Bam is a kind and selfless character in Tower of God, however, despite its initial blandness, it has some of the most epic moments in the series. He is one of the few people who came from outside the Tower and may be the only one completely uninterested in climbing it. He's just there to find Rachel, the girl who named him and taught him everything he knew before entering the Tower. After she attacked him in one of anime's most brutal betrayals, he became Jue Viole Grace, would-be Slayer of the notorious FUG crime syndicate.
How to violate Tower of God 2nd season, Bam is cold, calculated and utterly lethal. His fights are much better thanks to years of training, but when he is around Team Sweet and Sour, his soft side is seen once again. He's a simple character with a lot of things to do, and it doesn't matter if it's Bam or Viole, he's capable of epic moments that prove he's a great anime hero.
against the 20th floor team
Jue Viole Grace is cruel
Jue Viole Grace is a cold and cruel version of Bam controlled by FUG to become their God. To their credit, they picked a great Slayer candidate because Viole is a monster when she's fighting. He has been training under their supervision for five years, and it shows when he faces the first members of Team Sweet and Sour. En route to a test on the 20th floor, Bam decides it will be quicker to eliminate his potential teammates than to work with them.
It's a great, lively fight. Bam's new skills as a wave controller are on full display as he takes on Kang Horyang, Ja Wangnan, and Hon Akraptor at the same time. The new side of his personality is also shown for the first timeas he moves to assassinate Wangnan just before time expires.
vs. mule love
Even though he couldn't win, he never gave up
FUG is the largest criminal syndicate in the tower. They wage war against Jahad and the Ten Great Families that support him. They terrorized many people and were responsible for the death of Test Admin Mule Love's parents. When Love sees Viole's FUG Slayer robes, he becomes furious. He wants to eliminate Viole and finds the perfect opportunity when Viole doesn't want any allies for the next test. Viole stubbornly makes an alternative test that he cannot win to move forward alone.
In a great moment of irony, he only passes the test because Wangnan comes to help him. It's the moment he finally decides to accept help from the newly formed Team Sweet and Sour. Bam accepting his new group is cathartic, as he has spent the last 5 years training alone. Now, I hope he can be himself again.
Dodging Shinisu
Bam passed a test without knowing he took it
Climbing the Tower is a matter of luck, according to 2nd floor Test Admin Lero-Ro. He puts up a barrier made of thick Shinisu to see who is able to get through, pushing all participants back. Bam didn't move an inchmuch to Lero-Ro's shock. He realized he had another monster on his hands and told Bam to sit next to him while they watched the rest of the participants fight. It's a very similar moment to the Black March choosing Bam, as it shows that Bam was chosen for something big.
Bam is also unaware of what happened. He is an innocent character who doesn't even want to climb the Tower and makes it clear that he doesn't care about the power that everyone else seeks. He just wants to find Rachel, and apparently he'll have help along the way.
Saving Yihwa Yeon
He tricked her into being saved
Yeon Yihwa is a tsundere when she's around Bam. She acts like she doesn't like him, but is always willing to listen to what he has to say, especially if it's about her. When she is possessed by another character during the second season of Tower of GodBam knows exactly what to do. To bring out her personality, he teases Yihwa, saying he has no interest in her body. Her personality emerges in a moment of rage and Bam manages to save her.
Bam has been as cold-blooded as Viole for a while now Tower of God up until this point in the series, and it's refreshing to see that he still has a fun side. It's a funny moment that shows how close Bam has become to his new team and how smart he is on the battlefield, all in one. Although he has a tough facade and the years have clearly changed him, this moment shows shades of the old Bam, and it's great to see.
Protecting Rachel During The Crown Game
Bam would rather lose the crown game than see Rachel get hurt
Bam's reason for entering the Tower was to follow Rachel. Every test he took was a way to get closer to her. When he saw a hooded figure that looked like her during the Crown Game, he was willing to drop everything. He didn't care about moving on if Rachel was right in front of him. When Hwa Ryun attacks Rachel during the Crown Game, Bam jumps in to defend her. He loses the Crown Game for his team and saves Rachel in the process.
His body then transforms into pure Shinisu as he defends Rachel, scaring Hwa Ryun's eyes in the process. Even though Rachel is mysterious, Bam is still loyal to her. He's even willing to lose the entire game if it means protecting her. The Black March realizes they are using too much power and puts it to sleep, ending the Crown Game.
Resolving to save your friends
Even after being cheated on, Bam put his friends first
Bam suffered one of the most shocking moments in the anime. He spent the entire first season of Tower of God looking for Rachel, and when he found her, he decided to support her as she climbed the Tower. When they were alone during a test, she pushed him to his death. He woke up at the bottom of a ravine injured and confused. He was met by Hwa Ryun who told him that if he wanted to understand what happened to him, he would have to get stronger and climb the Tower.
Even after suffering a horrible betrayal, Bam accepted the moment and decided to move on. He understood that, like it or not, his answers really were at the top of the tower. He wanted to meet his friends again and it was strong enough to put his pain aside, even if it wasn't for a moment.
The strongest regular
Jue Viole Grace is stronger than she looks
Mule Love presented a simple test for those who want to go beyond the 20th floor of the Tower. He asked test participants to place their hand on the Shinisu Measuring Device to directly measure their Shinisu, giving a numerical value to their strength. He takes the test and scores over 10,000,000, shocking everyone. Most people don't score a few thousand, but when Viole takes the podium, he dominates the competition with a score above 100,000.
It's a great moment that shows how stoic Bam has become. As Viole, nothing matters more than the mission itself. He was so strong at this point in the series that he even asked Love if he could proceed without anyone on his team. Viole would rather climb the stairs alone than be pressured by the people around him.
Shoot the bull
He saved himself and Rachel
Bam worked hard to ensure that Rachel could climb the Tower in the first season of Tower of God. When the Test Administrator said it could no longer go forward, Bam fought to appeal the decision, even revealing his Irregular status in the process. The Test Admin created a new test where Bam had to defend Rachel. He performed well, but the real test began when the bull arrived. The Bull is a humanoid that Shinheuh Bam could barely control.
In a bright flash of light, Bam was able to shoot the beast through the mouth and kill it. Bam isn't very violent in the show's first season, despite where he ends up later, but even he's willing to do whatever it takes to protect Rachel. In one of the series' most harrowing moments, Rachel thanks Bam for his efforts before pushing him to his death in a brutal betrayal.
x Urek Mazino
Bam didn't hesitate against the Tower's strongest
Urek Mazino is the strongest Ranker shown in Tower of God. He is inside Zygaena when Team Sweet and Sour finds him. He generously tells the group that he will spare their lives if they leave, but Bam cannot. If he gives up the test and stops climbing the Tower, FUG will kill his friends. Bam dives in to fight Urek despite his friends' warnings. In the middle of the fight, Miseng accidentally ends up between the two. Bam protects her from Urek instead of delivering a full blow, saving her life.
It's a great moment that proves Bam is still compassionate as well as FUG Slayer candidate Jue Viole Grace. He's starting to like his new team and is even willing to take a hit from the Tower's most powerful Ranker to save them.
Chosen by the Black March
Even Ha Yuri Zahad failed to awaken his power
A lot happened in the first episode of Tower of God. Rachel found Bam in a cave, ran to the Tower and left him at the Tower's entrance. Bam then met Headon, who told him that what he was looking for could be found at the top of the Tower itself. Bam enters the Tower and is tasked with his first test. Before the test, Yuri Jahad gave him one of the strongest weapons in the series. The Dark March is one of the weapons in the 13 Month Series and is activated when Bam summons it, much to Yuri's surprise.
Yuri is one of the strongest characters in Tower of God and a princess of Jahad. The weapon never came to her aid when she summoned it, but it came to Bam's aid on her first attempt. It's a powerful moment that shows that Bam is immediately special. He uses the power of the Black March to decimate the ball, passing the first test and beginning his journey up the Tower.