Stranger Things Season 5 will premiere in 2025, and the next release will need to tie up all the loose ends from previous seasons. There's a lot to accomplish in just eight episodes, and the stakes are higher than ever with Vecna on the loose and the Upside Down infiltrating Hawkins once again. There are many things that need to happen before Stranger Things endsand that doesn't take into account all the character arcs the show must complete. After four seasons of adventures, they all deserve farewells worthy of the final season of the Netflix series.
Of course, waiting for Stranger Things season 5 was long. Season 4 was released in 2022, and that too after a gap of three years. This means viewers may need to catch up on all the storylines the show needs to wrap up and the questions it needs to answer. Even if they don't have time to rewatch the Netflix series, there are a few episodes that will refresh their memories before the fifth and final season.
"The Disappearance of Will Byers"
Season 1, Episode 1
Any new observation of Stranger Things need to start with the first episode of the program"The Disappearance of Will Byers." This issue sets the stage for everything that follows, introducing the town of Hawkins, the series' main characters, and the Upside Down. It also features the disappearance of Will, which is pivotal to the entire series – and which could return in a big way in Stranger Things season 5. It's clear that Will's connection to the Upside Down will come into play during the final season, and that's where that link comes from.
Those who need a refresher first Stranger Things season 5 will benefit from watching this installment as it is full of critical details.
This isn't the only important aspect of the series established in the series premiere. "The Vanishing of Will Byers" also reveals details of Jim Hopper's story and Eleven's origins, both of which are later expanded upon. Those who need a refresher first Stranger Things season 5 will benefit from watching this installment as it is full of critical details.
"The Upside Down"
Season 1, Episode 8
The title of Stranger ThingsThe series finale is "The Rightside Up", which draws an obvious parallel to the last episode of the first season, “The Upside Down.” That alone is reason to include Stranger Things season 1, episode 8 in a new airing. However, there are also more specific details that may come up again later. “The Upside Down” sees Hopper and Joyce venturing into the titular dimension and encountering Will, and this may hold clues as to why he is still connected to the place.
Plus, 'The Upside Down' kicks off Steve Harrington's redemption arc in earnest, with him learning about the Upside Down and Demogorgons while Jonathan and Nancy try to take one down. Mike also admits his feelings for Eleven at the end of Season 1, and they persist throughout the show. General, there is a lot that starts in Stranger Things end of season 1. It's also a great episode overall, adding another reason to revisit it before 2025.
Season 2, Episode 1
Stranger Things the second season doesn't surpass the show's first release, and it doesn't really pick up until later. However, the Season 2 premiere is an important addition to the series overall, as features characters such as Max Mayfield, Billy Mayfield, Murray Bauman and Bob Newby. All of these characters are important in later episodes during a rewatch, and both Max and Murray will appear in Stranger Things season 5. Despite ending season 4 in a coma, Max could even play a significant role when it comes to defeating Vecna.
It goes without saying that "MADMAX" is worth revisiting just to remember these characters and their backstories. THE Stranger Things the season 2 premiere also touches on Will's lingering connection to the Upside Downwhich will certainly be important during the Hawkins gang's last stand against the dark dimension. This chapter may hold clues as to why Will can still sense the Upside Down and Vecna in Stranger Things season 4 and, presumably, 5.
"The Spy"
Season 2, Episode 6
Speaking of Will's connection to the Upside Down, maybe not Stranger Things The episode shows the potential consequences of this better than "The Spy." Although Will is no longer possessed by the Mind Flayer, It's possible that Vecna could use her connection to Will or another character to bring about similar destruction. The Mind Flayer spies on the characters through Will and uses their ignorance to his advantage in this issue. It's worth watching how this plays out again, as something similar could happen in Season 5.
It's the installment that establishes Dustin's bond with Steve and Nancy's relationship with Jonathan, two dynamics that continue into the final season.
Stranger Things Season 2 Episode 6 also shows the tunnels that form beneath Hawkins as a result of the portals to the Upside Down opening. While Eleven closes the gate between the worlds at the end of Season 2, the Upside Down clearly returns to Hawkins again at the end of Season 2. Stranger Things season 4. We could see similar occurrences in the final release, so It's worth revisiting "The Spy". Furthermore, it is the installment that establishes Dustin's bond with Steve and Nancy's relationship with Jonathan, two dynamics that continue in the final season.
"The Mind Flayer"
Season 2, Episode 8
The last installments of Stranger Things season 2 is a crucial new watch before the latest release, as it is action-packed, fun, and pivotal to the plot of the Upside Down. It's certainly worth revisiting episode 8, 'The Mind Flayer' in preparation for the show's final hurray. After a questionable sibling narrative that takes Eleven to Chicago, "The Mind Flayer" finally reunites her with the Hawkins gang. This includes Max, who becomes fully involved in the supernatural happenings of Hawkins in the season 2 finale.
"The Mind Flayer" Shows More of Hawkins Labwhich may be important for Stranger Things Season 5's Upside Down Narrative. It also marks the beginning of Steve as the group's babysitter, which is cute and fun to revisit - and sets up his role in the series going forward. Bob's death also helps establish the stakes of the series, and the emotional impact makes this a rollercoaster to rewatch. It's worth it, however.
"The Gate"
Season 2, Episode 9
All Stranger Things is the season finale worth rewatching before season 5and that includes season 2’s “The Gate.” This chapter sees Eleven closing the gate to the Upside Down and then being allowed to live as a normal child - something that Hopper arranges with Dr. Both incidents heavily impact Eleven's character arc in the future, and the first offers insight into Eleven's connection to the Upside Down. When she closes the gate, we get scenes of her admitting that she opened the gate to the Upside Down and Dr. Brenner stating that it would kill her.
Given all the theories surrounding Eleven's fate in Stranger Things Season 5, her confrontation with the gate in Season 2 could be extremely important. It is possible that Brenner's prediction will come true during the final seasonsomething that would be devastating for viewers and characters alike. "The Gate" also establishes the depth of Eleven and Hopper's relationship, and sets up many of the series' romances during their final dance scene. It's an important and satisfying conclusion worth returning to.
"The Battle of Starcourt"
Season 3, Episode 8
THE Stranger Things The season 3 finale, 'The Battle of Starcourt,' is one of the series' best episodes - and that sets up a lot of what unfolds during season 4. Although the Mind Flayer is not the biggest villain in the Upside Down, the battle against him costs Billy Mayfield his life. This informs Max's character arc going forward, and Billy isn't the only loss during "The Battle of Starcourt." Hopper also appears to die when he and Joyce close the gate to the Upside Down below the Starcourt Mall.
Although Hopper doesn't actually die, the fact that he is taken captive by Russian soldiers dramatically affects his storyline in Season 4, as well as Joyce and Eleven's. As Season 4 is among the most important additions to the series in its final episodes, watching the Season 3 finale is crucial. It sets everything up fine and 'The Battle of Starcourt' developments seem likely to crop up again when Stranger Things season 5 premiere.
"Dear Billy"
Season 4, Episode 5
Stranger Things Season 4 is probably the most important to rewatch before the next release, as it leads directly into the events of Season 5. Those who don't have time to deal with the whole thing should binge at least a few episodes before Season 5. Among them is Stranger Things Season 4, Episode 5, 'Dear Billy', which focuses heavily on Max. This is because Vecna is targeting her, and the remaining members of the Hawkins gang do everything in their power to save her.
They actually manage to help her escape the Stranger Things villain - at least temporarily - revealing that music can help his victims break their trance. This is critical information at the start of Season 5, as the group will be tasked with facing Vecna once again. It's possible that Max's encounter with him holds clues on how to defeat him. Rewatching "Dear Billy" in advance may be helpful if the final episodes return to this.
"The Hawkins Laboratory Massacre"
Season 4, Episode 7
Stranger Things season 4, episode 7, "The Massacre at Hawkins Lab" Contains Crucial Details About Eleven's Story and his history with Vecna. The episode reveals that she and Henry Creel - the boy who becomes the Upside Down's biggest threat - were friends when they were together at Hawkins Laboratory. It also shows how Henry killed his brothers, leading him to a confrontation with Eleven. They will probably have another one in Stranger Things Season 5, and this issue proves just how personal it really is.
This upside-down scene raises countless questions about the dimension that's bleeding into Hawkins, and they're worth revisiting before Season 5 answers them.
"The Massacre at Hawkins Lab" also reveals intriguing information about the Upside Downwhile the older members of the Hawkins gang venture there. Upon going to Nancy's house in the Upside Down, they realize that the dimension's iteration of Hawkins is trapped in the past. It could have something to do with Will's disappearance, as Nancy's Upside Down diary stops on the day Stranger Things start. This upside-down scene raises countless questions about the dimension that's bleeding into Hawkins, and they're worth revisiting before Season 5 answers them.
"The Sticky"
Season 4, Episode 9
"The Piggyback" is the last part of Stranger Things Season 4, and it goes without saying that viewers should revisit it before diving into the next chapter. This epic conclusion to the fourth outing will inform a lot about what happens in Season 5. From the Upside Down infiltrating Hawkins to Max falling into a coma, there are a lot of loose ends that will be tied up in the final eight episodes of the series. This chapter also reveals that Will is still connected to Vecna, and sees Dustin losing and suffering with Eddie Munson.
Although Stranger Things Season 5 will begin with an 18-month time jump, everything that happens in “The Piggyback” gives viewers an idea of where the characters will be when we return to this story. Dustin's pain will likely continue into the final season, while Will and Eleven's connections to Vecna will likely come back into action. Max not being completely killed off means she still has a role to play, and the Upside Down clearly isn't done with Hawkins. All this indicates that Stranger Things Season 4 Episode 9 is the most important part to prepare for Season 5.