The Mad Max The franchise is known for its incredible stunts, and here are the 10 most impressive stunts from all five movies. The Mad Max franchise consists of five films spanning multiple decades, with the first entry releasing in 1979 and the most recent entry, Furiosa: A Mad Max SagaReleasing in 2024. While the Mad Max Franchise went through a lot of changes over its time, George Miller made sure to center the action and stunts in all five movies, and these 10 are the best that the franchise has to offer.
Mad Max: Fury Road And Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga are often considered to be the modern Mad Max movies, taking everything the original trilogy had done before and turning things up to 11. The two films contain some of the most high-octane stunts in the franchise's history, with many fans thinking of the two films as Picturing the franchise. But, it still is A lot to love from George Miller's incredible original Mad Max TrilogyWith the first three films also featuring stunts that live up to those seen in the latest movies.
The Road Warrior's Tanker Flip
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
Up until the release of Mad Max: Fury Road, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior is often held up as the pinnacle of the franchise, with its post-apocalyptic tone and epic car chases being quintessential Mad Max. One of the film's most impressive stunts comes at the end of the movie. Shortly after the death of Sir Humungus, a massive oil tanker flips, with the scale of the destruction and danger of the stan is absolutely epic.
The trick was obviously incredibly dangerous, and although it may not seem so special compared to what some of the later ones do Mad Max Films managed to pull off, It's still immensely impressive when you consider the time the film was made. This is probably the biggest trick in it Mad Max 2: The Road WarriorAnd the importance of the oil tanker to the story makes for a potentially tragic moment. As the film soon reveals, however, things are not quite what they seem.
Tocutter's Truck Crash
Mad Max
Another one of the most impressive stunts in Mad Max Comes from the original 1979 film, with the toucator's truck crash. ToeCutter is the main villain of the original Mad MaxWith him being the leader of the post-apocalyptic motorcycle gang that kills Max's family. Because of this, Max spends most of the movie trying to get revenge on Toecutter and his gang, culminating in this moment.
While Max is chasing Tocutter down, Tocutter's bike drives directly into a massive semi-truck. Not only does this lead to the motorcycle being completely demolished, but the shot also shows the dummy which is meant to represent ToeCutter getting socked in half and run over. In the context of the film, the death is brutal, with the preceding chase and iconic eye-popping shot making it one of the film's most memorable action moments. Mad Max Franchise.
Lord Humungus' death
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
Shortly before the oil tanker flipped in Mad Max 2: The Road WarriorAn even more interesting trick happens, with this also being one of the most memorable moments of action in the franchise. Max and the Feral Kid find themselves driving head-first in Lord Humungus' vehicleWith the oil tanker tear through the car, killing Humungus and his crony.
The visual of the massive oil tanker absolutely demolishing Lord Humungus' car is so much fun, with it doubling down on Toecutter's death from the first film. On top of that, a soldier of humungus was hanging on the front of the oil tanker during the crash, making the implied kill count of the stunt even higher. The gruesome death of Humungus remains one of the most memorable parts of the sequel, especially due to the oil tanker flipping that followed.
The war rig barrel roll
Mad Max: Fury Road
The oil rig of Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior Is not the only tanker that crashes in the Mad Max Franchise, vi Mad Max: Fury Road Contains an even more epic version of this trick. Near the end of the film, Immortal Joe and his forces track down Max, Furiosa and the rest of the gang In a tight canyon, with the protagonists driving Joe's war rig. Everyone except Nux makes it onto Joe's truck, with them escaping as Nux flips the war rig, blocking the rest of the antagonists from continuing into the canyon in epic fashion.
The behind-the-scenes footage of Mad Max: Fury Roads war rig barrel roll is incredibly impressive, with the dangerous and destructive stunt is on a massive scale. This is one of the most memorable parts of the film, with a fantastic farewell to the vehicle that has carried the band for so long.
The "Witness Me" explosion dive
Mad Max: Fury Road
The chase scene that takes place early on Mad Max: Fury Road is iconic, with Max strapped to the front of Nux's car as they trail the war rig. When a rival gang attacks, the War Boys have to fend them off, with them protecting the War Rig with their lives. At one point, one of the War Boys grabs two explosives on a stick, shouts the group's iconic death scream, and jumps onto a nearby car, leading to a huge explosion.
There's all kinds of behind-the-scenes footage showing how the stunt was pulled, and it's mostly real. While there are some wires and other bits of extra protection, a stuntman literally jumped off the war rig and onto the other car, something that looks incredibly dangerous. This moment creates an explosive opening for Mad Max: Fury RoadPerfectly highlighting how the War Boys work.
Mad Max Fights Blaster
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome
One of the best action scenes in the entire franchise surprisingly occurs in Mad Max: Beyond ThunderdomeWith it took place in the titular battle arena. The fight sees Max and Blaster take on each other, with them being strapped to bungee ropes that allow them to quickly jump around the Thunderdome. This leads to an incredibly dynamic fight that also looks like it could have been dangerous to film.
Since so much of these Mad Max Franchise takes place on cars and during chase, It's refreshing to see a more traditional action scene. However, the added mobility still makes the fight wacky enough to feel like Mad MaxWith it being a ton of fun.
The bullet farm escape sequence
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga's Bullet Farm escape sequence is one of the longest and most dynamic action scenes in the entire franchise, which is why it's so high on the list of the best Mad Max Stunts. Seeing Furiosa attempt to escape the bullet farm while Dementus and his goons are in hot pursuit leads to one of the film's most thrilling action sequences, with every opportunity to show off some cool stunts.
The collapsing bullet farm and various car stunts just show up How much bigger Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is like everything that came before. The fun scene finally reunites Furiosa with Dementus, adding extra stakes to the moment.
Max hanging from the war rig
Mad Max: Fury Road
One of the most famous dangerous stunts in the whole Mad Max Franchise occurs in Mad Max: Fury RoadWith it is the moment in which Max hangs from the war rig. During one of the action scenes, Max nearly falls off the vehicle, with Furiosa catching him at the last minute. Max's head hangs just inches above the road as the war rig continues to speed, with any accident fatal to the character.
However, this is not only dangerous for Max, As it is too dangerous for Tom Hardy. Tom Hardy was actually hanging upside down from the vehicle, and if the wires had snapped, the actor would have actually fallen and been run over. This stunt shows just how dedicated Tom Hardy was to making it Mad Max: Fury RoadWith him literally putting his life on the line for this trick.
Furiosa's Citadel Escape Chase Sequence
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
Furiosa: A Mad Max SagaThe most impressive action scene takes around 15 minutes, with it being the section where Furiosa and Jack drive the war rig away from the Citadel. The massive scene contains all kinds of impressive stunts, with one of the most memorable being the Octoboss' flying troops that begin gliding through the air as they attempt to assault the war rig.
The various moments in which Furiosa is hanging from the war rig are Reminiscent of Max hanging from the same vehicle in Mad Max: Fury RoadWith very different reactions to the stunts highlighting their different characteristics. Although this is far from the only action scene in Furiosa: A Mad Max SagaIt is by far the best prequel.
The War Boys stilts
Mad Max: Fury Road
Of all the stunts in the US, Mad Max franchise, the most impressive is still the styles of the War Boys Mad Max: Fury Road. The film has a scene in which War Boys hang from giant swinging poles attached to the top of moving cars, using the poles to reach from one vehicle to another.
This is one of the most striking visuals in the whole Mad Max Franchise, and the amount of work that has to go into pulling it off makes it all the more impressive. Mad Max: Fury Road Get real performers from Cirque du Soleil to help act out the scene, showing how talented people have to be to pull off the stunt.