Although there are many excellent moves in the anime, only a few are worthy of being called satisfactory. For a punch to be satisfactory, some conditions must be met. The character taking the punch needs to fully deserve it, and the person throwing the punch needs to know it. The more annoying, smug, or even evil the character is, the more satisfying the punch will be. The most satisfying punches in anime come from characters who haven't had the chance to land the punch before. Now, however, the situation has changed and they are ready to give their opponents everything they expect.
A character can punch another character once or dozens of times, and both can be equally satisfying. As long as the punch has a good reason to strike, and the punch has equal reasons to hit, it can be one of the most cathartic and satisfying punches in anime.
Midoriya x Shigaraki
My Hero Academy
When Midoriya was taken from his desired battlefield by Himiko Toga, the heroes were devastated. Their plan revolved around Midoriya facing Shigaraki with everyone else supporting him. When Deku returned, however, the heroes couldn't be happier. He returned to the battlefield as quickly as possible and started fighting one of the strongest villains immediately. He opened the fight with a new skill, Fa Jin.
After seeing Bakugo almost dead on the ground, Midoriya loses control. He flies towards Shigaraki and unleashes another new ability, Fa Jin with Gearshift, creating the unstoppable Gearshift: Overdrive. Midoriya punches Shigaraki and throws him to the ground like a ball. It's an incredible moment made even better thanks to the efforts of Deku's friends. Without them fighting to the best of their ability waiting for Deku, everyone would have died and missed out on one of the biggest melee fights in the anime.
Jotaro vs.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Jotaro Kujo is a man of few words and many punches. He doesn't want to talk about his problems when he can just break them down. One of the most annoying characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders It's a man named Steely Dan. He's a weasel of a man willing to use cheap tricks to try and get past Jotaro. By infiltrating his position into the ear of an unsuspecting civilian, Steely Dan took a hostage. Unfortunately for Steely Dan, Kakyoin's stand, Hierophant Green, captured his stand, Lovers, and freed the hostage from his captivity.
Jotaro then makes Steely Dan stab himself in the face with the knife he was carrying. As soon as Steely Dan is on the ground, Jotaro begins his beating. He throws so many punches at Steely Dan that the antagonist flies through a brick wall in one of the most satisfying punches in the series.
Luffy vs. Celestial Dragon
One piece
If there are two things Luffy is known for, it's defending his friends and hating bullies. He does both when he punches the Celestial Dragon Saint Charles in the face during a human auction. Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats go to save Cammie, a mermaid being sold at auction. Saint Charlos outsmarts everyone at first, just as Luffy and the gang swoop in to save her. When he sees Hatchan the Fishman, he shoots him, nearly killing him in the process.
Celestial Dragons are some of the most revered and highest-ranking people in the world of One Piece, but Luffy doesn't care about that kind of thing. He calmly walks over to Saint Charlos and punches him in the face, sending him flying across the auction house. It's the most satisfying punch of all One piece because Luffy faced someone everyone was afraid of. The moment gets even better when the rest of the Straw Hats are revealed with their weapons drawn as well, as if Luffy hadn't hit Saint Charlos, one of them would have.
Saitama vs. The King of the Deep Sea
One punch man
Saitama is the king of satisfying punches, mainly because he only needs to throw one. He hasn't faced many people worth his salt, but when the Deep Sea King came to rule the surface world, Saitama had enough. The Deep Sea King was one of the fiercest villains the series has ever shown. He decimated Puri-Puri Prisoner and Speed-o'-Sound Sonic without much resistance and even turned Genos back into scrap metal. Humanity's last hope came on two wheels when Mumen Rider arrived on the battlefield. Although his effort was heroic, he was also decimated in an instant.
When Saitama appeared, the Deep Sea King thought he would have another easy battle. He left with a hole in his chest from one of the most satisfying punches in the anime. Saitama had heard enough of the Deep Sea King's nonsense and killed him with a single cathartic punch, as usual.
Gon x Neferpitou
Hunter x Hunter
Kite's death is one of the most shocking events in the anime. He was a Hunter in a league of his own, learning from the great Ging Freeccs himself and using one of the strongest skills in the world. Hunter x Hunter via Crazy Slots. When he fought Neferpitou, however, he was defeated and even decapitated. To say that Gon took the news badly is an understatement. Gon dedicated the rest of his existence to avenging Kite. During the Chimera Ant Arc, he found the Royal Guard and took revenge.
Gon asked Pitou to use his Doctor Blythe ability on Kite to bring him back. When she told him she couldn't, he lost control. He made a deal with his Nen, gaining all the power he would have in exchange for his future. Gon then punched Neferpitou with one of the strongest and most satisfying blows in the anime. He hit her with his Rock ability and threw her into a mountain.
Anya x Damian
Spy x Family
Nobody likes bullies, and in the world of Spy x Family, Yor taught Anya how to deal with them well. When Anya started attending her new school, Damian and his minions decided it would be a good idea to intimidate the young girl. They first mocked her for her appearance before throwing her to the ground. She got off the ground before Damian got in her face and told her he would bully her for the rest of their time together at school. Anya took a deep breath, remembered her mother's training and punched Damian straight in the face.
Anya is the least violent of the Forgers, So seeing her finally stand up for herself was incredibly gratifying. This also helped Anya only punched Damian because he hurt her friend Beckymaking Anya look even better in the process. The punch worked well, leading to a peaceful life at school with a boy who finally understands what limits are.
Eren vs. Lara Tybur (The War Hammer Titan)
Attack on Titan
Eren has a lot of satisfying punches Attack on Titan. As an Attack Titan, Eren is no stranger to becoming a giant and punching his enemies as hard as he can.but his fight against the War Hammer Titan was different. At this point in the series, Eren is a shadow of his former self. He is solely focused on destroying the entire world except Paradis, and will use any underhanded method he can in the process. He breaks one of anime's oldest unwritten rules by invading Marley. While Lara Tybur is transforming into the War Hammer Titan to face Eren, he punches her in the face.
It packs a hilariously satisfying punch. The punch alone makes sense – why wouldn't Eren punch his enemy while she was vulnerable? Plus, Eren just killed her brother through a surprise attack, so why wouldn't he do the same to Willy's sister? It's a punch so satisfyingly good that other anime characters could learn from Eren and Don't wait for your enemies to be strong before fighting them.
Reigen x Shimazaki
Psycho Mafia 100
Shimazaki is one of the most intimidating characters in Psycho Mob 100. He is one of the best one-man armies in the anime, who destroys Teru and his friends in an instant. After easily defeating Teru, he waits for Kageyama to join the fray. Shimazaki is too focused on Mob's insane energy output to notice Reigen approaching him from the side. Reigen then delivers a series of satisfying punches using one of his unique special moves, Reigen's self-defense run.
Reigen's Self-Defense Rush is hilarious for a few reasons. First, Reigen has no business fighting someone like Shimazaki. The villain has just destroyed some of the best espers in the world only to be blindsided by a genuine snake oil salesman. Secondly, although Shimazaki was definitely the villain in this situation, seeing him get punched by someone he didn't even expect was comical.
Leorio x Ging Hunter x Hunter
Leorio defends his friends
Ging is a great example of an anime father no one would want. He's a loser who abandoned his son and hopes Gon will overcome insurmountable odds just to meet you. When Gon fell into a coma after defeating Pitou, he never went to visit him. Leorio attended a press conference Ging was at and asked him why he hadn't visited Gon yet. When Ging avoided the question, Leorio couldn't take it anymore. He punched the podium he was using and used his Nen to transport his fist across the auditorium. to hook Ging right in his jaw.
The crowd exploded. It's not hard to see how despicable Ging is. Leorio is a great friend for standing up for Gon and giving his absent father what he deserves. In an open fight, Ging would likely overpower Leorio as well, making Leorio even braver to strike first.
All can against all for one
My Hero Academy
All Might is another character known for his punches. Like Saitama, if a character gets caught in one of All Might's punches, it will likely be a goner. There is only one exception to All Might's strength in the world of My Hero Academia: All for one. He knows One For All inside and out and was ready to accept it from All Might during the Kamino Incident. He certainly had his chance as he was able to push All Might into a corner and deplete him of most of his energy.
Using the last embers of One For All in his system, All Might tricked All For One into dodging the wrong way and used everything he had in his final attack. The United States of Smash isn't just the most satisfying punch in the anime, it's the culmination of all of All Might's efforts. It's All Might saying goodbye to his powers in the most spectacular way possible: being the Symbol of Hope he was always destined to be.