The upcoming Pokemon Legends: ZA Will follow in Legends: Arceus Footsteps, this time offers players a glimpse into another time period for the Kalos region. While Legends: Arceus was set in the wider Sino area, Pokemon Legends: ZA will be specifically set in Luminous City, giving players a much better look at the large, Paris-inspired city. Naturally, fan-favorite Pokemon will reappear with impressive redesigns to match the times, but so will the ancestors or descendants of notable characters.
Of course, many are not sure when Pokemon Legends: ZA will be set, making it unclear whether fans will see the great-great-great-grandparents of Kalos-born characters or their children's children and so on. however, Arceus Has a lot of ancestral characters, which set the precedent for future Legends Games to do the sameSuch as how Commander Kamado is the ancestor of Professor Rowan or how Sillene is the ancestor of Team Galactic's leader, Cyrus. Although it remains to be seen exactly what will appear, there are many great options.
Dexio & Sina, the professor's assistance
The heroes of Kalos
Dexio and Sina are Professor Sycamore's assistants in pokemon x and y, which assist the player in a number of ways throughout the game. The two have since appeared in Pokemon Sun and Moonwhere they served as handy exposition characters who offered advice on various game mechanics, like mega evolutions. It wouldn't be surprising to see ancestors or descendants of the duo pop up in Legends: ZA Having carried on the legacy, or indeed started it, from his assistants to the Kalos region Pokemon professor.
Of course, Dexio and Sina are also the dynamic masked heroes that tend to pop up after the player has beaten the bad guys. To see their hero personas continue, much like another character in Pokemon X & YWould be fun for fans And would give them insight into how the masked personas began or continued. However, even if they do not appear in Legends: ZAThey may turn up in DLC, so fixing one of Legends: Arceus Biggest mistakes.
Alexa & Viola, the other duo from Pokémon X & Y
Sisters in Crime in Kalos
Much like the other duo, Sina and Dexio, in Pokemon X & YIt would make perfect sense to see descendants or ancestors of the sisters Alexa and Viola in Legends: ZA. Alexa is the resident journalist in Luminous City, and The redevelopment plans and what nefarious deeds are happening in the background of what would make the perfect breakout story for a budding child or ancestor of yours. The player can assist them in covering the goings on or let them just pop up in the background like a silly investigative journalist.
Similarly, Viola is the gym leader of the Santalune gym in Pokemon X & YAnd it would be great to see her legacy continue. Your descendant or ancestor may, much like you, enjoy photography and accompany the passionate journalist. In their capers to discover the truth behind the redevelopment of Luminous City. It is not difficult to see how their ancestors or descendants would fit in easily Pokemon Legends: ZAWith a lot of story potential.
Trevor, the Pokédex expert
Relatives of Pokédex Expert may appear
Trevor is the young Pokedex expert who is constantly challenging the players to see who has logged the most entries in their Pokedexes. If Pokemon Legends: ZA Is to have a similar character, therefore It would make sense that it would be someone that Trevor passed his love of discovering new Pokemon to or passed that passion on to.. It would be a fun nod to those Pokemon X & Y Games, as well as an interesting way to incorporate Pokémon Legend: Arceus Focus on filling the Pokédex in ZA.
It will almost certainly be ancestors or descendants of all of the player's core group of friends Pokemon X & YHow they play a big role in their adventure. However, Trevor feels like the one who would be the easiest to incorporate, especially thanks to his overall love of Pokédexes. If Legends: ZA Puts as much emphasis on the pokedex as Arceus It's almost guaranteed that some form of Trevor's family will pop up.
Xerosic from Team Flair
The evil scientist
Xerosic is the truly terrifying and nefarious scientist who works on experimental projects for Team Flair in Pokemon X & Y. He is the one responsible for turning Emma into Essentia and getting her to inadvertently commit crimes by remotely controlling her suit. He is a bad guy and one of the worst when it comes to Team Fleur's group of scientistsWhich is why an ancestor or descendant of his will surely turn up in some capacity Pokemon Legends: ZA.
Much like how Legends: Arceus made the ancestors of the villain characters good and vice versa, Legends: ZA Could make Xerosic's ancestor or descendant a good man who wants to help in the redevelopment of Luminous City. It is also very likely that a family relation of Xerosic would continue his love of experimental science and create something similar to the expansion suit. Regardless, it wouldn't be surprising to see an ancestor or descendant of Xerosic appear, if only briefly, in Legends: ZA.
Clemont's relative may appear in legends: ZA
Luminous City Gym Guide
It feels almost guaranteed that fans will see some form of descendant or ancestor of Clemont in Pokemon Legends: ZA. He is the Luminous City gym leader and a quirky inventor, who sets up his future family, or his past family, to be a big part of the redevelopment of Luminous City. Whether his children invented new tools to help with the construction of Luminous City, or his great-grandparents were the main ones in the overall designIt is easy to see how they are slotted into the story.
It will be a huge deal if fans get to see some form of Clemont's ancestor or descendant, with their return almost rivaling an impressive return feature from Legends: Arceus come to Pokemon Legends: ZA. It would be surprising if Clemont's family wasn't involved in some small way Legends: ZAIf only as a short and fun cameoSuch as a wannabe inventor helping the player with a seemingly innocent task. Clemont's bubbly and quirky personality is too big and lovable to be his ancestors or descendants in some capacity.
Emma from X & Y's Postgame
Owner of the Locker Bureau
Emma is a more prominent character in Pokemon X and Y Post-game contentWhere players interact with the secret international detective, Looker. Her story is directly intertwined with Locker and Xerosic, as she is tricked into doing Xerosic's actions, which Locker is subsequently investigating. She is taken by Locker, who wants to do his best to protect her, and at the end of their questline, gives her the keys to the Locker Bureau and lets her do whatever she wants with him.
Emma also takes on the role of Essentia, who was initially Xerosic's creation, but that she adopts once he gives her all the technology before they took him to prison. Seeing what happens to both Essentia and the Locker Bureau building in the future would be a lot of fun for fans Who invested in the post-game content of Pokemon X & Y. Of course, this would only really work if Pokemon Legends: ZA was set in the future, and not the past of the Kalos region.
Olympia is one of the more memorable characters
The psychic gym leader
Olympia is the psychic gym leader of Anistar Gym in pokemon x & y, But most importantly, is constantly talking about the future. It is referenced in Pokemon X & Y That Olympia can see into the future of whoever touches her wristAnd in the anime, she helps Ash and his friends by predicting the future and preventing Team Rocket from completing their nefarious plans. A game set in Kalos' future would feel incomplete without the descendants of the woman who can literally predict the future.
It could even be that Olympia shows the player the future of Luminous CityAnd that vision is the story of Pokemon Legends: ZA. It would be an interesting approach to the history of the game, and would allow you, or your descendants to be a big part in the game. But, much like Emma, it wouldn't work as well if Legends: ZA is set in the past, though her ancestors could easily have similar powers.
Diantha's ancestors and descendants just make sense
The Kalos Region Champion
Dianthia is one of a few characters in Pokemon X and Y Which are pretty much guaranteed to have their ancestor or descendant Legends: ZAAs she is the Kalos Region Champion during the events of X and Y. It would be a fun twist to have her descendant struggle with living up to her reputationOr should you come from nothing to show where you are coming from. There are many story directions Legends: ZA May go in incorporate Dianthia
She is also a famous movie star in pokemon x & y, And that angle can also be explored in Legends: ZA. for example, Her children can all grow up to be spoiled brats who have a hand in the redevelopment of Luminous City, such as by helping advertise it. suffice to say, Pokemon Legends: ZA Will almost certainly include some form of reference to Dianthia because she is just too gorgeous to leave.
Professor Sycamore from Pokémon X & Y
The Pokemon Professor of the Kalos region
Consider how Pokemon Legends: Arceus Has Commander Kamado his ancestor from Professor Rowan of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, It will almost certainly be a descendant or ancestor of Professor Sycamore in Legends: ZA. However, it is not clear whether Legends: ZA will go in the same direction as Arceus By being Sycamore's ancestor or descendant being one of the villains. It's a fun twist, although it would be unlikely that Game Freak would pull the same trick twice.
alternatively, Professor Sycamore's descendant or ancestor may be a Pokémon professor in training who needs help from the player to learn more about them. They may be friends with the ancestors or descendants of Dexio and Sina, to tie it back to Pokemon X and Y. Of course, as Professor Sycamore basically should appear, there are plenty of Pokemon that must be in Legends: ZA In order to not only appease fans, but also to help showcase how the Pokemon of Kalos region also evolved.
Lysandre, the X & Y antagonist
The leader of Team Fleur
One of the best aspects of Pokemon Legends: Arceus Was getting to see Cyrus', the evil leader of Team Galactic, ancestor, Sillene. There is a very good chance that Pokemon Legends: ZA Will pull the same move with Lysandre, Show players how his descendants evolved after his attempts to bring about his beautiful world or how his ancestors shared his beliefs and passed them down. There are many roads that Legends: ZA Can descend when it comes to Lysandre even more through his family.
No matter how his descendants or ancestors are incorporated into Pokemon Legends: ZAThey will help flesh out one of Pokemon Greatest evil. Although it is not guaranteed that fans will see his family in Legends: ZAIt is very likely, especially if it follows a similar trend to Arceus. nevertheless, Pokemon Legends: ZA It will be much better for including at least a small cameo that refers to Lysandre.