10 Marvel Characters Chris Evans Could Play in Avengers: Judgment Day

10 Marvel Characters Chris Evans Could Play in Avengers: Judgment Day

Chris Evans has officially been cast in an undisclosed role in Avengers: Judgment Daysparking speculation about who he could play in the highly anticipated film. With his iconic portrayal of Steve Rogers/Captain America, Evans is deeply rooted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His casting follows in the footsteps of Robert Downey Jr. being cast as Dr. As a result, Evans' return in the future of the MCU could mean revisiting familiar ground or venturing into entirely new territory.

Evans left an indelible mark on the MCU timeline, debuting as Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) and concluding its journey in Avengers: Endgame (2019). In End of the gameRogers took down his shield after a heartfelt goodbye as he traveled back in time to live out his days with Peggy Carter. His departure left an emotional yet satisfying conclusion to his arc throughout the franchise. Now, with his return confirmed in the MCU Avengers: Judgment Dayaudiences eagerly await to see whether he will reprise a familiar role or explore a new facet of the Marvel multiverse.


Old Steve Rogers

The MCU's original Captain America is retired

Steve Rogers is technically still alive in the MCU after his farewell in Avengers: Endgame. The elderly Rogers appeared to pass his shield to Sam Wilson, signaling his retirement. However, Avengers: Judgment Day could bring Old Steve back into action. As a mentor figure, this version of Steve Rogers could serve as a base presence for the Avengersproviding wisdom and guidance. Your unique perspective as someone who has lived through history could be invaluable during a multiverse-spanning crisis.

The sight of a physically frail but mentally sharp Steve taking on an advisory or sacrificial role could provide another iconic moment. Additionally, this role would allow Evans to showcase his acting range by delving into the vulnerabilities and complexities of an aging hero confronting his legacy. Old Man Steve could also provide a crucial narrative bridge between the Infinity Saga and the current direction of the MCU.


Hydra Captain America

Marvel's Anti-Cap

One of the most intriguing theories about Chris Evans' return is the possibility of him playing Captain America Hydra. This darker version of the character was introduced in the comics, replacing Steve Rogers with an aligned variant. Dubbed “Captain Hydra,” this iteration shocked readers and could provide a fascinating twist for the MCU. In Avengers: Judgment Daya multiverse setting could explain the appearance of Hydra-affiliated Steve Rogers.

This version would embody everything Rogers faced: corruption, oppression, and blind loyalty to a totalitarian regime. Evans' portrayal of a sinister, calculating Captain America would subvert expectations and create a formidable antagonist for the Avengers. This could also serve as a chilling commentary on how even the most virtuous ideals can be distorted under the right circumstances, providing a thematic counterpoint to Sam Wilson's embodiment of Captain America's true values. He could even team up with RDJ's Dr. Doom to create an evil counterpart to the Avengers.


Another variant of Johnny Storm

Evans returned as Johnny Storm in Deadpool and Wolverine

Chris Evans played Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch, in Fantastic Four films of the 2000s. After his famous participation as Johnny Storm in Deadpool and Wolverinethat's it possible he could reprise the role as another variant in Avengers: Judgment Day. The multiverse offers endless opportunities for such crossover, especially with Secret Wars on the horizon. This approach could offer a comedic, meta commentary on Evans' superhero legacy.

Evans' Johnny Storm could meet Sam Wilson's Captain America, helping lay the groundwork for Secret Wars. Additionally, the presence of another Johnny Storm could hint at the next Fantastic Four reboot, uniting the old and new iterations of Marvel's First Family. The MCU's Fantastic Four are located in a different universe than the MCU's Earth-616, so Evans' return could help bring them into the primary timeline. This may not be a central role, but without a doubt it would be a pleasure for everyonegiving longtime fans of Evans' previous works a nostalgic nod.


Time Heist Steve Rogers

Captain America traveled back in time to return the Infinity Stones

After End of the gamefans requested a project exploring Steve Rogers' journey to return the Infinity Stones to their rightful place in the timeline. This narrative remains unexplored, despite its potential for thrilling adventures and heartbreaking moments. Evans could return as this version of Steve in Time Heist, offering a glimpse into his unseen missions. This version could be the MCU's main Steve Rogers, who accidentally went off course and found himself caught up in the chaos of the MCU's multiverse. Avengers: Judgment Day.

Armed with Mjölnir and facing the moral dilemmas of his mission, this Steve would be a mix of the hero audiences know and a battle-hardened traveler burdened by the complexities of his task. Such a portrayal would not only satisfy curiosity, but also enrich the narrative of the MCU's multiverse, bridging the past and present. This angle would allow Evans to delve deeper into Steve's psyche, exploring the challenges of sticking to your principles while navigating the chaotic effects of time travel.


One above all

Marvel's shapeshifting divine being

The One Above All is the omnipotent being who created the multiverse in Marvel lore, embodying the highest form of existence. This shape-shifting entity can appear as anyone or anything, and in the comics, famously assumed the guise of legendary Marvel artist Jack Kirby. One Above All could appear in Avengers: Judgment Day as Steve Rogers, using his familiar face to communicate with Earth's Mightiest Heroes. This would be a bold and unexpected move for the MCU, elevating Evans' role to cosmic proportions.

In taking on this role, Evans represent the definitive moral and philosophical force that guides the Avengers - very similar to the Captain. The One Above All could issue cryptic warnings or offer vital knowledge about the impending threat, emphasizing the risks of the multiverse's impending collapse. Such a role would not only celebrate Evans' iconic status within the MCU, but also provide a profound commentary on Steve Rogers' lasting legacy as the Avengers' most virtuous member.


Yeoman America

A British variant of Captain America

The multiverse offers endless possibilities in Marvel, including a British variant of Captain America known as Yeoman America. In the comics, this version is linked to Marvel's Arthurian villain Morgan le Fey - tying into the introduction of the Black Knight and the MCU's exploration of witchcraft. Yeoman America could pave the way for the introduction of British-based heroes like Captain Britain, a fan favorite who has long been rumored for the MCU.

Yeoman America would allow Evans to try out a new version of the Captain America archetype, complete with British accent and possibly wielding a different version of the shield. This variant could come from a world where the UK led the super soldier programresulting in a unique twist on the story and the character's values. Such a portrayal could set the stage for a broader exploration of the multiverse in Secret Wars while also highlighting the shared but distinct qualities of global heroism.


Roger Stevens

The MCU technically had 2 Steve Rogers for a while

When Captain America returned to the past in End of the gamehe created a second timeline in which two Steve Rogers existed. While living in the past with Peggy Carter another Captain America was still frozen awaiting his thawing by S.H.I.E.L.D.. A scene from Captain America: Civil Warapparently confirmed this theory. An elderly man who attended Peggy Carter's funeral was credited as Roger Stevens, suggesting that Old Steve Rogers attended the funeral in disguise.

Evans could be playing this variant, becoming Roger Stevens instead of Steve Rogers. This is essentially the same character as Old Steve Rogers, but Avengers: Judgment Day could portray him in his primeperhaps using time travel to bring him forward or appearing in flashbacks to his adventures with Peggy. Interestingly, in the comics, a character named Steven Rogers combined the powers of the Human Torch and Captain America, so this version could appear in Judgment Day as a combination of Evans' two iconic Marvel roles.


Jack Munroe aka Nomad

Captain's Third Bucky

Jack Munroe, also known as Nomad, is a Marvel Comics character with a very complex history. He was initially introduced as the third “Bucky” and companion to Captain America. A series of subsequent retcons turned him into an orphan who idolized Cap. He underwent plastic surgery to look like Steve Rogerseven taking on the hero's name, and found his own version of the Super Soldier Serum. This complex figure can be an intriguing addition to Avengers: Judgment Day.

Instead of using the multiverse, the MCU could feature a fully formed Jack Munroe, played by Evans, from inside Earth-616. Nomad's connection to Steve Rogers would create an emotionally charged dynamic, as the The Avengers face a hero who mirrors their fallen friend but possesses his own distinct identity and fights. Evans could delve into the psychological complexities of playing someone who lives in Captain America's shadow. This role would explore themes of identity, legacy and the burdens of living up to impossible expectations.


Cyclops from the X-Men

The X-Men are expected in the MCU very soon

With the X-Men's debut in the MCU expected soon, many have speculated that Avengers: Secret Wars or Avengers: Judgment Day could introduce them across the multiverse. Chris Evans playing Cyclops, the disciplined leader of the X-Men, would be an exciting way to connect mutants to the broader MCU. Cyclops shares several characteristics with Captain Americaincluding his tactical mind, unwavering sense of duty and leadership skills.

Evans' experience as Steve Rogers would lend itself perfectly to this role, creating a parallel between the Avengers and the X-Men. While it's unlikely that Evans would portray Cyclops permanently, a multiverse variant could provide a clever bridge between the MCU's different eras, offering a connection between the MCU's primary universe and those containing the X-Men. This portrayal could also hint at the possibility of an “Avengers vs. X-Men”, which had long been expected in the franchise, with some speculating that Secret Wars is a secret adaptation of this story.


The red skull

Captain America's archenemy

Red Skull, Captain America's archenemy, remains one of Marvel's most iconic villains. After his role as guardian of the Soul Stone in Infinity War and End of the game, the character's future remains uncertain. Chris Evans playing Red Skull in Avengers: Judgment Day It could be a bold and surprising twist and could reflect the casting of RDJ as Dr. Such casting would harness the potential of the multiverse to subvert expectations, allowing Evans to portray the dark mirror image of Steve Rogers.

Red Skull's cunning and cruelty would offer Evans the opportunity to embrace a completely different acting challenge. The juxtaposition of Evans' heroic personality with Red Skull's malevolence would create a chilling and unforgettable performance. Red Skull is a major Marvel villain, so his return is not only possible, but likely in some form. Having Chris Evans return as Captain America's most fearsome foe would add an intriguing touch to RDJ's return and Avengers: Judgment Day.

Avengers: Doomsday is the fifth Avengers film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and will bring together heroes, new and old, to face Victor von Doom – played by the returned Robert DOwney Jr.. Avengers 5 will also mark the beginning of phase 6 of the MCU.

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