Stardew Valley Has 39 in-game achievements and 41 total trophies to complete on consoles. Concerned Ape's best-selling domestic farming sim can be enjoyed without any achievements, and Getting 100% completion is certainly not a necessary part of the game. Some fans, however, rise to the challenge and try for the coveted position of perfection and the bragging rights that come with them.
Some of the earliest achievements are easy, like getting 15,000 gold, achieving a five-heart relationship with someone from the village, and crafting 15 items. Many players will naturally do this as they progress through the game, even if they aren't trying to. Other tasks, however, require a combination of hard work and sheer luck, making them a challenge for perfectionists. As a result, To get all the achievements in the game can take players more than 100 hours in total. Most of the time is usually spent on 10 particularly difficult achievements.
Joja Co. Member of the Year
A separate Joja Run is recommended
The achievement "Joja Co. Member of the Year" requires players to become JojaMart members and Buy all the Joja Community Development Form projects. This is more tedious than difficult, as many players clear out the company Joja Corporation. Doing the Joja Co. Path makes it impossible to complete the community center tasks, so players need to start a separate one Stardew Valley Joja run for him.
To get all the achievements in the game can take players more than 100 hours in total.
The Joja Co. run is More expensive than a community center game. It's also not that fun, requiring players to become money-making drones for a corporate machine. One tip to make money fast is to save all the Wild Seeds that are forged early in the game, and change them to Tea Saplings and sell them for 500g each.
Danger in the deep
Another quest must be completed to unlock this one
The mines are located in the mountains and are unlocked on the fifth day of spring in the first year in game. There are 120 floors, and getting to the bottom can be a feat in itself. This achievement takes the difficulty up a notch by having players Go through all 120 floors on an increased difficulty With buffed-up enemies, in the span of seven in-game days.
If this is not enough, another search is necessary to start this. The dangerous mine search comes from Mr. Key, and Can only be accessed by collecting 100 walnuts on Ginger Island And unlocking Mr. Key's walnut room. It is possible to speed up getting all the walnuts in Stardew Valley With a guide, but it's still not easy, because some locations require luck and timing.
To get through the dangerous mines, players should Consider using stairs, Which takes players down a floor. However, each ladder takes 99 stones to make and disappears as soon as it is used, so it cannot be reused. The toughest part of getting through the Dangerous Mines is the Putrid Ghost, which only spawns here. These enemies cause players to become nauseated, preventing them from eating or drinking anything for two real-life minutes. The solution is to Enter the mines with a lot of ginger, That removes the debuff.
Complete shipment
Requires finding and shipping every item in the game
One of the main mechanics of Stardew Valley Is shipping goods. The achievement "Complete Shipment" tasks players with Shipping every single "shippable" item in the game, And finding them can be a huge challenge. As of version 1.6, there are 145 items that need to be shipped. Console players are still on version 1.5, so they only have to collect and ship 135 items.
Some of the most difficult items to obtain include Iridium Ore, found in lower levels of the mines, and the Ostrich Egg, which is unlocked after solving a puzzle on Ginger Island.
This task is extra difficult because it requires players to ship other items in addition to the usual crops and animal products that they are likely already shipping. Some of the most difficult items to obtain include Iridium Ore, found in lower levels of the mines, and the Ostrich Egg, which is unlocked after solving a puzzle on Ginger Island. Players working towards this achievement should Keep an eye on the Shipping Collection tab In the game, which shows what items have already been shipped.
master angler
Getting the right catch is often down to luck
For this achievement, players must catch each of the 72 fish in Stardew Valley. Some of these fish are common and easy to get, and often appear at any time during the game years. Other fish are much more of a challenge and Can only be found if certain conditions are met. To add to the challenge, there are Five legendary fish that are particularly difficult To find and capture.
The trick to easier fishing is to straight fish up to 10 inches Eat seafoam pudding for an additional +4 to the fishing skill. Fish can move in a variety of ways, so learning how they behave can also help players finally land the marine creature of their dreams.
Relationships degrade over time so constant maintenance is required
The "Popular" achievement requires players to Reach a five-heart friendship level with 20 characters. Only 12 characters in Stardew Valley are romantic, but the game allows players to form platonic friendships with other NPCs. There are 34 characters you can form a relationship with, and they all have their likes, dislikes, and personalities.
Reach five stars with 20 of them consisting of daily gift-giving and conversations. It's not enough to just get someone to five stars, either. Relationships fade over timeSo the longer a character is left, the lower their hearts sink.
The key to unlocking this achievement is to find villagers who aren't picky about gifts, like Linus. The statue of Endless Fortune can also help Great, by producing villagers' favorite gifts on their birthdays. The statue costs 1 million gold and can be obtained from the casino.
A complete collection
Artifacts can take hours to hunt
For this achievement, players need to fill their museums. This consists of tracking down and Donating 95 items for display. Of these, 53 are minerals and 42 are artifacts. The latter is what makes this Stardew Valley Achievement so difficult. Some artifacts are incredibly rare, some have a drop rate as low as 1% from just a handful of artifact spots.
One option for players struggling to find their missing museum items is to go fishing. It is A chance to fish up geodes, Which can be opened in the museum for a shot at a new mineral or artifact. Artifact troves are another useful tool for acquiring artifacts. These can be traded from the Desert Trader, the Skull Cavern and a small number of other locations.
Making this much gold is a grind
This achievement sounds very simple, in theory: earn 10 million gold. However, this is one of the most challenging tasks for many players. Collecting that much gold is a grind, Requiring a lot of time and repetitive tasks. Players will also need to collect the amount of gold for Mr. Qi's in-game perfection quest. Although this is not necessary to complete the official Stardew Valley trophies and achievements, One of the requirements is to buy a golden watchWhich costs 10 million gold.
Making money consists of finding the right method or items to sell. Coffee beans, goat cheese and ostrich egg mayo are some of the most effective things to make money in Stardew Valley.
Craft sir
It's too easy to scan an item and get stuck at 99%
For this task, players need to Make every craftable item in the gameWhich is one of the most difficult achievements to complete. Many crafting recipes are hidden at the beginning of the game, and require players to complete certain actions to unlock them. It can also be difficult to figure out which items have been crafted, leading to an oversight Stardew Valley Recipe leaving players stuck near completion.
Fortunately, the game helps players through a little hidden feature: go to the game settings and Toggling on "Advanced Crafting" Unlocks the ability to see how many times an item has been crafted before. Some easily missed recipes are those obtained from completing special requests from the village board, and the flower dance scarecrow recipe, which can only be acquired on the day of the flower dance.
The achievement that requires all other achievements
Lucky and dedicated players who manage to complete all achievements in the game can unlock one of the hardest rewards in the game: Perfection. Players who complete every other task in the game, including those mentioned above, are treated A sight only 0.8% of Steam players get to see.
"Perfection" encourages players to "reach for the top," and it's not just metaphorical: The summit is a real area North of the railway, which is blocked until the day after perfection is completed. Visiting the summit triggers a cutscene that shows some of the game's more supernatural characters flying through the sky. The player also earns praise from their grandpa and Mr. Key.
Factor's Challenge
The mini-game is more difficult than the actual game
There is one final task that is even more difficult than achieving literal perfection Stadium Valley, And it exists in the form of a mini-game. Journey of the Prairie King is a game-within-the-game that can be Played on an arcade machine in the Stardrop Saloon. This little game is a top-down shooter throwback to classic arcade games. Its complete deviation from the game style of the rest of Stardew Valley Makes it a challenge for most of the game's players.
Players can get an achievement for simply completing it Journey of the Prairie King. But overcoming "Factor's Challenge" takes even more skill and time. The most difficult achievement in Stardew Valley Requires players To beat the mini-game without dying.
The best advice for beating the Prairie King Without dying is for players to take their time and use their environment to their advantage. From there, it's a matter of having a great deal of skill, luck, and sheer persistence.
Some of these Achievements in Stardew Valley Can Take hours to reach. Many players will enjoy aiming for perfection, and the difficulty of the task makes reaching the finish line much more satisfying. For others, however, the game is more fun when it is taken at a slow, enjoyable pace. It is possible to 100% the game in a few seasons in the game, but it is also just as valid for the wonderful moments of Stardew Valley Which bring every player joy. Stardew Valley is a cozy, slow farming sim with a healthy community that can be played at any pace, whether fans want to relax or race to the top.