10 Most Tragic Attack on Titan Backstories

10 Most Tragic Attack on Titan Backstories

Attack on Titan is one of the most invisible animes, which tells the story of a worldwide war between titans and humans. Resulting in 80% of the entire population dying. Even aside from the massive global conflict, most of the series' characters had miserable upbringings plagued by abuse, fear and death. Not only the war between Titans and humanity, but the smaller disputes between countries, took a huge toll on the characters.

Looking at the childhood of these people is devastating, because most of them did not experience much joy or peace. For the characters who have never known an existence without war and fighting, life has always been quite bleak, but in the series, they worked to change the outcome by fighting back. Attack on Titan's Character backstories will undoubtedly cause fans to shed tears of sorrow These people suffer at the border.


Zeke Yeager's childhood was both sweet and resentful

He felt abandoned by his parents, who devoted all their time and energy to freeing Eldia

Zeke Hunter, son of Grisha and brother of Eren, grew up to become a warrior who fought against the Survey Corps, his brother joined. His parents were devoted Eldian Restorationists and forcing Zeke to join the Warriors as a spy. However, this scheme backfired when he revealed his parents' true identity and intentions to Marlian authorities to keep himself and his grandparents safe.

Dina and Grisha, Were not loving parents and used their son as a tool Rather than treating him as a valuable person. For example, they forced him to become a soldier when he was six years old. Although Zeke continued to work to free Eldie after their death, since he agreed with the general sentiments of his parents, he developed a cold, emotional personality, probably due to the reliable and loving childhood he experienced.


Armin Arlert lost his entire family and was bullied throughout his childhood

Eren and Mikasa are supportive friends to Armin, but he experienced so much loss from a young age

Armin Arlert has always been a curious person, and this curiosity he got from his parents. tragic, He lost both parents very youngBecause they were killed by military police for daring to venture outside the walls to investigate. To make matters worse, Armin was bullied and picked on for his physical weakness and love of books.


Unfortunately, Armin's losses did not end there. He grew up with his grandfather, who taught him about the world outside the walls, and sparked his interest in going to see natural wonders like the sea. When the Titans broke through the walls, however, His grandfather diedLeaving Armin's entire family dead, except for him.


Rainer Braun was abandoned by his father and struggled emotionally and mentally

He developed dissociative identity disorder, creating an indestructible "soldier" persona

Reiner was the child of a Marlian father and an Eldian mother, and His father left the family When he was quite young. After training for many years and becoming a successful member of the Warriors, Reiner still clings to the hope that his father will return. Unfortunately, he never did, and Reiner and his mother were left alone together.

Reiner's harsh training, difficult childhood and feelings of being abandoned all Contributed to him developing dissociative identity disorder. He struggled to recognize his true identity, felt a constant emotional burden, and was even almost driven to suicide several times. Although Reiner became a powerful fighter and titan shifter, he still suffered greatly from his past heartache and trauma.


Story Rice is neglected and abused by her mother, Alma

Alma regrets that she has history since she was born from an affair and takes out her regret on her daughter

History's mother, Alma, hates her outwardly, a hard blow for any child to experience. She was the product of an affair between Alma and Rod RiceKing of the Walls. Although she was a blood relative of the Rice family, they treated her very badly and sent her away because her mother was not royalty.


History's only glimmer of hope came in the form of her half-sister, Frieda Rice. Frieda did not need to spend time with history, but she took to the farm on which she lived with Alma, simply wiping the memory of history after their interactions. Since Historia suffered abuse and neglect from her mother and had no contact with her father, Frida showed her rare kindness, which the young girl did not receive elsewhere.


Eren Jaeger watched his mother die and ate his own father

He lost both parents in disturbing ways, while living a miserable life trapped in the walls

Eren grew up within the walls of Paradise Island, constantly fearing a Titan attack and not being allowed to go outside. He vowed to join the Survey Corps and bring an end to the Titans' tyranny to free himself and his family. When the Titans breached the walls, he had to witness his mother, Carla, Cruelly eaten by a titan right in front of him.

Besides the loss of his beloved mother and the general lack of independence that he experienced in the walls, there was another special side to Eren's childhood. later in attack on titan It was revealed that Eren is the Attack Titan. He got the powers in a terrible way: His father, Grisha, forced him to leave him alive After giving the young boy Titan Serum.


Ymir was homeless, joined a cult, and then was made into a mindless Pure Titan.

Her suffering lasted for years, until she eventually became the Kin Titan and regained some humanity

Ymir's backstory is interesting, but heartbreaking, as well She was taken in by a religious cult after years of homelessness. Ymir was eventually arrested as a criminal when the cult was shut down by the authorities. Ymir was then transformed into a Titan, after being punished and publicly humiliated.

She found herself homeless and alone again, now as a pure titan. Her life was a time of lonely suffering with no end in sight, until She took the powers of the Kin TitanRegaining her humanity. She ate Marcel, the previous holder of the Jaws Titan, when he was unlucky enough to encounter her on a mission.


Grisha Yeager's younger sister, Faye, was brutally murdered

The tragedy intensified his hatred of Marley and the desire to free Eldia

Grisha's childhood was incredibly disturbing, especially one terrible moment with his younger sister. Faye and Grisha wandered beyond the limits of Liberio's Eldian internment zone, A decision that cost her her life. She was murdered by Marlian officers who brutally beat the two Eldian children, and Zeke managed to escape alive.

Grisha was afraid of the punishment he and his sister faced for just going outside, leading him to become a strong advocate of the Eldian Restoration cause. He blamed himself for Faye's death and never let go of the crushing survivor's guilt. This life-changing experience shaped Grisha's decisions as an adult, including how he selfishly used his sons, Zeke and Eren, to further his own plans to free Aldia.


Mikasa Ackerman's parents were killed and she had to commit murder

As a young child, she was left with no other choice but to kill a man in self-defense

Mikasa's parents were killed when she was a childleaving her orphaned and alone. Mikasa was thankfully saved by Eren before the traffickers who took her parents' lives could harm her. Mikasa's "Ackerman powers", a special skill to her family, are also awakened at this moment.

Eren was almost killed by one of the criminals, which caused Mikasa's powers to live in that difficult moment. She committed her first murder in self-defenseA terrible action for a child to have to take. She became very attached to Eren, because she might have died in the hands of the three powerful criminals without his interest.


Levi Ackerman watched his mother die and then he was abandoned by Kenny

Kenny, who took in Levi after he lost his mother, also abandoned him, leaving Levi alone again.

Louis Ackerman's life was a never-ending nightmare, evidence of his difficult childhood. His mother died suddenly one day And no one came across Levi for a while, he remained hungry and alone in the room with her lion. Levin was taken in by his uncle Kenny Ackerman, who was the first to find the abandoned child.

Although Kenny trained Levi well, he was Not a benevolent caregiver and eventually left behindSo Levi's childhood was mostly cold and lacked love. Levi basically had to keep to himself, with the help of his "Ackerman powers". His abilities were awakened after he fought for his life against some evil merchants who he had stolen a tea set from.


Ymir was a slave to King Fritz and her body was eaten by her own children after death

Ymir was mistreated all her life and even her corpse was used for others' benefit

The founder, Ymir Fritz, Lived an enslaved, miserable life controlled by the king. Her parents were killed by Eldians, and when she escaped, she stumbled upon the tree that started it all, giving her titan powers. King Fritz then took her to use her new ability, manipulating her to help Eldia's power grow with the Unstoppable Titan skill.

She and Fritz had children, and even though he used her, she loved him. Love caused her to eventually die to protect him, but the horrors only remained for Ymir. Fritz was desperate to keep the Titan powers alive, And her three children ate her dead body.