JRR Tolkien The Lord of the Rings The novel is full of magical artifacts, and many were made by Elves. Published in three parts between 1954 and 1955, the novel served as the basis for Peter Jackson's work. Lord of the Rings trilogy, which adapted part of the novel into a film. Elves like Galadriel, Arwen, and Legolas featured heavily in Jackson's trilogy, but most The Lord of the Rings' The tradition of the elves was actually shared in The Silmarillion. This 1977 storybook was entrusted by Tolkien to his son for final editing and publication after his passing.
The Silmarillion discusses the types of Elves in Middle-earth and their wide-ranging conquests. While the Dwarves were responsible for mining mithril and the armor resulting from it, the Elves created items imbued with special powers. Although Galadriel didn't seem to consider her mirror magic The Fellowship of the RingMany items of elven crafts had supernatural abilities, and men in Middle-earth never learned how to make them. Many of these powerful objects forever changed the course of Middle-earth.
Elven Rope
Hithlain Rope
The elven rope may have come untied The Lord of the Rings. In The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring film and the first part of Tolkien's novel, which gave the film its name, the Elf Galadriel gave gifts to the Fellowship of the Ring. The Hobbit Samwise Gamgee received elven rope from Galadriel in both the book and the film. Elven rope is made from hithlain, which is made from the inner bark of mallorn trees.
Perhaps this was what allowed the rope to respond so intuitively to Sam's needs in The Lord of the Rings. The elven rope is strong, long and lightand allowed Frodo and Sam to climb part of the mountain path on their way to Mordor. Sam had resigned himself to losing the rope tied at the top of the descent, but it came loose when he pulled on it, as he wished. This mysterious ability may not have changed Middle-earth, but it was certainly useful.
Elven Cloaks
Cloaks of Lórien
Elven capes were another gift from Galadriel to the Fellowship of the Ring and provided high-tech camouflage in addition to their unassuming appearance. THE Elven cloaks changed according to the environmentproviding a chameleon-like coverage. Warm and practical, playing the role of a coat, cloaks also concealed the wearers in their environment. The colors of the covers seemed to change with the changing light.
What often seemed magical to Hobbits and Men in Lord of the Rings it was merely technologically advanced to the Elves.
This seemingly iridescent quality may have reflected a style of fabric; Velvet and crushed velvet are known for catching light and reflecting it in varying colors. The covers were also hot or cold as neededexhibiting some type of heat capacity, which was not widely available in medieval times that Lord of the Rings reflected. This shows how what often seemed magical to Hobbits and Men in Lord of the Rings it was merely technologically advanced to the Elves.
Lembas Bread
Travel bread
The super-nutritious lembas bread, or traveling bread, was not the invention of the Elves, but was made and used by them throughout the world. The Lord of the Rings well into the Third Age. Lemba making was an art of the Valar passed to the Elves during their time in Valinor. The Silmarillion tells how Melian the Maia taught Galadriel to bake lembas. Galadriel used this crucial ability in The Fellowship of the Ring.
Tolkienian era |
Event marking the beginning |
Years |
Total length in solar years |
Ahead of time |
Undetermined |
Undetermined |
Undetermined |
Days before days |
The Ainur entered Eä |
1 - 3,500 Valian years |
33,537 |
Pre-First Tree Years (YT) |
Yavanna created the Two Trees |
YT 1 - 1050 |
10,061 |
Early Age (FA) |
Elves woke up in Cuiviénen |
YT 1050 - YT 1500, FA 1 - 590 |
4,902 |
Second Age (SA) |
The War of Wrath is over |
SA 1 - 3441 |
3,441 |
Third Age (TA) |
The Last Alliance defeated Sauron |
AT 1 - 3021 |
3,021 |
Fourth Era (Fo.A) |
Bearers of the elven ring left Middle-earth |
Fo.A 1 - unknown |
Unknown |
The wise leader of Lothlórien sent the Fellowship with enough Lembas bread to aid them on their journey, and it would sustain them in times of need. This super-powerful bread gives the flavor of a meal 10 times its size or more, so it is advisable to eat it in moderation. Pippin learned this the hard way in Peter Jackson's book Fellowship of the Ring movie when he ate four.
Galadriel's Mirror
Divination Mirror
Galadriel's famous mirror was used by Frodo and Sam in The Fellowship of the Ringshowing them important occurrences in other places and other times. This divining mirror was one of Galadriel's toolsshowing what could happen, what could be or what was. Some things shown by the mirror may never happen, making the mirror both good and dangerous, as Galadriel stated.
Samwise Gamgee was declaring his desire to see Elf magic in Lord of the Ringsand Galadriel confirmed that she was not sure what he meant, but she would show him the mirror as it would seem magical to her. Galadriel said that the term magic was most often associated with darker sorcerers. This is in line with Tolkien's view of magic - Tolkien associated magic with the dark alteration of nature. However, in keeping with the mythopoeic nature of the legendarium and its related inconsistencies, the word magic was also occasionally used to designate the forces of light.
Frodo's sword
Sting was the elvish dagger that became Frodo and Bilbo's sword in Lord of the Rings. This elven creation glowed blue when Orcs were nearbywarning its owner of imminent danger. While no match for some of the Elves' most powerful creations in The Lord of the Ringsthis handy dagger has saved Bilbo and Frodo on more than one occasion. Bilbo encountered Sting during the events of The Hobbit.
After defeating the trolls along with Thorin and company, Bilbo gained access to the trolls' treasure. This treasure contained some surprising goods, which Elrond noted must be long-lost elven works. While Bilbo claimed Sting, Gandalf claimed Glamdringa famous sword that Elrond noted once belonged to Turgon. Turgon was the High King of the Elves in the First Age, ruling the elven stronghold of Gondolin.
The Elfstone
The Elfstone is one of the lesser-known creations of the Elves, but its great powers have been spoken of in many tales. Elessar means Elvenstone in the elven language of Quenya. The Elfstone is most commonly known as Galadriel's gift to Aragorn in The Fellowship of the Ringbut its origins remain mysterious. Although some say it was made in Gondolin during the First Age and passed down from generation to generation. It was said to have healing and restorative powers.
Aragorn also had some healing abilities, and it was never clear whether this was due to the Elfstone.
This beautiful green stone was given to Aragorn as a kind of promise. The stone was already in Arwen's possession, so Galadriel consciously gave it to her as a foreshadowing of Aragorn's marriage to Arwen, although she was unsure how things would turn out. Aragorn took Galadriel's gift seriously and considered the stone to be his royal namesake.naming himself Elessar at his coronation. Aragorn also had some healing abilities, and it was never clear whether this was due to the Elfstone.
Galadriel's Flask
Galadriel's gift to Frodo
Galadriel's gift to Frodo was the Phial of Galadriel, and its bright, evil-repelling light saved him and Sam from certain death. Galadriel's Flask contains water from Galadriel's spring. This mysterious liquid also fills Galadriel's Mirrorso it clearly has some kind of magical power associated with it - if the word magical can be used. The spring's water contains some of the light from Eärendil's star.
It is not known for sure how Galadriel managed to capture the starlight in the waterbut the star itself is no less than one of the radiant Silmarils of Fëanor. A jewel bright enough to shine like a star in the sky, millions of light years away from Lothlórien, this is one of only three jewels of its kind in the world. With the other two lost, this remaining Silmaril fueled Galadriel's most powerful magic in The Lord of the Rings.
The stones that see
Seerstones were also known as palantíri and were, without a doubt, one of the most powerful creations of the Elves in history. The Lord of the Ringswith some other trinkets capable of rivaling them. These incredibly advanced technological feats have enabled communication over long distances, equivalent to Middle Earth's version of the telephone, but with much more intriguing properties.
Palantíri were not necessarily easy to use, and mastering them required strength, practice, or both. Stones allowed their users to see what was happening near a linked stone. Not all the stones were connected. They also had to face a certain direction to show a certain thing. However, the better the user, the clearer and more targeted their vision will be he would be.
Fëanor's jewels
In many ways, it is difficult not to name the Silmarils as the most powerful objects of elven creation in Middle-earth. After all, they took care of the curse of a third of the Elves (the Noldor) and started the War of the Jewels. When all is said and done, It's almost hard to see what good the Silmarils did in the end. With one lost to the sea and one lost to the land, the only Silmaril that still feeds good is in the sky with Eärendil, lending power to Galadriel's fountain.
The jewelry was so beautiful and shiny that many who saw it were obsessed. Firstly, Fëanor, the creator of the Silmarils, was obsessed. Unfortunately, Vala Morgoth also became obsessed and stole them. Fëanor and his sons swore an extremely problematic oath to recover the Silmarilswhatever happens. This oath led Fëanor and his kind to kill fellow Elves to steal ships in search of the Silmarils. Once in Middle-earth, the bloodshed continued.
The Elven Rings
The rings of power
While the renowned elven rings may realistically take second place to the Silmarils, they present tangible proof of powerful achievements during the Second and Third Ages. The Silmarils may have had the greatest potentialbut the potential of the elven rings may have been better realized. Sauron, in disguise, provided the knowledge needed to complete the Elven rings, and he was one of the most powerful smiths of the Maiar - the Ainur order inferior to the Valar.
The creation of the elven rings was guided by one of the greatest Maiar blacksmiths, who was guided by the greatest blacksmith in the universe - the Vala Aulë. However, the rings were made by Fëanor's descendant, Celebrimbor. This makes sense, considering the greatness of the Silmarils. The Noldor were known for their craftsmanship. Given these formidable origins, it is understandable that the rings had the power to ward off the decay of timeand that they preserved the Elves and their life in Middle-earth long past their sell-by date in The Lord of the Rings.