The 100 is a fun but frustrating sci-fi show that includes several points throughout its seven seasons where audiences debated abandoning the show altogether. The CW show ran longer than it should have. Still, it contains a fascinating exploration of its main characters' humanity and morals, which is tested with each season's unique antagonist figures. However, this means that many The 100The characters are “ruined” through decisions and arcs that seem to come out of nowhere. This often leads to a complicated and unpredictable spectacle, both exciting and infuriating.
The 100 takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, featuring young delinquents sent to Earth to determine its habitability. While on Earth, the main group of characters encounter other survivors, leading to some exciting conflicts in each season. Throughout its seven seasons, The 100 took several narrative risks, which included shocking deaths, unexpected character arcs, and the introduction of unlikely locations and new characters. Many of these factors were divisive for fans, with some applauding The 100ambition, but many others decided that their time with the show had come to an end.
Jaha and ALIE
A divisive character headed in an unfavorable direction
The direction in which The 100 Taking on the character of Thelonious Jaha is frustrating, with the character's actions in Season 3 being reason enough to leave the series. Season 3 explores the topic of artificial intelligence through the character ALIE Jaha has an especially strong interest in ALIE, as the promise of the City of Light guarantees a pain-free life. One of the biggest motivators for Jaha is a life without pain, without the memory of his late son Wells.which he loses at the beginning of season 1.
Jaha teams up with ALIE to recruit as many people as possible to the City of Light, identifying the pain of others, whether physical or emotional, and ensuring that it will all go away as long as they join him. Fortunately, many of the characters who undergo ALIE emerge from the experience unscathed. Although Jaha has never been a fan-favorite character in The 100it's a shame he was never able to fully redeem himself later.
The introduction of the sanctuary
A match from previous seasons didn't fully work
In many ways, The 100 Season 6 is the beginning of the post-apocalyptic series' downfall. Introducing the Sanctum setting mostly works. The new location is fascinating to explore further with each episode and additional characters create intriguing conflicts. However, many of the stories fail to bring together the same emotion present in previous seasons. A difference in pace and a new and not entirely convincing scenario are enough for some audiences to abandon the series completely.
Character arcs in The 100 It had never been executed perfectly in previous seasons, but much of Season 6 saw promising arcs mishandled. That's not to say audiences completely detested Season 6 and the introduction of Sanctum. The ambition was still exciting for much of the fandom. One of the best episodes of The 100 Season 6 saw Clarke face off against Josephine, which brought out a new side of Eliza Taylor as an actress that was refreshing and absorbing.
Bellamy supporting Pike
The move was unusual and resulted in tragedy
At the beginning of The 100Bellamy Blake was a rebel who encouraged others to act in opposition to Clarke. Over the first two seasons, Bellamy grows a lot and becomes a fan-favorite character as he does everything he can to protect those he cares about. However, after the tragedy in Season 3, Bellamy's determination to protect the greater good gets the better of him. Bellamy's change in allegiances came out of nowhere and was not well received by fans of the show.
In response to an explosion in Mount Weather, Bellamy sides with the newly appointed Chancellor Pike. Despite his extreme actions, Pike gains the support of others and, with Bellamy's help, successfully kills around 300 Grounders.. The drastic measures taken by Pike were quite difficult to process, but seeing Bellamy blindly by his side through it all was an additional burden that the audience wasn't prepared for.
Finn and the Grounder Deaths
An unlikely character commits one last cruel act
Finn Collins' time The 100 was short-lived. He was an integral part of season 1, but in the following season, Finn's actions got tiresome and it's easy to see why audiences might have wanted to leave the show because of it.. This is especially true when Finn commits an unusual act in Season 2. The Grounders are the first people the series' titular group comes into contact with in Season 1, acting primarily as antagonists. However, the two groups eventually work towards a friendly relationship.
The formation of such a relationship becomes complicated when Finn kills a large group of Grounders who he assumes have something to do with Clarke's disappearance in season two. At this point, Finn was unloved by the public due to his unstable romantic feelings for Clarke and Corvo. Adding his murderous actions to this was the reason for many to feel like they had had enough of The 100.
Ontari killing the Nightblood children
One of the show's darkest moments
The 100 it has difficult moments here and there and immerses the audience in its fictional world with shocking moments that increase with each season. In season 3, The 100 It turned out darker than audiences expected and may have turned off some viewers who weren't expecting such cruel acts of murder. This specific act is carried out by Ontari, a Nightblood who is determined to be the next commander after Lexa's death. Instead of following tradition by participating in a battle to the death, Ontari kills all of his opponents.
Ontari proudly confesses his actions by lifting the head of a deceased child to declare his victory. Ontari's actions shocked audiences as much as the show's characters. While the dark turn of events may have caused some viewers to abandon the show, the management The 100 was going looked promising to others. The Grounder culture explored at this point in the series was exciting and effectively added to the overall lore of the series.
Bellamy's absence in the final season
A beloved character was missing for inconsistent reasons
Season 7 is often seen as the worst season of The 100. The pace was slower and the new characters and settings introduced did not have adequate time to be explored. This meant that many fans struggled to become invested so close to the end of the series. While some viewers resisted and made it to the series finale, others give up, which is understandable, especially when the main characters of The 100 began to be marginalized, including Bellamy.
Bellamy, played by Bob Morley, was absent from the last season of The 100 due to the actor's request to take a break from acting. Bellamy's absence provided a final mystery for the series' characters to solve, but it was soon revealed that he had joined the Disciple's cause, apparently betraying his friends. Such a move for the character recalled his alliance with Pike earlier in the series, undoing the lessons he should have learned.
Clarke pulling the lever
He acts as the last straw for the unlikely protagonist
All over The 100During the season, difficult decisions must be made by the series' characters. They are often placed in situations where they have two options and both have dire consequences. One of those decisions occurred in season 2 and was in Clarke's hands. To avoid extracting bone marrow from your family and friends, Clarke pulled a lever connected to Mount Weather's air filtration system and killed all of the inhabitants.. This decision continued to haunt several of the The 100characters for the rest of the series.
Clarke is not a likable character, as many of the biggest life and death decisions are given to her to choose from, and her selection almost always leaves others upset. Aside from some of the horrible, albeit minor, decisions she made before pulling the lever, it was this last act that made other people see her differently. This includes characters from the show and audiences who found it difficult to follow a divisive protagonist, ultimately abandoning the show.
Octavia becoming the red queen
A beloved character appears to be irredeemable
In The 100the most intense character arc is given to Octavia Blake. From the beginning, the audience is made aware of the traumatic life Octavia has lived, starting with living underground due to the rule of the Ark's only son. In season 5, Octavia fully commits to her leadership role in the bunker and punishes those who question or speak against her. After it becomes clear that she is not a force to be messed with, Octavia is known as Blodreina or Red Queen.
As Blodreina, Octavia makes terrible decisions, unlike anything the character has made in previous seasons. This drastic change in Octavia's personality was shocking, and with one violent act committed after another, it's understandable why audiences would choose to abandon the show at this point. There are a few moments where it seems like Octavia is beyond redeeming herself, but the remaining seasons of The 100 end your journey well.
Bellamy's death
The circumstances surrounding his death were poorly handled
There were not many deaths in The 100 This seemed predictable, but what really shocked the audience was Bellamy's. The character, as previously mentioned, was absent for much of the final season. However, when he appeared, it became clear that his goals didn't align with those of the rest of the group, especially Clarke. Believing that sacrificing Bellamy was the best decision for those she cared about most, Clarke shot him. Bellamy's death occurred in the last few episodes of the series, with many fans still choosing to finish the show.
However, the handling of Bellamy's death is reason enough to abandon the show out of frustration. Killing off a character like Bellamy makes sense, especially for a show like The 100where no decision seems too extreme. The problem with Bellamy's death comes from the way it was handled. In addition to his murder being committed by Clarke, audiences were upset by how anticlimactic Bellamy's death was and how his character's beliefs undid much of the progress made up to that point.
Lexa's death
Her death felt unnecessary and painful for the LGBTQ+ community
During his time in The 100Lexa has proven herself to be a focused and tough leader, respected by many. However, in addition to being a strong and admirable woman on screen, she is most loved by fans because of her romantic relationship with Clarke. The two had a unique connection from the beginning, but once they had a true romantic exchange, Lexa was accidentally killed. His manner of death seemed unconvincing, and many fans felt it fed into the “bury your gays” trope..
The public was upset because Lexa's death was unnecessarily tragic and came at the right time. The response to Lexa's death was largely negative, and many chose to leave the show when it became clear that Lexa would not be able to return. In response to the upset, showrunner Jason Rothenberg apologized to fans, stating that Lexa's character was never intended to attract or hurt the audience. Still, despite going through unfortunate circumstances, Lexa's death led to a fascinating plot about Flame and the Nightbloods.