The various dinosaurs and other creatures in Ark: Ascended Survival They can be converted into useful mounts for exploration and combat, but some are much more difficult to tame than others. A creature's size and aggressiveness are just two small factors that can determine how difficult it is to pacify it. Some dinosaurs take much longer to tame, requiring you to complete tasks or hunt for specific items.
Although most creatures can be tamed by knocking them out, you get better bonuses from beasts you tame when you do so non-violently. This could include raising them from infancy or following them around and feeding them their favorite food until they become friends with your character. Although many creatures were domesticated early Ark: Ascended Survival are easily conquered without violence, later the dinosaurs are not so receptive.
Dark Mane
Feed him while he sleeps
One of the most annoying creatures to tame is the Dark Manea cat-like creature that resembles a feathered saber-toothed tiger. This beast is extremely aggressive, attacking you if it sees your character approaching it. This makes it difficult to tame as you cannot easily follow it without being noticed.
To tame a Shadowmane, you need collect baskets of fish and feed them while he sleeps. This is the only non-violent way to tame the creature, but Fish Baskets take a while to fill completely, so this process can take a long time. Additionally, you will have to do this multiple times to fully tame a Shadowmane, which means you will have to find him sleeping soundly more than once.
Hunt this dinosaur to befriend it
THE Amargasaurus is a spiny dinosaur that you can only be tamed by hunting with it while still a wild animal. Obviously this raises some problems, as the Amargasaurus will immediately attack you if it perceives you as an enemy. You have to find a way to make this creature think you are part of its pack before you even start thinking about befriending it.
You have to synchronize your character's internal temperature with that of an Amargasaurus to convince you that you are part of their flock. This is a complicated task, as only certain foods Ark: Ascended Survival it can decrease or increase its temperature over a long period of time. You will need to consume every item that can do this multiple times while hunting alongside an Amargasaurus.
Once you've matched your temperatures to an Amargasaurus, you'll need to defeat multiple creatures with it over time. The more creatures you hunt together, the greater the Amargasaurus' taming effectiveness will be. Unfortunately, the Amargasaurus is relatively weak, so you need to find ways to survive in fights against other creatures while keeping your potential mount alive.
Shock this creature through another beast
The giant flying insect known as Rhyniognatha is one of Ark: Ascended SurvivalIt is better known and difficult to tame. Unlike other beasts, This creature can only be domesticated when raised from a child; can't be friendly when you meet him as an adult. To tame a Rhyniognatha, you need to follow these steps:
- Kill an adult male Rhyniognatha
- Collect an item called Rhyniognatha pheromone from the dead creature
- Reduce the health of an adult female Rhyniognatha to 10%
- Use the pheromone on a creature with at least 300 drag weights
Doing so causes the female Rhyniognatha you injured to inject her egg into the pheromone-soaked creature. In time, this injected creature will host the baby Rhyniognatha, allowing it to gestate in its body until it hatches. The more drag weight an injected creature has, the stronger the resulting baby Rhynio will be. when he breaks free.
During the time it takes for a baby Rhyniognatha to hatch, you need to feed the injected creature several types of specific foods. This takes time, but will result in much stronger offspring when they appear.
You need to be sure that an injected creature can survive the gestation period to produce a Rhyniognatha, otherwise both the host and the parasite will die during the process. As a result, the parameters for taming this creature are long and sensitive, making it extremely difficult to obtain as a mount.
Sacrifice your other creatures
There are no dinosaurs more frustrating to tame than the Troodona weaker creature that should only be friendly as a trophy to experienced players. With little to no use once tamed, there are dozens of better dinosaurs that are much easier to befriend. The reason the Troodon is so difficult to tame is that you have to sacrifice your other tamed dinosaurs to make a Troodon passive.
The higher the level of the Troodon, the higher the level of creatures you will have to sacrifice in order for it to be tamed. This process can be distressing, as Only the strongest beasts in your zoo will satisfy a greedy Troodon looking to be domesticated. Troodons are also picky about what they attack, making them difficult to tame, even when you set a trap with creatures from your collection that won't fight back.
Invest in mind control multiple times
Noglins They are small creatures that have the power to take control of the bodies of other dinosaurs and beasts in nature. Due to their size, Noglins are difficult to find as is, but taming one is another matter. To make this creature friendly, you have to allow him to dominate the minds of your other tamed mountsthen survive the attempts to kill you while controlling them.
However, for the greatest taming effectiveness, you cannot allow a Noglin to take control of any small creature in its care. You have to let a Noglin take control of large creatures with a high level to maximize your potential. This usually means sacrificing dinosaurs above level 200 at least, and then surviving the Noglin attack without getting involved with Ark: Ascended Survivalcombat systems.
Keep multiple creatures alive for a single tame
Spawning on land, the giant sea turtle called Megaquelo has a unique taming method that can be quite difficult to accomplish. Although it is a non-violent creature by nature, the only way to tame a Megachelon is attract fish to clean the barnacles from Megachelon's belly. Although it may seem like a simple task, this process is extremely sensitive and can be easily interrupted.
The only place you can attract a school of fish is far from where Megachelon spawns, so you need to travel a lot to get the resources needed for the taming process.
After bringing fish back to a Megachelon to begin taming them, the Sabertooth Salmon will immediately appear trying to kill the fish you brought. You have to protect the fish long enough for them to fully clear the Megachelon to tame the creature. Additionally, if Megachelon is hit by a wild creature even once during the cleanse, its taming bar will reset and you will have to start over.
Keeping the fish that clean a Megachelon alive and making sure the Megachelon doesn't get hurt can be overwhelming. Since each set of creatures has its own AI controlling its movements, you may want to trap them both to ensure this process isn't interrupted. Those struggling to tame a Megachelon might even consider using console commands instead. Ark: Ascended Survival to always succeed in this complex task.
Damage the creature by only one point
THE Astroceteknown as "Space Whale" by some players, it is difficult to tame just due to the equipment required to do so. The method required to tame this massive beast is that you you have to deal damage using cannons against Astrocetus, only landing headshots in the creature. Unlike other organisms, it is immediately apparent why an Astrocetus is difficult to befriend.
An Astrocetus's movements are unpredictable, as its flight leaves it moving in erratic patterns. You almost need a flying vehicle or a mount with a cannon attached to it to have a chance to hit this creature in the right place. Considering how difficult it is to have a cannon and make cannonballs, having to aim every shot at an Astrocetus' head will require a lot of trial and error.
Void Dragon
Use the rarest resource to tame a final boss
Of all the Wyrms you can tame Ark: Ascended Survivalthe Void Dragon is by far the hardest to make friends with. This creature is already a powerful enemy that you will have to face in battles with strong equipment, but taming it requires one of the rarest items in the game. To tame this creature, you must follow these steps:
- Farm Mutagel on asteroids in empty space
- Transform 800 Mutagel into a mutagenic item
- Reduce a Void Dragon's health until it produces blue jets from its wings
- Attempt to ride the Voidwyrm
- Feed the Voidwyrm a mutagen when it tries to roll the barrel
Mutagel is an extremely rare item to find, with Mutagen being one of the most difficult objects to obtain in a game as well. You need to farm tons of Mutagel to create a Mutagen using mining tools and equipment on specific asteroids in the Space Void. Even when you have a mutagen at your disposal, fighting a Voidwyrm without killing it is a challenge, as is finding a way to assemble it for the final quick-time taming event.
Ice Titan
Destroy the main parts to tame a Kaiju
THE Ice Titan It is the most difficult to tame among the Kaiju-like Titan creatures, mainly due to how dangerous it is as a boss. Like all Titans, The only way to tame the Ice Titan is to destroy its crystal weak points all over your body. They are represented by clusters of glowing purple crystals near the beast's various joints, which you must destroy in a certain order to tame the giant.
Fighting the Ice Titan is already a difficult task, similar to the Voidwyrm or Astrocetus creatures. Dealing too much damage to the Titan beyond its weaknesses will also weaken its taming effectiveness, forcing you to be very careful when fighting it. You can use mechs or precision attacks to destroy weak pointsbut you only need to attack these parts to get the strongest tamed version of the Ice Titan.
Limited time to capture a unique creature
Arguably the rarest creature to tame is the Phoenixa creature of which you can only have one during the game. Similar to other mythical creatures like Fenrir, a Phoenix is an ultra-rare entity that you can hunt for days but never find. Introduced during the Burnt Earth update for Ark: Ascended Survivala Phoenix can be found during a limited-time event called Heatwave.
Heat waves are few and far between, occurring only during the hottest times in arid environments. During heatwaves, it can be difficult to see and survive in equal measure for both your character and any creatures you've tamed. Since the Phoenix is a flying creature, you need to have a flying mount that can withstand the heat to track one.
Once you identify one, you need inflict a certain amount of Fire damage to a Phoenix to tame it. Fire damage is limited to specific weapons or mounts that can breathe fire, but even when there is a source for that type of damage, a Phoenix is very evasive. Due to how short a Heat Wave is, there is very little chance that you will be able to tame it before it turns to ash at the end of the environmental event.
Happily, a Phoenix will reappear in the exact spot where it turned to ash during the next Heatwavegiving you another chance to tame him. You can use other dinosaur tracking skills to pinpoint exactly where a Phoenix will reappear. Once you've applied enough fire to the Phoenix when it comes back, you'll be able to claim one of the most difficult creatures to tame. Ark: Ascended Survival for yourself.