House of the Dragon Boasting such an impressive ensemble that Some of his supporting characters stand out as very underrated. The constantly growing House of the Dragon The cast is composed of outstanding acting talent, all of whom bring impressive definition to characters that aren't particularly well-defined in George RR Martin's writings. This, of course, is not a knock on Fire & Blood Or Martin's work, but it's important to note that the basis for these letters is much more limited than that Game of Thrones.
Fire & Blood is a prequel companion text to Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire Book series that examines the events of the Targaryen dynasty, similar to a real-world historical text. With this in mind, much of the character design in House of the Dragon is reliant on the creativity of the show's writers to provide context and definition. There are well-known examples of well-written characters, like Paddy Considine's Viserys Targaryen, and then It is the supporting characters that make an unforgettable, dynamic impact despite the minimal foundation.
Lionel Strong
One of HOTD's easiest characters to root for
In the early episode of House of the Dragon Season 1 Otto Hightower quickly becomes the guy to hate when he pushes his daughter to the sad King Viserys and begins to manipulate events that eventually lead to war. When he is finally removed from his position and replaced by the much more likable Lionel Strong, viewers guess that Rare presence in the Game of Thrones Universe: A character that is extremely easy to root for. But, of course, it doesn't last very long.
Lionel Strong not only plays the Game of Thrones well, but he also plays it with honor and dignity. For a brief time, the Dance of the Dragons seems like it might be averted, as Rhaenyra's claim is backed by a noble king and a noble hand. Unfortunately, nice things don't last long for Westeros, and Lionel has minimal screen time before he steps down from his position and is subsequently killed.
Eric and Eric Cargill
The Cargill twins are the embodiment of the devastation of dance
Dating back to 1996s A game of thronesThe duel between the Cargill twins is one of the first moments of the dance of the dragons introduced to readers. When Martin describes the civil war for the first time, he uses the description of twin brothers fighting to demonstrate the barbaric nature of the conflict. Almost three decades later, The sword fight on Drangstone between Eric and Eric was as brutal and exciting as one would imagine..
Although many audiences will prefer to sympathize with Ser Erric for his support of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, the tragedy and ultimate weight of the character come in their pairing. Arric and Erric are the perfect symbolism for the dire needs of the dance. When dragons fight, it's the common folk who suffer. Aric and Erric may come from some nobility, but their tragic deaths can be blamed on no one but House Targaryen.
Adam of Hull
Addam is the most promising New Dragonrider
House of the Dragon Season 2 introduced audiences to a number of new characters, including the four Dragonseeds. until now, Addam of Hull is the one who was the most likeable, with interesting dynamics forming between him and the other new dragonriders As well as his father, Corlys Velaryon. For good measure, Alyn of Hull is also appealing, but his scenes in season 2 felt quite repetitive, and the show didn't give him the same room to grow yet.
As for Addam, climbing Seasmoke immediately bumped him up on the show's list of characters to keep an eye on. He is tired become one of the most powerful men in Westeros, and he has that rare temperament where it actually seems like he can be trusted with the responsibility. Addam is one character that will be very exciting going forward.
Oscar Tully
Seeing Demon put in his place is immensely satisfying, and even more so when it's done by a literal child.
The plot of Daemon in Harrenhal is often cited as one of the main flaws of House of the Dragon Season 2. But in the world of Game of ThronesThere are always diamonds in the rough, like even Minor characters can appear out of nowhere and become iconic. Oscar Tully doesn't do much with his introduction scene, but his entire dynamic shifts once he's made Lord Paramount of the Riverlands.
Seeing Demon put in his place is immensely satisfying, and even more so when it's done by a literal child. Oscar Tully is quick to prove himself at the Riverlords' gathering in HarrenalRecognizing the inherent shortcomings of his youth and still demonstrating an advanced understanding of his current political situation. He plays up his advantages in a way that honors the wise nobility of House Tully, proves that he is here to stay and even gets an affirming smile from the king. Regent Daemon Targaryen.
Simon Strong
Harrenhal's Castellan quickly became a firm favourite
Brilliantly played by the ever-elegant Sir Simon Russell Beale, Ser Simon Strong is another perk of the season 2 venture into Harrenhal. Lionel and Harvin Strong are two distinct characters, and Simon Strong continues to represent the best of the noble Riverlands House, constantly displaying a mild-mannered temperament. He's a lovable guy who just wants to wear fancy clothes and eat yummy medieval meals, but war sadly knocks on his door.
Simon knows he doesn't want to be caught in the middle of the Queen and King Consort, so he does what he can to ensure Daemon stays by his wife's side.
What is most enjoyable about Ser Simon Strong is that, although he is accepting and polite of Daemon, he constantly nudges events to support Rhaenyra. He Displays immediate wisdom and a fine judge of character, assesses the demon And come to the proper conclusions about the case with Rhenira. Simon knows he doesn't want to be caught in the middle of the Queen and King Consort, so he does what he can to ensure Daemon stays by his wife's side.
Christon Col
House of the Dragon would not be the same without him
Declaring Kristen Cole as an "underrated" character is a drastic statement that requires immediate justification. The important distinction to make here is that while Kristen Cole deserves much of the hate he receives for his actions in the story, his existence deserves more praise as an entity in the show. Fabien Frankel is extraordinarily talented, and There's so much that goes into it Why Audiences hate Kristen, who is not often talked about.
A critical difference between HOTD And Got is that the prequel show begins in a much more insular environment. With the entire cast centered in King's Landing in season 1, the dynamic established is more intimate, bringing an almost primal nature to many of the conflicts, namely Cole beating Joffrey Lonmouth to death at a wedding. Criston Cole is the emblem of this, as his only emotional stake in the conflict is due to past sexual relationships. He is A fascinating study of masculinity and the interference of sex and power dynamicsAnd the show wouldn't be the same without him.
Baela Targaryen
Baela needs more screen time in Season 3
Despite being one of the main members of Rhaenyra's council and royal family, Baela Targaryen is someone who is hardly given any chance or dialogue opportunities. However, in her few moments to shine, Baela is consistently elegant, smart and valuable to her side. Rather than embrace Jacaerys's frustrations over the Dragoncide, Baela has the gall to tell her fiancé directly, reminding him to stop pouting and support his mother.
Aside from just being a staunch supporter of the Black Faction, Baela got to display some dragonriding prowess early in season 2. An important aspect of her character from the book is that Baela draws much of her nature from her mother and father, and this is Clearly the wrath of Daemon and Lena Villarion is in her. It will be exciting to see that finally unleashed in battle later in the series. Not to mention, Moondancer is one of the most stunning dragons in the show so far.
Rhaenys Targaryen
Rhaenys is one of HOTD's most complex characters
"The Red Dragon and the Gold" is commonly believed to be the strongest episode of House of the Dragon Season 2 fully delivers on the show's premise of Dragon Warfare. The emotional highlight of that episode was Rhaenys Targaryen's death, viz It doesn't seem like the audience realized how great of a character she is until she's removed from the board. She's quite subtle, especially in season 1, but there's an important complexity to Rhaenys that makes her one of the show's strongest characters.
Rhaenys' story is overshadowed by an event that took place before the TV series at the Great Council of 101, where Viserys was chosen over her to be the next reigning monarch after Jaehaerys I. Rhaenys was then forced to watch as Rhaenyra was given the opportunity Was essentially robbed of, but then She is constantly placed in positions where she can dictate the future course of events. Despite never getting the chance to rule, Rhaenys is not driven by bitterness and makes decent choices until her end.
Corlys Velarion
The Seasnake is one of the most accomplished Westerosi noblemen ever
As the subject of one of the upcoming Game of Thrones Spinoffs, one would think that House of the Dragon Would spend more time examining Corlys Velaryon. He is one of the most accomplished men in the history of Westeros, with Vast worldly wisdom on the far corners of George RR Martin's universe and immense wealth and power for a man without a snake. The version of Seasnake audiences have met is past his prime, but he's still underrated in the scheme of the show.
Actor Steve Toussaint delivers a charming and consistently dignified performance, making Corliss one of the most respectable characters in House of the Dragon. Corlys Velaryon maintains a screen presence in a way few characters in the Game of Thrones Universe can match, demonstrating the best of what it means to be a Westerosi noble. In terms of being effective in minimal screen time, Corlys is hard to match.
Helaena Targaryen
Helena embraces the mystical side of the God Universe
Although he bought soap for delivery One of the show's most nuanced, emotionally impactful performances despite minimal screen time. Love or hate the changes surrounding the blood and cheese, Saban's performance as Helaena is outstanding throughout, and all credit is deserved to the performer and show creators for fleshing out her character. Helaena is an interesting character in Fire & BloodBut she is a shell of that House of the Dragon Let her be.
Helaena not only adds vital humanity to the Greens, but she also allows the HBO prequel series to explore facets of George RR Martin's universe that Game of Thrones largely ignored. She is the first character to be portrayed with prophetic visions who is allowed to prominently explore these powers in a manner that is crucial to the overall narrative. Helena is a strong individual character on top of being A vessel for the often neglected mystical elements of Martin's worldGive House of the Dragon A sense of the fantastic beyond just the dragons.