have motivations that are on par with those of the story's protagonist. Otherwise, they will not push the hero in any way, and their stories are not so interesting.
A lot of great movies blur the line between villains and heroes, either by creating interesting anti-heroes or by making the villains right all along. In some movies, the conflict is not necessarily about who is right and who is wrong. It can also be about the means by which the characters try to achieve their goals, or the deeper philosophy that underpins their view of the world. For many reasons, some of the best movie villains deserved better.
Black Panther (2018)
- Director
Ryan Cogler
- Release date
February 16, 2018
Killmonger may be aggressive, but he's fighting for the right reasons. He sees that Wakanda has immeasurable wealth and power thanks to its vibranium reserves, and he believes that the nation should share its fortune with other countries. By pursuing an isolationist regime, Wakanda manages to fly under the radar, but that means millions of people around the world languish in poverty.
T'Challa eventually comes around to Killmonger's point of view, even after defeating him in battle.
Killmonger wants the throne of Wakanda so he can carry out his mission to lift people out of poverty. When he is finally defeated by T'Challa, he gets to share his vision. It says a lot that T'Challa eventually comes around to Killmonger's point of view, even after defeating him in battle. Black Panther Ends with T'Challa announcing to the world that Wakanda is ready to share its wealth.
Chief Skinner
Ratatouille (2009)
- Release date
June 29, 2007
- Figure
Patton Oswalt, Ian Holm, Lou Romano, Brad Garrett, Peter O'Toole, Janeane Garofalo, Brian Dennehy, Peter Sohn, Will Arnett
Ratatouille Proves that animation can make a character look much more evil than they really are. Chef Skinner has the constant scowling and the brusque movements of an angry, irrational man with a Napoleon complex, but his only crime is that he wants his kitchen to be free of rats. He knows his failing restaurant would be shut down by health inspectors if anyone discovered Remy.
His only crime is that he wants his kitchen to be free of rats.
Skinner is also trying to franchise Gusteau's name by selling a range of microwavable meals. Although this is certainly a money grab capitalizing on the fame of a dead man, it is not quite as sinister as it seems. It can also help the restaurant. Ratatouille is one of the best Pixar movies, so it can get away with a villain that isn't that bad. Chef Skinner's character is often the butt of the jokeAs he is the only one who sees Remy, and it makes him angry.
Roy Batty
Blade Runner (1982)
- Release date
June 25, 1982
- Figure
Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos, M. Emmett Walsh, Daryl Hannah, William Sanderson, Joe Turkel
Blade Runner Begins like any film noir detective story, with a cop given a risky assignment in a dangerous city. Gradually, Deckard learns that everything he was told about the case was wrong, and the replicants are not evil. Roy Baty, the de facto leader of the band of replicant escapees, remains shrouded in mystery for most of Blade Runner. He only reveals his true nature at the end.
Blade Runners end is remembered for Roy's humanizing "Tears in the Rain" A speech in which he looks back on his memories with bittersweet sorrow.
Blade Runners end is remembered for Roy's humanizing "Tears in the Rain" speech, in which he looks back on his memories with bitter sorrow. An equally important moment comes a few seconds earlier, when Roy chooses to save Deckard's life when he slips on the rain-soaked roof. This shows that Roy values life, even the life of a man who was tasked with chasing him. Deckard comes to understand that the replicants are just victims of an unjust system.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
- Release date
July 11, 2014
- Figure
Gary Oldman, Keri Russell, Andy Serkis, Jason Clarke
In the bold frontier of a world stricken with simian flu, Koba is one of the few apes who will challenge Caesar's leadership. Koba believes that there is no hope for humans and apes to live peacefully side-by-side. Time and time again, he has been proven right. In some ways, Koba's prediction becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as he inspires apes to be less trusting of humans.
Koba is set in the sequel War for the Planet of the ApesWhich shows more than anything before, the depth of human cruelty.
Caesar is often challenged by humans who push things too far, and his policy of non-violence doesn't seem to send a message. He may be morally right, however Koba's vision is the one that confronts the uncomfortable reality of human natureAnd the behavior of the apes too. Koba is set in the sequel War for the Planet of the ApesWhich shows more than anything before, the depth of human cruelty. The future of the Planet of the Apes franchise is teasing another confrontation between apes and humans.
Samuel Gerard
The Fugitive (1993)
- Director
Andrew Davis
- Release date
August 6, 1993
The fugitive is one of Tommy Lee Jones' best movies, and it gives him one of his most memorable characters. Samuel Gerard is the US This poses him as the villain, but he is just a man who does his job to the best of his ability, and he never does anything that crosses the line or ignores the law.
He is just a man who does his job to the best of his ability, and he never does anything that crosses the line or ignores the law.
The fugitive Works so well as a thriller because both the hero and the villain are justified in their actionsSo it's not always clear who will come out on top. Samuel Gerard's philosophy can best be summed up by his tense confrontation with Richard at the dam. Richard pleads his innocence, stating that he did not kill his wife, and Samuel simply responds - I don't care. He knows that he is not the judge or a member of the jury in Richard's case.
Dalton Russell
Inside Man (2006)
- Release date
March 24, 2006
Dalton Russell walks into a Manhattan bank and takes everyone hostage, but his goals are surprisingly accurate. Throughout the long standoff with the police outside, everyone thinks that Dalton is after the contents of the vault, so it is a big surprise when the police find the vault empty. His ultimate goal is revealed to be the contents of a safe deposit box filled with incriminating evidence of the bank owner's history of Nazi sympathizing.
Dalton's motives remain somewhat mysterious, but his actions lead to a war criminal finally being outed in the public eye.
Dalton is intimidating and aggressive when he needs to be, but he makes an effort to never overstep his boundaries. All hostages leave the bank aliveHis crew's weapons are all plastic replicas, and he doesn't hurt Detective Frazier even when provoked. Dalton's motives remain somewhat mysterious, but his actions lead to a war criminal finally being outed in the public eye.
Captain Gantu
Lilo & Stitch (2002)
- Director
Chris Sanders, Dean DeBlois
- Release date
June 21, 2002
- Figure
Chris Sanders, Daveigh Chase, Tia Carrere, Ving Rhames, David Ogden Stiers, Kevin McDonald, Jason Scott Lee, Kevin Michael Richardson.
Captain Gantu is the imposing Galactic Federation agent who must find Stitch on Earth and capture him safely. Everything he knows about Stitch suggests that he's a biological superweapon akin to a doomsday device, so it makes sense that he'd be willing to overlook a little collateral damage. From his point of view, capturing Lilo is an unfortunate by-product of his main goal, which is to save the entire planet.
From his point of view, capturing Lilo is an unfortunate by-product of his main goal, which is to save the entire planet.
Gantu is ultimately fired for endangering Lilo and failing to bring Stitch back to the Galactic Federation, but he is more justified in his actions than the Grand Councilwoman gives him credit for. Gantu's actions can all be attributed to a misunderstanding. If the Galactic Federation had examined Stitch more closely, there would be no need to go in all guns blazing.
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
- Director
Chris Columbus
- Release date
November 24, 1993
Miranda is often comically oblivious to Daniel's deception Mrs. Doubtfire. She seems like the only person who can't see what's really happening in front of her eyes, not that anyone could reasonably expect her to be on her guard in such a situation. Miranda is the main obstacle between Daniel and his children. While this makes her the villain of the movie, it doesn't make her a bad person.
Miranda is the main obstacle between Daniel and his children. While this makes her the villain of the movie, it doesn't make her a bad person.
Everything Miranda says about Daniel's irresponsibility is true. He may be a fun father, but he is not a considerate partner who shares the burden of parenting equally with his wife. Mrs. Doubtfire Has a great script designed to get the best out of Robin Williams, but the movie tends to ignore Miranda's perspective. It could even be interpreted as creepy that Daniel tricks her into disrespecting her wishes and getting into her home. This makes him more of a villain than you.
The Joker
The Dark Knight (2008)
Heath Ledger's iconic performance as the Joker is part of what makes The Dark Knight Such an influential superhero movie. As the Joker says, he is locked in a battle with Batman for Gotham's soul. Their conflict cuts to the heart of human nature, with Batman optimistically seeing the goodness in people and the Joker believing that civilized society is a fragile lie that hides the true evil of man.
Although the Joker's chaotic social experiments ultimately fail to plunge Gotham into a full-blown crisis, he reveals the lengths some people will go to in desperation.
Although the Joker's chaotic social experiments ultimately fail to plunge Gotham into a full-blown crisis, he reveals the lengths some people will go to in desperation. His philosophy is also proven right in the sequel, The Dark Knight Rises, When the arrival of the train shatters the foundations of respectability in the city. The Joker has more than his fair share of the best quotes in these Dark Knight trilogy, in part because his nihilistic worldview is so compelling.
The Aristocats (1970)
- Director
Wolfgang Reitermann
- Release date
December 24, 1970
- Figure
Phil Harris, Eva Gabor, Sterling Holloway, Scatman Crothers, Dean Clark, Paul Winchell
Any villain who mistreats animals is automatically cast in a negative light. Edgar certainly went too far with his plan to get rid of Madame Adelaide's cat, but his frustration is understandable. After being his loyal servant for decades, he suddenly discovers that Madame Adelaide is rewriting her will to give all her money to her cat before Edgar ever gets his hands on it.
Many rational people would also try to get the cat out of the picture in this scenario, and it is worth noting that Edgar does not try to kill them.
Edgar doesn't necessarily deserve any of Madame Adelaide's wealth, but he sees it as a slap in the face that she chooses to leave her huge fortune to some cats instead. Many rational people would also try to get the cat out of the picture in this scenario, and it is worth noting that Edgar does not try to kill them. This would make his plan foolproof, but he has the humanity to let the cat live. The live-action adaptation of The Aristocats May have to reassess Edgar's character.