10 Mods to Help You Actually Finish a Game of Civ 6

10 Mods to Help You Actually Finish a Game of Civ 6

Believe it or not, more than half of Civilization 6 players have never finished an entire game, according to the developers of Civilization 7. This is likely due to the late-game slog that will inevitably occur, slowing players down as they meticulously maneuver units and build districts or city wonders. Unfortunately, in the final stages of any Civilization 6 game, there are simply so many things going on that it becomes overwhelming or uninteresting.

Join the modding community to help players overcome this late-game hurdle with some much-needed mods packed with gameplay improvements, UI tweaks, overall game balance, and more. If both experienced and new Civilization 6 players haven't tried any mods from the community, these could be exactly what they were missing and will make finishing the game much more viable.


Detailed map tacks

THE Detailed map tacks mod (this and all subsequent mod links below are via Steam) is an absolute essential for anyone tired of trying to calculate adjacency bonuses for districts and improvements - which it probably is for everyone. This mod allows the placement of Map Tacks that players can place on tiles in advance to discover the highest bonuses for each district or improvement, make urban planning enjoyable, as opposed to what can sometimes feel like a guessing game.

There's a reason why this is one of the highest-rated community mods, and it's because playing without Map Tacks will start to feel like a huge leap backwards. Map Tacks are huge time savers because players can plan their ideal setup once and not have to rethink things again after each turn, also allowing players to walk away without forgetting their intended strategy.


GoldenAge: Brave New World and Spire of Infinity

Golden Age Mod menu image of game modes

THE Brave new world & Spire of Infinity mods are part of the Golden Age mod set and will give players a whole new gaming experience Civilization 6 they never before thought possible. These mods feature a large number of game modesrework most of the game's mechanics to make them more balanced, add unique and exciting challenges for veteran players, and even include a new victory condition for building Wonders.

Both mods place a heavy emphasis on "high play", which was a central part of the gameplay in Civil 5, but Civilization 6 changed focus to a "carpet of death" style of play that spreads units and civilizations across the map. These mods reimagine what's possible with Civilization 6 and give players an endless toybox of new game modes to play with.


Expanded Civilizations

THE Expanded Civilizations mod dramatically "increases the abilities of each civilization in the game," from leader skills, unique civilization features and buildings, upgrades and unique districts. These buffs accelerate city development and civilization growth. For example, Lincoln's new ability, Gettysburg Address, grants +25% Production for Industrial Zones, a free unit with additional buffs when constructing buildings in the Industrial Zone, and bursts of Grand General or Grand Admiral points when defeating an enemy within nine blocks. Compared to the original Emancipation Proclamation skill, it's clear why this mod is a must-try.

These expanded civilizations also give players who fall behind a real chance to catch up.and on the other hand, it will not guarantee a victory, despite an obvious initial advantage. Players who are struggling to complete a campaign will absolutely notice a difference with this mod enabled.


Harmony in Diversity

Harmony in Diversity Mod Governors in Civ 6

THE Harmony in Diversity mod features large-scale gameplay improvements that make the game more exciting and manageable while providing balance through buffs and debuffs. Included in these changes are improved terrain and resource production, better map and starting point generation, balanced buildings and districts, revised religions and beliefs, rebalanced Governors, diversified civilizations, and more. The mod also introduces new tech and civic trees, and balances the effects of the city-state and the Great People points.

The purpose of this mod is "make the game more interesting, offering more options to players" and also includes an updated Civilopedia with detailed explanations of all changes. This mod will give players a familiar yet more immersive game, and includes specific changes that make the Gathering Storm expansion much better.


AI curves fast forward

dido civ 6-1

THE AI curves fast forward mod is absolutely essential for faster play and for anyone who wants to actually try to complete a campaign. This one is pretty self-explanatory, but it delivers what it promises. This mod essentially allows AI-controlled players, including Barbarians and City-States, to "Use Quick Combat and Quick Movement to speed things up."

Its creator, Zugaikotsu, has several quality of life mods similar to Fast Forward AI Turns, but this one is a game changer and a huge time saver that will certainly be noticeable when players reach the Industrial era and beyond. This mod also makes the slog of the endgame a little less tedious when used alongside other mods on this list and will give players a new reason to play Civil 6.

A Civ 6 CQUI Mod Smart Banners panel

The CQUI, or Quick community user interface mod, simplifies or improves the UI in Civilization 6 dramatically. For example, it is restores the city view pane to the Civilization 5 configurewhich allows the purchase of units with Gold/Faith in the same menu and compresses the Production view. CQUI also adds improved tooltips, better large person and unit banners, and makes information more easily accessible for almost everything in the game.

These changes are essentially "an enhancement to the original UI that provides necessary information with [fewer] clicks." These practical tweaks to the original formula really speed up the game where it matters most, without making the UI unrecognizable. It even adds a route lens for players to track which tiles contain roads and railways and where those paths lead.


Population Production

Ba Trieu threatens players in Civilization 6

THE Population Production mod is part of a collection of mods from community contributor p0kiehl that enable the "high play" mentioned above. The mod is simple, adding production from each member of the civilization, similar to how Science and Culture works in the base game. The passive production boost encourages players to focus on population growth rather than sending Settlers across the map.

This is just one of the mods that allows players to build huge, powerful cities that can produce units, districts, wonders, etc., in a fraction of the time it would normally take. The Production From Population mod is one of the most effective in reducing imbalances at the end of the game, where "you research new technologies and civic issues very quickly, but because your cities produce expensive things, you have few opportunities to actually use them."


Truly Abundant Resources

Truly Abundant Features Mod Civ 6

While Civilization 6 offers players an Abundant Resource option, it doesn't make a noticeable enough difference, which is why the Truly Abundant Resources mod (also developed by p0kiehl) is essential for more dynamic resource placement. In fact, the mod introduces two new menu options for resources, Abundant (adds approximately 20% resource copies) and Truly Abundant (adds approximately 50%), but also "adds optimizations to game resource placement that apply to all resource options," making it useful for all players regardless of resource preferences.

The Truly Abundant Resources mod also adds "More variety in luxury sea features" and distribution, as well as in placing resources on the ground. Additionally, allows players to harvest any and all resources in their territory. These resource optimizations will give players a noticeable advantage and make completing the game a little easier.


Extended Eras

Civilization 6 Congolese leader Nzinga Mbande

THE Extended Eras mod is another p0kiehl mod focused on the balance and rhythm of the game, revising the "pacing and flow of the game, modifying research costs and other adjustments." While it may seem counterintuitive, lengthening eras actually shortens the game overall, allowing players to fully utilize each era's resources, resulting in stronger civilizations and various victory conditions being achieved more quickly.

The mod also solves a big problem area for Civilization 6, "[preventing] civilizations of running ahead of everyone else or falling far behind." To do this, it includes exponentially higher civic and technology costs, reduces citizens' culture and science output, reduces Eureka and inspiration boosts to 25% (from 40%), and changes the base duration of each era based on in the changed search costs. , among other adjustments focused on the general balance between seasons.


Mobile Districts

Civ 6 Movable Districts mod gameplay

THE Mobile Districts mod will be the ultimate tool to make urban planning easier to use. It allows players to spend gold to move a district, even if that district is under construction. This is extremely useful as the game progresses because it is very likely that districts will not be placed in their ideal locations the first time. As city borders grow and more districts are built, adjacency bonuses from starting placements are not always ideal, and this mod solves that problem.

Overall, these mods will give players a much better gaming experience, add balance to every aspect of the game, overhaul the user interface and tweak the AI ​​so that the endgame is more viable, and much more. They can all be used together, or players can choose just one to see if it helps them get through the mid- to late-game slog. These 10 mods can really help players finish a game of Civilization 6.

Sources: Steam (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)