Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Ends around the same point as the original Final Fantasy 7 Completed Disc 1. Many of the game's Disc 1 bosses have made an appearance in Remake And RebirthAlong with a lot of newly designed boss fights. Final Fantasy 7 Disc 2 only has half the number of boss fights as in Disc 1, And disc 3 has even less, as it only covers the second trip to Northern Crater. However, there are still a number of battles that Must be included in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3.
It is unlikely that Square Enix will develop boss fights like-for-like, but there are certain aspects of the following battles that should be included in any adapted version of Part 3 Decided to include. Whether it's hilarious action conclusions, the importance of a character's journey, or paying homage to the originalThere are a number of bosses that desperately need to have some mention or show in Part 3.
Palmer in Rocket Town
Including the famous truck
Palmer has already had one boss fight in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth When he attacks Cloud and the party in his Anuran Suppressor. His hunt to claim the bounty on the AVALANCHE members ended in his sound defeat, but he was rescued by the Turks before Cloud could finish the job. Palmer may not be a main villain of the story, but his survival likely indicates a secondary encounter with the protagonists.
Realizing he had no chance of victory, Palmer made a mad dash after his bum-slapping insult. Before he could escape, a truck pulled up and took him out.
In the original Final Fantasy 7, Palmer joined Rufus Shinra in Rocket Town and attempted to steal Sid Highwind's Tiny Bronco. What was so iconic about the boss battle wasn't the fight itself; It was like the fight found. Realizing he had no chance of victory, Palmer made a mad dash after his bum-slapping insult. Before he could escape, a truck pulled up and took him out. A second fight with Palmer is needed, and the ending needs to be recreated.
Reno, Gross, Elena, & Tseng
All the Turks at once
The Turks are a consistent threat throughout Final Fantasy 7 RebirthTurns out to fight almost twice as much as the original. The last Turkist member, Elena, proves to be a much more effective combatant Like her original counterpart, appearing in three different fights. In a much more character-focused and driven narrative, it makes sense that the popular Turk group plays a larger role during the game's runtime.
In the original, Tseng disappeared after the Temple of the Ancients, with a false English translation claiming he was killed.
However, with all the separate Turk confrontations the player faces, They still have to fight every single Turk at once. In the original, Tseng disappeared after the Temple of the Ancients, with a false English translation claiming he was killed. Now that it's known that he survived his brush with Sephiroth, there's a chance the player will have one last face-off with the shadowy group. One last fight in part 3 to send the fan-favorite Turks.
Lead Armor the car
Battle under the sea
Before the party can steal a submarine in search of the giant material being carried across the sea by Shinra, they must first fight a construction machine called Carry Armor. The boss also doesn't have much story significance or impact on the plot, but it is memorable in the original right to The irritation players felt when constantly having a party member held and carried around by one of the claws.
With the mechanics of the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth battle system, A boss like Carry Armor would work perfectly. There are already some friends and enemies in the game that temporarily disable party members, so it wouldn't be an innovation to the battle system, but more of an homage to the few bosses in the original that used this disabling mechanic. A frustrating boss is also a memorable bossNot always for the right reasons.
Godo Kisaragi
Wutai Pagoda
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Mentions Wutai much more commonly than the original and international politics is an important plot point. This implies that in Part 3The party will almost certainly take a trip to Wutai. Wutai's involvement in the remake is vital when in the original it was only really linked to Yuffie Kisaragi. The only way to get Yuffie's Ultimate Limit Break, All creationwas to defeat her fatherGodo Kisaragi in the "Pagoda" side quest.
It cannot be confirmed that the party will venture to Wutai in Part 3, But it is so likely that it would be a disservice not to include this place. The challenging solo-yuphi battles will be a good way to expand on her character and her backstory, giving her another main role in a quest similar to the popular one. Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Interlude. With any luck, there will be some exciting treasure for you to get at the end.
Jenova Synthez is remembered for his music
The ultimate Genoa
Jenova SYNTHESIS is more commonly remembered for its battle music, "Jenvoa COMPLETE," than for the actual combat. Jenova is the last stand before the party confronts Sephiroth for the last time in the depths of the Northern Crater. With the number of times the player is forced to fight different aspects of Jenova, it is rewarding to finally confront what is considered her true form and put her down for good.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake And Rebirth Have created different variations of Jenova, such as Jenova Dreamweaver, Jenova Emergent, Jenova Lifeclinger. This trend means that the likelihood of the developers reusing the SYNTHESIS name and visuals is slim. When the player finally makes their way to challenge Jenova and Sephiroth for the last timeIt may be a different style of Genova to confront them, but hopefully, a remix of the original battle theme will be enough to adapt Synthesis to Part 3.
Ruby Weapon is a memorable optional boss
Game Monster of the Sands
On the sands outside of gold saucer in the Final Fantasy 7 Originally, one of Gaia's weapons wanders around without much direction. It is one of the few optional bosses for the player to fight, rewarding the player with the Desert Rose, which can be traded With the sad in calm for a golden chocobo. This makes defeating the ruby weapon a must for players who want to achieve 100% in the game and get the challenge, Knights of the Round. Unlike the other weapons, Ruby seems quite complacent in his protection of the planet.
Final Fantasy 7 Part 3 Is not likely to allow such a powerful creature to be used like this. If all the weapons are included in part 3, Ruby WEAPON must be given more urgencyEven if it still remains an optional host. Its difficulty should remain the same, however.
Ruby WEAPON is considered the hardest fighting in the game and should stay that way Part 3 As a nod to the power structure of the original. Unless the weapons are used otherwise in Part 3, Players can expect a grueling fight ahead.
Wear me proudly
Return of Scarlett and Heidegger
During Cloud and his companions' raid on Midgar, they are intercepted by Scarlett and Heidegger piloting a giant mock-suit called the Proud Cloud. In typical Shinra fashion, they are grimly confident in the machines' abilities, but are handily defeated and presumed dead. Still challenging the Shinra Corporation over Final Fantasy 7It goes out with a flick rather than a bang, like Scarlett and Heidegger are the second-to-last employees Cloud faces to bring the company down.
in Final Fantasy 7 RebirthScarlet had already challenged the party in her Crimson Mare Mk. II and is forced to flee. As adept as Scarlett has been at fighting her enemies from within a Mac, Heidegger's help may be just what she needs to turn the tables in her favor. When the party finally had their final fight with Shinra "Scarlet and Heidegger should stop them, but this time not after Rufus fell." They are a hurdle for Cloud, not suitable for the leadership of the Shinra Electric Company.
Safer Sefirot
Angel with one wing
Both Final Fantasy 7 Remake And Rebirth Had a number of fights at the curtain of the games. Each time, he is shown with his trademark single black wing, More like a raven or demon than an angel. This is why his personal soundtrack, "One-Winged Angel," seems ironically named. Through all of Sephiroth's appearances, human and monstrous, there is one in particular that stands out as the angelic and pious personification Sephiroth wanted the world to imagine when imagining him - Safer Sephiroth.
Through all of Spiro's appearances, human and monstrous, there is one in particular that stands out as the angelic and pious personification Spiro wanted the world to see when imagining him.
A Final Fantasy 7 Game would never feel complete if it didn't reach the final crisis without A heavenly spiro, which carries over the party, throw Super Nova And destroying the entirety of the Milky Way Galaxy just to land a 4000 HP attack on the party. An adaptation of Safer Sephiroth, or perhaps something even grander and galactic, would tie the game off with a fitting nod to the original. The developers would also be missing out on an interesting opportunity if they didn't include Sephiroth's Super Nova In his multi-universal destructive agenda.
The final weapon is the most memorable
Dragon of the planet
Ultimate WEAPON is the most-fought boss in Final Fantasy 7Even topping the Turks. After it attacks Madel and is chased away by Sid Highwind and the party, it can be chased in the airship, the Highwind, until it is finally defeated for good in Cosmo Canyon and rewards Cloud with his strongest weapon, the Ultima Weapon. It is not the most challenging of the weapons to beat, but it has the most active interaction with Cloud and the crew.
;Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Already revealed two unnamed weapons during Chapter 9 after Tipa Lockhart falls into the lifestream, although they look like small children compared to the magnificent size of the weapons sleeping in the northern crater. From the collection of weapons still to come in part 3Ultimate WEAPON is the most memorable for its dragon-like appearance and harassment of the protagonist party. From his weight, Cloud's ultimate weapon can still be drawn as he destroys the planet's defenders. Considering the unpredictable cloud in RebirthHe can strive to destroy the planet's defenses.
Hojo is the most evil antagonist of Final Fantasy 7
A monstrous animal
Hojo is not only the man behind Sephiroth's madness through Jenova cells, but he also stands as a main antagonist for a number of Final Fantasy 7s Main cast. Both Vincent Valentine and Red Xiii suffered greatly at the hands of Hojo in his experiments, and their vendetta against him runs deep. In the original, Hojo goes through three different forms during the battle: his human form, Helletic Hojo shown as a grotesquely deformed fiend, and finally, the final Lifeform Hojo. He is considered one of the more difficult boss battles in the game.
It's almost a given that Hojo will be an enemy for the party to defeat Final Fantasy 7 Part 3. His vital role cements him as the secondary antagonist, second only to Sephiroth and perhaps Jenova. Seeing as how Rufus Shinra was presumably killed by Sapphire WEAPON during the fall of Shinra, it made sense that the final obstacle for Cloud and his party to get to the ultimate defeat of the Shinra Company was a character who used the company for his own Personal measures. There is no doubt that Part 3 will see an even more terrifying form of Hojo for the player to challenge.
Source: ADogXIII / YouTube