Star Wars has always been beyond the movies, and there have been some incredibly powerful Jedi in stories told through comics, books, video games, and more. Before 2014, the old Star Wars Expanded Universe Narrative contains all of these stories and is now branded as Legends. Although canon now predominates over Legends, the stories and characters are still important, especially the most powerful Jedi of Legends.
When discussing this, it is important to distinguish the parameters of the list. Because the original six star wars movies are all part of the Expanded Universe canon, the characters established in the films are a large part of Legends. For this list, however, only characters that fully debuted in Expanded Universe stories will be considered, meaning Luke and Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, and Mace Windu will not be considered.. Otherwise, they would occupy the majority of the list. Here are the most powerful Jedi in Legends, apart from the known heroes.
Ganner Rhysode
Yuzhan Wong Slayer
During the New Jedi Order series, Ganner Rhysode, a new member of Luke's Jedi, is introduced in the novel The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught by Michael Stackpole. Gunner was a hot and overconfident young Jedi Knight, but very skilled with a lightsaber. Leading the charge against the invading Yuzhan Vong, he was wounded, receiving a large facial scar that helped him readjust his priorities.
More responsibly, Rhysode continued to lead the Jedi and New Republic forces against the Yuzhan Vong, using his immense power and skill against the invaders. Rhysode's true power was demonstrated in the Battle of the World in 27 ABY, where he rescued Jacen Solo from Vang captivity. During the battle, Ganner single-handedly killed thousands of Yuuzhan Vong elite warriors, fighting so fiercely that he became part of the Yuuzhan Vong's mythology, known as "The Ganner."
Mara Jade Skywalker
Right hand of the New Jedi Order
One of the most famous characters in all Star Wars Legends, Mara Jade originated in heir to the empire by Timothy Zahn as the former Emperor's Hand, Palpatine's assassin. After defeating the Empire, Mara began private work, vowing revenge on Luke Skywalker for defeating Palpatine. After years of back-and-forth, Luke and Mara eventually married, and she became an absolutely core part of the New Jedi Order.
Mara's skills as a Jedi are varied, with her assassin past contributing to her combat abilities, but her Force powers were somewhat lacking until she trained with Luke and fully embraced the Jedi way. Mara Jade trained Jaina Solo and was an instrumental part of the Yuuzhan Vong War, even giving birth to Ben Skywalker during the war. Capable in so many ways, Mara Jade is absolutely one of the most powerful members of Luke's New Jedi Order..
Ulic Kel-Droma
Fallen Jedi of the Old Republic
in the Tales of the Jedi Comics by Tom Witch and Chris Gossett, the complicated character Ulic Kel-Droma was first introduced. Living in the Old Republic, Kel-Droma was incredibly powerful. Trained by Jedi Watchman Arca Jeth, Ulic was an elite lightsaber duelist, using the Djem So lightsaber combat form, and could easily hold his own against multiple opponents and even beasts and large creatures, such as those he defeated on a historic mission to Onderon.
Ulic was an elite lightsaber duelist, using the Djem So lightsaber combat form, and could easily hold his own against multiple opponents.
Aside from lightsaber combat, Kel-Droma is also incredibly talented with the Force and is able to use it very powerfully on offense, but even more powerfully on defense.. During the war against the Krath, Ulic temporarily joined the Sith, and became the apprentice of Exar Kun. He tapped into the dark side before being cut off from the Force, and went on to help the Jedi defeat Kun. After his actions as a Sith, Ulic-Kel Droma could never use the Force again—but still nobly trained a new apprentice.
Beastly Jedi Lord of Umbria
One of the most unusual Jedi, and seemingly a riff on the expectations Luke had for Yoda, Thon was a Tchuakthai Jedi Master living on the border world of Umbria. Appearing as a large, four-legged beast at first, you wouldn't expect this creature to be one of the most powerful Jedi of the great Sith War era. Master of the legendary Nomi Sunrider, Thon valued peace but was not afraid to engage in combat skillfully.
Thon is considered one of the most powerful light side users of all time. Less skilled with a lightsaber, though capable of wielding one, Thon was far more capable as a physical combatant using his natural Tchuuthai skills, and was also gifted with the Force himself. Masterful with Battle Meditation, Thon can very effectively channel light side energies in combat, as he did when flashing the dark side of Umbria. Some say he can even create light with the Force.
Kip Duron
The first problem student of the New Jedi Order
In the early days of his Jedi Academy, Luke Skywalker recruited a first class of students that included Kyp Durron. Living in the Spice Mines of Kessel from an early age, Kip violently hated the Imperials, a trait that influenced his anti-Imperial killing spree as a young man possessed by the spirit of Sith Lord Exar Kun. Already incredibly talented in the Force and in combat, this possession was only the beginning for Durron.
Eventually ridding himself of the Sith spirit, Kip becomes one of the most prominent and powerful knights of the New Jedi Order. He was an essential but controversial part of the Yuuzhan Vong war effort, and even often butted heads with Luke, preferring a more active style of combat. Kip would later become a Master on Luke's Jedi High Council, leading the New Jedi Order for years to come with his immense skills in the Force and in lightsaber combat..
Nomi Sunrider
Old Republic Jedi Grand Master
Once the wife of a Jedi named Andur Sunrider, Nomi Sunrider picks up her late husband's iconic green lightsaber after his death at the hands of gang members. Pursuing training under the mighty and previously mentioned Master Thon, Nomi was incredibly strong. She once fought alongside Ulik Kel-Drama, and even defeated the Jedi Sith, cutting him off from the Force to end the Great Sith War.
As a Jedi student, Sunrider was trained by not only Thon, but other legendary masters such as Arca Jeth, Odan-Urr and Vodo-Siosk Baas, making her a true wealth of wisdom, knowledge and experience.
Nomi would later become Grand Master of the Jedi Order, being even more skilled in Battle Meditation and many Light Side skills than her master. As a Jedi student, Sunrider was trained by not only Thon, but other legendary masters such as Arca Jeth, Odan-Urr and Vodo-Siosk Baas, making her a true wealth of wisdom, knowledge and experience. Few Jedi were as powerful, prominent and important as Nomi Sunrider during the Great Sith War period.
The rejected Jedi Knight
The famous Revan began his life as a Jedi student, who grew up dissatisfied with the lack of participation of the Jedi Order in the Mandalorian wars. Rowan and his close friend Alec led the revanchist movement, and opposed the Jedi Council to fight the Mandalorians on the side of the Republic. After the end of the war, Revan and Alek were turned to the dark side by the Sith Lord Vitiate.
The two took control of the ancient Rakata Star Forge, using it to start their own Sith Empire, before Revan was betrayed by Alek, now Malak, and lost his memories. Having been retrained as a Jedi, Revan's immense power was apparent. He eventually married Jedi Bastila Shan, and Was one of the most individually powerful Jedi of a generation, having defeated the likes of Mandalore the Ultimate and countless other mighty Jedi and Sith.
Kyle Katarn
Rebel Jedi Master
The star of the Dark forces series of games, Kyle Katarn was a Force-sensitive Rebel agent who participated in many key battles. He helped steal the Death Star plans, sabotaged the Dark Trooper project, and even participated in the Yuzhon Vang War, becoming a Jedi High Council member in Luke's New Jedi Order. Kyle Katarn, one of the most skilled and revered Jedi masters of the Order, took several students, training both Mara Jade and the legendary Jaden Korr.
Another practitioner of not only the Djem So lightsaber combat form, but also Ataru and Sii-Cho, Kyle was an inventive fighter. A lot of his sheer skill comes from his innate Force sensitivity and his inventiveness with his abilities. Not afraid to use both a blaster and a lightsaber together, Katharn was an immensely powerful yet unorthodox Jedi.
Jaina solo
Heir to the Skywalker legacy
During the New Republic era, Han and Leia had three children, two of them being the twins Jacen and Jaina Solo. The incredibly powerful and later named "Sword of the Jedi" Jaina Solo was one of the most powerful Jedi in all Star Wars Legends. Trained by her uncle Luke and Mara Jade, Jaina was a fierce fighter with a knack for creativity, technological skills, and telekinesis.
A pilot in the elite Rogue Squadron during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Jaina played a key role in galactic history from her teenage years, becoming a leader in the New Jedi Order. She was skilled in Force healing, the Jedi battle meld, mind tricks, and was trained by Mandalorian commandos to be one of the fiercest Jedi warriors of all time.Even Abel and her Sith powers fight. A High Council member and later Empress of the Galaxy, Jaina is undoubtedly one of the greatest Jedi ever.
Jason Solo
Heir to the Skywalker legacy
The second Solo twin, Jacen Solo, was the most powerful Jedi to debut in Star Wars Legends, which makes his story even more tragic. Training under Luke himself for his early years, Jacen came of age during the Yuuzhan Vong War. During the conflict, he was captured by the Vong and tortured by the fallen Jedi Verge, who changed his views on the Force. Key to ending the Vong War, Jacen eventually fell to the dark side out of the desire to protect his young daughter, and was sadly killed by his sister as the Sith Lord Darth Caedus.
During the conflict, he was captured by the Vong and tortured by the fallen Jedi Verge, who changed his views on the Force.
What separates Jacen from his sister and gives him the top spot, however, is the way he defeated Onimi, the mastermind behind the Yuzhan Vong. Jacen became completely one with the Force and transformed into a being of pure light, radiating power like no Jedi before and eliminating onimi on a molecular level.. Because of this one legendary example, and a lifetime full of immense skill, power and wisdom, Jacen Solo is undoubtedly the most powerful Jedi of Star Wars Legends.