Although Harrison Ford remains a popular actor, Indiana Jones
it's not the longest-running franchise, and as a result, some of the then-entertaining quotes haven't aged well. Following the famous Star wars the graduate character's various searches for supernatural artifacts from the ancient world, Indiana Jones was never completely politically correct. In addition to this, "Indie" leans heavily on the outdated James Bond trope of always having a pseudo-Bond girl nearby who usually needs rescuing.
Even some of the best quotes in Indiana Jones films today do not have the desired effect. Despite the later films' attempts to be more respectful of the stories they're associated with and create better female characters, they struggle to compete with some of the earlier installments, which are generally considered the best. Indiana Jones movies. Indiana Jones demonstrates great actions and witty quotes, but which of them viewers are willing to accept at face value varies.
“I don’t believe in magic, there are a lot of superstitious tricks.”
Said to Indy in Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones the shuffled timeline doesn't do any good when the second movie happens first in chronological order. Indy's claim in the first film that he is a man of science and academia who ignores warnings about the Ark of the Covenant creates some intrigue around his power. However, this comment is a plot hole when the plot Temple of Doom should have already happened and Indy should already be open to the idea of the supernatural.
Movie |
Parameter |
Raiders of the Lost Ark |
1936 |
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom |
1935 |
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade |
1938 |
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull |
1957 |
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Doom |
1969 |
The first three films can be considered as independent films, following the same pattern as the first. Mission: Impossible franchise. Only the last two films feature a linear continuation of Indy's earlier adventures, with clear references to past installments. There are also smaller references among the films in the original trilogy; more Raiders of the Lost Ark also much better than Temple of Doomallowing some leniency for this mistake.
“Don’t you know that going into a refrigerator is dangerous? These things could be death traps!”
Said by General Ross in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Yes, climbing into the refrigerator is dangerous and can lead to suffocation. Indy was desperate because he realized that a nuclear bomb was about to explode and he had to look for shelter. However, a refrigerator will likely not provide sufficient protection from explosion or radiation either. Even if that were the case, Indy should have been severely beaten due to the refrigerator being thrown out of the explosion.
There has been some debate about how accurate Indiana Jones "Detonate a Nuclear Bomb in the Refrigerator" the scene is there, but it's generally derided as the most incredible part of the failed legacy sequel. Indiana Jones relies heavily on the supernatural, but maintains a tone of realism in things that require it, and this incident demonstrates how the franchise is currently stumbling. General Ross's (Alan Dale) comment, which was probably meant to be slightly comedic, simply indicates that it shouldn't have worked.
"It depends on how reasonable we're all willing to be - all I want is a girl!"
Said to Indy in Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indy gets his big heroic moment by threatening to blow up the Ark in exchange for the freedom of Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen), which is blown up about a second later. Belloq (Paul Freeman) essentially proves everything he said about him, and Indy, not so different, are both involved in the mystery of the Ark itself. He calls Indy's bluff, since destroying the Ark would mean destroying an important relic. that they are all interested in.
On the other side, Marion never says she's tired of everyone calling her "girl" V Raiders of the Lost Ark because this is not the discourse with which the 1981 film begins. Villains do this often, kidnapping her and discussing how to use her to get to the Ark. Then Indy also calls Marion "young woman" bargaining for it, emphasizing it.
“For shouting loudly: driving a car!”
Told by Willie in the Temple of Doom
Willie Scott (Kate Capshaw) is memorable as Indy's most annoying love interest, far less adventurous than Marion and scholastic than Elsa Schneider (Alison Doody). However, Willie has a tendency to point out obvious things that Indy is too cavalier about. Short Round (Ke Hai Quan) is Indy's buddy who was given a job by Indy after his family was killed, but maybe he shouldn't be so involved in all the action. Temple of Doom Basically, Indy accidentally gets into trouble with some less than well-prepared people.
Despite this, Short Round is pretty reliable throughout the adventure. After Temple of DoomShort Round returns to America with Indy and enrolls in school, but never appears in films again. However, to answer Willie's question, Short Round drives the car, so Indy can have a stereotypical one-movie sidekick who will say emotional things but never follow through with him.
“This cross is an important artifact. It belongs to the museum."
Said to Indy in "The Last Crusade" The first three films never go beyond the superficial concern that they are powerful MacGuffins for Indy to find.
Indy's mantra is about historical artifacts being placed in the hands of experts. who will be able to study them and contribute to the education of society with their research. This philosophy silences the colonialist approach to taking these artifacts from the cultures to which they originally belonged, which the series often portrays as exotic and violent. Additionally, in the 1930s, the people who would learn from the artifacts collected would largely be white people with access to museums and universities in the West.
Of things that have not yet grown old Indiana Jonesits most glaring problems include racial stereotyping and little concern for the appropriation of history and culture. The first three films never go beyond the superficial concern that they are powerful MacGuffins for Indy to find. How his theft of this item affects other people and whether he has any right to do so is not in question.
"There were a lot of Marys, baby."
Said to Indy in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Throughout the franchise, Indy is characterized as a mild womanizer, and he believes that a snarky remark is a smart thing to say to Mutt Williams (Shia LaBeouf) about his mother shortly after meeting him. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull tries to take a bit of a departure from the rest of the franchise, undoubtedly reimagining Indy's best love interest like the true love of his life. Despite the constant quarrels that separated them shortly before the wedding, their feelings ran deep.
Willy is a whiny girl and Elsa is a femme fatale, and both characters are very sexy. Indy can still say such nice things "they all [other women] had the same problem" don't be Marion. Yet he shows little remorse for leaving Marion pregnant. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull tries to do both, nodding to old Indie songs characterization and treatment of Marion with great dignity.
“Why the hell didn’t you make him finish school?”
Said to Indy in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Despite many sarcastic conversations with Mutt, before Marion enters history again, it is revealed that Mutt dropped out of school. Indy says this politely, although he definitely believes in formal education. He even tells Marion that she should leave Matt alone at school. - just before she tells him that Mutt is his son and he quickly changes his mind, later demanding that Mutt re-enroll.
The whole family dynamic isn't handled very well in this first legacy sequel as the writers try to rush the happy ending.
Indy is a complete hypocrite who sees only one path to success and respectability, no matter what he told Mutt before, and immediately tries to control his adult son's life. The whole family dynamic isn't handled very well in this first legacy sequel as the writers try to rush the happy ending. However, Indy's comments about education, which at one point might have been the only funny parts of this film, come across as jarring. and don't add anything to the storyline.
“The British are so worried about their empire. We feel the children are well looked after."
Said by Chattar Lal in the Temple of Doom
Temple of Doom shows the worst of Indiana Jones harmful racial stereotypes and worse portrayals of imperialism. During the infamous dinner scene, Indy is trying to find out information about the fictional cult of Tuggy. who worship Kali through human sacrifice. Chattar Lal (Roshan Seth) and Captain Bloombert (Philip Stone) comment that the British have killed all the bandits, as if trying to calm down Indy. The cult is real in this setting and is the villain of this film, while the British Empire exists in the background, not being fully addressed.
Namely, Temple of Doom portrays invisible Britons as potential victims if bandits gain power they are after. Mola Ram (Amrish Puri) tells Indy: “The British in India will be killed. Then we will capture the Muslims and force their “Allah” to worship Kali.” Meanwhile, the previous comment made during dinner suggests that the empire is nice and not a real brutal force that causes more destruction than the fictional force in this film.
“Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.” Did you recognize these words? It was your own Dr. Oppenheimer after he created the atomic bomb." “He was quoting the Hindu Bible.”
Said by Irina Spalko in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull tries to make some point about the value of knowledge against the background of the rise of nuclear weapons, but it fails, although overall it is a bad film. It also introduces Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett) as the new main villain. Indy's brief conversation about nuclear weapons with Spalko only shows that the film doesn't know what it's talking about. comments that have only become even more dated in light of further real-world discussion of the issue and the Best Picture winner. Oppenheimer.
If Spalko claims that an American scientist made himself a god thanks to scientific knowledge, Indy's comment is completely flat. Where Oppenheimer got this quote from doesn't matter, what matters is how he used it. It feels like Indy is just trying to show off his knowledge. Spalko answers: "It was nuclear intimidation." This too may not be true, depending on interpretation, and the whole conversation is pointless.
"You knew what you were doing."
Said to Indy in Raiders of the Lost Ark
Over time, Indy's early relationship with Marion, which led to his falling out with her father, was criticized. Many have interpreted Marion's statement "I was a child [...] It was wrong and you knew it!” this means that she was literally underage at the time, probably in her late teens, and Indy, who was in his early 20s, as he was her father's student at the university. Indy having to receive a locket from a former co-worker after breaking his daughter's heart could have been an interesting storyline if not for that detail.
The explanations for what happened are also rushed, and Indy is mostly unapologetic about it. His only excuse is that Marion "knew what she was doing" rings are hollow if you meet modern standards. This conversation quickly fades into the past as Marion is now an assertive, self-aware woman, but the film still belittles her. Some quotes from this scene are among the oldest of all. Indiana Jonesresulting in a scoundrel protagonist who doesn't hold up as well as some of the characters.