Spy X Family is heartwarming compared to other anime with more heartbreaking story lines. Far from the brutal violence of a series like Attack on Titan Or Jujutsu Kaisen, Spy X Family is characterized by its family relationships and silly moments, while still including a hearty dose of action-packed spy drama. Despite how cheerful the series seems with its colorful animation and touching interactions with the Forger family, The series' characters have devastating backstories.
Spy X Family is set during a cold war, Focusing on the tension between the countries of Ostania and VestalisAnd so, covers many of the difficult experiences of war. The conflict, death, loss and abuse of the series' characters is shocking and disturbing, proving just how deep the spy Sean can get. No stranger to difficult topics, Spy X Family Offers a happy slice of life perspective, while simultaneously shedding light on the atrocities of war in a candid way through the backstories of its characters.
Frankie Franklin
Frankie cannot bear hurt other than as a soldier for Ostania, witnessing war first hand
Frankie Franklin, Lloyd's trusted informant, gives Lloyd information on his targets and is there to assist him with the problems that arise during his spy missions. However, Frankie was not always Lloyd's wise partner. He previously participated in the East-West War as a soldier on Ostania's side.
As the battle raged on, Frankie began to realize the war was getting neither side closer to a resolution, Call it "the most senseless thing in the world." Frankie had to see so much unnecessary death and suffering, until he couldn't take it anymore. The horrors that Frankie had to face on the battlefield were immense, but happily, he found a new role as a spy informant that allowed him to make a real difference in the conflict without harming others.
Martha Marriott
Martha's dreams of becoming a ballerina were dashed and the man she loved married someone else
Martha Marriott works as a caretaker for Becky Blackbell, one of Anya's best friends. However, it wasn't always her dream career. Martha's childhood passion is balletAnd she aspired to become a ballerina. Martha was an exceptionally talented dancer, and a strong person, but the war ruined her ballerina dreams.
After several members of the Marlow Ballet Company, the company she danced with, died, Martha enlisted as a soldier. Martha fought beyond recognition, survived several injuries, and saw fallen comrades, leaving her traumatized. Once she arrived back in Ostania, she discovered that Henry Henderson, the man she loved, married someone else. Martha built a happy, successful life in the aftermath of the war working for the Blackbells, however She lost many opportunities and loved ones.
Millie Myers
Millie's father died in the war, which continues to negatively affect her
Millie Myers, one of Yor's City Hall coworkers at her day job, is always pictured with the brightest smile. But Millie's life wasn't always as cheerful as her disposition would lead fans to believe. Millie's beloved father died during the East-West WarAnd she never recovered from the hard-hitting loss.
Millie rarely brings up how hard the loss of her father has impacted her, but at times, she does. For example, she lashed out at others, such as Donovan Desmond, whom she blames for the loss, and because of the painful memories it evoked, she could not bear to work at a disabled veterans event. Millie's loss continues to affect her, and it Shows the negative effects that the East-West war hadEven on those not directly involved.
Damian Desmond
Damian is ignored and neglected by his own family, which leads him to shun
Damian Desmond is cocky and open to Anya and other classmates, Acting as Eden Academy's meanest bully. Damian's rude behavior is just a facade to mask the insecurity he feels inside because of the poor treatment he received from his own father. Demetrius Desmond, his brother, has earned their father, Donovan's favor, while Damian always fades into the shadows in his father's eyes.
Damian is desperate for his father's love and acceptanceBut since Donovan is so focused on his other pursuits, he ignores his young son. Demetrius, his brother, is also standoffish, leaving Damian with little love or affection in his life, which is a devastating blow to anyone's ego, but especially a young child. Damian's cruel behavior becomes much more understandable when realizing how his own family constantly neglects him, despite his best efforts to gain their approval.
Yuri Briar
Yuri developed an obsession with Yor, his sister, after losing both parents young
Yuri Briar, younger brother of Yor Forger, Lost both parents when he was small. Both his mother and his father died in the East-West war, leaving only himself and his older sister, Yoor. The two siblings had to hide, and Year took a motherly role in Yuri's life.
Yuri was obsessed with his sister to an almost uncomfortable extent, which continued into his adulthood. When Loid and Yor began dating, Yuri became jealous and paranoid about Loid's intentions with his sister, going to great lengths to protect her from perceived danger. It is clear that Yuri is afraid of losing his one remaining family member or losing her loveSo he fights persistently to keep her happy. Yuri did not have an ordinary childhood, and the traumatic losses he suffered so young continue to trouble him.
Bond Forger
Bond was treated like a test subject, abused and almost killed painfully
Bond Forger, the Forger family dog, Has a distressing backstory of animal abuse. He was experimented on and treated like a test subject, and offered none of the compassion or affection a pet should receive. Before he joined the Forgers, he didn't even have a name and was only called "Suaj 8".
Bond's precognition ability was the result of one of these experiments, allowing him to witness future events before they occur. Furthermore, Bond almost died before the Forgers could save him because he was supposed to serve as a suicide bomber, but was Saved and adopted by the Foragers before the terrible attack can happen. Bond narrowly escaped violent death several times, and he is truly blessed to have found unconditional love in the Forger household.
Anya Forger
Anya was experimented on as a test subject and grew up in an orphanage
Anya's life probably began as a test subject, similar to Bond's. It is assumed that she was experimented on and thus developed her telepathic skills, but the details of her past are not all revealed. What is known is that she was lonely and depressed in her orphanage, Worried that no family would ever adopt her.
When Lloyd chose Anya, her life changed for the better, and she finally had a family. Anya's true past probably contains the most inhuman experiments Imaginable, and she was lucky to escape with her life. No child should have to suffer the abuse Anya went through as a young child, and she deserves all the love she gets from her new family.
Your forager
Yar lost her parents and put all her energy into raising her brother, neglecting her own needs.
Yor's parents died in the East-West WarLeaving her and Yuri, her younger brother, alone. As the older of the two siblings, she had no choice but to provide for Yuri. The only way Yor knew to make quick money to support her and Yuri was by taking a job as a deadly assassin.
Killing people for hire is a gruesome career, but Yor knew she had to do what was necessary to give Yuri a good childhood. Since Yor spent all her time taking care of Yuri, She had no time to focus on herself. She continues to deal with fear of abandonment and has little experience building friendships and relationships with others, as she had no time for this before. Yor's tough childhood and early losses leave her with uncertainty and pain that she is still working through.
Sylvia Sherwood/The Handler
Sylvia's family perished in the war, leaving her alone and heartbroken.
Sylvia Sherwood, also known as The Handler, works closely with Lloyd. The East-West War took a toll on Sylvia, Including her daughter and her husband. A tear-jerking flashback depicts Sylvia's family happily together, but the vision is just an illusion because the people died long ago.
Because of all she has lost, she despises fighting because of its negative repercussions. Sylvia works hard to end the conflict as soon as possible, and takes her job as a handler very seriously. Sylvia's dedication to her work is very personal because She would do anything to avenge her loved ones.
Lloyd Forger
Lloyd loses everyone and puts distance between himself and others to avoid compromising his mission
Lloyd Farger, Spy X Family Main character, has the most distressing backstory. His life was difficult from the beginning, when he was a child, an orphan. Lloyd doesn't even remember his parents and all he remembers is Become a soldier at a young age.
Because Lloyd lost everyone early in his life, he is not attached to anyone because he knows they can be taken from him. It's an upsetting outlook, but it's the attitude Lloyd is forced to adopt in order to survive through the war. He became a spy to bring peace back to a warring world, but in the process he won't allow anyone to get close to him, even Yor and Anya certainly impact him more than he realizes.