10 mods we want to see for FF7 Rebirth on PC

10 mods we want to see for FF7 Rebirth on PC

With Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Coming to PC on January 23, 2025, a whole new audience will be able to experience the 2024 hit – and with any PC release will come a vast array of mods. In the first year of its launch, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth it remained exclusively on PlayStation 5, making PC gamers wait a long period of time. The wait will almost certainly be worth it, considering mods will definitely come into play after the release of Renaissance.

When will Final Fantasy VII Remake released on PC, fans were quick to create a wide variety of fun and technical mods this made the game more fun. In general, mods range from the useful – fixing bugs or improving lighting – to the fun, like allowing players to wear alternative outfits. When it comes to mods, there are also the downright bizarre, with some of the most viral typically adding characters from other franchises - Thomas the tank engine mods are the favorite.


Saved Material Load Mod

A practical mod to save a lot of effort

In Final Fantasy 7 Remake and RenaissanceEquippable weapons and accessories are known to have a few slots to add materia to a character's skills and skill set. However, a known fact about loading materials is that players cannot pre-save a loadout if they want to make changes depending on the circumstances. For example, when players are forced to switch between a cast of characters to pursue a part of the story, players may have to swap materia from the usual party members for new ones.

A mod that can save materia loads, however, would be a game changer. This would allow players to have pre-made equipment that they could simply swap out for certain battle sequences or plot purposes. That would much more convenient and less time-consuming material customization. Not to mention, whenever players need to include certain party members, a custom loadout makes it easier to transition back to the player's choices for the original party.


Ever Crisis Fantasy Mod

A perfect costume change

For those who don't know, Always crisis is a derivative mobile game that occurs throughout the Final Fantasy 7. It's a kind of compilation, bringing together stories from the main game and its various spinoffs. It even offers a game mode that takes place before the events of Final Fantasy 7covering Sephiroth's past and three new characters.

A fun aspect Always crisis It's the costumes of your characters, which are collected in loot boxes. While the story is definitely the selling point, the costumes add to the game's charm. A mod designed to allow players to customize party members with these costumes would be fun, allowing players as much creativity as they desire while playing. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It's not a necessity in itself and it definitely doesn't improve any form of gameplay, but it would undoubtedly add an exciting element to the characters' presentation.


Mod Zack or Sephiroth playable

The perfect replacements

Zack and Sephiroth are central characters who found love in the Final Fantasy community for years. The ability to play as Zack or Sephiroth in Cloud's place outside of designated times would be a fun mod to include in the PC version of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This is because, although Cloud is a character that everyone Final Fantasy 7 fans love and appreciate, there is something charming about first class soldiers. Since the launch of Crisis Core in 2008, fans of Final Fantasy 7 I learned to love Zack Fair.

Meanwhile, Sephiroth has been gaining steady development for years. Although that doesn't mean they have to have their own abilities - although that's kind of cool - just being able to play as them throughout the game would provide a breath of fresh air. This mod would only please fans who prefer to play as Zack or Sephiroth, and even though it doesn't make sense in terms of story, their characters' appearances would more or less just serve as placements for Cloud.


Lighting Adjustment Mod

A necessary correction

It is a common complaint in Final Fantasy community that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has some questionable lighting. This lighting, like being very bright on the Costa del Sol, causes players to experience a little too much of the color white on the screen. This presents a problem for players who can't see much beyond the color white, making the Costa del Sol experience a bit lackluster.

Not to mention that some of the lighting in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth It proved to be unflattering not only to the game's locations, but it also makes the characters look a little lifeless. It's almost strange. That's not to say that lighting doesn't create beautiful cinematic moments, but it became a general technical problem with the game.


Complete battle party mod

A wider cast of characters

A common complaint with RPGs and JRPGs in general is that players can choose from a wide cast of characters to form a party, but they can only choose three other group members. Now, while it's understandable why there's a limit on party members – making the game too easy, for example – it's still a bummer to only be able to allow three on the field at once, including the party leader, who players can never appear on. . to exchange.

The cast of characters from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is so diverse in its abilities that it's difficult to choose just three other party members. This causes players to miss out on many interesting abilities and synergies. Square Enix tries to appease the player base by including other party members, but only behind the scenes, which is very different from being able to control them. A mod fixing this and allowing all party members to be controlled on the battlefield would lead to such a fun experiencealthough it may be a technical impossibility.


Party Leader Swap Mod

More experiences

Another interesting creation for modders to consider Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a party leader change mod. Within the battle, players can control any of their party memberswhich is great because each character has different fighting styles. But once the battle is over, even if players are playing as Tifa in battle, they are immediately switched back to Cloud as the party leader for field exploration, which is the majority of the game.

Being able to swap the party leader would make the experience a little more fun, especially since Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth It has such a fun cast of characters.. Players have already experienced Yuffie in the episode Intervaland there are points in the game where players are forced to switch to a different character, but these experiences alone show how fun playing another character can be.


Classic soundtrack mod

A return to form

An aspect of the original Final Fantasy 7 game that all fans loved was the original soundtrack. Like most Final Fantasy PlayStation era soundtracks, The themes were filled with synthesized instruments. It defined the era Final Fantasy music before Square Enix started using more orchestrated sounding music, which is sometimes softer to the ear.

Even though the soundtrack Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is great in every way, the original soundtrack by Final Fantasy 7 sets a specific tone and is a game beloved for its soundtrack. A mod that replaces the current one Renaissance soundtrack with the original would be a fun mod to implement, as It would bring back the old feelings of the classic game.


FFVII remake costume mod

More clothing options

During the Don Corneo chapter of Final Fantasy 7 RemakeTifa, Aerith and Cloud received special outfits. More specifically, they were given three special dresses, and depending on certain decisions made in the game, one dress would be chosen for the Don Corneo chapter. Final Fantasy 7 Remake meet expectations with these dresseswhich were not only impressive but also very fitting for the three leads.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake There's a mod that allows players to keep certain dresses on Aerith, Tifa, and even Cloud. This mod can be easily used in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, allowing players to dress their characters in certain outfits they liked in the previous game. It definitely keeps the gameplay more exciting, and who doesn't love Aerith and Tifa in their iconic, beautifully designed dresses?


Additional Matter Slots Mod

More room for magic

Materia are useful, equippable magical abilities that aid players in battle. It is crystallized mako energy that allows players to cast certain spells or use certain abilities. The most useful item in the game, There simply aren't enough materia slots in equippable armor and weapons in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Of course, this increases the challenge of the game itself, but it also prevents users from creating truly powerful characters.

When creating a mod that allows additional materia slots on weapons and armor, players will be able to further customize their characters in terms of power and strength. This can lead to truly deadly combos and a more diverse battle strategy rather than relying on the same four to six materia. Plus, having to choose between incredibly useful materials is just plain frustrating.


More aggressive and challenging enemies mod

Hard mode, enabled

Another common need in video games nowadays is greater difficulty and another challenge. This is especially true in JRPGs, as players can often work hard or have impressive setups for their group. In Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Renaissanceenemies tend to be on the less challenging side, especially after a certain point.

An interesting mod would be to implement a more aggressive enemy system that turned enemies into Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth more challenging. Many players love a good challenge, and with modern battle customization, there can eventually be some very interesting and impressive results, leading to more chaos on the battlefield and more fun in the game. Final Fantasy 7 Renaissance.


February 29, 2024


Square Enix


Square Enix